Lost Reaper

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Lost Reaper Page 7

by Shelley Russell Nolan

  ‘An interesting piece, I admit, but not one worthy of a full scale investigation surely.’ Chris’s bland manner spoke of disinterest, but his eyes glittered. He gave me a wink and stepped back. I dropped my eyes, disconcerted by my reaction to his touch and bewildered by how he could mesmerise me with one look.

  ‘I’ll step outside while you two finish whatever it is you were doing, shall I?’ Chris didn’t wait for Sam to say anything. He left, closing the door behind him.

  I stood, clutching my handbag. Sam stared at me with an inscrutable expression on his face and I resisted the urge to hide behind my fringe. I licked my lips and managed a smile. ‘We are finished here, aren’t we? You don’t have any more questions for me?’

  Sam seemed to give himself a shake. ‘No more questions. Thank you for your time, Miss Morgan.’ His hazel eyes were shuttered as he ushered me towards the door and opened it for me.

  ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help,’ I said, conscious of Chris lounging up against the wall on the other side of the hall.

  Sam inclined his head and gestured for me to go ahead of him, murmuring benign thanks in a flat tone. I stepped into the hall, planning to walk away without a backward glance. But I couldn’t resist peeking over my shoulder before I turned the corner, and when I saw both men were staring at me I faltered and almost tripped over my own feet.

  With a flush sweeping over my face I gratefully slunk around the corner and out of sight, rushing through the reception and outside into the car park. A cool breeze ruffled my hair, soothing my overheated face as I fumbled in my bag for my sunglasses. Then, with my eyes covered, I headed for my car and slid inside.

  Sarah’s VW sat in the driveway when I got home so I pulled up at the kerb. I didn’t want to face her, but I couldn’t sit outside my own flat forever so I scooped up my bag and phone and headed inside. I cleared the threshold and then froze as a streak of white caught my eye.

  Sarah stopped mid-twirl, the white dress I’d been resurrected in forming a graceful wave as it settled around her body. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, eyes downcast. ‘I just wanted to see what it looked like on me. I’ll take it off.’ She bolted for the bathroom.

  Fingernails digging into my palms, I fought to breathe, the sight of Sarah in the dress dragging me back to my time in the Underworld, Grimm and the mist. I rubbed at my chest.

  Sarah came back into the lounge, dressed in jeans and a shirt, and held the dress out. ‘It’s beautiful.’

  I forced myself to take the dress, my fingers scrunching the silken fabric.

  She took a deep breath. ‘A police detective came to see you this morning, and he asked me where you were Thursday night. Don’t worry, I told him you were at the library, studying.’ She grimaced. ‘I didn’t tell him that you came home early, wearing different clothes, but I did tell him that you weren’t feeling well yesterday. I hope I didn’t get you into trouble.’

  I swallowed heavily, and then shook my head. ‘It’s fine. It’s nothing.’

  ‘Are you sure? I mean, that dress isn’t something you wear studying, and that new necklace of yours, it gives me the creeps,’ she said with a shudder.

  ‘I told you, it’s nothing. I don’t want to talk about it.’

  ‘If you’re in trouble, I want to help.’

  ‘I don’t need your help, and I don’t need you helping yourself to my wardrobe either.’ I shook the dress at her.

  ‘It was on the bathroom floor.’

  ‘I don’t care where it was. I don’t want you touching my things.’

  Sarah went pale and her bottom lip wobbled. Then she straightened her spine and marched off down the hall and I heard her bedroom door slam shut seconds later.

  My stomach churned and I fought the urge to run after her. It wasn’t fair. Why should I feel guilty for upsetting Sarah when she was the one who betrayed me? She really did seem to be concerned about me, and she’d covered for me with Sam, but none of that made up for sleeping with Logan.

  And then to come home and find her wearing my dress, a dress that held so many bad memories. I held it against my body, fingers smoothing it down, amazed by its immaculate condition. I’d fought with my murderer while wearing it, then it had spent days crumpled on the bathroom floor, but it still looked brand new.

  Sarah was right. It was beautiful and had looked fantastic on her, the pure white contrasting with her dark hair and tanned skin. We were so alike in appearance, I knew I’d look as good but had no desire to wear it again. It could go in the bin as far as I was concerned.

  The front door of the flat burst open and I spun around to face the intruders.

  ‘See, Connor, I told you she was cheating on me,’ said Logan. ‘That’s the dress she was wearing the other night when she reckoned she was studying at the library. As if, right?’

  Connor frowned. ‘Is it true?’

  I tossed the dress down on the coffee table. ‘Of course not.’

  ‘Yeah right, there’s only one reason a girl wears a dress like that and it sure as hell isn’t to do homework,’ said Logan.

  ‘You have no right to barge in here and accuse me of cheating.’

  ‘I have every right. I’m your boyfriend.’

  ‘Like hell you are. I kicked you out, remember, after I caught you in bed with Sarah.’

  ‘What?’ Connor’s head flung back.

  I glared at Logan. ‘Forgot to mention that part, did you? How you came sniffing around while I was out and got Sarah drunk and then took advantage of her? You are a real jerk.’

  Logan stepped forward, his hands held up in surrender. ‘Babe, there’s no need to be like that. I told you, Sarah came on to me. But let’s forget about her. This is about you and me. We both made mistakes, and as soon as you admit that you cheated on me too, we can forgive and forget and everything will be just like it was before.’

  ‘Are you crazy? I don’t want anything to do with you, ever. We are over.’ I wanted to wipe the smirk off Logan’s face, permanently. I took a step towards him, one hand going to my necklace. The fingers of my other hand curled into claws as I imagined ripping his soul out of his body and watching him writhe in agony at my feet.

  I froze, horrified by the violent thoughts bombarding my brain. I took a step back, shaking my head. ‘Get out of here. Get out.’ I shouted the words, terrified I would lose control and reap Logan’s soul. What was happening to me? I was going crazy. I had to be, as images of rendering him soulless kept hammering at me.

  Connor grabbed Logan by the arm when he made to move forward. ‘You don’t want my sister back. We’ll go out tonight and find you a new woman, one who knows how to take care of her man.’

  Logan allowed Connor to lead him outside and I sank to my knees, digging my fingers into the carpet to ground myself. My body shook as anger burned its way through my veins, leaving behind a charred mess of emotions in its wake. I stayed there for ages, unwilling to move, unable to understand how my life had gotten so screwed up.

  A hand touched my cheek, the gesture of kindness turning on my internal sprinkler system. Tears falling, I lifted my head and met Chris Bradbury’s vivid blue eyes.

  Chapter 11

  I gasped, falling backwards and landing on my butt. ‘What are you doing here? Were you following me?’

  ‘I don’t need to stalk beautiful women. They find me.’

  Thrown by his nonchalant description of me as beautiful, it became even harder to think when he moved closer, bending at his hips to grab my arms and pull me to my feet. Then his arms slid around my back, the heat of his hands burning through the thin material of my top. Warmth spread throughout my body as he inclined his head.

  Oh my god, was he going to kiss me?

  I gazed up at him, eyes wide, almost afraid to blink as his lips brushed against the cheek he had so recently touched.

  ‘Can I let you go now,’ he whispered in my ear, ‘or are you going to fall at my feet again.’

  I stiffened, hands coming up to push on his chest.
‘I did not fall at your feet.’

  ‘Not yet, but give it time and I’ll have you swooning.’

  I shoved him as hard as I could. His hard body didn’t move an inch, but he did release me. He stood so close my fringe stirred with each breath he took. I turned and scooped the dress up off the coffee table and made a show of draping it over the back of the couch. Then I turned back to face him.

  ‘You still haven’t explained why you’re here?’

  ‘Isn’t it obvious? I thought I’d take you up on your offer.’

  ‘What are you talking about? What offer?’

  ‘Now, now, no acting like you don’t know what signals those big brown eyes of yours have been sending out. You couldn’t stop staring at me at the police station so I figured I’d make all your dreams come true. I’ve never been one to turn down such a delightful invitation.’

  ‘I was not staring at you.’ As I said the words heat flooded my cheeks. Even now I found it hard to tear my eyes away from his and I bit off a moan when his low chuckle set a shiver dancing over my skin.

  ‘Liar,’ he said.

  I closed my eyes, acutely aware of his maleness. I could hear his steady breathing, the heat of his body so close to mine.

  ‘Open your eyes, Tyler.’

  His soft whisper raised a sea of goose bumps on the back of my neck and I shivered again, unable to understand how I could have been turned into a puddle of emotions by this stranger. I opened my eyes.

  His face mere inches from mine, blue eyes unwavering, he smiled. ‘I can see why Lockwood was so taken with you. You are quite the puzzle.’

  Mention of Sam shook me out of my daze and I moved away, putting the arm chair between us. I gripped the back of the chair with both hands, holding myself steady. ‘You have ten seconds to tell me what you’re doing here or I call the police and you can explain it to them.’

  He gave a shrug and moved to stand on the other side of the chair. ‘Call Lockwood, I’m sure he’d love to hear from you. He’s got your name and address circled on his desk blotter and didn’t look too happy when he caught me checking it out.’ He grinned. ‘He may have found you first, but I’m the one who’ll end up with the prize at the end of the game.’

  ‘I’m not playing games, with you or anyone else.’

  ‘Come now, you started playing the second you saw me,’ he cocked one eyebrow, ‘and you know it.’

  ‘Oh my god, you are in love with yourself.’

  ‘What’s not to love?’

  His eyes were deep pools of sapphire blue and I felt my body heat up under his hungry gaze, conscious of my rapid heartbeat. He was going to kiss me and as he closed the gap between us I both dreaded and longed for the touch of his lips on mine.

  ‘Tyler, are you okay?’

  I peered around Chris and blinked several times, finding it hard to focus on Andrew as he hurried to my side. What was it with everyone barging into the flat today?

  ‘What the hell is going on?’ Andrew’s chin jutted forward as he confronted Chris.

  ‘My name is-’

  ‘I know who you are. What I don’t know is what you’re doing with Tyler?’

  Chris raised his hands and backed off a touch. ‘Didn’t mean to step on your toes. I thought the lady was unattached. My mistake.’

  ‘No.’ I found my voice. ‘We’re not together.’

  ‘Ah.’ Chris gave Andrew a good natured smile. ‘You’re the gay best friend.’

  ‘Like hell I am. I’m her brother.’

  Both of Chris’s eyebrows lifted. ‘Brother?’

  ‘Half-brother,’ I said.

  ‘That explains it then. You don’t look anything alike.’ He rubbed his hands together. ‘Let’s get back to the matter at hand. Tyler. Dinner. Tonight. Seven pm. I’ll send a car for you.’

  ‘I’m not having dinner with you,’ I said.

  ‘Better offer? Did the detective actually beat me to it?’

  ‘No. He … I … he’s got nothing to do with this. I don’t even know you. I am not going anywhere with you.’

  Chris strode forward, cupping my chin in his hand, a grin playing on his full lips. ‘Don’t pretend you don’t want to be with me. I can see it in your eyes.’

  I ignored Andrew’s indignant snort and shook free of Chris’s grasp. ‘Then you’re not looking hard enough. I am not having dinner with you, tonight or any other night. I’d like you to leave.’

  ‘Before the night ends you’ll be naked in my bed.’ Chris gestured towards the couch. ‘Wear the white dress. I like a woman in silk.’ He spun around and strode out the open front door without another word or a backwards glance.

  ‘You are not going out with him.’ Andrew grabbed my arm and spun me around. ‘Tell me you’re not considering having dinner with that insufferable bastard?’

  I pulled my arm free. ‘Of course not. I’m not stupid.’

  ‘How do you even know him? I thought Chris Bradbury preferred models and b-list celebrities with big-’

  ‘Andrew, I mean it. I do not want to discuss this with you.’ I frowned at him. ‘What are you doing here, anyway? Shouldn’t you still be at Dad’s?’

  ‘After your spectacular exit, lunch was over and done with, so I made my escape and came here to see if you were okay.’

  I gave a start. ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’

  ‘You got hauled off to the police station, not exactly your usual Saturday afternoon. Not to mention you and Logan breaking up. Before he left, Connor called Logan to get his side of the story. He said you cheated first. Was it with Bradbury?’

  ‘I did not cheat.’ I ground my teeth together, making my jaw ache. ‘I am going to kill Logan … and Connor.’ Then I gave myself a shake when I saw Andrew open his mouth. ‘I don’t want to talk about that either.’

  ‘What about the police then?’

  ‘Like the detective told Dad, I can’t discuss an ongoing investigation, but I’m not in trouble. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and had to make a statement about what I saw, or didn’t see as is the case. I promise; it’s nothing to worry about.’ I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. ‘I hate to sound ungrateful and I do appreciate you coming over to check up on me, but I’d like to be alone. Do you mind?’

  I continued to smile while Andrew said goodbye and left the flat. Something bad would be happening to me, again, if I didn’t find Ash for Grimm. I went into my room and pulled a notebook and a pen out of my bag and settled at the dining table to work out a plan.

  Time to go old school. I rifled through the phone book for the numbers of the local hospitals. I jotted down the last one as Sarah emerged from her bedroom; I’d forgotten she was still in the flat.

  She grabbed her keys off the kitchen bench and then came to stand beside me. ‘I’m sorry I tried on your dress without asking. I guess our days of sharing wardrobes are gone.’

  Guilt swamped me. The jeans I’d been wearing Thursday night had been Sarah’s and I had no idea what had happened to them. ‘I’m sorry too,’ I said, ‘for overreacting. If you want it the dress is yours.’

  ‘Tyler, are you sure?’

  I shrugged. ‘It’s not like I’ll ever wear it again. Too many bad memories.’

  She bit her bottom lip, nibbling at it as her eyes narrowed and I knew what direction her thoughts had taken. She’d helped create some of those bad memories, but I knew her love of clothes would get the better of her in the end, especially after I had a go at assuaging both our guilty consciences. ‘I’ll swap it for your Lady Bird jeans. I wear them more than you do anyway.’

  ‘You mean the ones you left here in on Thursday night?’ Her eyebrows lifted.

  ‘Do we have a deal?’ I asked.

  ‘Okay. Sure.’ She fidgeted with her keys. ‘I’m going shopping. Want to come and grab a cappuccino, or maybe catch a movie?’

  ‘I can’t.’ I glanced down at my notepad. ‘I need to get this done,’ I said. ‘My assignment is due next week.’

  The light in
her eyes dimmed. ‘Okay, I guess we’ll talk later then.’

  ‘Sure, later,’ I said, managing a smile as Sarah scooped up the dress and put it in her room before she left. Chris’s comment about women in silk dangled at the back of my mind, but I resolutely pushed aside thoughts of the blonde playboy and focused on the task at hand. I had lots of phone calls to make.

  ‘Hi, my name is … Sarah, I’m studying psychology at Easton University and I’m doing a paper on patients who are admitted to public hospitals with identity issues. Is there someone I could talk to?’ After numerous transfers and long periods on hold, I finally got to talk to a nurse who admitted identity crises were rare and as far as she knew none had been admitted in the past week.

  Calls to Easton’s two private hospitals also drew blanks and a similar line of enquiry, dealing with missing persons, proved as fruitless with the police. My investigation a bust, I needed another avenue to explore.

  What would Ash be likely to do now that he’d suddenly been brought back to life, albeit in another body?

  ‘He’d want to celebrate,’ I said out loud. He’d been forced into service as a reaper for who knows how long. I’m sure he’d be up for a party to get the most out of his miraculous resurrection.

  In Easton, Saturday was the night to go out and be seen. Time to hit the town and paint it black.

  Chapter 12

  I prepared carefully for my reaper hunt. After a long shower where I primped and primed my entire body, I slipped on a long black dress with full sleeves and a round neckline that would allow my necklace to be clearly seen. I’d bought the dress for a Halloween street party Sarah and I had attended the year before. She had the exact same dress and we’d played the part of witches.

  As I straightened a slight wave out of my hair and applied makeup to highlight my eyes I remembered how much fun we’d had. Because we were so similar in looks we’d been able to confuse the other party-goers by pretending their seeing double was the result of a spell. When we revealed there were two of us, many people had been convinced we were twins and we had a hard time getting them to believe we were only friends.


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