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by Ann Wroe

  Soncino/Henry: CSPM, p. 322. ‘Six million in gold’: CSPV, p. 261. ‘All the nobles . . .’: CSPM, p. 325.

  ‘another London’: Bacon, Henry VII, p. 190.

  City clerk: DRO ECR book 55, f. 66r.

  Exeter’s defences: Edward Freeman, Exeter (1887), p. 94.

  Courtenay: Attreed, ‘New Source’, p. 515.

  1,000 marks: Nicholas Orme, The Cap and the Sword: Exeter and the Rebellions of 1497 (Exeter, 1997), p. 11. Thanks to Professor Orme for a copy of this.

  Henry to Courtenay: Attreed, ‘New Source’, passim, esp. pp. 519–22.

  ‘inranging themselves’: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, p. 34.

  Exeter preparing: DRO Exeter Receiver’s Accounts, years 12–13 Henry VII, mem. 3r; Orme, Cap and Sword, p. 14.

  The attack: Hooker’s account, DRO ECR book 51, ff. 329r, v; Alexander Jenkins, Civil and Ecclesiastical History of the City of Exeter (1841), pp. 91–2; AH, pp. 105–7.

  Courtenay to Henry: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, pp. 36–7.

  Hooker on Perkin: DRO ECR book 51, f. 325v.

  ‘we ourselves shall not be far’: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, p. 35.

  Arriving in Wells: Arthurson, ‘Rising of 1497’ (see Notes, p. 513), pp. 1–2.

  Losses at Exeter: Pollard, Henry VII, vol. 1, pp. 167, 168 (Henry’s estimate); DRO ECR book 55, f. 66r; LC, p. 217.

  Perkin’s men: CSPM, p. 327; GC, p. 281; JCCC (JOR 10), f. 98v; Zurita, Historia, vol. 5, p. 134. ‘Not one gentleman’: Pollard, Henry VII, vol. 1, p. 168.

  Bridges cut, men not paid: CSPM, pp. 328, 331; Gairdner, Memorials, p. 72.

  Pardons: CSPM, p. 328. Fra Zoan added that, seeing the state of Perkin’s forces, Henry ‘dismissed all his army [of 20,000 men] except 6,000 men, with whom he himself is going into Cornwall’.

  God on Henry’s side: CSPV, pp. 261–2.

  Nynehead Flory: Orme, Cap and Sword, p. 14; John Collinson, Somersetshire, vol. 3 (1791), p. 267. Wyke’s fine: ‘Fines imposed on persons who assisted the rebels during the Cornish rebellion and the insurrection of Perkin Warbeck in 1497’ (transcription of BL Rot. Royal 14B vii), ed. & pub. A. J. Howard (1986), p. 6. Many thanks to Bill Hampton for these sources.

  ‘fled’ from Exeter: JCCC (JOR 10), f. 103r.

  King Richard’s promises: CSPM, pp. 327–8; ASM AD Cartella 567 (Sept. 30th).

  Taunton Castle: James Savage, The History of Taunton (Taunton, 1822), pp. 259–61, 404–5. Consternation: Zurita, Historia, vol. 5, f. 134.

  Apostolic bulls: CSPM, p. 327. As fakes: CSPV, p. 180.

  The challenge: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, cols 816, 825–6; CSPV, p. 265; AH, p. 107. ‘At Glastonbury’: CC 111, f. 187v (Henry’s letter of Oct. 7th). ‘By agreement’: CSPV, p. 263.

  Mustering his forces: LC, p. 217; GC, p. 282; AH, p. 107.

  Night terrors: Thomas More, A Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation, ed. Frank Manley (1977), pp. 110–33; Chastellain, Chronique, 1454–1458, Oeuvres, vol. 3, pp. 243, 248–56.

  Mistaking armies: Commines, Mémoires, book 1, ch. xi; More, Dialogue, pp. 113–14.

  ‘watching and waking’: Henry to Courtenay, Attreed, ‘New Source’, p. 520.

  Knew he was surrounded: Zurita, Historia, vol. 5, f. 134b; CSPM, p. 326.

  The piece of bone: John Cummins, The Hound and the Hawk (1988), p. 32.

  Richard’s flight: Pollard, Henry VII, vol. 1, pp. 174–5; CSPM, p. 328.

  ‘amazed and disconsolate’: LC, p. 217.

  ‘a low-born foreigner’: CSPM, p. 331. idolum aut simulacrum: e.g. Rymer, Foedera, vol. 12, p. 696; L&P, vol. 2, p. 336; CPR HVII, vol. 2, p. 159.

  James the Rover: LC, p. 217.

  Sickened with poison: CSPM, p. 324. ‘Holy oil’: Ibid., p. 328.

  ‘Good number of well-horsed men’: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, pp. 37–8.

  In disguise: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, col. 816; GC, p. 282. The abbot thought: CSPM, p. 329.

  ‘foul flight’: Vergil, Three Books, p. 227. Christine de Pisan, Fayttes of Armes, pp. 19, 67. ‘no leave nor licence’: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, pp. 37, 38.

  Earl Rivers: Scofield, Edward IV, vol. 1, p. 165.

  Buckingham: Gairdner, Richard III, p. 138 n.

  Henry before Bosworth: Vergil, Three Books, pp. 220–1, 223.

  Excuses for fleeing: Christine de Pisan, Fayttes of Armes, pp. 65–7.

  vecordia animi: AH, p. 107; HRHS, p. 71.

  ‘of like authority & dishonesty’: GC, p. 281.

  in miseria: ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st); CSPM, p. 33.

  Beaulieu rules: James Fowler, History of Beaulieu Abbey (1911), pp. 153–67.

  Natural order: See esp. da Salo, Giuoco della Palla (see Notes, p. 477), pp. 35–6, 71, 198–9; Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae (Dent, 1940), pp. 109, 114. Power of seven: Secreta, pp. 101–2.

  ‘loathliness’: Caxton, Eneydos, p. 49.

  Mechanical birds: Mandeville, Voiage, p. 203.

  The dream garden: Lydgate, ‘A Complaint of a Lover’s Life’, ls 78–84.

  Ranking of meekness, etc.: Vices & Virtues, pp. 130–60, passim. The Pater Noster: Ibid, pp. 96–7, 104.

  Edward’s angels: BL MS Royal 16 G iv.

  Social order: e.g. Caxton, Playe of Chesse, passim; Lydgate, ‘Ballad sent to the Sheriff’s Dinner’, ls 29–84. ‘Fair order’: Leland, Collectanea, vol. 4, pp. 265–80 passim.

  Lord of Misrule: EH, pp. 92, 106; Nicolas, Privy Purse, p. 91.

  Knowing one’s place: e.g., Furnivall, Book of Precedence (see Notes, p. 508), pp. 59–64; Idley, Instructions, Book II A, ls 372–8; BL MS Harleian 543, f. 118v.

  Ways to advancement: Michael Bennett, ‘Careerism in Late Medieval England’, in Rosenthal & Richmond, People, Politics (see Notes, p. xxx), pp. 19–39, passim; A. J. Pollard, ‘The Richmondshire Community of Gentry during the Wars of the Roses’, in Ross, Patronage (see Notes, p. 492), passim.

  Jumped-up townsmen: Commines, Mémoires, book 2, ch. iii; book 5, ch. xvi.

  Henry’s new men: Margaret Condon, ‘Ruling Elites in the Reign of Henry VII’, in Ross, Patronage, pp. 123–8, 130; Stephen Gunn, ‘The Courtiers of Henry VII’, in EHR, no. 108 (Jan. 1993), p. 28 and passim.

  Falcon and mastiff: Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England (8 vols, 1841–66), vol. 2, p. 59 n.

  Ranking of dogs: Cummins, Hound and Hawk, p. 12.

  ‘against nature’: ‘Douze Triomphes’, in Gairdner, Memorials, p. 316.

  Nobility and base hearts: Roman de la Rose, p. 100.

  Beaumains: Morte Darthur, pp. 120–49.

  The dung-heap: Roman de la Rose, p. 137.

  de si petite estime: Madden, ‘Documents’, p. 202 (twice).

  ‘no price or value’: L&P, vol. 1, p. 104.

  L’imaginacion de vraye noblesse: BL MS Royal 19 Cviii. Its delivery: EH, p. 112. Mauvais garsons: BL MS Royal 19 Cviii, f. 47r (pencil foliation). The armless prince: See Plate 12 and Ibid., f. 32v. Chopping nobility: Ibid., f. 17v.

  vir infimi status: Rymer, Foedera, vol. xii, p. 696; CPR HVII, vol. 2, pp. 159, 202; CDRS, p. 334. ignobilissimus: AH, pp. 63, 79. Fit to wash the pots: Ibid., p. 71.

  misellus: HRHS, p. 72.

  ‘he can’t hurt me’: Madden, ‘Documents’, pp. 167, 180, 202 (twice).

  ‘called me boy’: Hawes, Pastime of Pleasure, p. 182.

  The court on the road: PRO E 101/414/14, ff. 5r–7r and passim; PRO E 36/126, ff. 36v, 37r.

  Bubbles and smoke: CSPM, pp. 324, 325.

  Tondal’s angel: Kren & Wieck, TheVisions of Tondal (see Notes, p. 491), p. 40.

  Henry’s letter of Oct. 7th: CC 111, f. 187r, v. Of the 17th, Pollard, Henry VII, vol. 1, pp. 173–6.

  Stafford: Williams, ‘Stafford’ (see Notes, p. 485), pp. 186–7.

  Chamberlain: PRO E 404/80/373.

  Savage and Debenham: Still there in December 1498: PRO E 404/83, warrant of Dec. 17th. Savage was pardoned in June 1499 (CPR HVII, vol. 2, p. 175); Debenham seems to have died in custody. Their food: E 404/81/3, warrant of
April 1495.

  Privilege amended: Isobel D. Thornley, ‘The Destruction of Sanctuary’, in Tudor Studies presented to A. F. Pollard, ed. R. W. Seton Watson (1924), pp. 199–200.

  Robert Symonds: PRO E36/126, f. 37v. Previous jobs: Campbell, Materials, vol. 2, pp. 297, 320; PRO E 405/78, mems 41r, 44r; E 404/79/40.

  ‘in such a place’: CSPM, p. 329.

  The arrangement: ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st) (CSPM, p. 330).

  ‘a man that came from Perkin’: EH, p. 113.

  Bradshaw sent: PRO E 101/141/16, f. 90v. Taken ‘within the sanctuary’: LC, p. 218.

  Southampton’s expenses: PRO E 36/126, f. 37v; EXT 6/140, 25th and 35th documents. The city’s accounts: SCRO SC5/1/24A, f. 2r.

  Godfrey’s reward: SCRO SC5/3/1, f. 19v; Black Book of Southampton, ed. A. B. Wallis Chapman, vol. 2, 1414–1503 (1912), p. 62 n.

  Bugle Hall: John Speed, The History and Antiquities of Southampton (c. 1770) (Southampton Record Society, 1909), p. 122.

  The blank: Carew MS, vol. 632, f. 252r.

  His extraction: HRHS, p. 71. Marginal notes: BL Cotton MS Domitian A xviii, ff. 220r, v, 221r, 222r.

  Golden robes: ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st) (CSPM, p. 330).

  Payments to the Duke of York: PRO E36/126, f. 37r; EXT 6/140, 25th and 35th documents.

  ‘in our nursery’: PRO E 405/79, mem. 41r (1497); E 404/82, warrant of July 29th 1497; E 404/83, warrant of May 24th 1499.

  Henry paid in his own name: The first occasion is in 1502: EH, p. 126; Anglo, ‘Court Festivals’, p. 38. Payments for items for him: EH, pp. 95, 98, 105.

  7 Confession

  Louis XI: Commines, Mémoires, book 2, ch. xli; Chastellain, Oeuvres, vol. 4 (Chronique, 1461–4), p. 55. ‘Touching for the king’s evil’ was the laying of royal hands on sufferers from scrofula.

  Searching the wound: ‘The Maner of Passyng to Confessioun’, 3rd stanza. Like water: Vices & Virtues, pp. 127–8, 180–1.

  Priest’s questions: Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, pp. 58–61; Dunbar, ‘The Tabill of Confessioun’, passim.

  Branches of Pride: Kalendar of Shepherds, pp. 34–54; Vices & Virtues, pp. 11–22.

  Boasting and robbing: ‘Douze Triomphes’, in Gairdner, Memorials, pp. 320–1. Deaths: HRHS, p. 73. Perkin confessing: Ibid., p. 72.

  Domine, probasti: Psalm 138.

  ‘Yes sir’: Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, p. 58.

  The apple tree: Tretyse of Love, pp. 108–9.

  God’s child: Idley, Instructions, book IIA, ls 60–1. ‘He is the mirror’: Deguileville, Pélérinage (see Notes, p. 477), p. xxii.

  ‘We have received . . .’: Ellis, Letters, vol. 1, p. 34. ‘the chief thing’: Attreed, ‘New Source’, p. 520.

  Advised to kill Perkin: Bacon, Henry VII, pp. 193–4.

  Total expenses: PRO E 36/126, f. 38v; EH, pp. 112–13.

  ‘This day . . .’: PRO E101/414/16, f. 1r. Etaples: EH, p. 92 (Nov. 11th 1492). Katherine of Aragon: Ibid., p. 126.

  Losses at cards: EH, p. 114; PRO E101/414/16, f. 1r.

  Richmond’s report: CSPM, pp. 329–31.

  Henry to de Puebla: Madden, ‘Documents’, p. 189; BL MS Egerton 616/8.

  ‘declare who he is’: CC 111, f. 187v.

  Henry’s face and presence: AH, pp. 142–4; CSPV, p. 264.

  Healing the sick: PRO E 101/414/16, ff. 1r, 2r, v, 5v, etc.

  Perkin ‘told the king’: CSPM, p. 329.

  André’s account: HRHS, pp. 72–3.

  ‘great kindness’: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, col. 826.

  Blaming others: CSPM, p. 330; CSPV, p. 266.

  ‘a substitute’: ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st).

  Councillors with Henry: PRO E 36/126, ff. 22r–36r.

  Formal surrender: CSPM, p. 330; CSPV, p. 266. Inchinarsi: Sanuto, Diarii, vol. 1, col. 826. Thirty-five councillors: Condon, ‘Elites’ (see Notes, p. 516), p. 130.

  Entries for Sept.26th: PRO E 101/414/6, f. 90r.

  Dorset made marquis: Vergil, Three Books, p. 175; Nicols, Grants (see Notes, p. 477), pp. viii–x; PRO C53/197, mem. 12. His bonds: CCR HVII, pp. 177–8, 289; Lander, Crown & Nobility (see Notes, p. 498), pp. 286–8. At the butts: EH, p. 102.

  Rodon’s jobs: CPR HVII, vol. 1, pp. 21, 335; ibid., vol. 2, p. 516; Campbell, Materials, vol. 1, pp. 11, 291.

  A pardon: GC, p. 283; LC, p. 218; AH, p. 111. Pardons of the ‘councillors’: Rot. Parl., vol. 6, pp. 550–1; CPR HVII, vol. 2, pp. 122–3 (Heron on Dec. 8th, Astley on the 9th, Skelton on the 10th).

  Norfolk women: Paston Letters, no. 1031 (1489).

  Dancing maidens: EH, pp. 94, 111.

  Katherine collected: CC 111, f. 188r; AH, p. 109; HRHS, p. 72. Daubeney ‘very slack’: L&P, vol. 1, p. 232.

  Provision for Katherine: PRO E 36/126, ff. 37r, v; EH, p. 115; L&P, vol. 1, p. 73; PRO EXT 6/140, 25th document.

  Henry falling: AH, p. 109; Hall, Chronicle, p. 485.

  Arriving at Sheen: GC, p. 283.

  André’s payments: Gairdner, Memorials, preface, p. ix; Rymer, Foedera, vol. xii, p. 643; EH, p. 109. The volume: BL MS Domitian xviii (ff. 126–228). The Katherine scene: Ibid., pp. 73–5 (BL MS Domitian xviii, ff. 223v–225v).

  Their marriage: HRHS, p. 70.

  the chief document: J. Desmons, ‘Un tournaisien prétendant au trône d’Angleterre’, in Revue Tournaisienne, no. 6 (1910), p. 58.

  The confession: See Notes, p. 478.

  Perkin ‘deposing’: CPSM, p. 331; ASM AD Cartella 567 (Oct. 21st). ‘notarily known’: GC, p. 284. Drawn up quickly: It had reached London by October 12th, when a version was read by the mayor to the council: JCCC (JOR10), f. 108r.

  French confession: CC 111, f. 188r, v.

  ‘comptroller’: This can be checked against two lists of town jobs: Frédéric Hennebert, ‘Extraits des registres aux resolutions des Consaux de la ville et cité de Tournai’, in Mémoires de la Société Historique et Littéraire de Tournai, vol. 3 (1856), pp. 279–85, and esp. Hennebert’s ‘Charges et offices à Tournai au XVe siècle’, in Bulletins de la Société Historique et Littéraire de Tournai, vol. 3 (1853), pp. 63–71. The list has leveurs, gaugeurs, coulletiers, auneurs, accateurs, revendeurs, eswars, querqueurs, and a host of others, but no ‘comptroller’ or French equivalent. Many thanks to Danielle De Smet for these sources.

  Receiver: See Henri Vandenbroeck, Extraits analytiques des anciens registres des Consaux de la ville de Tournai, 1422–1430, vol. 2 (Tournai, 1863), pp. v, 64, 66, 111. Rule forbidding a receiver to be dean of a guild: Ibid., pp. 100, 212.

  The wicquet: Flan as keeper, see Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, pp. 124, 225. Keeper’s wage: Vandenbroeck, Extraits, vol. 1 (Tournai, 1861), p. 10.

  Grandfather/ godfather: Thanks to Professor Nicholas Orme for advice on this point.

  French appendix: CC 111, f. 188v; CSPM, p. 330; Molinet, Chroniques, vol. 5, p. 79.

  ‘fair, free’: Commines, Mémoires, book 5, ch. xi. ‘Incorrigible’: Cited in A-G. Chotin, Histoire de Tournai et du Tournésis, vol. 2 (Tournai, 1840), p. 85 n.

  Complaints to the king: La Grange, ‘Extraits’ (see Notes, p. 479) pp. 151–5; Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, pp. 110–13 (1477).

  tant au bas: ‘Extraits des Registres des Consaux de Tournai’, in Compte rendu des séances de la Commission Royale d’Histoire, vol. 11, part 2 (Brussels, 1846), p. 349.

  The town at war: Ibid., passim, esp. pp. 343, 352, 353, 368, 372, 380–5; Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, esp. pp. 119, 120, 138.

  De Faro at Condé: Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, p. 140.

  Hop-poles: Chotin, Tournai, vol. 2, p. 67.

  ‘pieces of verdure’: PRO E 404/81/3, warrant of Nov. 13th 1493.

  Rhetoricians and players: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 94, 122–3, 145, 172, 260, 331; Vandenbroeck, Extraits, vol. 1, p. 68.

  The Prince of Love: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 157, 186, 199, 256, 295.

  Catherine of France: ‘Extraits’ (CRH), p. 340.

  Pireman: Gairdner, Richard III/ Perkin Warbeck, pp. 334�

  Bodies of Frenchmen: Chotin, Tournai, vol. 2, p. 59 and n.

  Boatmen’s ranking: Leo Verriest, ‘Les luttes sociales et le contrat d’apprentissage à Tournai jusqu’en 1424’, in Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, 2nd series, vol. ix, p. 16 and n.

  Jehan’s bourgeoisie: Gairdner, RichardIII/ Perkin Warbeck, p. 334; Le Comte P. A. du Chastel de la Howarderie, ‘Notes sur la famille de l’aventurier Perkin Warbeck’, Bulletins de la Société Historique et Littéraire de Tournai, vol. 25 (1892), p. 411.

  Bourgeoisie, fees and privileges: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 120, 156–64; Vandenbroeck, Extraits, vol. 2, pp. 68–9.

  Beveren: Desmons, ‘Un Tournaisien’, p. 56. Although a native, and writing before the complete destruction of the Tournai archives by German bombing in the last war, Desmons could add no further details about the family.

  Deryk: Chastel de la Howarderie, ‘Notes’, p. 411.

  Jehan’s pub brawl: AN Charte de l’Audience no. 813; Kervyn de Lettenhove, Oeuvres de Chastellain (see Notes, pp. 476–7), vol. 4, p. 164 n.

  ‘work of Venus’: Ibid., pp. 165–6.

  Jehan’s quayside brawl: Gairdner, Richard III/ Perkin Warbeck, pp. 334–5.

  Penalties: Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, pp. 390–400, passim; La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 162–3.

  Southampton’s galleymen: e.g. SCRO SC 5/3/1, f. 21v, and other instances.

  Beer: Vandenbroeck, Extraits, vol. 1, pp. 8, 208.

  Colin and Innocent: Chastel de la Howarderie, ‘Notes’, p. 414.

  Tournai chronology: The MS Givaire, cited in Chotin, Tournai, p. 80 n.

  Bacquets and flood relief: Vandenbroeck, Extraits, vol. 2, pp. 72–3.

  Caufours: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 132, 140, 141, 288, 302 and passim; Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, p. 298.

  Tournai government: Gaston Preud’homme, ‘Extraits des registres des Consaux de la ville de Tournai (1455–1472)’, in Mémoires de la Société Royale d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Tournai, vol. 1 (Tournai, 1980), pp. 297–9. Many thanks to C. S. L. Davies for providing this, which led me to most of the other Tournai sources cited in this chapter.

  Flan at Condé: Hennebert, ‘Extraits’, pp. 136, 179, 330–1.

  Dubois: Ibid., p. 177. Jehan Carlier: Ibid., pp. 398–9.

  Tavern regulations: La Grange, ‘Extraits’, pp. 331–2.


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