Before Sunrise

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Before Sunrise Page 51

by Sienna Mynx

  Eric touched her hand. “Vasquez and I dismissed the threat at first. But he was right. He did see someone at Fun World. When Liam was pulled out of that desert, a terrorist cell in Virginia went active. A man named Rendell Blake is tied to Amir Sarkhir. He’s believed to be his brother. He and his followers having been tracking Liam from day one.”

  “You knew this? You let him think he was going crazy? Why didn’t anybody say something?”

  “I didn’t have access to this information until after my appointment.”

  “What appointment? Who are you now, Eric?”

  “That doesn’t matter. Alexa knew about it. She used Liam and your family as bait.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “There are things I can’t explain. Just know that you’re all safe.”

  Kennedy shook her head and recoiled from her friend. “I left my baby and my parents in that house. Those people could have gotten to them! And Harper? How dare that bitch put my family in jeopardy!”

  “Everyone is safe. Do you hear me? It’s under control. It was under my control until you tipped Alexa off. What did you tell her, Kennedy?”

  “I don’t believe anything you say. You’ve been lying, just like her. All of you have done nothing but use him since he got out. That’s going to stop. Do you hear me?”

  “No. I didn’t set him up.” Eric reached for her but she knocked his hand away. He spoke in a worried tone that forced her to listen. “Before he came I convinced the vice president to let him work with his doctor, to let us observe him and—”

  “Lure these terrorists out of hiding?”

  Eric shook his head. “It’s complicated, dammit. This is who he is, Kennedy. He knows the risks, the drills—”

  “He wanted out.”

  “Yes. And this was the way. Liam was going to commit himself to the VA hospital. We worked it all out.”

  Kennedy blinked, a bit shocked. “He wouldn’t voluntarily commit himself.”

  “He’d do anything to protect you Kennedy, to have a life with you. He was going to do it. Then he collapsed the night he was to meet you for dinner. We had to admit him to the hospital immediately. I was on my way to get you from the hotel and bring you to him when I got the call.”

  “What call?”

  “That he was put in the tank.”

  Kennedy’s heart froze. She clenched her fist. “Tank? What does that mean? Oh God.”

  “It’s what happens when an operator is pulled back in because he’s been tagged a security risk. Senator Clayton went all the way to the president. He and Alexa claim to have proof that Liam survived Scorpion because he tipped the enemy off why we dropped in. The ambush, his capture are all supposed to be part of Sarkhir’s plan. Before he had time to recover, he was moved. It’s a matter of national security now. And even I can’t undo this.”

  “I can’t believe she did this,” Kennedy said in horror.

  “Do you understand? I don’t need you making waves. You have to trust me…. The best I can do is keep you safe now. Until—”

  Kennedy’s phone began to ring. She pulled it from her pocket. Eric frowned when she handed it over to him. He pressed it to his ear. Kennedy watched his face as he listened to Milton deliver her message. Eric made no response, didn’t so much as twitch a muscle. He handed the phone back to her.

  “What you’ve done, Kennedy, could cost Liam his life.”

  “I’m the only one here that can save it. I love you Eric and I know you love him. He said you were brothers. He saved your life on that mountain. You said he did. Now you can save his. Help me.”

  “I can’t let you be put in danger.” Eric dropped his head.

  “I’m a big girl.” She exhaled. “I’m his girl. He trusted me to open this Pandora’s box. He didn’t even know why. But I do. I’m not military; I’m just a lovesick wife. There’s power in that, isn’t there?” She opened the door to the SUV and Eric grabbed her hand. She looked back at him.

  “Stay public. Everything you do, you need to do in the public eye. But never, never mention the word Scorpion again. You’ve gotten their attention. Now give them a way out of this mess without exposing your family further. Do you understand?”

  Kennedy nodded that she did. He reluctantly let her go. “I’ll be in touch.” He gave her a sad smile. “Fuck it. If I have to go out I’ll go out for the brotherhood.”

  The parting words rang of finality she didn’t understand. She had no doubt she soon would. She closed the door and stepped back as the SUVs drove out of the parking lot. Kennedy closed her eyes and forced her legs to move. No matter what, she’d free him. She’d get her husband back.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Two Days Later

  Kennedy paced the floor.

  “What’s the matter, mommy?” Mackenzie looked up from her coloring. She smiled at her little girl.

  Kennedy walked over. “Nothing, mommy is just nervous.”

  “Is it about daddy from heaven? Is he coming home?”

  “He’s…he’s coming home soon, baby. I promise.”

  Mackenzie seemed to settle on the answer. She lowered her head and continued to color with her green crayon. Kennedy had given her two long French braids with yellow bows tied to the ends. Her pink and yellow dress made her all the more beautiful. It took her longer to decide what she would wear. Eventually she settled on the bone colored Jones of New York suit her mother bought her from Macy’s. Angelina did her make up, because she couldn’t stop her hand from shaking. Harper had curled her hair and Sally had prayed over them. Now they waited.

  The day after her return home, she made her case to the law partners she’d grown to respect. She poured her heart out and told them everything she knew. They listened intently and agreed to help her, but doubted they could. So did she, until Eric delivered on his promise. A manila envelope with information on where Liam was being kept. There was no information on Scorpion. But Liam’s medical record and the original release documents that were pulled would serve their purposes well. All Kennedy needed to do was hint at a conspiracy and the media would do the rest.

  “Please God, this has to work.” She said.

  Milton Hollingsworth walked in. He smiled at her. “They’re ready for you, Kennedy.”

  “Okay.” She turned and knelt in front of Mackenzie. “Remember what we talked about, baby? How important today is?”

  “Yes, mommy. We gonna be on TV for daddy.”

  “That’s right. Give me your hand.”

  Mackenzie leapt to her feet and rushed over to grab her mother’s hand. Kennedy sucked down a deep breath of courage and repeated the things Milton and Stephen had drilled into her, over and over. She sent up another prayer for Liam. They entered the conference room the television crew had prepared. The few people from the press invited for an exclusive eyed her curiously. Mackenzie shyly kept close to her legs. When she sat behind the microphone, she put her daughter in her lap. Even now she questioned exposing her daughter this way. Stephen and Milton said it would be critical that the media showed Liam’s family. They needed the world to see how his absence affected them. She agreed. Still, the mother in her wanted to shield Mackenzie from it all.

  The producer at the main camera gave her a countdown with his fingers. He then pointed at her to indicate she was on the air.

  “Good Evening. My name is Kennedy Michelle Flanagan. Many of you may know me as the wife of Lieutenant Liam Edward Flanagan. He’s the brave soldier who after five years of captivity was recovered from a war-ravaged desert and….” Her voice faltered. She swallowed and adjusted her daughter on her lap before summoning the strength to read the rest of the card in front of her. “He, um, Liam, returned home. You may have seen him receive the Purple Heart decoration from our president. For us, that was a joyous day. What you don’t know is that it was also our most heartbreaking day. Liam took ill shortly after the ceremony. I’ve provided for the press his medical documents. I’m told it’s a parasite and it affected his live
r. I don’t know this for sure. You see, I have been kept from the hospital and from any word of his recovery. Since then, my….” Kennedy swallowed again. “For reasons I don’t know, Liam has again been taken from me. It’s a matter of national security, is what I’m being told. Well, I’m here today to tell you that my husband has served his country faithfully. He’s a good man, a strong man, but he’s a man who needs his family. And we…we need him. I’ve also provided for the press his release from active duty forms. They are signed by Liam and the joint chief of staff. Since December 26th, I’ve had no contact with Liam. No phone calls, no letters, no official word from the Navy or the White House. I don’t know where he is. He was scheduled to return to Charlotte to put himself under the supervision of Dr. Eli Abrams shortly after our visit from DC. Liam was told that if he is clear of any signs of PTSD he could return to his civilian life, and he had earned the right to....”

  Kennedy fought back her tears. Mackenzie turned in her lap and looked up at her mother, alarmed. To calm her daughter she forced a smile, then returned her gaze to the card. The words on it blurred under her veil of tears. She blinked them away. “This was a lie. I’m not saying that we aren’t living in serious times, nor am I saying that my husband is above the call of duty he willingly has committed to. Our brave soldiers fight for our freedom on foreign soil this very moment, and as a military wife I understand the sacrifice. However, Liam has served his country valiantly—a truth that cannot be denied. Now we need to serve him. I’m making a personal plea to our commander in chief and our representatives in Washington to return my husband home to us. He has been gone long enough. Thank you.”

  The press hurled questions at her, but she immediately rose and walked Mackenzie away from the microphone. The camera swiveled to focus on Milton and Stephen, who began to address each and every question. All of it became a blur through her tears. Her mother was the first to pull her into her arms and Kennedy cried against her shoulder.

  “You did great, sweetheart.”

  “I hope it works, mama.”

  “It will.”


  Three weeks later

  Kennedy lay in bed. She didn’t sleep long. All she had were brief naps in between nightmares. Dr. Abrams had been kind enough to prescribe something but she couldn’t take it. It was déjà-vu all over again. Her daughter needed her and she had to pretend to be whole. After the press conference, the White House issued a statement that Liam was indeed in contact with his family and not being detained against his will. The press secretary went on to say he appreciated Liam’s family’s concern and would indeed see to the reunion so devotedly requested by his wife. However, there was no word from Liam. Just a strong message to her attorneys indicating they should not have another press conference or engage the media in any way. Stephen and Milton told her they could do no more unless she wanted to drop the word ‘Scorpion.’ Again trusting her instincts, Kennedy chose not to. Eric never called, never contacted her in any way.

  Anthony returned home for the birth of his sons. Kennedy couldn’t bring herself to question him. When she saw him at the hospital he only said not to worry. That Liam would be home soon. And she believed him. She had to keep the faith.

  The plan to get Liam’s story before the world worked. Milton and Stephen said that the pundits would spin the story to another stratosphere and that’s exactly what they did. Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, all of them gave daily reports on the conspiracy to keep Liam Flanagan from his family. Some outlets claimed Liam was an enemy of the state, that he was currently detained because those five years away from home had compromised him. Everything from the Patriot Act to the war in Iraq was scrutinized. And soon the story became less about Liam and more about why Liam’s unit had been on that mountain. Difficult questions were asked of the White House and had begun to be whispered on the floor of Congress.

  And all the while Kennedy waited.

  She turned over on her pillow. Maybe she should take the anti-depressants? In the past, they made her go numb. She vowed all those years ago she’d never medicate again. But she needed something. Anything. She smiled sadly, thinking how determined Liam had been to make her Christmas special. With help from her parents and sister, she was able to move in and decorate their new home. Mackenzie had her room just as it was at Phil’s.

  Rising topless, she slipped her arms through the long silk sleeves of her robe and crept out of her room into Mackenzie’s. She found her daughter asleep, with the puppy she’d named Dog. They agreed they would give the puppy a more appropriate name when Liam returned. Reassured by her daughter’s peaceful sleep, she closed the door and ventured down the stairs. She needed a glass of wine. A glass or two a day calmed her nerves. She reasoned it wouldn’t be a problem. It was a better solution for her than anti-depressants.

  As she crossed the living room for the kitchen, two bright beams of light swept through the living room. Kennedy froze. The first year of their marriage, Liam had taught her how to handle a weapon. She was never afraid of guns after he showed her how to load and fire one. However, she kept her gun locked securely away from her daughter. She considered going to her room and retrieving it. Eric’s warning remained in the back of her head. The sound of car doors opening and closing overwhelmed her with curiosity. She went to the picture window and peered out through a separation in the blinds.

  Liam, in his full dress uniform, limped toward the door with the aid of what looked like a shiny new cane. Eric walked at his side. The elation that swept through Kennedy had her grinning madly. She raced to the door and ran out over her frozen lawn, barefoot, in nothing but her silk robe and panties. He caught her with one arm as she buried her face against his chest praying. “Thank you God! Oh God, thank you!” she cried.

  She lifted her face and raised her arms to wrap them tightly around his neck. Liam chuckled deep in his throat, and let go his cane to capture her face in his palms. He kissed her hard and fast. She barely caught her breath, but clung to him desperately for more.

  The kiss ended prematurely, but Liam peppered her face and kissed away her tears on her cheeks. All the while he hugged her tight to him. “I have missed you, babe.”

  “I can’t believe this. I prayed so hard. You’re here! They let you go? Oh thank you God!”

  “Folks it’s cold out here. You feel like going inside?” Eric joked.

  Kennedy took notice of him. She let go of her husband and threw her arms around Eric hard, forcing him back on the lawn. “Thank you, Eric. Thank you so much. You did it. I know it was you.” She returned to Liam’s side and walked with him into the house. She had a million questions. But first she had to look at him longer. See for her self that he was okay. “They released you?”

  “It’s over. Consider me discharged.”

  “Really? Really?” She looked over at Eric.

  “He’s all yours. Liam will sign up for treatment with Abrams. It’ll be outpatient treatment. Going to miss you like hell, brother.” Eric said.

  “I’m always here.” Liam extended his hand to Eric.

  Kennedy watched the men embrace. Eric winked at her and walked out. She stood there staring at Liam in disbelief. He needed a shave. His hair had grown a bit, but he looked fit. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected to see. “What happened Liam? What did they do to you?”

  “There are things that we can’t talk about, Kay. I just don’t want you dragged into it any further than you have been. I saw your press conference.” A smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “I’ve never been so proud of you, babe.”

  “I did it for you.”

  “You did it for us, for our family, and it worked. You set me free, Kay. You saved my life.”

  “I did?”

  Liam cupped the side of her face. “I have never loved or needed you more. Thank you, Kay, for not giving up on me.”

  Kennedy pressed her lips together and nodded as tears fell from her lashes. He glanced around at the furnishings, then to the stairs. “I want to see
my baby girl. I want to hold you and sleep in our bed. Think we can manage that?”

  “Are you okay? Physically?”

  Liam smirked. “I’ll prove it tonight.”

  “I was so worried about you. They said you were sick.” She hugged him again.

  “I was, but I’m better.”

  Kennedy eased her arm around his waist and walked with him toward the stairs. He tossed his cane and leaned on her for support. That was new, his willingness to lean on her for support. She didn’t say anything, was just grateful for the chance to take care of him. In the back of her mind she wanted answers. Where was he all this time? What did they do to him? But she knew those were answers she’d never have. Liam’s life as a SEAL was over. She would focus on having her guy back.

  Together they climbed. She helped him and he let her. When they reached Mackenzie’s door, she let him go in without her. From under the arch of the doorway she witnessed a scene that melted her heart. He tucked their daughter in, kissed her and the puppy, whispering his love for them both.

  “Hi daddy from heaven.” Mackenzie yawned then turned over.

  It was as if the past few days hadn’t happened. Liam stood there staring at Mackenzie for a long time. Kennedy didn’t know what went through his head. Maybe it was the same things that made her get up in the night and look in on the daughter they’d created in love. Eventually he limped from the bedside and came toward her. He took her hand in his and they went to their bedroom. He removed his cover and let his gaze sweep the room, how well she’d decorated it.

  “Do you like it?” she asked.

  “I love it. You did the entire house?”

  “Yeah. I wanted you to have our family settled when you returned. This was so hard, Liam.”

  “Are you all right, Kay? I know you have questions, worries? If I could have come home sooner you do know I would have.”


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