Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love)

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Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love) Page 1

by Minerva Vesta

  Over the


  Lucky in L❁ve Series

  Book Two


  © 2018 Minerva Vesta


  Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  For permission requests, contact the Minerva Vesta, at www.minervavesta.com

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Editing services provided by Phoenix Pen & Troix Jackson

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.


  This book is dedicated to my mommy.

  You provided me with my first dose of the written word that allowed me to start reading at the age of two.

  It is because of you, why I have this passion for writing.

  Love ya V

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for coming back for part two of the Over the Hege Series. Over the Hedge was originally written and shared online over seven years ago. As an avid reader I wanted to read a sappy love story with all the sugary sweet moments that makes a reader love romance. That was my goal when writing this book. I didn’t want to write something about political controversy, mobsters, the underworld, heartbreak and turmoil, or any of the many elements we weave into books.

  Trust me, I’ve got plenty of those stories in the works for future releases.

  I wanted a romance novel centered around exploring the simplicity of love between the main two characters. I wanted a love story that I could pick up when I was having a bad day knowing it would end in a rewarding happily ever after. That was my goal with Over the Hedge. And I hope that after reading this book you’ll feel like I’ve made good on that goal.

  The Lucky in Love series will feature all the characters you’ve met so far. If all goes as planned this will be a ten-book series. You’ll get to catch up with Sean and Lashawnda and your favorite personalities along the way. Writing has been my passion and I hope to get better and better with each release. Don’t be afraid to reach out and let me know what you think. I appreciate all the amazing people that encouraged me to take this leap and join the publishing world.

  Without further ado. Here is Over the Hedge: Part 2-The Finale


















































  I never imagined my life would turn out like this. I had a fantastic upbringing with a two-parent household for most of my childhood. We vacationed in the south every summer, exploring theme parks and getting sunburnt on Florida beaches. We hosted a huge feast for Thanksgiving and Christmas, always making sure we divided our time equally among my grandparents on both sides. As cliché as it may sound, my family even had the traditional white picket fence in the quiet suburban neighborhood.

  Mom was a homemaker that championed the PTA. When she wasn’t catering to my father and I, she volunteered at our local charitable organization that did food and clothing drives for the homeless. My dad was a lawyer that doted on his family and took pride in giving us anything our hearts desired. He loved his two special girls, and we loved him in return.

  Sure, it got rough at the end, but we were happy as a household.

  Even my personal life was ideal. I went to an all-girls, private school affording me the best education money could buy. I graduated with not a care in the world about paying for higher education—money was never a concern for my family. My college years was incredible. I had a full social life, joined one of the most distinguished sororities in the nation, and I even got crowned homecoming queen two years in a row.

  Not only did I have brains, but the beauty was there. The beauty was definitely there.

  At five foot five, blessed with a perfect pair of tits, a toned body, and an ass that put plenty of girls to shame. Sultry, gray eyes offset my full brunette hair and classic European features. I exuded every definition of beauty. Any red-blooded man in the world would be lucky for me to give them the time of day.

  I was the prototype every young girl in America looked to as the ideal woman. Hence, the reason my mouth hung agape watching the man I wanted hang all over another woman. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the image in front of me.

  Sean Colcord, God’s gift to womankind, was walking out of the grocery store with a tote bag stuffed to the brim, and a bottle of wine. None of that was out of ordinary. But the sight of Lashawnda walking next to him, carrying a bouquet of flowers, made me grind my teeth. There was no doubt they were together. This wasn’t a random meeting of two coworkers at the grocers. Not when his hands stayed on her lower back, and he bent to whisper in her ear as they maneuvered through the checkout lane.

  So the rumors were true? He was really dating Lashawnda Price? The same overweight, awkward black girl that’s always falling over her two left feet? That mumbling fool who got choked up at the sight of a good-looking man? The woman wasn’t suitable to date a guy like Sean, much less be in his presence.

  I bumped into Mallory coming out of the salon last Saturday. She was overly excited to tell me she saw Sean and Lashawnda making out in the garage a few weeks ago. Of course, she was all smiles and gushing over the situation, not realizing her little story had pissed me off. I had to fake interest with a forced smile, listening to her praise Lashawnda’s budding new romance.

  I didn’t believe a word at the time. Why would Sean fall for Lashawnda? It made no sense. They had nothing in common. Sean was the ultimate prize for any woman. The man was drop-dead gorgeous, highly educated, well mannered, and had the potential to make significant money. Not to mention, he had a physique that screamed, ‘fuck me all night’.

  Initially, I ignored the gossip around the office, because I still had my eyes on him. Hines & Grant Research was nothing but a rumor mill if I’ve ever seen one. Given the chance,
I’m sure the characters that worked there could rival any reality TV show with their constant scandal and drama. Now, as I watched Sean and Lashawnda walk out of the store smiling hard at each other, I had to think of a new strategy to get what I wanted, and I wanted Sean Colcord.

  I had nothing against Lashawnda. I mean, I wouldn’t consider us friends by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, she was friendly, but I learned a long time ago to be cautious about using the term friend with women. I’ve experienced too much in life to ever consider another female anything but competition. A woman could do nothing for me but move out of my way as I conquered the world. My hackles rose with resentment as I watched a woman who wasn’t even in my league saunter through the grocery store checkout lane with my future husband.

  The weight of my mother’s words hit me full force. It’s the ones you would least consider a rival that you should keep your eyes on.

  I dropped the small basket of items I was holding and walked out of the store. The clerk in the lane called out to me a few times, but I ignored her. I made my way outside to my car just in time to see Sean and Lashawnda pulling out of the busy parking lot. On impulse, I decided to follow them. Something in me ached at the thought of Sean being with Lashawnda. The invisible tether that tugged at my heart wouldn’t resolve me to sit idly by while that bitch paraded around town with my man.

  I cranked my engine, turned up my music, and pulled out of the lot behind them.

  My body felt like it was on autopilot.

  Seeing them set me off in a way I hadn’t experienced since I was a teenager. Looking at Sean smile down at Lashawnda with that all-consuming adoration every woman craved, set fire to my veins. It brought me back to a point when the whims of a weak man and a conniving woman destroyed my perfect family. A difficult time when I learned a harsh lesson about trusting women.

  I gripped the steering wheel, feeling my breath coming out in unstable puffs. Traffic was light. Allowing me to keep three to four cars between us as we maneuvered through the city. My infatuation with Sean was more than just about his physical appearance or me trying to get my rocks off. I could envision a glorious future with him. Given a chance, I believed he could see the same with me. Which was a compliment considering I rarely thought of men in terms of anything more than what they could do for me. But Sean was different. And, the potential for a union between us couldn’t come at a better time.

  “I know this was meant to be,” I breathed out, voice barely above a whisper in the heated Florida breeze. I hadn’t had this feeling toward any man since Todd.

  My mind drifted back to him, and the incredible years we spent together.

  The day I graduated college my father told me I would have three months to find a job before he cut me off. He droned on and on about how spoiled I was. Brought up old stories about my behavior over the last four years, and the money he spent getting me out of trouble. I kept my composure while standing in the school’s courtyard. My graduating class, decked out in regalia, smiling from ear to ear, moved around us with their loved ones in tow. I returned the jovial well wishes of my classmates, but I was raging on the inside.

  The fact that he couldn’t wait to kick me out of his life was evident. To show my displeasure, I left right after the ceremony and drove almost twenty-seven hundred miles to California with my best friend Renee and her boyfriend Josh. I didn’t bother to attend the fancy dinner they had set up for me at his house. Instead, I stopped by the nearest bank and withdraw every penny of the money he put into my savings account. If my father wanted me out of his life, I was more than happy to oblige.

  “I’m so ready to be free!” I hollered out the window. My eyes connected with Josh’s in the outside passenger side mirror from my place in the backseat. I gave him a wink and settled back with my camera in my hand. This was the start of a new life. I wanted to capture every breathtaking moment.

  We drove the entire way on a high—both natural and slightly enhanced by the weed. I didn’t answer one of my father’s phone calls. If he wanted to get rid of me so bad, I’d do him a favor and give him a head start. When we finally reached Cali after plenty of stops and random nights in seedy motels, I decided to reinvent myself. I stopped worrying about pleasing my father and caring what people thought of me. The old Jenny was a ticking time bomb. Hiding behind daddy’s back to have fun wasn’t worth the effort anymore. With a few thousand in my pocket and the shackles finally broken, I was ready to be whoever the fuck I wanted to be.

  Renee had a cousin that worked as an assistant to this major photographer in the modeling industry. Most of her gigs were in Europe and she had a boyfriend who she crashed with when she returned to the states. Which meant her condo was left unoccupied most of the time. For a few hundred dollars, she allowed the three of us to live there with only one warning—not to destroy the place.

  I felt like I was in another world when we moved to the west coast. Everything about it made me fall in love instantly. The glitz and the glamor you see in movies wasn’t all real, but the possibilities were. It wasn’t uncommon to see a vagrant and a movie star sharing the same sidewalk. The city had a vibe that made you want to get up in the mornings just to seize the day. The best thing was the endless parties. There was never a dull moment living in the City of Angels.

  I got a job bartending with Renee. Josh was into all that art shit and was attending classes during the day. At night he worked as a bouncer at the bar as well. The work was great, and the tips were even better. We were the three musketeers, rolling in the highlife. We were in heaven.

  Unfortunately, our relationship took a turn for the worse.

  Renee came home one afternoon and caught me fucking Josh in the bathroom. It wasn’t like we slept together often. I didn’t even like him like that. It was purely physical between us. I tried explaining it to Renee, but she was beyond pissed. Josh played the innocent boyfriend role. Apologizing and promising her it wouldn’t happen again. Renee believed him when he said it was a huge mistake. However, I thought she was dumb as a box of rocks. How can sleeping with someone multiple times a week since we were in college be a mistake?

  Which made me the unlucky one in the scenario. I was out on my ass with nowhere to go. Lucky for me the car we drove here was mine. A high school graduation gift from my father. Desperation tempted me to call him for help. My money was low, and I didn’t have enough to get myself a place. But I remembered the vile way he spoke to me on graduation day.

  I spent a week in my car before I resolved I wouldn't make it out here. The glitz and glamor that L.A. offered quickly faded. Three days after Renee kicked me out, I was fired from my job at the bar. My boss was being a total dick about me drinking with the customers. Everyone did it. But, for some unknown reason, he wanted to prove something and make an example out of me. What pissed me off more was him letting me go without a heads-up. I was giving him oral in the backroom at night for altering my time sheets. I could have gotten him fired for sexual harassment when he offered to fix my hours for a blowjob.

  No one could convince me that my firing wasn’t because of Renee and Josh. I had no problems working alongside either of them. I could keep my personal and business life separate. Obviously, they couldn’t

  On a night I was once again desperate enough to call my father I met Bailey. I was down to my last fifty dollars and stopped by a local diner to grab a cheap meal. Fifteen minutes into staring at my runny eggs and under-cooked pancakes, Baily asked to share my table. After a lot of chatting, we found we had a lot in common. She invited me to go with her to a party. The crowd was more mature than I was used to. Instead of beer and shots, there was expensive wine and top shelf liquor served by a waitstaff. Twenty minutes in and a dozen business cards slipped into my hand, I realized the party was really a networking event for young women to meet older men.

  Bailey introduced me to a whole other side of living in L.A. The men here were unlike any I met in college. They were open to taking care of a woman. Some needed a prett
y face on their arm for events. Other’s wanted a little something on the side from their broken marriages. Bailey was what I discovered was a sugar-baby. Her benefactor was a seventy-year-old business mogul. He took care of her living expenses as a reward for her being his eye candy.

  That’s how I met Todd Estridge.

  Todd was sixty years old but didn’t look a day over forty. He worked as a real estate developer. That night at the party, he made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. We spent the entire night talking and getting to know each other. It was so different from meeting guys my age. Most of the time they were so caught up in trying to score that they didn’t bother with the basics of getting to know me beyond one night.

  Bailey and I really hit it off as well. Todd offered her compensation if she allowed me to stay with her while I planned my next move. With everything that had gone wrong with Renee and Josh, I wasn’t exactly sure if LA was for me. After a few nights hanging with Bailey and seeing how she lived, I figured it was worth a shot. Going home wasn’t an option. Proving my father right was the last thing I wanted.

  Jenny Reed would conquer L.A. or die trying.

  We partied a lot. Besides the men, Bailey exposed me to a few other vices—mainly her drug habit. However, this wasn’t like the after-school specials. She wasn’t roaming through seedy neighborhoods for a fix. Nor did she look like some strung out cokehead. Baily only used recreationally and had her shit together. I was hesitant at first to trying anything. But after a few weeks of watching Bailey enjoy herself in her carefree lifestyle, I caved. The first time we popped a pill at a party, I felt like I was floating on a cloud of dreams.

  Those few months was the best time of my life. I even ran into Renee and Josh one night while I was out with Bailey. It was funny seeing them out looking like the world was weighing them down. I, of course, flaunted my new lifestyle in their faces. Todd kept me laced in the finest clothes and the most expensive jewelry. Renee was a stupid bitch for kicking me out of the apartment but staying in a relationship with Josh. I should have rubbed it in her face that we fucked a few days after I got fired from the bar.


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