Kisses Sweeter Than Wine: Tastes of Seduction, Book 3

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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine: Tastes of Seduction, Book 3 Page 4

by Jess Dee

  Violet made her escape as Noah kissed Declan, fleeing into the bedroom closest to her. She had no idea if either man had staked his claim to the room, and she didn’t care. Instinct told her to get away from the intense sensuality of the moment and give the men their privacy.

  Did she want to leave?

  Er, hell no. She wanted to strip off every last item of clothing, sit herself on Noah’s lap and beg Declan to pleasure her the way he’d just pleasured Noah. Part of her even longed to confess the feelings she’d repressed for so long. She could tell them she’d fallen for them both over eighteen months ago. Throw it out there and let fate take its course from then on.

  But propriety and professionalism got the better of her—a good few moments too late, obviously—and she fled, lugging her bag into the room and pressing the door closed behind her. Her chest felt curiously hollow, as though she were leaving a part of herself out there with Noah and Declan.

  The privacy provided no relief for Violet’s pounding heart, hollow chest or heated body. And the sight of the huge bed monopolizing a decent amount of the luxurious room only made matters worse. It filled her head with ideas of what Declan and Noah could do to each other on that bed. And, better yet, what Declan and Noah could do to each other and to her.

  How would it be afterwards, when they lay together, the three of them, spent from their passion? Would the hollowness abate, filled with the emotional intimacy of having Noah and Declan with her?

  Violet gave an impatient shake of her head. She was being ridiculous, longing for a future she’d trained herself not to want.

  She dumped her bag and marched into the bathroom, closing that door too. A cold shower right about now would do her the world of good, but should she turn on the taps, Noah and Declan would realize exactly what she was doing and why. Instead, she splashed cool water on her heated face and pressed a wet cloth between her breasts.

  The cloth failed to cool her down. Instead it teased, making her nipples ache with the need to be touched by two particular men. They ached to be kissed and suckled by them too.

  Pressure built between her legs. Over and over, she relived the look on Noah’s face as he came, heard the nonsensical sound Declan had murmured at the same time. She saw the drops of come spilling from Declan’s mouth.

  Her face was flushed, and as she stared in the mirror, trying to work out a way to calm herself down, she squeezed her legs together again. It didn’t relieve the throb one iota. Her panties, which moments ago had been comfy and dry, were now useless and uncomfortable, drenched from the desire the men had evoked in her.

  Violet turned, leaned against the basin and pulled up her knee-length, fitted skirt to tug off her panties. She rolled them down her hips and let them drop to the floor—which only complicated matters further. The cool air struck her bare pussy, making her suck in a surprised breath.

  Instinctively, she pressed a hand to herself, then shivered as her palm covered her pulsing clit and her fingers encountered wet heat and swollen flesh.

  Violet caught her breath and held it, conflicted.

  Decorum demanded she find fresh underwear, yank down her skirt and pull herself together. Lust told her to slide her fingers slowly through those slickened folds.

  Professionalism reminded her she couldn’t touch herself with her clients on the other side of two closed doors, but instinct insisted she find relief. Without it, she’d walk out of the bedroom suite, take one look at the two men and do something crazy stupid, like throw herself at both of them. Or confess she’d fallen for them almost two years ago.

  She needed to think clearly. Perhaps if her mind were clear, her hunger would dissipate.

  She thought of her friend. Wondered if Tori knew about Declan and Noah.

  Did she know Declan liked men?

  If she did, she’d never breathed a word of it to Violet.

  Would it have worried Tori? Would it have affected her decision to marry Declan? Tori hadn’t been the one to end their relationship. Declan had. Had he called it quits because he had feelings for Noah? Because he was gay?

  That gave Violet pause.

  Declan may like men, but he wasn’t gay. Not exclusively. There was no way a gay man could give off the kind off vibes Declan had given Violet before Tori entered the picture. Declan had clearly been sexually interested in Violet then. And as Tori had told her, he’d clearly had no trouble in bed with her either.

  Which left Violet thinking Declan liked both men and women.

  The conclusion left her heady with lust and longing. Regardless of what Tori might think about Declan in bed with Noah, Violet thought it was the most arousing idea on earth. Well, second most. The only more exciting possibility was if she were in bed with them too.

  She had no doubts Noah had included her in the blowjob. Not physically, but he’d spoken to her.

  “Gonna come, baby.” He’d called her baby, and the memory made her pussy pulse against her palm.

  “Are…are you ready?”

  Oh, God, was she ready. She had been since she’d stepped through the door and seen them together.

  “Gonna come so hard.”

  With a frustrated groan, Violet shoved any remaining thoughts of Tori from her mind and slid her middle finger across the lips of her pussy, shaking from both desire and the intense relief of finally touching herself.

  She slid her finger in reverse, back over her pussy lips and up, so it skimmed her clit.

  Violet shuddered and massaged the engorged bud, imagining Declan on his knees before her, his head buried between her legs—just like it had been buried between Noah’s—his tongue licking where her finger massaged.

  The muscles in her neck sagged, and her head fell forward as her mouth opened in a silent hiss.

  She rubbed harder, overwhelmed with the memory of Noah’s pleasure and Declan’s skill. The Declan she’d feared she’d never see again was back, and the knowledge did mad things to her heart, making it flip in wild excitement.

  Declan and Noah.

  Noah and Declan.

  Together. Intimately.

  Violet gave up all attempt at restraint. She plunged her middle finger inside her pussy, pressing in as far as she could go. Her inner walls constricted, trapping her there momentarily. It wasn’t enough. She withdrew, and the next time she plunged back inside, it was with two fingers.

  She planted her legs farther apart, let the basin take her weight and proceeded to fuck herself with those two fingers. Each slide of her hand was equal parts sweet relief and frustrating torture, sending her ever closer to the edge. Her palm hit her clit repeatedly, and pleasure seeped through her.

  “Gonna come, baby.”

  So was she. Any second. Declan and Noah had her so wound up she couldn’t hope to last.

  “Gonna come so hard.”

  Her too. Just like Noah had. Only she was coming to thoughts of Declan’s mouth on Noah’s cock, while Noah had come in Declan’s mouth.

  She wanted to come in Declan’s mouth. Wanted Noah to watch as she exploded, just like she’d watched as he’d lost control. And then…and then…God help her, greedy wench that she was, she wanted to come in Noah’s mouth—while Declan watched.

  The thought pushed her over the edge. Her pussy contracted, clamping down on her fingers, holding them there, and she jerked rhythmically, grinding her clit into her palm as she fell apart, coming to fantasies of both Noah and Declan bringing her to climax.


  This time it wasn’t Noah’s groan that filled the room. It was her own, but it sounded just as hoarse as Noah’s had.

  Her release went on and on, racking her body with convulsive shudders. When finally it was over, and Violet stood shaken and boneless in the bathroom, she wished the men were with her so she too could feel the intense intimacy of a shared kiss with Declan and Noah.

  Chapter Four

  Violet fidgeted in her chair, shifting around as though she couldn’t get comfortable. She pushed her iPad fr
om one hand to the other without opening it.

  Declan knew exactly how she felt. He was ready to climb out of his own skin. The events of the preceding hour still pulsed through his body in electric shock waves, but his head hadn’t had the time to process everything his body had demanded. Neither had his heart.

  It was all too big, too overwhelming.

  Apart from obligatory handshakes and greetings, Declan hadn’t touched another person in affection in six months. The only sexual contact he’d had was with his own hand, and those occasions had resulted from sheer physical frustration and nothing more. Declan felt no affection towards himself when he jerked off. And he’d allowed no one to show him physical affection since the week of the almost-wedding.

  He hadn’t been worthy of it.

  Which made his time with Noah in this room even more intense than it should have been. Three years of repressing his hunger for the man, coupled with six months of no physical contact, had messed with his sense of balance.

  Declan was thrown so far off-kilter he had no idea how to act or think.

  If he could be anywhere but here, he’d leave. In a New York minute. But Noah was going nowhere, and by the looks of things, neither was Violet, which meant he was stuck, sitting on the very chair Noah had sat in while Declan sucked his cock.

  Declan wasn’t sure what bothered him more. The fact that he’d thrown away every last ounce of self-restraint and almost tackled Noah into the damn chair in an effort to get his mouth on his dick, or the fact that Vi had walked in at the exact moment he’d swallowed his shaft down whole.

  He’d felt her presence in every nerve of his body. Felt it in the prickles down his spine and the pooling of blood in his groin. The second she’d opened the door, he’d tried to turn to look at her, but Noah, with his hands on his head, had held him there, refusing to let him move. And damned if that hadn’t upped his excitement another thousand notches or so.

  And the part that pissed Declan off the most? No matter how much he knew he should have stood up and walked away, not a single muscle in his body would have complied had he tried. Because blowing Noah while Violet watched epitomized Declan’s needs and desires.

  He was one sick fuck.

  The second Vi had walked into the room, his own dick, already spent from the violent orgasm Noah had given him, rose once again to full mast, demanding the attention of the man before him and the woman standing by the door.

  The whole scenario messed with his head. Not because it didn’t fit in with his sexual fantasies, but because it did. Perfectly. Declan had wanted Noah forever, and he’d wanted Violet for two years. And if he could have had the two of them together?

  Jesus, the thought made him hard all over again. It made his heart pound too.

  But being a sick fuck had never fit in with Declan’s plans for his future. So he’d forced himself to shelve his twisted wishes and seek the easiest path to his desired lifestyle. A wife and children.

  Tori had been that easy path. She was the perfect woman. Perfect wife-and-mother material. She’d have been the perfect daughter-in-law. She’d made his parents preen with pride.

  And wasn’t that what Dec had sought his whole life? His parents’ pride and approval?

  But in the end, as perfect as Tori was, she wasn’t the perfect woman for Declan. Her needs and her wants had been too simple.

  There wasn’t a twisted bone in her body.

  “Violet?” Noah broke the suffocating silence.

  Vi had been trying to say something for a good few minutes, but every time she opened her mouth, instead of voicing what was on her mind, she shut it again.

  Noah raised a brow and waited for her to speak.

  Her cheeks still held a light-pink hue of the flush that had tinged them earlier. She looked beautiful, as usual, but her brown gaze landed everywhere but on him and Noah—which suited Declan just fine, because he doubted he could look her in the eye either.

  She tried again, but then her gaze accidentally clashed with Declan’s and as his chest tightened, she closed her mouth.

  “Vi?” Noah prompted. “Whatever it is, you can say it.”

  This time when she opened her mouth, the words seemed to tumble out. “Look, I feel like I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?” Noah asked.

  “For walking in on you like that. For…invading such a private moment. I–I’m sorry. I had no right. I should have left the instant I realized what was happening.”

  But she hadn’t. She’d stayed and watched, and the memory made sparks zap up the length of Declan’s back.

  “Hey, you had no way of knowing,” Noah reassured her. “The idea was for you to collect the key and come straight to the room, and that’s just what you did.”

  “Except my meeting was cancelled, and I arrived earlier than we’d organized. You weren’t expecting me.”

  There was a lot Declan hadn’t been expecting, including Noah’s mind-altering hand job, his blowjob, or just how damn hard Noah had pushed him to acknowledge the attraction that still burned between them.

  He’d spent years denying that attraction. He’d sweated bullets pretending it wasn’t there. And for what? To capitulate to Noah the instant he made a move?


  It was time Declan grew a backbone.

  “You’re right,” Noah agreed. “I’m sorry if what you saw made you uncomfortable.”

  “I…oh, um…” Violet swallowed and tried again. “No, see, I’m the one who should be apologizing, not you.”

  “You did apologize.”

  “God, this is so awkward.” She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, her cheeks flushing again. “It’s excruciating.”

  “Vi,” Noah said reasonably, “you walked in on us. It’s okay. We can move on now.”

  “Can we? Really?” She opened her eyes again. “You think we can just put this aside and pretend I didn’t see what I saw? You think everything can go back to being all business again?”

  “You obviously don’t.”

  “I saw Declan blowing you.” Her gaze darted to Declan then back to Noah, and the flush in her cheeks extended to her chest, making the tops of her breasts turn a rosy red.

  Declan’s mouth watered, and he cursed his warped desires.

  “I watched you come. I think whatever professionalism once existed between us has since been tossed out the window.”

  Noah’s mouth twitched into a smile. “So you’re saying you don’t want to go back to being all business again?”

  Violet narrowed her eyes. “Don’t twist my words. I would very much like to go back to being professional associates again, but it might be hard when every time I look at you I see your eyes closed and your head thrown back in pleasure.”

  Declan almost forgot to breathe.

  That was exactly how Noah looked when he climaxed. Every damn time. Today Declan hadn’t seen it, his face had been buried in Noah’s lap, but there’d been countless other experiences when watching Noah close his eyes, throw back his head and erupt had led to Declan losing control too.

  The unexpected memory caused an ache in Declan’s gut. A pain so deep it cut straight through him.

  He’d given it up.

  Given Noah up so he could lead the life he was expected to lead—and it had caused nothing but grief and heartache.

  Noah swung his gaze Declan’s way. Not a word had passed between them since they’d kissed. When Violet had left the room, Declan had too, shoving his way blindly to a different bedroom, where he’d spent a good few minutes getting his shit together.

  A futile effort, since Declan had never been able to get his shit together. Not to any standard that would satisfy his family, anyway.

  No words passed between them now either, yet Declan suspected Noah knew exactly what he was thinking. Noah stared at him a beat too long, and much as he wanted to, Declan couldn’t look away.

  Fuck that. Yes, he could.

  He could also shove every one of the emotions
haunting him back into that part of his chest he’d forgotten how to reach. And to top that, he could call a halt to this discussion and force proceedings back on track.

  Declan spoke up. “I’ll make this easy on all of us. The conversation is over. Vi, instead of torturing your iPad, turn it on. Noah, pull up the document we started in the office yesterday, and let’s get down to work. Professional or not, we’re here to formulate a business plan, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” He stood and headed to the phone.

  “Where are you going?” Noah wanted to know.

  “To order room service. If we’re going to work for the rest of the afternoon, we need sustenance.”

  Noah smirked at him. “Hungry?”

  “Some.” Starving actually. Sex did that to him. Coming gave him a massive appetite, and Noah, the asshole, knew as much, which explained the shrewd smile.

  He shot Noah the bird behind Violet’s back.

  The asshole just laughed.

  Declan ordered a selection of food and wine. There was no harder liquor on the menu, or he’d have ordered that too—to help him get through the rest of the day.

  When he hung up, it was to find Violet staring at him in disbelief. Declan raised a poised brow in question, and told himself he wasn’t imagining how her lips would feel wrapped around his cock.

  “That’s it?” she asked. Her hand brushed through her honey-gold, shoulder-length hair in agitation.

  “That’s what?”

  “That’s all you’re going to say on the matter?”

  “I’m sorry. Was there something you wanted I didn’t order?”

  “I’m not talking about the food.”

  “Ah.” Of course she wasn’t. That would have been way too easy. “Then yes, that’s all I have to say on the matter.” What had happened was over. He couldn’t take it back, he couldn’t change it, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to harp on it for the rest of the afternoon. Or ever, for that matter.

  He’d tripped and fallen—straight into Noah’s arms—but now he was standing upright again, back on track, and he had no intention of stumbling again. No matter how fucking much he might want to.


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