1304 The Harbinger (The 13th Floor)

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1304 The Harbinger (The 13th Floor) Page 4

by Christine Rains

  “Looks like your hero is a flop, Father.” Ares laughed and downed the rest of his drink. He yawned—so obviously fake—and leaned back in his throne, closing his eyes.

  Meira didn’t waste energy glaring at him. Ares always antagonized his father. He antagonized everyone as he thrived on conflict. Zeus prickled and huffed, unbuttoning his suit jacket.

  “If you want your hero to do something faster, torture the dog. Her screams will motivate him.” Hera said it with a bored casualness that made Meira cringe even more than if it had been yelled or sneered.

  “Is it always about torture with you, Mother?” Hephaestus shook his head.

  “When something works, you stick with it.” Hera snipped.

  “Don’t discount the hero yet. Look.” Athena gestured, and all the gods’ attention returned to Sam.

  Meira’s eyes widened, and she sat up a little more as if it would give her a better view. Sam was plucking boards and blocks of wood from the skateboarding ramps. He brought over his materials and then returned to drag over a gentle sloping ramp. He pushed the boulder up about five feet and kicked the blocks of wood under it to hold it in place. Then he positioned the ramp.

  When Sam removed the blocks, the boulder rolled down the ramp and up the other side to a flat spot he had put more blocks. It was only another five feet up the hill, but he was getting it closer to the top. With a quiet diligence, he set the whole thing up again to repeat the process.

  The bored chatter in the stands turned more enthusiastic. Bets were being called, and Meira could hear a good many were in Sam’s favor. She found herself smiling, feeling a great pride in the man she loved. Sam had brawn, but he’d far more brains and heart.

  After ten minutes, she glanced over her shoulder at Zeus who had refreshed his drink and was grinning broadly. Hera silently fumed, fingers drumming on the arm of her throne. She then raised her hand to her nose and sneezed. One of those pretty little lady-like sneezes that sounds like a mouse’s squeak.

  Except this light sternutation caused a gust of wind to blow the boulder down the hill.

  A unanimous groan filled the stadium. Hera said a polite little “pardon me” and batted her eyes at her husband when he glared at her.

  Sam raked his hands over his head and started again.

  Another ten minutes, Hera tried her trick again, but Zeus placed his big hand over the lower half of her face. “Don’t you dare.”

  Thunder accompanied his threat, and for once, Hera listened.

  Meira didn’t like that at all. It meant the goddess was planning something else.

  It took several hours—five or six—for Sam to complete his task. But complete it he did. He even made sure all the blocks had the boulder secure at the top so it wouldn’t roll away.

  The roar of applause nearly deafened Meira, and she wished she could clap or stomp with them. The pounding of her heart would have to be enough.

  Zeus came to his feet behind her and laughed as he clapped. “Yes! Magnificent!”

  Sam walked down the hill, sliding a few times, but steadying himself. He glistened with sweat and his chest heaved. In Meira’s eyes, he looked like a god himself as he came to stand before the dais.

  “Well done, Samuel Wright. I am impressed. It seems as though I’ll have to up the difficulty with the next part of the challenge.” Zeus’ eyes gleamed with pride. “Until then, you’ve won yourself a moment’s reprieve. Take a nymph or two to serve you. Any of my servants. Enjoy yourself. Eat, drink, and rest.”

  Sam bowed. “Thank you. I’ll take Meira then.”

  There was a sudden silence in the coliseum. The tension in the air was so sharp Meira didn’t dare breathe.

  “No,” Hera said through clenched teeth. Her husband ignored her.

  “Any of my servants, yes.” Zeus said the words slowly, drawing them out with a dangerous edge. “Then take her. She’ll see you’re made comfortable in one of the guest suites and have whatever you need. I will send for you when the next part of the challenge is ready.”

  Meira didn’t know if it were truly safe or not to rise. She remained motionless until Sam walked nearer and motioned to her. “Lead the way then.”

  She didn’t look back at any of the gods. She was afraid she might be struck down if she did. Even as she stood and led Sam out of the arena, her back itched as if awaiting a dagger or lightning bolt.


  Meira took Sam to one of the finest and most modern guest suites. Not that it was going to make either of them feel any more comfortable. She stood by the door and let him have a look around the large sitting room and the adjoining bedroom. It was better than any five-star hotel.

  “Is there anything I can get for you? There’s fresh water in the pitcher and fruit in the bowl. If you want a shower, there’s a bath connected through the bedroom. If you need anything else, I can fetch it for you.” Her voice didn’t sound like her own. Sam had always made her feel at ease from the moment she’d met him, and now she was squirming.

  “No. Please, have a seat and rest. You’re not anyone’s dog.”

  She loved him. Oh how she loved him. Meira hadn’t planned on sitting, but her legs felt weak and so she sat on one of the chairs.

  Sam poured himself a glass of water and drank it in a few gulps. He then refilled it and poured a second glass as well. He brought it to her and held it out. Frowning a bit, he drew it back to himself. “Do you, uh, need help to drink?”

  “No, thank you. I’m fine.” Meira tried to sit and look as elegant as always, but even if she knew how to place her wings in such a way, the ugly bird feet would never cut it. He must be so entirely repulsed by her now.

  “You’re not fine. None of this is fine.” Sam’s voice rose, but he caught himself. Breathing deeply, he set her water down and then drank his second glass.

  “I’m so sorry.” There would never be enough time or words to convey how really sorry she was all this happened.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” There was a gritty edge to his voice. “Are you responsible for my death?”

  “No.” Meira shook her head. She wanted him to live. She wanted a life with him.

  “Are you responsible for bringing me here and putting me to this challenge?”

  “Well, I did fetch you—”

  “Because you were told to do it. I would’ve come here when I died no matter what?” With a groan, Sam located a towel and dampened it with cool water. He wiped his face and head, then down his neck to his chest. “And where is here exactly?”

  Her eyes followed the towel, unable to help herself. “Olympus. Yes, you would’ve been brought here, but it’s my fault you have to do this challenge.”

  “Olympus. But I was raised a Christian.” Sam tossed down the towel, and then sighed. He picked it up and laid it neatly on the counter. Then he moved a chair to sit across from her. He placed his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. “Why is it your fault?”

  “Since you died as a hero and you have the blood of an ancient Greek king in your veins, Zeus claimed you.” Meira shifted on her chair and let one wing fall over her feet. “I asked Zeus to let you live. A grand favor, but I was sure he’d grant it. But then …” Meira hesitated. She couldn’t say Hera had come in and ruined everything; in Olympus the walls had ears, and Hera would surely learn of Meira’s blaming her. “Things didn’t go as I planned.”

  “You didn’t mean to give me a chance to fight for my life? It sounds like I would’ve been dead otherwise. Thank you.” His words were honest and heartfelt.

  Meira laughed and burst out into tears at the same time. “Oh, Sam. You shouldn’t be thanking me. By the time this challenge is through, you might wish you were dead. These gods are not kind and merciful.”

  She pressed her cheeks to each of her shoulders, dabbing at the tears with her soft feathers. Now not only would she have bird feet, but smeared mascara as well.

  “Do you need a tissue?” Sam rose and then paused. “I could help you.
But you can get your arms back, right?”

  “Yes, I can, but I’m supposed to stay in my true form here.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” His question was soft and yet sounded so loud in the room.

  “What could I say? Sometimes I write about shoes and other times I fetch souls for Zeus.”

  “So you would’ve never told me? Not even if we were to continue with our relationship, get married, have kids?” His voice cracked once at the end.

  Meira’s chest tightened. There was no point in lying now. She’d worked out their entire life together in her head and how she would’ve kept this from him. “No.”

  “Meira,” Sam breathed out her name in a slow way that tugged more tears from her.

  Neither of them said anything for a few minutes. Each beat of her heart hurt. Any spark of hope she had left for them to be together was now gone. Her wings rustled as she rose and her talons clicked on the floor.

  “I’ll take my leave now. Pull the rope by the door to ring a bell for a servant if you need anything. They’ll send someone when the next part of the challenge is ready.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” Sam rubbed his eyes with his palms and stood. “Whatever we had, I know it can’t be any longer. The lies …” He shook his head. “I understand why you couldn’t tell me, but I don’t want any drama in my life. No matter what I feel for you, I just … I need time to process all this.”

  He couldn’t get it from her. Even if Sam knew about her true nature, Meira didn’t live a simple life. No one affiliated with the gods could ever have such a thing.

  “But right now, you’re the only person here that I know for certain who wants me to live, and you know what’s what here. I’d like you to stay and help me if you can.” Sam sighed and then motioned to the fruit. “Can I eat the food, or will that mean I have to stay here forever?”

  “You can eat the food.” Meira gestured with her wing in that direction. Of course she’d help him. She’d do anything for him, even though he just stated they could never be together.

  Sam popped a pair of grapes into his mouth and groaned. He took a bite of an apple next and made another sound of delight. “So good.”

  The door flew open and three harpies stumbled inside. They cursed at one another, pushing at each other with their wings. Yet their sharp gazes were on Sam and Meira.

  Meira let out a long, hissing breath. “Sam, I’d like you to meet my sisters.”

  “What a delectable piece of man meat!”

  “And here we thought we were interrupting something interesting.”

  “I could make his day much more interesting.”

  “Algaea,” Meira said and motioned to the shortest of the sisters on the right. Then to the middle and left, “Hespera and Zenaida. My eldest sister Thera isn’t here. I’m assuming she drew the short straw and had to stay home?”

  “Once Thera heard what you did, she couldn’t stand to see you dishonor us anymore and refused to come.” Algaea looked the most like Meira with her black hair and sensual curves. “I, on the other hand, heard you told Hera to shut up, and I’ve come to cheer you on.”

  “Finally someone slapped that bitch.” Hespera nodded. She cast a willowy figure, but there was a lot of strength in her long limbs.

  Zenaida was the tallest and broadly built. A fierce warrior and the only blond of the sisters. She winked in Sam’s direction. “We heard you begged Zeus for your lover’s life. Must be quite the mortal.”

  Meira was ready to scratch their eyes out with the way they kept staring at Sam. Reining in her jealousy, she reminded herself that she had nothing to worry about. Sam wouldn’t be interested in any of them.

  “Nice to meet you all.” Sam was ever the gentleman even with three nearly naked harpies leering at him.

  Meira wanted to protect Sam from it all before, most particularly from Hera, but now she had to correct her sisters’ misconceptions.

  “I didn’t beg or slap Hera. I asked Zeus for a favor, and he would’ve granted it if Hera hadn’t shown up with Ares. You know how they get around each other. I was idiotic enough to tell her to shut up, and that’s why I’ll be lucky if I’m not turned into a poodle before the next day is out.” As Meira said it all out loud, it sounded ridiculous. Her sisters would understand the severity of it, but to Sam, it probably sounded like a badly written soap opera.

  “So why aren’t you a dog then?” Hespera raised her brows.

  “They want to humiliate me further.” Meira stated the obvious.

  “Which can be done very well in dog form.” Hespera walked in, sat down on the closest chair, and stretched out her wings.

  “Yes, that’s a good point. You should be a poodle right now.” Zenaida furrowed her brows.

  Meira couldn’t deny her sisters had a good point. The gods weren’t merciful, and Hera especially was spiteful. “Well, I think Hera fully intended on doing so, but Ares stopped her.”

  “Ares stopped her?” Algaea hopped on her spot. She laughed and hugged her wings around herself. “He did it for me!”

  At Meira’s frown, Zenaida gestured to their youngest sibling. “Ares is shagging her.”

  “Along with every other female in Olympus.” Hespera snorted.

  “He’s not!” Algaea huffed. “Okay. Maybe he has a few other lovers, but we’re different.”

  “So said every other female in Olympus.” Hespera shook her head.

  Though it wasn’t unusual for gods to consort with other races, Meira had to wonder if it truly was the reason Ares stepped in. The two of them didn’t get along since Meira never wanted to be a warrior. Like every harpy, she was trained to fight since girlhood, but Meira had signed on with Zeus so she could live in the Middle Realm and be as far from all of this as possible.

  She glanced at Sam who was eating his apple and wisely staying out of the conversation. Honesty and simplicity. How she wished she could have that too.

  “We are different. We’re trying to have a child.” Algaea held up her chin, daring any of her sisters to top that.

  “And he’s totally the man you want as a father for your child. Thera would never allow you to do such a thing.” Hespera stood and walked through the open French doors to the balcony. “Maybe I should go home and see how she’s doing and fill her in on all the news.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Algaea raced across the room, but not before Hespera leapt off the balcony. Algaea spread her wings and followed suit, yelling at her sister the whole time as they flew off.

  Since their mother was no longer living, the eldest sister presided over the family. Until any of them were mated or marked by one of the gods as Meira was, Thera could make their decisions for them. Algaea was the only one not marked, and from her reaction, it seemed even though Ares was bedding her, he hadn’t marked her.

  “Idiots.” Zenaida rolled her eyes. She then dipped her head toward Meira. “But you’re not an idiot. You must realize Ares wants something. Maybe planning on having Zeus turn your mark over to him. You were one of the best fighters until you left to become one of Zeus’ hounds.”

  “I have no doubt he’d try something like that, but I’d rather be turned into a dog than be under Ares’ command.” Neither choice was appealing, but Meira never liked fighting even if she was good at it.

  “Be careful what you wish for, sister.” Zenaida glanced at Sam again and then grinned. “Well, some things are worth wishing for.”

  Sam didn’t make eye contact with the harpy, as if his apple core was suddenly the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.

  Meira motioned to the door with her wing. “We need to give Sam time to rest for the next part of the challenge.”

  “I’d keep him all to myself, too, if I were you.” Zenaida chuckled and headed to the door. She paused near Meira. “I’ve seen them setting up the next part. It’s a labyrinth. A big one. All the gods are putting something in it. I’m assuming they’ll let him have a weapon, but unless he’s more of a warrior than he look
s, I don’t know if I’ll be betting he makes it.”

  “Thank you,” Meira said quietly. “Bet on Sam. He’ll surprise everyone.”

  “All right. I’m trusting you.” Zenaida disappeared into the hallway, and Meira nudged the doors closed.

  “Whenever you described your sisters to me, I always thought you were exaggerating.” Sam’s tone was humorless as he sat and leaned back.

  “And what you just saw was them well behaved.” Meira was still reeling at the thought of a labyrinth. All it would take was one minotaur and Sam would be dead. Surely Zeus knew Sam was no fighter. The boulder was one thing, but this proved they wanted Sam to lose. Meira had to find some way to give him more of a chance.

  “Your sister said the next part was a labyrinth. I was always really good at doing mazes as a kid. Shouldn’t be too hard.” Sam pursed his lips in thought. “Maybe I could take in something to mark my way. Is there a pencil, or maybe some ink here?”

  “That’s a good idea, but this isn’t a simple maze. There will be traps, spells, and monsters. You’ll have to fight as well as navigate your way through.” Meira couldn’t let him die. There had to be a way for him to get through this.

  “I’m not a fighter.” Sam ran his hands over his short shorn hair.

  Meira was going to suggest he use his skill as a runner to just stay away from what might kill him, but a smile pulled up her lips as an idea came to mind. “I know how you’ll do this. When they ask you to pick a weapon, this is what you’ll say …”


  The labyrinth stretched into the night farther back out of the arena than Meira could see. Its immense stone walls were an extension of the coliseum. For this challenge, gigantic screens were set up around so the crowd could watch the action. Zeus’ grand figure filled the screens at the moment.

  Meira had taken up her position at the Thunder God’s feet again. She’d changed clothes to something more suited to a harpy going to war. Her black leather skirt was split up both sides and a black corset was cinched tightly. Her make-up was fixed. Meira’s lips were deep red, as if they were a smear of warpaint.


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