For The Love of Easton : A Single Parent Romance and Sequel to For The Love of English

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For The Love of Easton : A Single Parent Romance and Sequel to For The Love of English Page 21

by A. M. Hargrove

  She tapped a booted toe as she popped a hip out. “I know you didn’t come here to discuss my attire. What is it you really want?”

  I glanced at English and she quirked a brow.

  “I came here for a couple of reasons. One, I wanted to introduce you to my wife. Ravina, this is English. She will obviously be included in everything that occurs here from this point forward. I expect you to respect her and the decisions she makes regarding this house.”

  With each word, Ravina’s mouth opened a bit wider and wider. “Your wife? You weren’t kidding, were you?”

  “Not at all. And this isn’t to appease Mother or comply with the will. It’s because the two of us”—I gestured between English and myself—“decided we wanted this. Oh, and one other thing. English’s daughter, Easton, will be coming out and riding with Landry. If I hear of any disrespect shown toward her, you’ll be punished.”

  “Punished? Tristian, I’m older than you. How can you punish me?”

  “Easy. By taking away your money. Don’t forget, dear sister, I hold the purse strings and in my absence, English does.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “I can and will. So, how’s the job hunting going?”

  “I decided to teach riding lessons here.”

  “No, you will not.”

  Her tone reached the level of shrill. “Why not?”

  “Because if an accident were to happen, then we would be sued. Do you want to pay for the lawsuit? Didn’t think so. Riding is a dangerous sport, as you know. I don’t want our finances in that path.”

  “Can’t you get liability insurance?”

  “That would be your responsibility, since you would be handling the lessons, and I doubt you can afford it, sister.”

  She crossed her arms. “You are preventing me from achieving anything.”

  “On the contrary. I’m trying to get you to use your college degree. But if you want to teach riding, by all means do so. Just do it somewhere else. I won’t condone it here.”

  “Fine. Have it your way.” She turned to leave.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”


  “You never gave your new sister-in-law a proper greeting.”

  Ravina sneered. “Welcome to the family.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  What ill-natured women. Tristian was right about his mom and sister. They were awful. How had he crawled out of this place unscathed? He hadn’t, though, had he? Growing up here must’ve been a nightmare and he said he bore the scars to prove it. He’d told me he’d been damaged by the lack of motherly attention and love. I had yet to see that side of him, but I was going to make up for that. Our home would be a place of warmth and love, a place where he could feel safe no matter what. He’d told me how proud he was of me for standing up firmly yesterday. It was nothing compared to how proud I was of him for surviving this dark den of misery he’d been raised in.

  On the ride home, he reached over and took my hand. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Did you think I was too overbearing or brutal on them?”

  “From the things you’ve told me, no. Your sister wasn’t as bad as I thought she’d be. She wasn’t what I’d call welcoming, but you did toss a rock in her road.”

  “English, Ravina has no plans to teach riding lessons. That was a ploy to throw me off and it obviously didn’t work. If she tries to manipulate you while I’m away, she’ll pay. Don’t let her get away with anything. I have an idea that she’s going to come to you and cry poor mouth. She’s older than me by almost two years and hasn’t worked a day in her life. It’s time she gets off her ass and does something.”

  “Does she have a social life?”

  “Who knows? She and I don’t exactly have an amicable relationship. Honestly, who would want her as a friend?”

  “I could fix her up with Stuart.”

  Tristian bellowed out a laugh. “That would be great, although I’d worry for the rest of humanity.”

  “True. I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “A word of caution—when you take Easton there, make sure Landry meets you right away. I don’t want those two women near her.”

  The idea of my daughter in their hands frightened me. “You don’t think they’d try to hurt her, do you?”

  “No, but I worry they wouldn’t treat her well.”

  A vision of a witch feeding my daughter a poisoned apple popped into my head and I shuddered.

  “What is it?” Tristian asked as he saw my reaction.

  “Nothing. Just something stupid.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. So, you leave the day after tomorrow, right?”

  “Right, and do you mind going to my place? I packed for the long haul, but I’d like to switch out some things.”

  “Not at all. Do you need me to handle anything for you while you’re away?”

  “Not that I’m aware of, but if something comes up, I’ll text or email.”

  I snapped my fingers. “Dang, that reminds me. I haven’t checked my email since yesterday. Dad is supposed to be sending me photos to edit while you all are over there. I need to see if he sent any.”

  “You can check on my computer at the house.”

  That got me to thinking. “Tristian, where will we live after you get back?”

  “I’ve thought about it and I don’t want to disrupt anything for Easton. If you agree, I’ll move in with you.”

  “That’s fine, but are you okay with living in that house? It’s not very spacious.”

  “It’s fine for now. We can build something later. Do you know if there is any land available in the area?”

  “I can check with Dad. Or better yet, since you’ll be with him, why don’t you?”

  “Sure. I can do that.”

  We pulled into the garage of his apartment building. It was near the office, and it was a high-rise. We rode the elevator up and when we entered, I was in love with the place. It was more modern than I was used to, but the clean lines worked in here. There were a lot of glass windows, giving an excellent view of the cityscape. The living room was spacious and it had an open concept with a modern kitchen.

  “It’s lovely up here.”

  “It is, which is why I chose it.”

  “Will you miss it?”

  He wandered off down the hall. “Hey, I’m in the bedroom.”

  I followed his voice and was wowed by the room. “Your views are outstanding.” There was a corner window, which was all glass. Then I saw the photos on the wall. “I notice you didn’t waste time before taking pics from up here. These are spectacular.”

  A laugh came from the closet. “Yeah, I couldn’t help myself. I will miss it, but life with you and Easton will be far better. You can see that even though this place is great, it’s not suitable for her.”

  A sigh leaked out of me. “True. She would love coming up here for a visit, but being this far from her Boppy and Mimi wouldn’t be the best. And when she gets the dog, that would be a pain too. No doggy door here.”

  “And taking the dog up and down the elevator every time he has to go out? A back yard is so much better, plus it’s better for her to play in.”

  “Thank you for being so kind. Living space was one thing I never considered.”

  “English, thank you for marrying me. You saved me and the family business. I can say I don’t care about my mother and sister, but my two brothers have worked very hard and I hated to see everything vanish because of an ill-designed will.”

  His comments got me wondering. “Tristian, do you really have that much hatred in your heart for your mom? I know she was never there for you as a child, but she still is your mom. Maybe you can repair your relationship somehow.”

  His eyes darkened. “Not happening.”

  “I’m not saying your relationship would ever be like mine is with my mom, but maybe over time, it could impr

  His hand flew out and he shouted, “You saw her. You saw her defiance.”

  “I saw a woman who came down from her bedroom. Maybe she did look a little messy, and she didn’t act happy to see you, but she wasn’t exactly spewing venom either.”

  “That’s because we surprised her. Had she expected our visit, she would’ve been the rattlesnake she usually is. Just wait until you get to know her better.”

  “Fine. I’m only thinking about the future and possibilities for a better one between you two. Your sister is a different story. She should’ve been made to work long before now. Why didn’t your father give her a job in the company?”

  “I can’t answer that because I wasn’t around.”

  “And she seemed bitter about that.”

  “Starshine, Ravina is bitter about everything. She thinks the sun should rise and set around her and if it doesn’t, she pouts like a child. But her pouting is in the form of a vile temper.”

  “Maybe she can change.”

  He put his hands on my shoulders. “I adore how positive you are. I gave up on them years ago. If you want to try to help, have at it, but be careful. They’re conniving opportunists.”

  We gathered his things and left. I had a lot on my mind as we drove and it troubled me. Why had those women ended up like that? I understood the mother—she’d probably been like that to begin with—but the daughter? The sons weren’t like that, so why was she?

  Unfortunately, it would take learning the hard way.

  Chapter Forty


  We spent the rest of our time together in bed, except for when English had to edit photos for her father. She was uninhibited between the sheets and in the short time we’d been together, her willingness to express herself had grown.

  “Tell me what you need,” I demanded.

  “I need your mouth on me. Down there.” She pointed with her fingers.

  “Show me.”

  She did without any shyness.

  “Spread your legs further.” When she was wide open for me, I got up to dig in my suitcase. I had a gift for her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To give you a surprise.” I came back and handed her a box. “Open it.”

  Inside was a small vibrator, specifically for her clit.

  “What is it?”

  “I’ll show you. And it can keep you company while I’m away.” I turned it on and lightly touched it to her glistening nub.

  “Oooh. That’s amazing.”

  I ran it up and down her slit, and then pressed it inside, only to repeat my actions. When I touched it against her sensitive part, she jerked. The tiny thing must pack quite a punch, judging by her reaction to it. I circled her nub repeatedly and watched her thrash and fist the sheets. When she was close I stopped.

  “No, keep going.”

  “I’m not watching you, and not joining in.”

  Pushing her knees up, I thrust my hardened cock inside her, then resumed my motions with the vibrator. This orgasm warranted a scream.

  “Tristiannnn.” She bucked against me and the violent ripples of her inner muscles milked me dry. Fuck me, this was a wand dipped in magic.

  “Jesus, you squeezed me hard, starshine.” My voice came in pants. “I don’t think I’ve come that fast since I was twelve.”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled the toy out of it. Holding it this way and that, inspecting it, she said, “Wow, big things sure do come in tiny packages.”

  “Hey, don’t get too used to it. You still have me.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be using this mighty mite while you’re away.” She stretched, reminding me of a cat.

  “I loved how it made you scream my name.”

  “It was fabulous. And so was your mighty cock.”

  I preened. “Mighty cock, huh? I’ll have to remember that.”

  “I’m sure you won’t forget it, by the looks of you now.”

  I pounced on her and showered kisses all over her abdomen. When I got to her ribcage, she giggled. So I added my fingers and tickled her. I trapped her under my arms and she laughed until she cried.

  “Stoppp! I’m gonna pee.”

  Easing up the torture, I said, “I didn’t know you were this ticklish.”

  “Ooh. I have to catch my breath. And yes, now you know.”

  I stared at her chest rising and falling. Her gorgeous nipples were erect and pointed toward the ceiling and it dawned on me I’d spent very little time enjoying them. After I inched my way up, my mouth surrounded one and I sucked and flicked my tongue over one, while pinching and tweaking the other with my hand.

  From the sounds of things, she was into it. Fingers delved into my hair as she became more aroused. She arched her back as I explored the rest of her body with my lips and tongue. Goosebumps broke out across her flesh with my ministrations. My mouth reached the apex of her thighs and her heady scent was intoxicating. Soft murmurs spurred me on as I spread her lips and tasted her. English was so responsive, it didn’t take much time for her to peak into another climax.

  Being with English was comfortable in every way. There were no stilted conversations, uncomfortable silences, or awkward moments even in bed. I’d never imagined myself being like this with a woman before, especially a wife. I was even dreading getting on the plane and leaving her, something else I’d never imagined. I would miss her body next to mine in bed, but I’d also miss her wittiness and warm heart. What was happening to me? When this harebrained scheme of Stanton’s had flowered, I’d never seen this part of it coming, but I was smitten with her. No, not smitten. I was hooked. She was everything and more I wanted in a woman.

  “You ready?” she asked.

  “Yes, but I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  “Tristian, this is your dream trip.”

  “It was my dream trip, but not anymore. I’ll worry about you here alone.”

  She put her arms around my waist. “Don’t spend a second doing that. I’ll be fine and if I get a little spooked or something, I’ll go to my parents. They have a guest apartment they built for me when I lived there.”


  “Uh-huh. It was when I was pregnant, so they have plenty of room. I want you to enjoy this trip. You and Dad will have a great time.”

  Easier said than done when the woman I… how exactly did I feel about her? She sparked emotions in me no one ever had. Was it love? No, it couldn’t be. It had only been a couple of months. Was it even possible to love someone this fast? I doubted it. Yeah, this trip was coming at the exact right time. It would tell me what I needed to know. If I missed her more than I should, then I’d have my answer.

  “Such a pensive look. What’s up?”

  “I was thinking about the long flight and if I’d be able to sleep.” Not a chance I’d disclose the truth.

  “It’s brutal. When I went with Dad, we spent a few days’ layover in Oregon, which helped. But coming back we flew straight here and I thought I’d never get over the time change.”

  “Thanks, starshine. You made me feel better.”

  She made a face. “Sorry. That wasn’t very helpful. But I’ll say, once there, the travel is worth it.”

  We piled my things into the car and rode over to her mom’s so I could say goodbye to Easton. It was fairly painless as her great-grandfather was picking her up soon to go puppy-hunting.

  “Mom, remind him to find something smallish,” English said.

  Sheridan chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”

  On the way to the airport, I gave English a few instructions. “Stanton knows you have access to everything you want at the house. Landry is prepared for your visit with Easton and won’t leave you alone with the women.”

  “Tristian, I am an adult and can take care of myself.”

  “Right, but I’m just taking extra precautions. Oh, one other thing. I left a key to my apartment, along with all the entry codes. Can you run up there to check on things maybe once a week while I’m
gone? I put a change of address in, but just in case, I have a mail slot in the door.”

  “Sure, I can do that.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  We arrived at the international terminal to a line of cars. I finally made it to the curb and parked. I had enough bags for a dozen people so I called a skycap over for help. All the photography equipment was a pain to travel with, but I needed it so might as well not complain.

  When the cart was loaded, I kissed my wife goodbye.

  “Safe travels, and call or text when you arrive, please,” English said.

  “I will, and be safe while I’m away.”

  Dread filled me as I walked away, leaving her standing there on the sidewalk.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Tristian’s absence put a huge hole in my heart and home. Easton’s bubbly personality usually pulled me out of my glum moods, but not this time. All I thought of was the number of days he’d be gone and it was a lot.

  The next day I texted Landry to make sure he was still up for the riding lesson with Easton. My phone rang immediately.

  “You didn’t think I’d bail, did you?” Landry asked.

  “Not bail, just change your mind.” His pleasant tone was a pick-me-up.

  “Not at all. Come on out. When can you be here?”

  “How’s an hour?”

  “Works great for me. I’ll be out front when you arrive.”

  Easton was watching one of her favorite TV shows, so I went and told her of our planned excursion. “Guess what? I have a surprise.”


  “I’m not going to tell you, but we have to get dressed and go.”

  “Okay.” She hopped off the couch and asked, “Where are we going? To get pizza?”

  “No, someplace better, but if I tell you, then it won’t be a surprise. Let’s go and change our clothes.”

  We went upstairs and into her room. I laid out some clothes, but she wanted to wear one of her princess dresses.

  “You can bring it along, but you can’t wear it for what we’re going to do.”


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