The Billionaire's Fake Marriage: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

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The Billionaire's Fake Marriage: A Single Dad Next Door Romance Page 59

by Sarah J. Brooks

I took his hand, our fingers tangling together. “For now, just get some rest babe.” It looked like he needed a good long sleep.

  The next morning, I arrived at the office last. Well, at least that's what I thought. I looked up as the elevator dinged and someone stepped out. My heart did a backflip.

  Alyssa looked around, a wide smile across her face. She didn’t say anything to anyone as she headed for Garth’s office and let herself in.

  “Mr. Adams ...” She closed the door before I could hear her say another word, and my heart raced. I wanted to know what was going on in there. It took everything I had not to stand up and go over there.

  “Well, looks like you’re going back to your old job,” someone said, and I couldn't ignore the hint of pleasure in there. I turned to see three women staring at me. I wasn’t sure who said it but forced a smile over my lips. “I hope so. It would be so nice if Alyssa felt better; I mean, she’s been out of commission for so long, I was beginning to get worried,” I lied. In truth, I’d totally forgot about her. “And being able to go back to normal hours means I won’t be doing all this overtime for Mr. Adams, which means I can finally spend time with ...” I trailed off intentionally.

  I normally tried to avoid drama but that didn’t mean I couldn’t feed the drama queens just what they wanted—or what they hated. Not knowing something.

  It didn’t make me feel better because I hated not knowing what Garth and Alyssa were talking about in there. Couldn't stand it. I thought I was going to kill something. The elevator door rang again. This time, I did look up.

  A man in a black suit stepped out, looking around. His eyes locked on me. “Ally, correct?”

  “Um, yes. What can I help you with?” My heart skipped a beat as he looked me up and down, it didn’t seem sexual—it just seemed like he was taking everything in.

  “I was hired by your boss to look into some things.”

  “Oh! Right, of course. Come on in; he’ll want to see you right away.” I stood quickly, circled around the desk and padded towards the door of Garth’s office, knocking twice and opening the door.

  I forced myself to ignore the woman sitting across from Garth. 'Um, sir ... someone's here to talk about ... looking into a couple things for you."

  Garth perked up right away. "Oh, right. Of course." He turned his attention to Alyssa. "I'm sorry, we'll have to continue this at another time." Alyssa stared at him with wide eyes as if he'd never dismissed her like that before.

  She stood, turning for the door, and her eyes locked on mine. She stopped at the door for a fraction of a second. "Ally," she snapped. My heart skipped a beat. "Are you coming? The men need some time to themselves."

  "Actually," Garth held up his hand. "Ally is to stay."

  I turned to look at Garth but his eyes didn't meet mine. He stared at the man beside me, and I caught Alyssa's eyes narrow as she stepped out of the room and closed the door.

  "You must be John." Garth stepped out from around the desk and the two men shook hands.

  "Yes. I'd like to ask you a couple of questions, just to get a feel for this before we agree to terms and contracts."

  "Of course." Garth sat down on the corner of his desk. "What would you like to know?"

  "Start from the beginning."

  He nodded, took a deep breath and listened as Garth told him everything that had happened within the past few days—starting with the dead body we'd seen. It took an effort for me not to feel sick as I listened.

  John glanced over at me every now and then. He nodded as he listened to Garth's story, and finally, it came to an end

  "This sounds like quite the situation to be in. I can see why you'd like some help."

  "Don't get me wrong, it's great the cops are trying to do something but ... I don't trust them."

  My gaze snapped to Garth. Why wouldn't he trust them? My brow furrowed. He'd never said anything about it to me before. Was that why he'd been so upset when I told him I was going out with Rebecca?

  "Why don't you trust them?"

  I was thankful John asked the question because I wanted an answer to so badly.

  "It's ... I know it may sound kind of silly, but there is one officer, the way she is around me just put me off. It's like ... she doesn't trust me. Like she wants me to be guilty. The way she looks at me ..." Garth shook his head. "I don't get it."

  John nodded. "I'll need a list of all the officers involved."

  "Of course." Garth reached for a pen and paper. I cleared my throat.

  Both men turned to stare at me.

  "Actually, that's not going to be accurate."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Rebecca was asked to be removed from the case.

  They both stared at me.

  John's head tilted to the left. "Interesting. Are you close with ... Rebecca."

  "No," I said quickly. "I mean, she asked me out on a date, that's all, though."

  John raised an eyebrow. "Very interesting."

  My cheeks flushed. I hated the idea of John knowing every detail of my life. It just felt so wrong.

  I cleared my throat. "Well, unless there is anything else you need from me, I'm going to get back to work." I bowed my head.

  "Actually," Garth spoke before I could leave. "You should know, Alyssa is back." My heart skipped a beat—and not in a good way. "Which means ..." he sounded uncomfortable, refusing to meet my eye.

  "I've been bumped back down." I didn't need him to finish his sentence. It was probably for the best anyways that way people wouldn't start to realize how much time we spend together. They wouldn't start to think that something was going on.

  If we just saw each other after work it would be fine—right? It's for the best. I told myself as I turned on my heel and headed for the doors, trying not to feel disappointment.

  I blew it. My one chance to move up in this company, and I was so focused on fucking the boss that I didn't focus on impressing him enough that he would want to keep me around. Stupid.

  I stepped out of the office and was met by four women staring at me.

  Alyssa cleared her throat. "So, what was that about?"

  "Oh, nothing. Just ... Some stuff that happened when you weren't around. Nothing you should have to worry about, though." I forced myself to smile. "Welcome back, by the way. It's great to see you healthy again."

  They all stared at me. No one saying a word as I headed towards my desk and sat down, trying to ignore their eyes on me.

  "He said we could get together for dinner sometime," Alyssa said, obviously not to me.

  The other women gasped. "Really? So your plan worked?"


  My brow furrowed. What plan?

  "It seems to have." Alyssa beamed. "I've got a date with him after all."

  Jealously tugged at the pit of my stomach. I tried to ignore it as I logged onto my computer and checked my email.

  "We're going out today." She sounded so pleased with herself.

  Today? They are going out today? I could feel myself starting to shake. I tried to ignore it—tried to ignore her. But it was hard.

  She stopped talking after that, now that she had finished gloating, it seemed like she was going to get back to work. After an hour, the office door opened and John stepped out. Garth followed him, they shook hands and John left without a word.

  Garth headed for his office, shut the door and Alyssa turned to me. "Was that about the dead body?" she asked in a hushed voice.

  "Yes," I admitted. What was the point in lying?

  "You were there, right?"


  Alyssa nodded. "What was Garth like when he saw it?"

  Did she sound excited?


  "I mean, did he cry? Was he shaken? What did he do?"

  "He called the cops. Like you're supposed to."

  Alyssa rolled her eyes. "Look, I've been gone; I need to get up to speed with him again. Anything you want to offer? Anything you've noticed?"

  He doesn't like

  I didn't say it. I knew she wouldn't believe me even if I did and wasn't going to put myself in the doghouse just to tell her that Garth didn't like her. I shrugged. "We didn't really talk much, other than business stuff."

  Alyssa nodded. "Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong. I've been trying to be his friend. Maybe he'd be more into someone that is like a business partner to him ... long hours together, dinners, and then suddenly one night ..." A grin touched her lips. "That's a great idea! Thanks."

  I stared at her. "Uh, you're welcome. But you know ... it wasn't an idea ... it was just what I did— my job."

  Alyssa dismissed me with a wave of her hand as Garth opened the office door. He glanced at me for a fraction of a second, and sadness touched his eyes

  "Alright, Alyssa, let's go."

  My heart sank as I watched her jump to her feet and the two of them head off together. You've watched it most of your job here—it's no different now than it was then, I tried to tell myself but knew it was a lie.

  My brow furrowed as I glanced down at the clock. They were going out now? That doesn't seem like him, I thought. My head tilted to the left as I watched them step into the elevator. She was already talking to him about something. He didn't look excited.

  I took a deep breath as an idea hit me. It would be wrong. We hadn't really agreed we were getting back together last night or anything, it's not like I was his girlfriend. It's not like I had a right to know where he was going or what he was doing.

  Bu t... if I just go through my mail, or do some updates ... it's not a bad thing if I stumble across something.

  A smile touched my lips as I opened my email, along with Garth's digital calendar. My heart skipped a beat as I stared down at the date. Yup.

  He was showing a house in two hours.

  They weren't going out today. They were going to get a house set up and ready for showing.

  My phone buzzed. I glanced down at it.

  Wish you were the one with me right now :/

  I knew I shouldn’t take so much pleasure in his text, but I did.

  You mean you’re not looking forward to your date?

  I grinned as we fired off texts back and forth as quickly as we could.

  Date? Is THAT what she told everyone? Lol, going to get a house ready to show.

  I know, I checked your calendar ;)

  Clever girl ;) See, that’s what I’m going to miss about getting to spend the day with you. Gotta go drive. Talk later <3

  A heart. My own heart did a backflip as I stared down at it. He sent me a heart—that was a good sign, right? That was a sign he cared about me, just like he said in his letter. I tried not to let it go to my head and tried not to make a big deal of it. But I couldn’t help the grin spreading over my face.

  I stood quickly, forcing myself to keep a straight face as I headed for the bathroom.

  My heart raced. I can't believe he actually wishes I was with him. I knew it was silly to make such a big deal about it, but it made me feel special.

  "You're not happy to see Alyssa back, are you?"

  My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see someone behind me. The redhead.

  "Excuse me?"

  "I mean, you say you are, but you're not. Are you?"

  "I'm happy I won't have to show any more houses," I said, and that was sorta true. I wanted to get over the whole situation, but showing houses didn't make me feel good.

  "I'm not." She crossed her arms over her chest and padded to the mirrors. She crossed her arms and fixed a stray hair. "Happy she's back, I mean. She acts like she runs this place; I know that's what she wants."

  "I thought you two were friends?"

  She snorted. "Please, all she sees in us is help and slaves. 'Nikki, go do this for me'. 'Nikki, run the paperwork for me’."

  So, her name was Nikki. Good to know.

  "If you don't want to then just say no."

  "You think it's that easy? I've known Alyssa since I was eight. I've never seen her get something she doesn't want."

  My heart skipped a beat. Garth. Well, if she wants him, she will have to go through me, I thought.

  "But it's not the same here ... I see the way you look at him. You want him, don't you?"

  "Excuse me?" I scoffed, trying to pretend I didn't without coming right out and saying it.

  "I just thought ... with the way you look at him, there is something going on there." She sounded nervous. "But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe ... I'm sorry ... I just wanted to let you know that you'd have people around who weren't going to hate you ... but I thought there was something going on there. I mean he seems to like you a lot."

  I shrugged, refusing to look at her. He did send me a heart. "I'm pretty sure he just likes how hard I work." I mean, he did like that—right? It wasn't a lie.

  "Shame. It would be nice for someone to put the Queen Bee back in her place."

  I snorted. The second I did it, I felt bad; I knew I shouldn't have. For all I knew, Nikko was playing some sort of game here. I gave her a smile. "I get the feeling you could do it if you really wanted to."

  Her cheeks flushed. "No, she could squish me without batting an eyelash, but thanks."

  I forced a smile over my lips and watched as she headed out of the bathroom. I closed my eyes. Do they all hate her that much? I wondered.

  I'd always assumed they were her besties because of the way they acted towards her, but was she just scaring them into being her friends?

  Is that why she doesn't like me? Because she can't scare me into doing what she wants me to.

  I bit my lip, staring at myself in the mirror. My freshly colored hair, along with the designer skirt suit Garth had paid for, my red lips and perfect manicure. I looked like the kind of girl that could take down a queen bee. But you're not in high school anymore. It would be stupid and a waste of time. I fixed my hair and left the bathroom—promising myself I would let my work speak for itself and not engage in any stupid teenage drama.

  God, I wish Ally was here, I thought.

  I mean sure, she didn’t have the look until I paid for it—but she had the attitude. And that was what mattered. She had the drive, and I liked that. She was motivated. I liked that in someone—I liked that in a partner.

  Not just a business partner. My heart skipped a beat the second I thought it. I knew we were moving too fast but didn't care. That was the thing about her, I didn't care.

  I walked into the kitchen, disappointment tugging at the pit of my stomach. I didn't smell almond oil. That disappointed me. I knew it shouldn't, but it did. Vanilla was normal for everyone—but that was the thing. Everyone did it.

  No one did almond oil.

  Alyssa beamed as she turned to see me. "Hi!" She stepped closer to me.

  "I think the place looks good as is, do you think it needs any changing around?"

  I looked around. I could think of a few things and opened my mouth to say something, then closed it. I took a deep breath. "I'm going to change a few things around," I finally said.

  I looked up as soon as I heard the elevator door open. Garth stepped out. He pointed to me. "My office, now."

  My heart skipped a beat. What did I do? Was I going to get in trouble?

  I pushed myself up slowly and padded to the office. I glanced at Alyssa. She didn't look troubled at all. In fact, she looked kind of pleased.

  I took a deep breath and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. Garth turned towards me. I didn't realize just how close to him I was until his lips crashed against mine.

  I gasped, pulling away, staring at him with wide eyes. My mouth hung open, making a small o shape.


  "I missed you so fucking much," he whispered against my lips. His fingers curled around my hips, pulling me closer to him. His kiss growing more passionate.

  I let out a soft moan, my fingers tangling in my hair. Everyone is out there, I thought.

  I pulled away from him, about to protest, but his lips crashed against mine.

  "Everyone ..." I managed through our kiss. What if someone were to come in here?

  He pulled away, a wide grin over his lips. "Fine, but come over tonight. Let's pick up where we're going to leave off. Alright?"

  "Of course," I promised. My eyes sparkled as I stepped forward, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "How did it go?"

  "It w as alright ... she's not you, but she's good. I guess." I raised an eyebrow. He stared blankly out the window before he turned to me and said, "There was no almond oil."

  "Most people don't use it," I answered.

  "I know, but I missed it. I wished it was there ... I know it's silly."

  I crossed over to him. "It's not silly that you missed something." I took his hand. "So, what are you going to do? Demand she use almond oil from now on?"

  "Actually, I was thinking of bringing you back out into the field."

  My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. "Uh, what?"

  "She ... she doesn't do anything with the place. I think seeing you in action could really help her improve."

  "So you want me to go out with you guys?"

  "Yes." I think it would be ideal. You don't think it would be a good idea?"

  Hell no, she will want to kill me. I didn't dare say it, though. I didn't want him to think I was scared of her or something. I'm not. I just thought it was stupid to get involved in drama, that's all.

  "I ... if that is what you want, then I can make sure that happens." I forced a smile over my lips. "When did you have in mind?"

  "How about we do it just after lunch? Give her a little time to get some rest; I think she's a little tired out, and then we can head out."

  "What house?"

  "I'm showing the Martensvil one."

  I nodded. "Alright, I'll go take a look at it and make sure we have the listing printed off to hand out." I turned, and Garth grabbed my wrist, pulling me back towards him.

  His lips touched mine for a fraction of a second. Hot and soft, and more than enough to send a shiver of desire through my body.

  My heart skipped a beat as he let go of me. "I'll see you later." It sounded more like a promise than anything else.

  I nodded, trying to keep my heart rate down, made my way out of the office and back to my desk.


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