Passionate Daddy

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by Bailey Rock

  Passionate Daddy

  Demanding Daddy 3

  Bailey Rock


  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  This is a work of art/fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, or places is purely coincidental. Any persons appearing on the cover image for this book are models and do not have any connection to the contents of this story.

  All characters depicted in this work are unrelated consenting adults. This author assumes no responsibility for the use/misuse of this material.

  © 2020 Bailey Rock

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  Chapter 1


  “It’s just a stupid traffic ticket. You don’t have to try to go to court you know. You could just pay the price and be on your way without all of this hassle.”

  My best friend, Carly, is sprawled on my bed while I get changed for court. She’s supposed to be helping me pick out an outfit that makes me look mature enough to not mess up again but young enough to let the judge know that it was an innocent mistake.

  She’s not helping.

  “Yeah, but I don’t have the money to just pay for this ticket to make it to away. The lawyer is expensive, sure, but at least I won’t have points on my license when this is all said and done.” I turn around so that she can see the simple pencil skirt and blouse I’m wearing.

  I feel like a little kid dressing up but I need to look nice. No jeans and sneakers today.

  “You look ridiculous.” She sits up and reaches for me, so I step closer to the bed. “Here, let me help you. Is the judge a guy?”

  “I don’t know, why?” I ask, but she’s already unbuttoned the top two buttons on my blouse. “Oh, I see. You want me to wow them with my cleavage?”

  “That’s exactly what I want you to do.” She sits back to admire her handiwork, spinning her finger in the air so that I’ll turn around for her. “I like it. You look good now. Well, maybe not good, but less stuffy.”

  “I don’t mind looking stuffy as long as it means I won’t get screwed with this ticket.” Walking to my mirror, I pin my hair up and out of my face so that I don’t look like I just rolled out of bed.

  “You need to get screwed.” Carly throws a pillow at me and it hits my back before falling to the floor.

  “Is everything sex with you?” I brush on a bit of mascara before turning around to look at her. “I mean, really. Everything. Sex.”

  “Well, yeah.” She laughs and stands up, walking to be next to me while I turn to look at myself in the mirror. “But it should be for you, too. I mean, come on, Jackie. It’s been forever since you and Mitch broke up. It’s time for you to find a new boy toy.”

  “I don’t want a boy toy.” I turn to face her and cross my arms. “If I ever sleep with another guy, it needs to be a man. I’m done with the games.”

  She reaches up and tugs on my ponytail. “You need someone to take control.”

  “Maybe.” I think for a moment about what it would be like to be with a man who not only knew what he wanted but also wasn’t afraid to get it. “Maybe not. Maybe I just need to be by myself for a while, you know? Focus on work. Pay my bills.”

  “Might not be a bad idea. You’ve not had the easiest time of it, that’s for sure. Well, good luck. Let me know if you need anything.” She hugs me and I relax for a moment in her arms.

  Sure, I can tell myself that I don’t need anyone else to look after me, and maybe it’s true.

  But it’s hard to be strong all the time, especially by yourself.

  Carly steps back. “Make sure to let me know how it goes in court. And snap a pic of the judge if he’s cute. I’ll see you later!” She winks at me and sashays from my room, leaving me alone.

  One stupid decision has led me here. One night of drinking and getting behind the wheel of my car after a huge fight with Mitch. I wonder if the judge will know that I have a restraining order against him. I wonder if the judge will care that he landed me in the hospital before.

  It doesn’t matter. After today, I can put this all behind me.

  After today, it will be like Mitch never existed.

  I can get on with my life.

  I can be who I’m meant to be.


  Between cases is the best time for me to check and see what’s coming next. Court is an all-day affair sometimes, and as the county’s district attorney, I’m here for the long haul.

  I flip open my folder and scan the document to see whose life I’m going to try to ruin next.

  Jackie Peters, twenty-two, arrested a few months ago for drunk driving. Stupid. Probably out with her friends and ended up having too much to drink. Probably not the first or the last time she’s driven drunk, but just the first time she’s gotten caught.

  I was hit by a drunk driver when I was younger, and I’m passionate about throwing the book at them. The judge, Trent Williams, knows this, and while he doesn’t always give in to my fights, sometimes he does.

  I have to decide how much I want to ruin this girl’s life.

  She didn’t kill anyone, which is amazing, but the couple in the other car did have to go to the hospital. One broken arm and stitches for both of them. I glance around the courtroom to see if they’ve showed up, but I can’t pick them out right away.

  It’s fairly empty in here today, for some reason, so it’s pretty easy to scan and see that there’s not an angry couple here.

  There is a girl in the back row that catches my eye, though. She has long dark hair that she’s pulled back from her face, although some of the strands have slipped from her ponytail and are framing her cheeks. She’s wearing a soft gray blouse that’s unbuttoned on top, giving me just a peek of her cleavage.

  Who is she here to see?

  I don’t have much time to wonder about the mystery girl in the back, though, because the judge calls the case I have in my hands. The drunk driver. I’m planning on making this girl’s life hell when movement to my side catches my eye and makes me turn to look.

  Holy shit.

  It’s the girl. The girl with the gray blouse and the dark hair. She’s walking slowly up to the judge, teetering on high heels. Her skirt lets me see the perfect curve of her calf.

  I hope she didn’t unbutton her blouse to get an advantage here in court. The judge hates shit like that and will probably sentence her more harshly for it.

  She glances around the room, chewing on her lower lip, before finding her seat next to her court appointed attorney.

  Shit. She’s hot. My cock twitches in my jeans as I watch her ass while she sits down. Her hair is the perfect length to wrap around my hand and pull while I force her to her knees.

  I gotta focus.

  Judge Williams starts reading off the evidence in the case, but I can barely focus for staring at her. As he talks, she gets small bright spots in her cheeks. She’s embarrassed.

  She may cry.

  No, don’t cry. That’s the worst. Everyone in the courtroom will be able to smell blood in the water. When defendants cry, they get mocked later, they get harsher sentences, and everyone in the room thinks that they are just trying to garner sympathy.

  It’s working.

  At first, I’m too busy paying attention to how the girl looks to realize that her defense
attorney is talking about mitigating circumstances, so I start to pay attention.

  None of this is in my folder. We weren’t told about the abuse, the restraining order, or the way that he stalked her.

  Briefly I wonder if he’s in jail or if he was even arrested for stalking her, but I have a feeling that I know the answer. These guys often walk free, without any recourse. He’s probably out there right now, able to terrorize any girl he wants.

  The thought makes me mad.

  When the judge calls my name, I stand and go to talk to him. This is unprecedented. I can see the look on his face and on the face of the defense attorney, who leans over to talk to his client.

  Jackie. Her name is Jackie.

  “What is it, Mr. Eastwood?” Judge Williams leans forward to hear what I have to say. He’s going to be surprised.

  “I think we need to let her plea to a lower charge.” The words are out of my mouth before I even realize it, but I can see the look on his face that he’s as surprised as I am.

  “And why would we do that?”

  I glance over my shoulder to Jackie. She’s no longer crying, but her eyes are rimmed with red and she’s staring straight ahead. Sighing, I turn back to the judge. “Because the justice system failed her. If something had been done about her ex before that night, she wouldn’t have been driven to drink. Her attorney said that it was due to a bad encounter with him that she drank and got behind the wheel, but it doesn’t look like he was arrested for breaking his restraining order.”

  I can feel the judgement in Judge Williams’ eyes, but I don’t care. Normally, in the courtroom, I want to throw the book at people.

  I’m good at putting people in jail and getting them the harshest possible sentence, but this time…it doesn’t feel right.

  When I look at Jackie, I don’t want her to suffer any more than she has. In fact, I feel the opposite, which isn’t something that I’m used to.

  I not only want to keep her from suffering now, but I want to protect her in the future.

  I want to grip her by her ponytail and push her to her knees. I want her to do whatever I tell her to do.

  But at the same time, I want to take care of her. I want to protect her and keep her safe from this shitty world. I especially want to make sure that her ex can’t hurt her again. She’s been hurt enough, and it’s time for someone to look out for her.

  “You have got to be kidding.” Judge Williams sighs heavily and motions for the defense attorney to come talk to us. She does, glancing back and forth between the two of us, scared.

  “Is something wrong?” This is probably the first time she’s been called up to the bench. She looks young and inexperienced, and it’s just bad luck that she’s the person who’s supposed to be defending Jackie.

  “Mr. Eastwood here wants to offer your client a plea bargain.” The derision in Judge William’s voice is obvious, and the defense attorney raises her eyebrows and turns to look at me.

  “Really? Why? I mean…good. She’s as much a victim here as anyone else.”

  The judge scoffs at that. “She put two people in the hospital.”

  “One only had minor superficial injuries,” the defense attorney points out. “And they wouldn’t have gotten those injuries if the police had protected my client.”

  It’s obvious that the two of them are going to keep arguing, so I interrupt. “Community service, reckless driving, but no mention of being drunk. Take it or leave it.”

  She doesn’t have to hear me ask twice. “We’ll take it. Thank you.”

  The judge shakes his head but when the defense attorney and I walk back to our desks, he announces his verdict.

  I watch as Jackie takes in the news. Her shoulders slump and she smiles for the first time since she’s walked in the courtroom. My cock twitches again as I think about seeing that smile on her face more often.

  As I think about seeing her lips wrapped around my cock while she worships me from her knees.

  We’re excused for lunch and I jump up, leaving my files behind. I can scan them when we get back from break, but right now I have to go talk to Jackie. There’s no way I’m okay with looking like an ass in court only to let her walk away now.

  Chapter 2


  The relief that washed over me when my attorney explained that I wasn’t going to jail, losing my license or going to have to pay hefty fines is something I’ll never forget.

  It was like I was drowning, and someone not only offered me a life saver, but pulled me from the water and helped me dry off. I’ve never felt that taken care of before.

  My attorney told me that it was the district attorney, someone named Andrew Eastwood, who stood up for me and helped me out. I have no idea why he’d do that. I don’t know the guy, never met the guy, and I messed up.

  I deserved what was coming to me, but instead I got grace. How weird is that?

  Now I’m standing outside the courtroom getting ready to text Carly the good news when someone walks up to me. I glance up to see if I know them, and my heart flips in my chest.

  It’s the guy who was talking to the judge. It has to be the district attorney. I noticed how absolutely gorgeous he was while in the courtroom but I couldn’t pay it much attention then.

  But now? Now he has all of my attention. He’s taller than me, and older, with short hair and a jaw that could cut glass. His intense eyes make it difficult for me to make eye contact with him and his broad shoulders make him look like he could throw me over his shoulder, caveman style, and carry me back to his office to do his bidding.

  I wouldn’t mind, except I just swore off men.

  But then why are my panties getting wet?

  For a moment he doesn’t say anything, just stands and looks at me. Finally, I slip my phone into my pocket and steel myself to speak.

  He’s just so damn sexy.

  “Hi. Can I help you?” I’m proud to say that my voice doesn’t shake much even though I’m terribly nervous. This guy just saved my ass in the courtroom while looking like a damn superhero, so what does he want with me now?

  “Jackie, I’m Andrew Eastwood. Do you have a moment to talk?”

  Holy shit, his voice. It’s like creamed butter and so smooth that it wraps around me and makes me warm. I don’t know what he could possibly want to talk to me about, but right now, I don’t care. I’m nervous, sure, but with that voice? I’ll talk to him about anything.

  “I do, sure. What’s up?”

  He gestures for us to walk and I fall into step next to him, not even paying attention to where we’re going. All I know is that this man just saved my life. I feel like I owe him something and at the same time I want to kiss him.

  It’s very confusing.

  “Sounds like you’ve been dealing with some shit with your ex. All of that needs to be straightened out so that you don’t end up here in court again. I won’t be able to save you a second time.” He glances over at me while we walk, and I feel myself blush.

  So, he knows that he saved my ass. Great.

  “Thank you for your help,” I say, but he cuts me off.

  “You can thank me later. I just need to know if your ex is going to continue to be a problem or if you think that he’s under control.”

  I can thank him later? I’m not sure what he means, but just the way he says it makes my stomach twist and tighten. It’s hot.

  “He’s…well, he’s from a good family here in town, so things just kinda have a way of working out with him.” I spread my hands in front of me. He nods.

  “And your family?” We stop at a crossroad and wait for traffic to die down before the two of us cross. By now we’re about two blocks from the courthouse, but he doesn’t show any sign of slowing down. My feet are killing me in my heels, but I’m determined to keep up with him, at least until I figure out what he wants.

  “My family? They’re not here. It’s just me and I’m doing my best.” I pause, not wanting to burden him with the truth. My parents cut me
out of their lives years ago when I started dating Mitch and I work a dead-end job with no end in sight.

  I’m kinda stuck right now, but today was a win.

  “No family to speak of? Good job? Good friends?”

  “Why do you want to know so much about me?” I turn to face him on the sidewalk, making him stop. He’s so much taller than me that I have to look up into his face while he talk. My heart is pounding as I stare at him and try to figure out what he’s thinking and what he could possibly want from me.

  It doesn’t make any sense.

  “Because I think that I can help you. I mean, I already did this morning, but you look like you need a little more help.” His gaze flows over my body and I shift uncomfortably on the sidewalk.

  How can he make me feel like I’m naked in front of everyone without even touching me?

  “How? You definitely helped me out this morning, but what could you do now? And why?”

  “I’d like to offer you a job. You need something good in your life, and you probably need a better support system. If you come work for me, not only will you make more money than you do now, but you’ll have benefits.”

  “What kind of benefits? And how do you know where I work?”

  He waves the question away. “It’s in your file. I know a lot about you, Jackie, but I’d like to know more. And as for benefits, well there are the regular ones, like health and dental, but also some others.”

  Other benefits?

  “You care to tell me what they are? I’m not terribly keen on taking a job when I don’t know much about it.”

  “I’ll keep you safe from Mitch.”

  My heart thuds in my chest. This guy can’t be serious. Mitch is…well, he’s dangerous. He’s psycho, for one, and he’s completely obsessed with me. The police can’t keep me safe from him, so I don’t know why this guy thinks he can.

  Except, he’s huge. He’s muscled and strong and carries himself in a way that not only turns me on, but scares me a little.


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