Smoke & Metal (New York Crime Kings Book 3)

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Smoke & Metal (New York Crime Kings Book 3) Page 7

by Skyla Madi

  “Fuck, Kitten. That didn’t take long.”

  I simper as my body slows in its shaking. Jai slides up next to me, his fingers dancing over my stomach and onto my breasts. I turn to gaze into his eyes, a content smile curling my lips.

  “You like my tits?” I ask and his eyes become hooded.

  “They’re fucking perfect.”

  His large hands cover them completely and still it squeezes out between his fingers. Excitement—pure, nasty excitement—bubbles at the thought of what I’m going to say next.

  “Have you thought about fucking them?”

  Through his pants, Jai’s long, thick cock twitches against my thigh. “There isn’t a sliver of flesh on your body I haven’t thought about coming on.”

  Well, fuck. My horniness multiplies tenfold. I’m not sated with just coming on his tongue. I want more. I need more.

  “Show me.” I utter.

  Reaching down I push on the hem of his pants and, without delay, Jai shoves them down his legs and kicks them off the edge of the bed.

  I tease the tip of his erection and pre-cum spills out. It’s so fucking hot. Jai lets his head fall back as I circle him with the very top of my index finger. Breathing heavily, he brings his head back to my level and his eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen them. And it’s a major fucking turn on.

  I gasp as Jai jolts forward and snatches my wrists in his hands. I don’t have time to react before he pins my hands to either side of my head and thrusts his leg over my body so he straddles my ribcage.

  “You want me to fuck your perfect tits?”

  I nod, wriggling in the most delicious state of arousal underneath him. I could come again just from seeing him from this angle and feeling the weight of his cock on my chest.

  “Have you ever been titty fucked before, Kitten?”

  Raking my teeth over my bottom lip, I shake my head. I am so god damn wet. Releasing my hand Jai brings his hand to his mouth and spits into it. I swallow hard as he rubs his own saliva all over his cock.

  “Lick your hand, baby.” He orders as he strokes himself.

  Doing as he asks, I lick my hand. Freeing my other hand, Jai tells me to lick that one too. So I do. Then he has me rub it on my chest and turns me on like nothing else. When I’m wet enough for his liking, he slides forward, pushing his thick cock between my breasts. With a throaty groan that electrocutes my blood, he grabs my hands and places them on my tits. He thrusts and covers my hands with his. Together, he has us squeeze my tits so it encases his beautiful shaft. He thrusts in rhythm—a rhythm that makes my pussy pulse and it grows in tempo. I obviously don’t receive any sexually gratification from this, but I find it rewarding anyway. It’s pleasurable in a way that isn’t physical. I can’t explain it.

  Jai flicks his hips faster and faster, and as the tip of his cock almost touches my chin, I flick my tongue out to lick the tip. Pre-cum flows, making it even easier for him to slip between my breasts. When I glance up at him, I notice he’s watching me. Teasingly, I slip my tongue out again and flick it over the top of his cock.

  “You are—” He grunts and closes his eyes. “Fucking hell.”

  With amazing willpower, he slows his hips and pulls his hands away from mine. Jai inhales, trying to gain his composure, but it is way too soon for that. Biting my lip, I move my breasts up and down, up and down, making him hunch forward.

  “You’re going to make me come.” He groans, swiping an index finger across my lip and into my mouth. I curl my tongue around his finger and suck. With a shiver, he slips his hips back, pulling his cock free from my tits and I pout as he smirks.

  “I’m not done yet.”

  Sliding down my body, his mouth finds mine again. Only this time when he kisses me, it’s soft and I melt into it. Tingles spread from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I’ve never been kissed like this before…like it means something. It’s glorious. It’s the type of kiss that lasts a lifetime. At least if this doesn’t work out I’ll always have that.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts by his knee as it pushes my legs apart. His mouth changes from sweet to savage, devouring with a greedy kiss. I gasp into him as his strong, thick arms weave around me and his fingers tangle themselves into my hair. I open my legs wider as the kiss deepens even further. Despite how hard I kiss him, how desperately our tongues fight against each other, it’s not enough. I need more.

  Jai reaches between our bodies and grabs his cock. One second he’s stroking my entrance with his tip and in the next he’s driving into me with an urgency I wasn’t prepared for, an urgency that betrays his gentle, patient kiss. I cry out, raking my fingernails down his back—not deep enough to draw blood, but enough to let his body know just how deep I feel it.

  And I feel it.

  Holy shit I feel it. From the softness of his skin against mine to the harsh, carnality of his movements. All of it resonates with my body in ways I never thought possible. His raspy voice is the icing on the cake. It’s heavy and erratic with desire. He groans my name and little by little, with every thrust of his hips, I lose control over myself, letting the pleasure intoxicate me. I run my hands down his sides and grab him low on the hips before wrapping my thighs around him. Jai swears under his breath and it sounds distant in my ears. I’m far away, pursuing ecstasy in the distance. It’s closing in—I can feel it—but I need more. I need harder, faster. Without effort, Jai wraps an arm around my waist and sits back, pulling me up so I straddle his hips. My nerves become heightened, burning with excitement because I’ve never done this position before. I feel him in ways I’ve never felt anyone before. His large, heavy hands clamp down on my ass and he pushes and pulls me. Over and over and over again. It’s the edge I need to catch the fucking high I’m chasing. Every inch of my sensitive flesh rubs against him, adding to the storm swelling inside of me. It starts in my abdomen. It boils my blood and ignites my flesh. Quickly I progress through the eye of the storm and into the wall.


  My mouth parts, my breath holds in my lungs, and my toes curl with the promise of pleasure, a frenzy of catastrophic proportions.

  He groans deep in his throat, his fingers dig deeper into my muscles and his movements become aggressive.

  And when it hits, when the storm crashes down on top of me with the weight of a monsoon behind it…

  …it is epic.



  She’s loud, and mouthy, and fucking glorious.

  I rest my sweaty forehead against her chest. Her heart hammers at a quick pace. I can feel it rattling her ribcage. I love the sound.

  “Oh, wow…” She sighs, resting her chin against the top of my head. Our heavy panting is the only sound to be heard in the room.

  My cock twitches inside her body…which makes her the first woman I’ve actually come unprotected inside. Though it felt fucking amazing it’s an experience I don’t really recommend if you’re trying to avoid deepening a romantic connection. How barbaric, right? To suddenly feel like you would die to protect a woman all because you came so nakedly inside her? Like that’s what sealed the deal. I don’t know. I like Kitten—have for a little while now—but something has clicked. Something that tells me this is a sure thing. I wonder how fast she’d run if I told her how I felt? That maybe…just maybe…I might be falling for her. Perfect timing though, right? It’s like fighting the biggest fight of my fucking life isn’t complicated enough.

  Emily lifts her head as I tilt mine to look up at her. Sleepy brown irises meet mine, curved by a soft, playful smile. I resist a shiver as she runs her hands up my chest and over my shoulders. “Why don’t you have any tattoos?”

  I shrug.

  “They’ve never appealed to me. Ink? Needles?” I shudder. “Pass.”

  She flicks her eyes to the small skull on my collarbone…the one that matches hers. “And after that? Did it change your mind?”

  I laugh. “Are you kidding? It was fucking painful. I thought I was going to pass out.�

  “Yes! Oh my god. Me too!” Emily clamps a hand over her mouth and laughs. “It hurt so much.”

  I lean back on my elbows and she comes forward, digging an elbow into my chest as she rests her head on the palm of her hand. I don’t mind it, even if her elbows are pointy as shit.

  You know, I’ve never noticed it until now, but Emily’s lips don’t quite close. The top one remains separated from the bottom by the tiniest gap, exposing her top row of teeth. It’s sexy. A subtle, permanent pout. No wonder she always looks mad.

  Stretching my neck, I lean forward until our lips brush. Just one more taste. That’s all. I flick the very tip of my tongue over her top lip and they curve into a smile.

  “What are you doing?”

  I pull back an inch. “Licking your lip.”

  Emily arches a brow. “And why are you doing that?”

  “To see if it tastes as good as it looks.”

  Her lips fall back into their permanent pout and I lick her again. Soft and slow, until her thighs tighten around my hips and her pussy clenches me.

  “Well?” She utters. “What’s the verdict?”

  “You taste like an orgasm feels.”

  Emily slaps me across the chest and jerks backward, her infectious laughter rebounding off of the barren, cream walls.

  “What is wrong with you?”

  “What?” I chuckle.

  I grip her small biceps in my hands as he tries to shuffle off of me, and she squeals with delight as I roll my body, tucking her underneath me. Her breath halts in her chest as I lower my mouth to hers. That previous taste I said was my last one? Yeah. I lied. I want one more…and then possibly another. I brush my lips against hers and this time it’s her tongue that does the tasting. It glides against my upper lip, but it doesn’t stop there. In a swift movement, and with a deep inhale through her nose, she presses her open mouth to mine and her tongue dips in without a care. With the slightest groan, I slide my hips against hers. We’re making a fucking mess—that much is certain, but what is life if it’s not a little messy?

  “We should shower.” She murmurs against my mouth, but I’m not having any of that. Not yet. “And eat.”

  “We will.” I promise. “When we’re finished.”

  And I am nowhere near done with her.


  The wooden floorboard creaks underneath my foot as I push off of the last step and into the hall. Delicious, breakfasty smells engulf me and I press my hand to my belly with a groan as my stomach clenches painfully. If Heaven had a smell this would be it.

  I pull on the hem of my tight, white tee shirt then rake my fingers through my combed, wet hair.

  As I round the bend and step into the kitchen, I almost faint. It smells good in the hall, but it’s freaking amazing in here.

  Greasy bacon.

  Fluffy eggs.

  Buttery toast.

  Freshly cut fruit.

  Thick, syrupy pancakes.

  Oh. Fuck me sideways. I’ve never seen so much breakfast food. It’s rare I taste anything that isn’t beaten up or a few days past its expiration date.

  To top off what will be hence forth known as the greatest morning of my life, there’s a young, sexy ex-police officer cleaning a frying pan in black sweat pants by the sink. I’m unable to hide my grin. If there is a God then she is definitely looking out for me.

  How is this my life? If this is what fate is then I fucking love it…you know, except for the being hunted by a psychopathic drug-lord part. That blows.

  On a completely unrelated side note, I hate the fact I’m wearing a tight pair of jeans. How am I going to have room for all this food if there are buttons in the way? Is that a pot of coffee, ooh, and yogurt? Yep. The jeans have got to go.

  “Jeans, Kitten? Really?”

  I glance at Jai who dries his wet hands on a small, checkered towel. I swallow hard. To see him in bright, natural light is a fucking vision and a half. I clear my throat.

  “Well, when you said you were making breakfast I thought you meant cereal and milk…not the whole damn buffet.”

  He folds his arms against his bare torso and leans against the kitchen sink. Now, if I could just work out how to get him onto my plate for breakfast…

  “Cereal and milk? Please don’t tell me that’s all you eat for breakfast.”

  I inch toward the food, drawn in by the smell as it fuses together. “No…I don’t usually have breakfast at all. If I do, it’s never anything more than a coffee or a stale, half eaten blueberry muffin from the day before.”

  He grimaces. “Ah, well, at least it has blueberries in it.”

  “Fake blueberries. It tastes like bubblegum.”

  He shakes his head, disbelief plain on his features. “How are you—”

  “Not fat? I walk a lot.”

  He shakes his head. “What—no, not fat—sick. How are you not sick?”

  I shrug. I often ask myself the same thing. Jai slings the towel over his shoulder and my throat dries, feeling rough like sandpaper, as he saunters toward me. My head spins and I swear the solid ground beneath my feet liquefies. With a subtle smirk, he reaches for the buttons on my jeans. I barely have time to grip his strong, hard biceps to keep from being knocked on my ass as he yanks my buttons open. Jai looks down at me, his deep, blue eyes flaring beautifully.

  “Jeans.” He states in a firm, quiet voice. “Off.”

  I arch a brow. “I’m going to eat breakfast in my underwear?”

  He laughs once. “As much as I would love to see that. It’s far too cold.”

  “You’re not wearing a shirt.” I argue.

  I don’t care if we’re in the middle of the Arctic. Getting naked with him again sounds like a damn good idea.

  “It got hot over by the stove.” He steps to the side and reaches out for his black jacket. “I bought a few pairs of sweatpants last night. Grab one. They’re over there.”

  He points across the kitchen bench and into the sitting room. Sure enough, small stacks of clothes sit on the glass coffee table. Curious, I saunter towards them. The sitting room is plain—much like the rest of the house. I can’t help but notice whoever owns this place keeps it electronic free—except for the large radio on the shelf above a small white bookshelf.

  “How’d you afford these?” I ask, reaching for a pair of sweatpants and lifting them up.

  “I have my ways.”

  I glance over to him as he zips up a black, cotton jacket, hiding his perfect torso from me.

  “Vague much?”

  A small smirk curves his lips as he rounds the kitchen bench and pulls out two wooden stools.

  “Pants on, then come eat.”

  Yeah, I’m not going to argue with that. How long has it been since I’ve tasted real food? I can’t even remember.

  I swiftly ditch the jeans and slip into the black pair of pants. The cotton is silky smooth on my bare legs, warming me immediately. I see the appeal. These are much more practical for lounging around in. I tie the strings as tight as I can to prevent the pants from falling to my ankles and I practically trip over my own feet as I rush to the bench.

  I slide onto the stool as Jai scoops a small mountain of scrambled eggs onto his plate. The first thing I reach for is the bacon and the maple drenched pancakes.

  “So I was thinking I’d make a quick trip into town this morning.”

  He stuffs a forkful of egg into his mouth and moans. I peer sideways at him, trying hard not to drool as tastes mingle over my tongue. Bacon and maple? It’s a match made in Heaven.

  “Oh, yeah?” I manage to mumble out over a mouthful of food. “What for?”

  Strangely enough, he avoids eye contact. “There are a few things I still need to get…like milk and maybe I can pick up one of those morning after pills…you know, just to be safe.”

  Still no eye contact. I watch him, surveying the way his eyes dart over random surfaces while he chews his food.

  “Why? You worried?”

shakes his head and reaches across for a pancake. “No…no. I’m not worried.”

  I believe that’s boy talk for ‘I wanna throw the fuck up.’ His brows furrow as he rakes his perfect teeth over his plump bottom lip. I was hoping to avoid this conversation, but I guess that’s kind of hard to do when you have unprotected sex. Unprotected sex brings the risk of pregnancy to the front of the brain.

  “Save yourself the trip.” I reach for my glass of orange juice and swallow a large mouthful, despite my stomach’s aversion to it.


  “It’d take a couple machines, numerous fertility treatments and probably a surgical procedure to get me pregnant.” I let out a nervous laugh. “Unless your sperm knows how to perform surgery then I wouldn’t worry about knocking me up.”

  He stares at me and dare I say, it’s super endearing.

  “So…you can’t have children?”

  I look away. I don’t like it when the question is phrased like that. Children…children…it sounds so personal, so precious, doesn’t it? I prefer pregnant. The word is a lot more sterile. Not being able to have a baby is a bitter pill to swallow. I mean, how cruel can life be? I don’t have a family and now I can’t create one of my own? I wonder what I did in a previous life that was bad enough for me to deserve this.

  “Nope. Not without jumping through some invasive hoops and even then it’s unlikely.”

  Now it’s my turn to awkwardly avoid eye contact while he stares at me. I stuff the second quarter of a pancake in my mouth and drop my fork against my plate. Two pieces of bacon and half a pancake and I’m done. I don’t know what makes me want to cry more, the fact I can’t have a family or that I can’t fit every crumb of this delicious meal into my mouth.


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