Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set Page 86

by Amy Valenti

  “Ah, Sophie, you’re just in time.”

  “But Sir, you’ve got to get going, we don’t have time to do anything”

  He smiled. “On the contrary! Come over here, Sophie.”

  Sophie did as he asked, and noticed the machine he was standing in front of. Her eyes widened. There was a small bench sitting on a wooden plank, covered in a deep red velvet cushion, with leather straps on the wood where the hands and feet went.

  Then Sophie’s eyes rested on what was behind it. A large, black dildo was attached to what Sophie recognized immediately on a piston. Surely he’s not going to... her mind trailed off. Despite everything, Sophie immediately felt a small shiver in her nether regions, her body looking forward to what she might experience with this machine.

  Alex noticed her movements and wrapped her arms around her waist. “Yes, Sophie. You’re going to have lots of fun while I’m at the dinner tonight.”

  Sophie’s head spun. She couldn’t believe this was going to happen to her. Part of her was excited, part of her wanted this to happen, but another part of her was apprehensive. She’d never done anything like this before, she had no idea what to expect, being fucked by a machine.

  “Take off your clothes and get on the frame” Alex ordered. Sophie complied immediately, hesitating for only a second before getting on all fours, her stomach resting on the soft velvet cushion. Alex wrapped the leather straps around her wrists and ankles, making sure she was securely in place. Sophie tried to move around, and found that she couldn’t. She was completely at Alex Carey’s mercy now.

  Sophie heard Alex behind her, adjusting the piston into place. She could feel her legs trembling. Sophie wondered what it would feel like. Would it be too fast? Too hard? Was he really going to keep her there for the entire length of his dinner? Sophie couldn’t believe this was happening.

  She suddenly felt the dildo against the folds of her pussy, Alex pressing it slowly into her slit. Sophie let out a moan as the dildo slid inside of her. “Ohhh you’re so wet already, that’s perfect” Alex whispered, rubbing her naked body gently with his hands. Sophie closed her eyes. She watched as Alex moved over to the wall, where a dial sat. He turned it, and all of a sudden, Sophie’s eyes widened as the dildo moved deeper inside of her. She let out a gasp. The dildo stretched around her, Sophie’s body having to accept the plastic as it slid in and out of her, slowly. She looked up at Alex, who smiled, enjoying the view.

  After a minute or so, he turned the dial further, and the pace was kicked up a notch. Sophie let out an involuntary moan as she began to be fucked harder by this machine.

  “Now Sophie, I’ve got a dinner to go to. When I’m finished, I’ll come and get you. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir” Sophie replied terrified. He was really going to leave her here alone, being fucked by this machine, for the entire length of his dinner. What happens if it gets to be too much? What happens if I just can’t take it anymore?

  “I’ll be good and leave the lights on for you” Alex teased as he took one last look at Sophie and left the dungeon, leaving her here, alone, with this machine fucking her. Sophie had to admit, she was aroused. Her breasts dangled down towards the floor, bouncing lightly with every thrust of the machine, the dildo pistoning in and out of her. Sophie knew she was here alone now, trapped. There was nothing she could do until Alex came back from his dinner, she had absolutely no choice but to take all of this. He had been in complete control of her, and he was in control of her now, even though he was at a restaurant a twenty minute drive away. Oh God, twenty minutes for just the drive. And who knows how long their meeting’s going to last?

  The machine’s thrusts were beginning to turn Sophie on more and more. It wasn’t so quick that she was brought to orgasm right away, in fact Sophie had a sneaking suspicion that he had left it on slow enough to tease her for quite some time. There was no way to change the speed of the piston, no way for Sophie to do anything but simply take this rhythmic pounding of her pussy.

  Sophie let out a small whine as the machine continued to fuck her. She thought about Alex, how she wanted his cock inside of her, how she wished he was here, watching her as she was fucked by this machine. It slowly brought her closer and closer to the edge, until finally, Sophie could take no more and her first orgasm of the night ripped through her.

  Sophie’s moans, heard only by her, bounced around the dungeon as she was overcome by pleasure, the machine not stopping as her pussy pulsated over the plastic, her back arching, her breasts swaying more and more from rhythmic pounding. “Ohhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuccccckkkk” she cried to no one in particular as the orgasm ripped through her, an tsunami of pleasure coursing through her body.

  When the orgasm finally passed, Sophie tried to relax, but her overly sensitive body was still being pounded by the machine. For a few minutes Sophie wished it would stop, then her body began wanting more once again. She was in two minds, her body wanting this to stop, her sensitive folds telling her enough was enough, but her mind wanted more, her body turned on by the rhythmic thrusting in and out of her.

  Finally, Sophie was unable to resist, and another orgasm washed through her, taking her body to new levels of pleasure for a few seconds of bliss. When she came back down again, Sophie moaned. Her pussy was on fire, she was so sensitive, she didn’t know how much more of this she could take. Sophie’s vision got blurry as tears began stinging her eyes, falling onto the wood below, since her hands were tied and she couldn’t wipe them away.

  Sophie wondered how long it had been since Alex had left her. It felt like an eternity, but Sophie knew it might have only been five, maybe ten minutes. She tried to focus on something else, anything except for the dildo ramming in and out of her sore sex. I hope the meeting is going well. If it does, Alex will make a lot of money. After a minute Sophie realized it was pointless. She couldn’t focus on anything else, at all. Every fiber of her being was concentrating on what she was feeling in her channel, as the pressure built up inside of her once more, the familiar pressure that Sophie wanted to avoid.

  Oh no not again she thought as her third orgasm of the night came. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh” Sophie moaned at nobody, the orgasm ripping through her. Her thighs shook, her legs now felt like jelly, but the cushion on her stomach forced her legs in place. Pleasure coursed through her, pleasure now so intense it was almost painful as the dildo continued to penetrate her folds, in and out, in and out.

  Sophie was completely exhausted. The orgasms were wearing her out, her skin was so sensitive every thrust of the dildo elicited a small mewl of pain from her. Sophie looked towards the doorway, desperate for Alex to return and free her from this torture! That was when Sophie noticed it. A small camera, mounted on a tripod, to her left, pointed right at her with the red light on. He was recording this, certainly so he could watch it at his leisure another time.

  Sophie let out a low moan. It was such a turn on, knowing he was recording this, knowing he would be enjoying her pain, enjoying his complete domination over her, but her body simply couldn’t take any more. Tears streamed down her face, the pain too much to handle. She was at her limits. Her eyes squeezed shut, Sophie tried to shut out the world, tried to ignore everything else. She wanted to move, she wanted to scream, but she didn’t do any of that.

  Sophie could feel her body building up to another orgasm, and she began to cry harder, wondering if her body could even physically take any more. Maybe her body would just give up and shut down, or explode into pieces right here in the dungeon. Sophie let out a small cry, knowing there was no one around who could hear her. She’d completely lost track of time now, she had no idea if it had been ten minutes or ten hours since she’d been strapped to this machine.

  The world began to spin around Sophie. She didn’t know what was happening. All of a sudden, the whirring stopped. The dildo inside of her slowed down, its relentless thrusting finally relenting. Sophie looked up to see Alex at the dial, turning it off.

  She could only moan at him as she looke
d up. He knelt down and unstrapped her, Sophie falling to the floor, exhausted and completely spent. “Well done Sophie. I’m so proud of you for doing that for me” he told her. “I’m going to enjoy watching that video sometime” he teased, stroking her hair gently, wiping away the tears on her face.

  Sophie fell into his arms, his warm embrace exactly what she needed right now. They stayed that way for a while, until Alex slowly helped Sophie to her feet, and helped her dress. “How did your meeting go?” Sophie eventually asked, getting used to walking again. Her legs felt numb, as though they weren’t even there anymore, and with every step Sophie was certain she was going to fall over.

  “It went wonderfully well Sophie, thank you. It’s all thanks to you after all that the meeting even took place, and I think we’ve got a new client on board.”

  Sophie managed a small smile. “That’s fantastic” she said, and she meant it.

  “Now, why don’t we get you home and straight into a hot bubble bath” Alex suggested, and Sophie let herself be led towards the door of the dungeon. Sophie couldn’t think of anything she’d like more, and half an hour later she was sinking into a hot bath, the bubbles up to her neck, moaning in pleasure as her sore, exhausted body was rejuvenated.

  Alex poured her a glass of wine, toasting her for going through all of that for him.

  “How long were you gone?” Sophie finally asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

  “Just over four hours. You did wonderfully well. I couldn’t have asked for better. I knew when I saw you there that you were the one for me. You’re such an amazing submissive Sophie, and you’re going to be an amazing wife.”

  Sophie smiled. She, too, was looking forward to marrying this man, to taking their relationship to the final step.

  “I love you, Sir” she told him as her muscles relaxed in the bath he had made her.

  “I love you too, Sophie” he replied, kissing her on the forehead. Sophie knew he meant it, and she knew she was in for a lifetime of happiness.

  The End

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  About the Author

  Juliette Jay is an English major by day, working part time as a waitress at a local restaurant. By night, she writes erotic romances that she hopes you'll enjoy.

  Rough Edges

  BBW BDSM Romance

  By Adriana Hunter & Catherine Cross

  Chapter One

  “Not now, babe. The game’s going into overtime.” Tyler pushed Scarlett’s hand away from his chest, his eyes fixed on the screen at the foot of her bed.

  She sighed. Tyler’s love of sports confused her. He’d become so engrossed in basketball lately she wasn’t even sure why he bothered coming over to spend the night. More often than not, she fell asleep to the sounds of the game in the background. Tonight she’d made the effort to make things special, putting her hair up, wearing a dress, having wine with dinner. Then she’d taken down her hair, brushed it until it hung in thick waves around her shoulders. She’d worn one of her favorite pieces of lingerie to bed, a teddy that Tyler had bought for her.

  Waiting until a commercial break, she made her next move. She reached across Tyler’s arm, running her fingers lightly across his stomach, trailing them down to where the sheet covered fell across his lap. Reaching beneath she tugged on the drawstring to Tyler’s pajamas.

  He hit her hand and she jerked hers away in surprise.

  “I said not now.” His words were just as sharp as the pain in her fingers. She sat up, tears prickling her eyes.

  “Tyler. What the heck’s the matter with you?”

  “Scarlett, I said no. Later, okay?” He folded his arms across his chest, brows drawn down over his eyes, looking anywhere but at her.

  “Why are you so mad at me? All I’m looking for is a little attention here.”

  “And all I’m looking for is to watch the game.” He pulled back the sheet and got out of bed. “Is that so much to ask?”

  Tyler walked to the window and pulled back the curtain, looking down into the parking lot. The streetlight caught his face and she saw his scowl had deepened, the corners of his mouth turning down. She knew the look.

  “What is it, Tyler? There’s something else that’s bothering you besides just missing the game.”

  “If you haven’t figured it out by now, then there’s no use in me telling you.”

  Her patience deserted her and she threw her hands up. “For Christ’s sake, Tyler, stop with the passive aggressive stuff. Just say whatever it is and get it over with. Is it me? Have I done something to upset you?”

  He turned from the window. “You really don’t get it, do you? Look at yourself.”

  “What do you mean?” Her heart had started beating a little too quickly and the pit of her stomach went cold.

  “I buy you stuff…” he waved his hand at her. “And you still don’t get the hint.”

  She frowned and looked down at the teddy she wore, a red silk thing Tyler had gotten her a couple months earlier. “This? I love this color.”

  He crossed to the bed, leaning down, his face inches from hers. “Scarlett, it’s not the color, it’s the size. I bought it for the size you should be, not the size you are. It’s too small. You look ridiculous.” He pushed away from the bed and strode across the room, bending down to grab his t-shirt from the floor.

  Eyes wide, Scarlett watched as he pulled the shirt over his head, the cold in the pit of her stomach replaced with a rising flush of embarrassment. “So, for over a year you’ve wanted me to lose weight? That’s why we don’t have sex anymore?”

  “I’d think you’d be able to figure that out for yourself. It’s probably not just me either.” He looked around for his jeans, spotting them by the bathroom door. “I don’t think any guy would be interested.” Scooping up the jeans, he headed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

  Scarlett sat in the bed, staring at the closed door. The embarrassment was slowly giving way to anger and she clutched the sheet in her fingers. He was telling her she was fat? She was the exact same weight now as when they’d met a year ago. He loved her; he’d told her so. How could he tell her now she was unattractive because of her curves?

  Her fingers closed around the remote, buried in the sheets. She looked at it numbly, then pushed the power button. The basketball game disappeared, the flat screen going black. She heard the click of the bathroom door and was vaguely aware of Tyler moving around in the room.

  “Listen, Scarlett, I’m…”

  The remote hit him in the chest and then fell to the floor. They both looked down at it, Scarlett almost as surprised as Tyler by her action.

  “What the hell?” He looked up at her, eyes blazing.

  “I can’t believe you, Tyler.” She flung back the sheet and got out of bed. Her knees were shaky and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, but the anger inside had reached maximum overload. She wouldn’t cry in front of him, no matter what.

  “I’m the same person you met a year ago, the person you said you loved.”

  “I thought you’d change, that you’d want to take care of yourself. You know, if we went out, you’d want to look better.”

  “Change for you?” She jammed her hands on her hips. “For your information, I happen to like how I look. And I thought you like me just the way I am.”

  “Scarlett, you’re being unreasonable.” He moved past her, sitting down to pull on his shoes. “You just need to lose a little…”

  “Don’t even go there, Tyler. Just leave.” Her resolve not to cry was weakening and all she wanted now was him out of her apartment.

  “Fine.” He rose and hesitated. For a moment she thought he was going to lean down and kiss her, like he always did when he left. But instead he turned and walked out of her bedroom. She heard the outer apartment door close. And then everything was quiet, too quiet, except for the pounding of her h

  She stood for a long time, watching the bedroom doorway, waiting for the sound of the outer door to open, for him to come back, to tell her he was wrong. And that he was sorry.

  When she heard his car revving in the parking lot, the tears finally fell. She turned back to the bed, climbing in between the sheets, burying her face in the pillow. It still smelled like Tyler and she held it to her face for a moment. Then anger and sadness and loss flared up inside, and she flung the pillow across the room.

  Tyler was—had been—her first great love. He got her jokes and her odd sense of humor. They liked enough of the same movies and books to have common ground, but had enough interests that were different that they could always find something new to share with the other. She’d thought sometimes—many times—that Tyler was the man she could spend the rest of her life with.

  He was shallow, she decided. But how could she have misjudged him for so long?

  She kicked restlessly at the sheets, turning over in the bed, her heart aching, tears falling unchecked. She knew better than to try to stop them. A good cry was just that, good for the soul.

  As she lay in the dark the words that hurt the most kept circling her mind. No other guy would find her attractive. No other guy would want to sleep with her. Tyler was wrong. There were other guys who’d find her attractive, just the way she was. Weren’t there?

  Scarlett wiped her face on the corner of the sheet. She didn’t need to prove anything to Tyler, but she could prove something to herself. She could prove he was wrong. After all, she was single. Tyler was gone and she could let go, have some fun.

  A plan of sorts formed in her mind and she let it play out. Neither of them had been big on hitting the clubs, liking quieter evenings at her apartment, watching movies. But at clubs, she’s have her pick of men, all kinds of guys to test the waters with. At the very least she could find a distraction from the fact that her heart had been broken into a million little pieces. She wouldn’t let Tyler destroy her. He had caused enough damage over their time together and with her self-esteem already had an all time low the last thing she had needed was more rejection.


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