His Conquered Bride

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His Conquered Bride Page 4

by Sassa Daniels

  “It is no jest, lass,” Alexander replied. “I intend to be master in my own home and I think it best we establish that now.”

  Ailis snorted dismissively. She knew quite well that he would be the one to take charge in their marriage. Even if it hadn’t been the usual way of things, his need to dominate all those around him screamed from every part of his well-muscled body. There was no escaping the fact that men like him ruled the roost and women accepted their authority whether they wished to or not. Ailis was aware that some women had subtle means of persuading their husbands to do their bidding but, even then, they knew who was ultimately in charge. But she and Alexander were not yet wed and Ailis had no intention of yielding control to him while she remained a free woman.

  “I understand that a man might discipline his wife if he chooses,” Ailis said in measured tones that disguised her growing fear, “but I am not yet your wife.”

  Alexander raised an eyebrow as though to suggest that a wedding ceremony was a mere formality and she was already his to do with as he pleased. Ailis ignored the supercilious look on his face and carried on.

  “And, anyway, my laughter was an impulse, a reaction beyond my control. I deeply regret whatever offense my outburst caused you but surely I do not deserve punishment for something I could do nothing to prevent?”

  “Perhaps,” Alexander agreed, “but beyond that, your welcome was not exactly warm.”

  “I was nervous,” Ailis admitted, even though it pained her to give Alexander even a glimpse of how she felt.

  “I realize that, lass,” he said with a smile. Ailis allowed a breath to escape her lungs as he seemed to come around to her point of view. Unfortunately, her sense of relief was premature. “Which is why I have decided that your first punishment will be just ten strokes with my hand.”

  He looked at her as though he expected her to bow down in gratitude for his lenience, but that was never going to happen.

  “Most kind, my lord.” Sarcasm laced her words.

  “Believe me, lady, I will not be so generous again. Now, stop delaying and lay yourself across my knee,” Alexander commanded, “or I shall be forced to add another five to the count.”

  For a moment, Ailis weighed her options. It was clear that trying to argue with him would only land her deeper in hot water. Running didn’t seem like a viable option either. Looking at those long, leanly muscled legs, she knew that he would catch her before she made it halfway across the hall. Getting the spanking over with seemed like the most sensible thing to do and, as much as she hated to admit it, she was mildly curious about how it would feel to put herself in his hands.

  With each step it took for her to reach him, her heart seemed to pound a little more vigorously. Feeling intensely foolish, she leaned forward and tried to place herself across his lap without putting her hands on him. Afraid of doing something wrong, of touching some forbidden part of him, she struggled to get into position. She was grateful when Alexander took charge and helped her into place, even though it felt a little strange to have his hands on her, arranging her body to his satisfaction. As she settled across his knee, she felt the hard muscles of his legs beneath her. There was also an uncomfortable dampness as the wetness of his waterlogged clothing seeped into her dress. It felt very unpleasant, yet she made no complaint.

  “That’s it, lass. Hands on the floor.”

  Responding to the note of command in his voice, Ailis immediately placed her palms flat on the cold stone floor beneath her, bracing for what was to come. It felt odd to be in this position, her head resting against the calf of a virtual stranger, her breasts pressed against his firm thighs as she awaited chastisement.

  “Have you ever been spanked before, lass?”

  “Aye, when I was a girl,” she replied, still trying to adjust to the strangeness of her predicament. “My nursemaid spanked me a time or two.”

  “This will be different,” Alexander told her.

  Just how true that statement was became apparent straight away as he suddenly lifted her skirts. Ailis gasped as he bared the tight, round globes of her buttocks to his gaze.

  “Such a pretty wee arse,” Alexander commented. “Almost seems a shame to redden it.”

  Blushing furiously, Ailis tried to get up. She needed to put a stop to this indecency before it went any further. Alexander pressed a large palm into the small of her back, asserting his desire for her to stay put. There was little she could do to resist. After a moment of futile struggling, she gave up and assumed the required position, hanging limply over his lap. She felt humiliated and anxious about what was to come.

  “Now, lass, tell me why you’re getting this spanking.”

  “Because I was rude.”

  Admitting her fault while lying there in such a vulnerable position really rankled. Ailis did her best to sound as though she was sorry for her insolence in the hope that he would change his mind about disciplining her. He didn’t, and the first slap of his hand against her bare bottom came as a shock. The smack produced a cracking sound that seemed to echo around the empty hall. Ailis squealed. The noise that came from her was more animal than human. Her whole body tensed as she took in a series of short, sharp breaths that did nothing to lessen the humiliation and only succeeded in making her lightheaded. Slowing her breathing, she acknowledged the unpleasant tingle in her left buttock and the warmth in her flesh where she’d been struck. Once she’d got to grips with the initial shock, she realized that it didn’t hurt as badly as she’d feared it would. As awful and demeaning as this was, she could take it.

  “Loosen your buttocks, lass.” Alexander’s tone was firm. “I have no wish to bruise you.”

  “Aye, my lord.” Ailis decided that it would be prudent to adopt a deferential tone for the duration of this punishment as she unclenched her muscles.

  The second swat landed in much the same spot as the first and Ailis moaned as her flesh warmed. She shifted a little, feeling increasingly ill at ease in this vulnerable position. As she moved, her nipples became rock hard as she inadvertently rubbed her breasts against Alexander’s thighs and she felt a pulse begin to beat at that special place between her legs. As she wriggled frantically, trying to alleviate the troublesome sensation, Alexander gave a knowing chuckle that made her glad he couldn’t see that the red hue staining her cheeks had deepened.

  “Keep still, lass. You wouldn’t want me to miss my target, would you?”

  Ailis huffed out a breath as she realized he was referring to the fact that in her attempts to find some relief, her legs had opened wider. The position exposed more of her intimate parts to his gaze. She clenched her fists, wondering if this could get any more mortifying.

  The next three smacks struck her other buttock and landed much harder than the first two. Wetness pooled beneath her legs and tears formed in her eyes as her situation did, indeed, become ten times more embarrassing. She was damned if she was going to cry, though. This was a shameful position to be in, but she was going to be as stoic as possible until it was over. Exhaling long and slow, she bit down on her bottom lip.

  “Your skin is already a beautiful shade of pink,” Alexander told her with what sounded like admiration.

  Ailis was amazed he could tell what color her bottom was with the fire casting an orange glow over everything, but she was not about to challenge him on such a trivial point. Closing her eyes before the next strike of his palm came, she tried to think of other things, something to help her detach from what was happening to her. A fine summer day came to mind and she imagined herself swimming in the loch, cool water lapping over every inch of her body as the sun shone down. She pictured a happy time when… ow! The next crack of his steely palm jolted her right out of her daydream. So much for trying to divert herself by thinking pleasant thoughts. She squirmed on Alexander’s lap as the flesh on her bottom heated unbearably. She gasped in horror as she felt something hard poking at her side. Although she had no firsthand experience of a man’s body, she knew exactly what the thin
g prodding her meant—the swine was aroused by what he was doing to her.

  “You’re doing fine, lass,” Alexander praised her and Ailis had to hold herself back from sinking her teeth into his leg in response to the irritatingly benign tone he’d adopted. Clearly, he was enjoying every minute of punishing her, seeming to like her reactions. He obviously reveled in the little noises she made as she felt the pain radiating from where his palm had struck her. There were also the tell-tale groans of arousal she couldn’t prevent from slipping out. Because, whether she liked it or not, there was something about this she was finding quite stimulating. Perhaps it was because each time his hand connected with her poor bottom, she was shoved forward slightly. Her most intimate parts were sliding against his leg in a manner that made her tender little bud throb wildly.

  As she lifted herself up onto her toes to try to alleviate the ache, she didn’t care that it meant he would be able to see even more of her personal parts. She moaned as she felt the remaining strokes fall. As his hand met with her throbbing flesh for the last time, Ailis wiggled and cried out. The final one really stung, and she felt as though her skin had been set alight. Blinking back tears, she dangled over his lap as he gently caressed her bottom. It seemed like he was trying to take away some of the pain and humiliation by showing her tenderness, but it just wasn’t working. Never before had she felt so exposed. She held her breath as Alexander’s hand moved between her legs and she waited for the moment when he would find the shameful wetness there. Then, suddenly, he seemed to change his mind about exploring her hidden femininity. Quickly removing his hand, he set her back on her feet.

  Ailis breathed a sigh of relief but made herself a solemn vow. Although her punishment at his hands was over and it was not as painful as she would have expected, she was determined that it would be the last time he ever disciplined her. If Alexander de Moray thought that a quick spanking was going to tame her, he had a lot to learn about MacDonnell women, and Ailis had no intention of sticking around to teach him.

  Chapter Five

  Alexander got to his feet and looked at his bride-to-be as a range of different emotions played across her face. Her pretty features contorted into one expression and then another until she finally settled on a fixed look that seemed to convey bemusement at the situation she found herself in. It was little wonder that she was unnerved. The spanking had undoubtedly been an intense experience. She had responded in a way he hadn’t expected, with unmistakable arousal. He’d almost slipped his fingers into her sweet little cunt to check just how wet she was. He’d stopped himself, though, because he knew that once he touched her intimately, he would want to take things further. The lassie would be his wife before the night was out, so he could afford to show a little restraint.

  As Ailis stared off into the distance, her eyes wide, lips parted slightly, she looked incredibly young and innocent. Alexander suddenly realized he knew very little about her.

  “How many years do you have on you, lass?”

  “I am nineteen,” she replied, raising her chin as though anticipating the blow his next words might inflict.

  “Old to be unwed.”

  Certainly, Alexander knew of no other ladies of her station and with such obvious attractions who had not been married off by her age.

  “Well, I was eighteen when I was first promised to you.” She glared at him in a way that made him wonder if he shouldn’t pull her back down over his knee and spank her naughty little bottom once more. “Perhaps you should have come for me sooner.”

  Alexander couldn’t help but laugh. “Eager for me to arrive, were you, lass?”

  She looked displeased with the remark. In fact, she looked as though she was itching to get as far away from him as possible, but he persisted.

  “Tell me why you’re not already taken.”

  Ailis sighed as though it pained her greatly to speak of such things. “My father and I were never close. In truth, he all but forgot I ever existed so he never sought a match for me.” She looked as though she might get a little teary, but then she fixed a challenging glare upon him. “I am sorry if I am too advanced in years for your liking, my lord.”

  “Oh, you will suit me just fine, my lady,” Alexander returned, surprised that he meant what he said. “Now, shall we gather our families and proceed to the chapel?”


  Alexander was sure she wouldn’t be pleased that her question had come out in a high-pitched squeak that betrayed her dismay at the prospect.

  “Aye, that is why I am here, is it not?”

  “But we don’t know each other,” she protested.

  “There is time enough for that,” he replied. “The king has ordered that we marry. No sense in delaying.”

  “You are the one who has taken seven months to get here,” Ailis grumbled.

  He had to allow her that little jab. Not convinced that he wanted to settle down yet, he had dragged his feet until the king finally sent word threatening to grant the lands to someone else if he didn’t shift his arse and claim what he’d been rewarded, including the MacDonnell lass.

  “Well, no sense in delaying any further,” Alexander replied.

  “No, I suppose not.” Ailis frowned. “But would you not rather get out of those wet clothes first?”

  Alexander grinned and raised his eyebrows suggestively. “I shall be taking my clothes off soon enough, lass.”

  It was clear that she’d grasped his meaning as her cheeks turned a delightful shade of scarlet and she quickly looked away. Her modesty pleased him. For years, Alexander had indulged his voracious sexual appetite with the women who followed the army around the countryside, but none of them was what could be described as demure. He thought about his latest plaything, Edith, so experienced in the art of seduction, and realized he’d grown weary of her guile. Ailis, for all her outward show of bravado, was clearly an innocent and would learn all she needed to know about giving and receiving pleasure from him. It was an appealing thought.

  “All the same…”

  “Ailis,” he interrupted her, “are you attempting to find excuses to put off the marriage rites?”

  “No, of course not.” She shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly as she looked down at the floor.

  “Because this wedding will go ahead, and the marriage will be consummated tonight. You will become my wife and give yourself to me completely.” He softened his harsh tones with a smile and then added, “It is what our king demands.”

  The way she bit her bottom lip and glanced up at him with those enormous green eyes was adorable. He felt a jolt of lust that went straight to his groin as he thought about making her take his massive rod into that perfect little mouth, training her to suck him the way he liked.

  “I understand that, my lord.” Her voice was quiet. “And I am ready to be a good wife to you, I swear it.”

  “But?” Although her apparent compliance pleased Alexander, he could tell that there was something more she wanted to say as she continued to gnaw at her bottom lip.

  “Well, I had hoped to wear one of my mother’s gowns when I made my vows to you.” She stared down at the floor again and then hit him with those incredible green eyes once more. “My mother died when I was very young, but I still remember how beautiful she was. I had hoped if I wore one of her dresses, I might look as pretty as she did.”

  “You do not believe you are beautiful just as you are?”

  There was a definite glistening of tears in her eyes now and Alexander could tell that she really didn’t have a clue just how great a beauty she was. He wanted to drag her to the chapel, so he could get the formalities over with. The desire to carry her off to the nearest bedchamber so he might sink his cock into her in a dozen different positions was almost overwhelming but even he could not be so heartless. He had no flowery words to assure her of her attractiveness but if she wanted to dress in fine garments, he could not deny her.

  “Very well, Ailis, I will grant you an hour to ready yo
urself and then I expect to see you in the chapel.”

  “Oh, thank you, thank you.” Ailis looked like a child who’d just been given the greatest of gifts as she jumped up and down and clapped her hands together in glee. “Thank you so much.”

  “I am pleased that you are happy, Ailis.” Alexander resisted the urge to reach out and pull her into an embrace in case she got the idea that she could manipulate him with displays of gratitude. He was glad he didn’t when he caught a look passing across her face that made him doubt she was being entirely honest in her intent. “Now, where are your chambers, lass?”

  “In the west tower,” she said, her eyebrows pulling down into a puzzled frown, “on the third floor.”

  “Good. I’ll find one of my men to accompany you to your chambers, so you might change your dress.”

  The sudden panic in her eyes confirmed that she had, indeed, been plotting something. Inwardly congratulating himself on having caught her out, Alexander took her arm and led her toward the door. Although she made no attempt to break free from his grip, he could sense her reluctance to walk with him in the heaviness of each step she took. In the corridor, he found his captain waiting for instructions along with the other men who’d accompanied him and his brothers to take possession of the castle.

  “Ranald, take Lady MacDonnell to her chambers so she might dress. Wait outside her door to escort her to the chapel when her preparations are complete,” he told his captain, whose nod of agreement and the smirk that settled on his lips told Alexander that he understood the lady required supervision. “The rest of you may find lodgings…”

  He looked to Ailis for guidance, having no idea where his men might find a place to rest their weary heads.

  “In the gatehouse,” she replied curtly.

  Despite the spanking she’d already received, she sounded no more willing to offer hospitality now than when they’d first arrived. Alexander shook his head wearily. She might not have learned her lesson this time around, but he would make sure she did when he was forced to chastise her again.


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