His Conquered Bride

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His Conquered Bride Page 13

by Sassa Daniels

  “Barely.” Edane’s tone was snide.

  “I think Ailis looks like a real lady.” Margaret seemed to be making quite a habit of coming to Ailis’ rescue when Edane’s disapproval threatened to spoil things. “And, more important, so will Lord Alexander.”

  Ailis certainly hoped that would be the case. After all, she’d paid a small fortune for this outfit. Taking a deep breath, she gave a nod to signal to the other two women that she was ready to head downstairs. A tremor of nervousness shook her, but she quickly squashed it. Tonight was important for the future of the clan. She needed her people to see that they had a new laird who could lead them to prosperity, a man who could keep their borders secure in these uncertain times. If they did not embrace his rule, he might be forced to resort to violent means of exerting his control and she really didn’t want that. If he chose to, Alexander could have her people slaughtered. She prayed it would never come to that.

  With Margaret and Edane following close behind, Ailis swept through the door of the women’s solar where she’d chosen to dress so she might surprise Alexander once she was ready. They walked carefully down the winding stone staircase and Ailis could hear sounds of revelry from below. It seemed the celebrations were well under way. As she came down the last few steps and entered the long corridor at the bottom, her heart all but stopped. Alexander was waiting outside the door to the great hall for her. He looked magnificent, dressed in new wool breeches and a fine white linen shirt, over which he wore a colorful plaid. It was fastened at the shoulder with a gold pin bearing her family’s crest. His hair had been trimmed and he was clean shaven. Standing taller and broader than any other man she knew, he was a sight to behold. Although he wore no sword, he had the bearing of a warrior, a true conqueror.

  “Good luck,” Maggie said quietly as she left Ailis and walked toward the door to the hall. She bobbed a polite curtsy to Alexander as she passed, and he reciprocated with a bow.

  “Yes, good luck,” Edane said viciously. “Enjoy it while it lasts.”

  Ailis noted that Edane did not acknowledge Alexander in any way as she brushed past him. It showed a clear lack of respect and she doubted her husband would have missed it. She didn’t want to dwell on her sister-in-law’s attitude, though. This was a special night, and nothing was going to spoil it for her.

  * * *

  Alexander shook his head, unable to believe his luck as his eyes drank in the incredible sight of his pretty young wife in all her finery. There was a radiance about her as she walked towards him, an almost angelic glow. With her back straight and head held high, she carried herself with a more regal bearing than he had seen from her before now. She looked like a queen.

  Thinking back the few short weeks to their first meeting, he could scarcely believe that this was the same woman as the disheveled creature who’d given him such an insolent welcome. It seemed impossible that this was the woman who’d tried to flee from him by clambering down the castle walls like a monkey. She was so beautiful, it almost hurt to look at her. How on Earth was he supposed to resist this picture of perfection? He wanted to mess her hair up a little, so she more resembled the Ailis he was used to. He had to fight the urge to push her against the wall and fuck her until she screamed his name. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to wrap his hand tight around her delicate throat as he sank his cock into her tight little pussy. He wanted to see her reduced to a quivering wreck. But, there were hundreds of people waiting to greet them and he had to be patient.

  “My lady.” He held his hand out for her to take.

  Ailis placed her small, delicate hand on top of his and he felt a sudden surge of pride that this woman was his. He led her into the Great Hall and, as they entered, an awed hush fell. All eyes were on them, but Alexander suspected it was Ailis who was attracting much of the interest. She carried herself with impressive dignity as they made their way up to the dais where the table they would dine at was situated. He helped Ailis into her seat and raised his hand to get everyone’s attention. The gesture was unnecessary as everyone was looking in his direction anyway.

  “This is a time of change and there is much work to do. Our king still fights to secure his throne and we must stand ready to lend our aid to his cause. Things will not be easy, but if we hold fast, the rewards will be great.” He took a deep breath. “But, tonight we are not here to dwell on such matters. We are here to celebrate my marriage to the bonniest lass in the whole of Scotland.” He snatched up his goblet of wine and turned to his wife. “To Lady Ailis.”

  “Lady Ailis!” cried a chorus of voices.

  A tinge of red stained his wife’s cheeks as everyone took a sip of wine in her honor and she fixed her gaze on her hands, clenched on her lap. It was gratifying to see that she retained an element of humility despite the adoration of their people. After he, too, drank a toast to Ailis, Alexander gestured for everyone to take their seats and their servants began to bring in the enormous platters of food.

  “Perhaps I ought to have said more.” Alexander inclined his head toward Ailis so only she could hear him speak.

  “No,” Ailis replied. “People have come to celebrate, not listen to speeches. They want to fill their bellies, drink our wine, and forget their troubles. They need to remember this as a night when their new laird showed them the greatest hospitality they’ve ever seen.”

  Alexander nodded in agreement. He took his wife’s hand and raised it to his lips, placing a kiss on her soft, smooth skin.

  “You are as wise as you are beautiful, my lady.”

  A lingering gaze passed between them that spoke of the deepest passions, but the spell was broken as the first servant appeared in front of them with a succulent boar’s head on a platter. Alexander looked to Ailis, who gave a subtle shake of the head. He waved the servant away. As a steady stream of servants processed past them, carrying the finest foods the land and sea had to offer, Alexander waited for Ailis to indicate her preferences. When she wanted something, she nodded slightly, and Alexander instructed the servant to place the platter on the table. Then he served portions of the food to Ailis and watched as she delicately popped tiny pieces of meat in her mouth. She seemed to savor everything she tasted.

  Throughout the meal, a harpist played. As people ate and drank their fill, there was a general sense of merriment in the air. Alexander was pleased at how well things were going and he started to think about what other tasks Ailis might be given. She’d done such a good job of organizing the banquet that even Iain appeared to be enjoying himself. Sitting next to Lady Margaret, he was engaged in enthusiastic discussion with her and, to Alexander’s surprise, Niall MacDonnell. He had thought Iain saw the other man as a rival, but it was good to see him smiling for a change.

  “The food pleases you, my lord?” Ailis asked.

  “Everything pleases me tonight, lass.”

  Ailis smiled. “Perhaps you will show me how pleased you are later.”

  Holding his gaze, she ran her hand slowly along his leg to his inner thigh. Alexander felt a stirring of arousal that he knew he couldn’t allow to grow into something he could not control. Taking hold of her wrist, he moved her hand away.

  “You are becoming bolder, my lady.” He saw a flicker of anxiety crossing her face and laid his hand on hers to reassure her. “It is a type of boldness I like from you, but you shouldn’t play games unless you’re prepared to see it through.”

  Her face crumpled into a puzzled frown.

  “What do you mean, my lord?”

  “I mean that unless you are prepared to get under this table and suck my cock right now, you should not try to arouse my passions.”

  Horror flashed in Ailis’ emerald green eyes. Clearly, she was not ready to get on her knees in public. He found that pleased him. He didn’t want a wife who was willing to perform sexual favors in front of others. Such things were to remain between them.

  “Well, what is it to be, lass?”

  Ailis cleared her throat nervously.

>   “Perhaps we should walk among our guests,” she suggested.

  “Very well,” Alexander agreed, “but you’d better be prepared to get down on your knees for me later.”

  With that tantalizing thought hanging between them, the couple rose and went to greet their people.

  * * *

  There were far more people here than Ailis had expected. Those of her own clan had turned out in great numbers, including many men who had deserted Gregor’s cause to pledge allegiance to their new laird. There were also several of Alexander’s soldiers in attendance, but most remained on watch. It was not unheard of for an attack to take place when the enemy knew a celebration was underway as they expected everyone’s guard to be down.

  There were also several powerful nobles in attendance and one man Ailis had spoken to was there representing the king himself. It was a very great honor to have these people in her home and it reminded Ailis that her husband was an extremely important man.

  She moved through the hall, ensuring that she spoke to as many people as possible. Alexander was, no doubt, doing the same thing on the other side of the room. This night might be about celebrating their marriage, but it was also the chance to strengthen their bonds with those who would support them if trouble ever came to their door.

  As she finally returned to her place at the top table, she was exhausted. The dress she wore might be beautiful, but it was also heavy and cumbersome to move around in. Her bones ached from the effort of walking around the room and it was all she could do to stay upright. She took a long sip of the delicious sweet wine Alexander had provided for the occasion and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, she saw her sister-in-law hurrying toward her. She gritted her teeth, bracing herself for whatever criticism was about to be hurled in her direction. Edane would surely have found fault with something—the music, the food, or the decorations, perhaps. She was bound to be annoyed that the de Moray banner was displayed so prominently alongside the MacDonnell standard throughout the hall.

  “Edane,” she said wearily, “are you enjoying the celebrations?”

  “I am, dear sister,” Edane said, taking a seat next to her, “but not, it seems, as much as your husband is.”

  Edane indicated toward the back of the hall. It took Ailis a moment to see what she was pointing to. It was Alexander and it looked as though he was just walking back into the room. There was a young woman by his side, the same pretty blonde he’d spoken to at the market. They were smiling and Ailis felt a prickle of jealousy at how at ease they seemed to be in each other’s company.

  “A real beauty, isn’t she?” Edane taunted Ailis.

  “Do you know who she is?” Ailis wished she could have resisted asking.

  “Yes, she’s Alexander’s favorite whore.”

  Ailis felt as though her heart had leapt into her mouth. She didn’t want Edane to see that she was upset so she bit back her reaction. She had the feeling that if she showed the slightest sign of weakness, the other woman would not hesitate to drive the knife in deeper.

  “Well, she is very pretty.” Ailis tried to sound unconcerned.

  “And she’s with child,” Edane said. “I wonder who the father is.”

  Ailis could not respond. Edane was clearly trying to upset her and it was working. It would be devastating to Ailis if Alexander was involved with that woman. She understood that powerful men often took lovers but knowing that did not make it any easier to bear. Her mind raced with suspicions about why Alexander might have left the room with the blonde woman. If he had gone to take his pleasure with a whore during the celebration of their marriage, Ailis wasn’t sure she could stand it. As she watched Alexander smile and the woman reach up to touch his face in an intimate caress, Ailis felt her heart ripping in two.

  “Excuse me, Edane, I feel a little faint.”

  “You do look pale,” her sister-in-law said with mock concern. “Should I ask Maggie to attend you?”

  Ailis shook her head and got to her feet. She didn’t want anyone right now. Without another word, she hurried for the door, taking care not to let people see that something was amiss. Once out of sight of those assembled in the Great Hall, she picked up her skirts and started to run. Rather than heading for the bedchamber she shared with Alexander, she went to the one she’d occupied before they were married. She needed to be alone to think about what she would do if Alexander had already betrayed their marriage vows, if he was the father of that woman’s child. As she reached her chamber, she slammed the door shut. She felt angry, confused. Throwing herself down on the bed, she started to cry.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Looking down at the woman lying curled up on the bed, still fully dressed, Alexander had to suppress his tender feelings for her and remind himself that his wife had a spanking coming to her. When he’d realized she’d left the celebrations early, he’d been furious, but he couldn’t follow her straight away. He’d been forced to make excuses for her to the people who’d come from far and wide to attend the banquet. At this early stage in their marriage, there could be no appearance of discord between them, not until he was certain he held the loyalty of the clan in his own right. He’d told the people that his wife had been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love for her and had needed to rest. Fortunately, they’d seemed to accept that.

  After spending several hours entertaining their guests alone, Alexander had gone to their bedchamber to see what Ailis had to say for herself. When he discovered she was not there, he’d felt a surge of panic. He’d feared that she’d taken advantage of the coming and going of people attending the celebrations to make her escape. While trying not to let anyone realize he’d lost her, Alexander had searched the entire castle for his wife. Finding her in her old bedchamber came as a massive relief, but it also stoked his anger. What message was she trying to send him by choosing to sleep in a different bed?

  As she reached down and rolled Ailis over onto her back, so he could lift her more easily, she woke with a start. Arms and legs flailing, she kicked out at him as though she was being attacked. He quickly subdued her and picked her up, pulling her tight against his chest. Although he really wanted to throw her over his shoulder and haul her back to their bedchamber like the infuriating baggage she was, he didn’t want to be seen manhandling her in that way. If they encountered anyone, he wanted to give the appearance of a doting husband cradling his beloved wife in his arms.

  “Put me down!” Ailis shrieked as he carried her to the door.

  “Not a chance, lassie,” Alexander growled, “and keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you.”

  Apparently, his recalcitrant wife did have some sense after all because she immediately clamped her lips tight and settled in his arms. He carried her quickly down the stairs and out into the courtyard. As he entered the lower corridor of the east building, he gave a nod to a couple of his men before making his way up the stairs to their bedchamber. He set Ailis on her feet and stepped away, so he could get a better look at her. There was a wariness in her eyes, but that gorgeous mouth of hers was fixed in a defiant pose.

  “What the hell did you mean by leaving the banquet early?” he demanded. “Did you not think to ask for my permission?”

  He saw her back stiffen as she drew herself up to her full height. She may have been asleep just a few minutes ago, but now she looked completely awake and ready for a fight.

  “I didn’t think you’d miss me,” she spat out. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

  “I would have enjoyed myself more with my wife by my side,” Alexander returned. “Why did you hide from me?”

  “I didn’t hide. I just didn’t want to return to the marital bed when our vows mean so little to you.”

  Alexander’s jaw clenched at that slight against his honor. Whatever else he might be, he was a man who took a solemn oath seriously, particularly one made before God.

  “When I make a vow, my lady, I honor it.”

  “Including your vo
ws of fidelity, my lord?” Ailis challenged, her eyes flaring with defiance.

  “Aye, including that.”

  “So, you didn’t slip out of our marriage celebrations to consort with some whore?” The look on Ailis’ face suggested that she imagined she’d dealt the winning blow in this argument. At least now, Alexander knew what was bothering her.

  “You mean Edith?”

  “You know who I’m talking about then,” Ailis said flatly as though he’d confirmed her worst fears.

  “Aye, and I’ll admit I have known the pleasure of sinking my cock into her.” Alexander saw Ailis flinch. Perhaps, given the hostile air she was generating around her, he should have enjoyed scoring a point against her. He found, however, that it gave him no pleasure to see his wife distressed. He softened his tone. “But that was a long time ago.”

  “So, you weren’t…” Ailis cleared her throat and shook her head, apparently unable to complete the sentence.

  “No, I took her to meet the man she will marry,” Alexander explained. “One of my soldiers.”

  He could practically see the wheels turning in Ailis’ mind as she digested that information.

  “And the child she carries?”

  “Not mine.”


  Alexander almost laughed at the look of relief that passed across his wife’s face. Clearly, she had been convinced that he’d betrayed her.

  “Where did you get the notion I was carrying on with Edith?”


  Alexander cursed under his breath. He might have known that her sister-in-law had been speaking out of turn. He’d not had any dealings with her since he married Ailis, but he had witnessed her hostility toward his wife. He had a mind to banish her once and for all.


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