Edward Elgar and His World

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Edward Elgar and His World Page 56

by Adams, Byron

  Buck, Charles

  Buckley, Robert J.

  Burger, Peter

  Burley, Rosa

  Burne-Jones, Edward


  The Golden Stairs

  Burnett, Frances Hodgson

  Butt, Clara

  Butt, John

  Butterworth, George

  Cambridge University, EE’s honorary degree from

  Cammaerts, Émile

  Campbell, Colin

  Cannadine, David

  Canterbury Cathedral

  Canterbury, Archbishop of

  Capell, Richard

  Carlyle, Thomas

  Casals, Pablo

  Catel, Charles-Simon

  Catholic Directory

  Catholic Encyclopedia

  Catholicism and Catholics in England

  see also Elgar, Edward, as Catholic

  Catholic Truth Society

  Cavell, Edith

  Cherubini, Luigi

  Chevalier, Albert

  Chopin, Frédéric

  Christian Socialists

  Cingalee, The

  Clark, James, Duty or The Great Sacrifice

  Clarke, Rebecca

  Clive, Major-General Robert

  Coates, John

  Cobbett, William, History of the Protestant Reformation; Rural Rides

  Cohen, Alex

  Coldstream Guards

  Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel

  College Hall, Worcester

  Colvin, Frances

  Colvin, Sidney

  Copland, Aaron

  Cordova, Rudolph de

  Cornhill Magazine

  Covent Garden

  Cowen, Frederic H.

  “The Nautch Girl’s Song”

  Cowgill, Rachel

  Craeg Lea (Elgar home)

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Crump, Jeremy

  Crystal Palace

  Cumberland, Gerald, see Charles

  Frederick Kenyon Cunliffe, Whit

  Curzon, George, Viceroy of India

  Dahlhaus, Carl

  Daily Dispatch, The

  Daily Express, The

  Daily Graphic, The

  Daily News

  Daily Sketch, The

  Daily Telegraph, The

  Dame school, Walsh’s


  Daughters of the Heart of Mary

  Davies, David Thomas Ffrangçon

  Davies, Fanny

  Dearth, Harry

  Debussy, Claude

  de Grey, Lady Gladys (later Marchioness of Ripon)

  De-la-Noy, Michael

  Delhi Durbar

  Delibes, Lèo, Lakmé

  de Navarro, M. Antonio

  Dent, Edward J.

  Destrée, Olivier Georges

  De Vere-Sapio, Clementina

  Dew-Smith, Alice

  Dickens, Charles

  Dolin, Anton

  Doolan, Father Brian

  St. George’s, Worcester

  Drayton, Michael, Polyolbion

  “Dream of Gerontius, The” (poem)

  Dresser, Marcia van

  Dryden, John

  Duffy, Eamon

  Dundee Ladies’ Orchestra

  Dunsany, Lord

  Dvoák, Antonin

  Ninth Symphony


  Eastern Daily Press

  East India Company

  Edinburgh Review

  Edwards, F. G.

  Edward VII, King

  Ehrlich, Cyril

  Elgar, Caroline Alice (neé Roberts; wife)

  burial of

  as convert to Catholicism

  Marchcroft Manor

  marriage to EE

  as poet

  World War I

  Elgar, Ann (née Greening, mother)

  as autodidact

  class background of

  conversion to Catholicism


  Elgar, Carice (daughter)

  Elgar, Edward

  as autodidact,

  birth of

  as Britain’s “official composer”

  burial of

  as Catholic

  childhood of

  class background and social status

  “critical critics”

  the cultural context of career of

  death of

  education of

  as escapist

  finances of

  imperialism and, see imperialism


  Ménière’s disease and

  as music teacher

  Order of Merit

  Peyton Lectures, see Peyton Lectures

  political views


  on 20-pound note

  as “public poet”

  salons and private musical world

  Elgar, Ellen (or Helen) Agnes (“Dot” or “Dott”) (sister)

  Elgar, Henry (uncle)

  Elgar, Lucy (sister)

  Elgar, William Henry (father)

  class background of

  Elgar Birthplace Museum

  Elgar Festival (Covent Garden, 1904)

  Elgar Route

  Elgar statue

  Eliot, George

  Eliot, T. S.

  Eller, William

  Emancipation Act of 1829 (England)

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Empson, William

  English Civil War

  English Reformation

  Enoch & Son

  episodic memory

  Estey, Alice


  Evans, Edwin, Jr.

  Evans, Edwin, Sr.

  Fagge, Arthur

  Faulk, Barry J.

  Fauré, Gabriel

  Fellowes, Edmund Horce

  Finzi, Gerald

  Fitton, Harriet

  Fitton, Hilda

  Fitton, Isabel

  Fitzgerald, Edward, The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

  Fleischer, Oskar

  Folkestone, Viscountess, see Bouverie, Helen

  Forster, E. M.

  Howards End

  Foster, Muriel

  Foulds, John, World Requiem

  Franck, César

  Free Trade Hall, Manchester

  Frogley, Alain

  Fry, Roger

  Fuller, Sophie

  Fuller-Maitland, J. A.

  English Music in the Nineteenth Century

  functional music

  Gandhi, Mohandas K.

  Gandy, Annie

  Garden of the Soul, The

  George V, King

  Delhi Durbar and, see Delhi Durbar

  reunification of Bengal

  German Romantics

  Ghuman, Nalini

  Gibb, Father Reginald

  Gibson, Wilfrid

  Gielgud, Val, In Memoriam 1914–1918: A Chronicle

  Gilbert and Sullivan

  HMS Pinafore


  Gladstone, Mary

  Gladstone, William

  Glazunov, Alexander

  Glinka, Mikhail

  Globe, The

  Gloucester, England

  Gloucester Cathedral

  Gloucester Festival, see Three Choirs Festival

  Goehr, Lydia

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre

  Goetz, Angelina

  Goldmark, Karl

  Gordon, General Charles

  Gorton, Rev. Charles Vincent

  Gould, Corissa

  Gounod, Charles, Redemption

  Government of India Act of

  Grafton, May

  Grahame, Kenneth

  Grainger, Percy

  Gramophone Company

  Grand Moghul, The

  Grand Opera Syndicate

  Graphic, The

  Graves, Charles L.

  Graves, Robert

  Gray, Cecil

  A Survey of Contemporary Music

  Gray, Effie

p; Greenblatt, Stephen

  Greene, Harry Plunkett

  Grenfell, Julian

  Grieg, Edvard

  Lyric Pieces

  Grimley, Daniel M.

  Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians

  Guild Socialist movement

  Hadow, W. H. (later Sir Henry)

  English Music

  Oxford History of Music

  Studies in Modern Music

  Hall, Marie

  Hall, Radclyffe

  Hallé Orchestra

  Hamilton, Henry

  Hand, Ferdinand

  Handel, Georg Frederic


  Hansen, Ellis

  Hanslick, Eduard

  On the Beautiful in Music

  Harding, E. A., In Memoriam 1914–1918

  Hardy, Thomas

  Harper-Scott, J. P. E.

  Hast, Gregory

  Hastings, Warren

  Havelock, Henry

  Hawkes & Son

  Haydn, Franz Joseph

  Head, Leslie

  Heckert, Deborah

  Hedley, Percival

  Hegel, G. W. F.

  Heimann, Mary

  Henderson, Barbara

  Henley, W. E.

  Hepokowski, James


  Hereford Cathedral

  Herefordshire Philharmonic Society

  Hiller, Ferdinand

  Hindi Punch

  Hockman, Vera

  Hodgkins, Geoffrey

  Hodgson, William Noel

  Holst, Gustav

  Howes, Frank

  Hughes, Meirion

  Iliad, The

  Ilsley, Bishop Edward


  association of EE’s music with

  popular culture of the nineteenth-century music halls

  Incorporated Society of Musicians


  the Delhi Durbar in

  Internationale Musikgesellschaft (IMG)

  International Society for Contemporary Music

  Irmscher, Christoph

  Ives, Charles

  Jackson, T. A.

  Jaeger, August

  James, Henry

  Jarnefelt, Arvid, Kuolema

  Jeremy, Raymond

  Joachim, Joseph

  Johnstone, Arthur

  Jones, H. A., Carnac Sahib

  Kalisch, Alfred

  Kant, Immanuel

  Keats, John

  Kennedy, Michael

  Portrait of Elgar

  Kenyon, Charles Frederick (“Gerald Cumberland”)

  Kilburn, Dr. Nicholas

  Kingsley, Charles

  Kipling, Rudyard

  “Ballad of East and West”



  Kiralfy, Imre


  Kirnberger, Johann

  Klein, Hermann

  Kramskoi, Ivan, Christ in the Wilderness

  Kreisler, Fritz

  Ladies’ Mignon Strings Orchestra

  Langer, Suzanne

  Last Night of the Proms

  Lauder, Harry

  Lawrence, Sir Henry

  Lawrence, Katie

  Lee, Bert, Strafe’em!

  Lee, Arthur, Viscount of Fareham

  Leeds Choral Union

  Leeds Music Festival

  Lefébure-Wély, Louis James Alfred, Les Cloches du monastère

  Legge, Robin

  Lehmann, Liza

  Leicester, Hubert

  Forgotten Worcester

  Worcester Remembered

  Leicester, Philip

  Leoncavallo, Ruggero, I Pagliacci

  Leo XII, Pope

  Lesage, Alain-René, The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane

  Liddle, J. S.

  Lissauer, Ernst

  Liszt, Franz

  The Bells of Strasbourg

  Litany of the Sacred Heart

  literacy in England, extension of

  Little Boy Blue

  Littleton, Alfred

  Littleton House, Reeve’s school at

  Lloyd, Marie

  Lloyd George, David

  London Choral Society

  London Coliseum

  London Oratory, Brompton Road

  London Symphony Orchestra

  London Wireless Orchestra

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  The Divine Tragedy

  “The Golden Legend”


  “Song of Hiawatha”

  Lonsdale, Walter Henry, “Nautch Dance”

  Lunn, Louisa Kirkby


  Lutyens, Edwin

  Lygon, Lady Mary

  Lygon family

  MacDonald, Ramsey

  McGuire, Charles Edward

  Mackenzie, Alexander

  MacKenzie, John

  Maclean, Charles

  McLuhan, Marshall

  McVeagh, Diana

  Maddison, Adela

  Maine, Basil

  Manchester Chorus

  Manchester Guardian

  Marnoch, John

  Marshall, Florence

  Mary, Queen

  Masefield, John

  Matthews, Appleby

  Mayerhoff, Franz

  Mellers, Wilfred

  Mendelssohn, Felix


  Meyerbeer, Giacomo

  Millais, John Everett

  Christ in the House of His Parents


  Portrait of Cardinal Newman

  Milton, John

  Mitchell, Donald

  Moguchaya Kuchka

  Month, The

  Monthly Musical Record

  Moore, Jerrold Northrop

  Spirit of England: Edward Elgar in His World

  Moore-Ede, William

  Morgann, Maurice

  Morning Leader

  Morris, William, News from Nowhere

  The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs

  Mott, Charles

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Symphony no. 40

  Murdoch, William

  Musical Association

  Musical League

  Music and Letters

  Musical News

  Musical Opinion

  Musical Standard, The

  Musical Times, The

  Musical World, The

  music halls:

  culture of the

  and the new middle-class

  nature, see pastoralism

  Neruda, Wilma (later Lady Hallé)

  Neville, Father William

  Nevinson, Basil

  Newbould, Brian

  Newman, Ernest

  Newman, Cardinal John Henry

  See also “Dream of Gerontius, The” (poem)

  New York Times

  Nicholls, Agnes

  Nicholson, Archibald

  Nikisch, Arthur

  19th-Century Music Noake, John

  Noble, T. Tertius

  Norbury, Winifrid

  Novello & Co.

  Noyes, Alfred

  “O God Our Help in Ages Past” (St. Anne)

  Observer, The


  O’Shaughnessy, Arthur

  Owen, Wilfred, War Requiem

  Oxford Movement

  Oxford Music Hall

  Pall Mall Gazette

  Parratt, Walter

  Parry, Hubert



  Lady Radnor’s Suite

  The Love that Casteth out Fear

  Scenes from Shelley’s “Prometheus Unbound,”

  A Vision of Life

  War and Peace


  Pater, Walter

  Pauer, Ernst

  The Elements of the Beautiful in Music

  Musical Forms (Pauer)

  Pemberton, Max, David Garrick

  Penny, Dora

  People’s Entertainment Society

; Perkins, Charles William

  Peyton, Richard

  Peyton Lectures “Critics”

  Phillips, Claude

  Piaget, Jean

  Piggott, Frances Taylor

  Pinsuti, Ciro

  Pitt, Percy


  Poe, Edgar Allan

  Pollitzer, Adolphe

  Pope, Alexander

  Porter, Bernard

  Pre-Raphaelite painters

  Price, Nancy

  Pridham, John, General Roberts’ Indian March, The Prince of Wales’ Indian March

  procedural memory

  Protestantism, British (see Anglican Church) Proust, Marcel

  Prout, Ebenezer

  Pugin, A. W. N.

  Purcell, Henry

  Pusey, Edward Bouverie


  Queen’s Hall

  Radio Times

  Radnor, Jack

  Radnor, Lady, see Bouverie, Helen String Band

  Rambler, The

  Ravel, Maurice

  Read, Ezra, Victoria Cross

  Reed, W. H.

  Reeve, Francis

  Reeve, Lucy

  Referee, The

  Reith, John

  Richards, Jeffrey


  Riley, Matthew

  Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay


  Ring, Montague

  Roberts, Caroline Alice, see Alice Elgar

  Roberts, Major-General Sir Henry Gee

  Roberts, Robert

  Rodewald, Alfred

  Rodmell, Paul

  Rogan, Major Mackenzie

  Rolph, C. H.

  Ronald, Landon

  Rootham, Cyril

  Rose, Jonathan, The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes

  Ross, Robert

  Rossetti, William Michael

  Royal Academy of Music

  Royal Albert Hall

  Royal Choral Society

  Royal College of Music

  Royal Musical Association

  Rumford, Robert Henry Kennerley

  Rushton, Julian

  Ruskin, John

  Modern Painters

  The Queen of the Air

  Sesame and Lilies

  Russell, Dave

  Russell, George W. E., The Spirit of England

  Russell, Ken

  Rosetti, Christina

  Sacred Heart statues

  Said, Edward

  St. Anne’s School, Spetchley Park

  St. George’s Catholic Church, Worcester

  EE as organist at

  St. James’s Hall, London

  St. Wulstan’s Catholic Church

  Salmon, Arthur

  Salmond, Felix

  salon music

  Sammelbände der internationalen Musikgesellschaft

  Sammons, Albert

  Santley, Charles

  Sargent, John Singer

  Sassoon, Siegfried

  The Old Huntsman and Other Poems

  “The Redeemer”

  Saturday Review, The

  Sauer, Emil

  Sawyer, F. J.

  Scharrer, Irene

  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm von

  Schiller, Friedrich


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