Dirty Bastard

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Dirty Bastard Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Ronald was already back at his laboratory, moving shit around.

  “If they’re cooking this, where would they cook it up?” Jaxson asked.

  Ronald turned around. “Anyone can cook coke. Apartments, homes, you name it, it can be made. You just need the right people, willing to do it.”

  “That narrows our list down to fuck-all,” Dane said. “Fuck!” He slammed his foot against the table, sending it flying.

  “Then we narrow it down,” Jaxson said. “Ourselves.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “We go back to the streets where we began. Let’s face it, they’re going to make a move, it’s going to be there. We take our most trusted guys to the clubs, and they keep an eye out. Anyone seen dealing this shit, we bring them in. We know our own dealers, so it’s not them.”

  “I’ve already told them to close shop,” Dane said. “I know it’ll cost us money, but until we know who it is and why, I don’t want our shit getting mixed up with this. Anything we see, it doesn’t belong to us.”

  “Also our lack of supply will draw out more demand,” Ronald said. “Just because you stop, doesn’t mean you’ll keep loyal customers. People want the drugs, and they’ll do whatever and whoever to get it.”

  “Keep up with the good work, Ronald. I knew there was a reason I saved your ass from a beating,” Dane said, walking toward the door.

  Ronald chuckled, and Jaxson headed out.

  He checked the time and saw it was a little after four. “I’ve got to go and get your sister.”

  “Oh, fuck, I forgot about her. See, this is the reason I didn’t need her to have a job. I pay for everything.”

  “She wants to be independent. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “When we’ve got a problem like we do, there’s a whole lot wrong with it. I don’t want her on the streets, not with this shit going down. Fuck, I should have thought about this.” Dane ran a hand down his face, and Jaxson saw the bruises on his knuckles.

  “Got into a fight again?”

  “You’re the one to talk. Your knuckles are as busted-up as mine. I’m taking in anyone who is questioning my business. You know the drill. Until I catch the fuckers responsible, this is my ass.”

  “I got it.”

  “Right, go and see sister dearest. Tell her I love her. I’ll go get everything ready for some nighttime hunting. You want snacks?”

  Jaxson laughed. “Only you can be the kind of guy to care about food when we’re going to kick some ass.”

  “You know I love to kick ass, but food comes first. It always has to.” Dane slapped him on the back. “Don’t be too long.”

  Jaxson watched Dane leave before heading to his car. He climbed inside and didn’t linger as he made his way toward the bakery where Noelle had decided to work.

  He parked in the only available space against the curb. She was behind the front counter, her hair wrapped under a small hat, and she smiled at a customer, handing him a small bag.

  She looked so happy.

  He’d known she would be.

  She’d always been the one to want to work. When they were kids, she got a job delivering papers in the street. Dane had thrown a fit at his parents when he discovered they let her do it.

  Jaxson hadn’t completely understood why he was so angry until he found out the truth of what his parents did. Then he just felt it was irresponsible of them.

  Getting out of the car, he entered the bakery.

  Noelle turned her smiling face from the customer to him. The smile dropped, and he saw her cheeks heat.

  The customer left, and he was the only one in the shop.

  “You’re early,” she said.

  He’d not seen her since the night he gave her an orgasm with her brother being a few feet away in her apartment. Being Dane’s partner, it made life pretty hectic at times keeping track of everything, but he loved his life.

  “What’s good here?” he asked.

  “Pretty much everything. The cookies are melt-in-your-mouth. The muffins are so good. Honestly, they’re amazing.”

  He smiled. “I’ll take two muffins and two cookies.”

  She packaged them up and handed them to him.

  “Noelle, it’s time for you to go,” Bethany said, coming out of the back.

  “Oh, I don’t mind waiting around.”

  “No, it’s fine. You’re good to go.”

  She finished ringing up his order, giving him his change.

  He winked at her and left the shop.

  He had no reason to speak to Bethany. Sitting in the car, he took out a cookie and bit into it. It was nice. Sweet, with a lot of chocolate chips and a few nuts, but he preferred the cookies Noelle made. She always added a hint of cinnamon to his cookies.

  She climbed into the car a few minutes later. “What do you think?”

  “Yours are better.”

  “How do you know these are not mine?”

  “You add cinnamon, and you always say that if you can’t add at least a pinch, you won’t bake them.”

  She smiled. “You remember that?”

  “Of course I remember, why wouldn’t I?”

  “I said that to you when I was, like, eighteen. That’s, like, seven years ago.”

  “True but I remember. Now, eat your cookie.”

  She took a bite, and he watched her as she savored the taste. “This is good. Really good.”

  He laughed. “At least you enjoy it.”

  “Maybe you’re just biased.”

  “Nothing wrong in that. I like your baked goods over that of shop-bought baked goods. Did you have a good day today?”

  “Yes, I did. Did you?”

  “Lots of shit going down with your brother, but we’ve got a handle on it.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “More than sure. We can handle this, believe me.”

  They finished their cookie and muffin.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt,” she said.

  “I won’t.”

  “Please be careful.”

  He reached out, gripping her neck, forcing her to look at him. “Always.” He pressed his lips against hers, stealing the kiss he’d been thinking about on the way over to meet her. She tasted so sweet, and not just because of the cookies and muffins she’d been eating.


  The following week

  This had to be the longest time Noelle had gone without seeing her brother or Jaxson. She entered the main pool and saw it was empty. On one of the nights when sleep had refused to take her away from her troubled thoughts, she’d gone exploring and discovered the pool. At the time she found it, it had been completely filled with people. Now it was empty.

  Putting her towel on one of the chairs, she glanced around, seeing it was completely vacant and climbed into the pool. It had been a long time since she went swimming.

  Tying her hair up into a band and looping the ponytail back up, she leaned back into the water. Floating, she stared up at the ceiling.

  Bethany had asked all kinds of questions about the guy who’d picked her up that one time. Yep, Jaxson had sent her a message every single day since then to tell her who was picking her up. So far it had been between Frank and Smith. Both were nice men, but neither of them was like Jaxson.

  She missed him, and it scared her.

  Whatever was going on between her and Jaxson, it had to stop.

  Getting to her feet in the water, she started to swim. Her body came alive at the thought of Jaxson and in the few touches of her body, what he’d made her feel. She had to ignore them because Jaxson didn’t belong to her.

  After doing five lengths of the pool, she moved toward the shallow end, resting her back against the wall.

  “I wondered where you were.”

  She spun ‘round, and there was Jaxson.

  He wore his business suit, like all the times before, and she spotted a fading bruise against the side of his face. The light was low, and looking at his hands, she saw the bruis

  “You’ve been busy.”

  “There’s no rest for the wicked.”

  She stepped away from the side of the pool as Jaxson leaned down, watching her.

  It had been an entire week, and she felt herself staring at him, memorizing what he looked like.

  Nothing had changed, of course it hadn’t. He simply possessed a few more, a lot more, bruises than the last time she saw him.

  “You’ve been in a couple of fights.”

  “They are, as always, unavoidable.” He stood up and began to loosen his tie.

  Her mouth went dry. “Where’s Dane?”

  “He picked up a woman. He won’t be back to this block until tomorrow.”

  “I really didn’t need to know that.”

  Jaxson laughed. “You asked. He likes to fuck, and when he does, he never brings them here.”

  “Okay, moving on. Is everything fine with the two of you? With work?”

  “Yes, it will be, why?”

  “I’m just, I was wondering, that’s all. I worry.”

  “You don’t need to worry. Dane and I, we’ve got this handled.” He finished removing his clothes, down to his boxers, and she saw a few more bruises across his body.

  “What happened to you?”

  “Got into a fight.”

  “What about the other guy?”


  She gasped and quickly looked around the room. “You can’t just say that here. People will hear.”

  “No one is here to hear me. I’m careful.”

  He climbed into the pool, and as he made his way toward her, she found herself stepping back. With each step he took, she went back one until her back hit the wall. Jaxson placed his hands on either side of her body.

  “You don’t need to keep running away from me, Noelle.”

  “I’m not running.”

  “What is it then? That sounds very much like a lie.”

  “You look like you want to eat me, and well … I’m not food.”

  She gasped as his face went to her neck. She yelped as he sank his teeth against her flesh.

  “You do taste so fucking good. The past couple of weeks have been sheer torture. I’ve thought about fucking you. About driving my cock so deep inside your cunt that you can’t think straight.”

  “Why haven’t you?” She wanted to slap a hand against her mouth to stop any and all words from coming out, but she didn’t. Instead, she looked at him in shock. She didn’t know what the hell to do.

  “You’re not ready yet. You’re too nervous. Besides,” he took her hand and placed it against his cock, “I’m not a small man. I’m going to hurt you, and right now, I don’t want to do that. Sliding inside you, you’re going to be so tight, and I need you wet so it’ll make it easier to fuck you, to take you. The other thing, Noelle, when I put my dick inside you, claim your cherry, you better be prepared to face your brother. You’ll belong to me, and then I won’t allow us to be a secret.”

  “You’re blackmailing me.”

  “I’m not blackmailing you. I’m telling you that I don’t want to hide who we are from him. I’m not ashamed of my feelings for you.” He stroked her cheek, curling her hair behind her ear. “And you shouldn’t be either.” He leaned in close and his lips brushed across hers. Why did he have to say something that would melt her heart like that?

  Tears filled her eyes, and she pulled away. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Yes, you do. I’m not a good man, Noelle. I’ve killed men. Hurt them and I don’t care if they beg and plead for mercy. If someone was hurting you, be it man or woman, I would kill them.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. She’d released his cock. As she felt how hard he was, it kind of scared her knowing he was so big. She knew logically, he’d fit. Of course, he’d fit. That’s how men and women were supposed to fit.

  But it didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.

  Jaxson wrapped his arms around her, one going to her ass, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His other hand went to her hair, holding her steady as he ravished her mouth.

  “Fuck, baby, you test my control.”

  “Why do I?”

  “Because, right now, I want nothing more than to sink into your cunt and fuck you so hard you can’t walk properly tomorrow.”

  Her body tightened, and she moaned his name, whimpering it.

  “You drive me crazy.” He broke the kiss and started to trail his lips down her neck, sucking on her pulse. She closed her eyes.

  He grabbed the straps of her bathing suit, sliding them from her arms. She didn’t fight him. Her tits spilled out. He’d already seen her naked, spread open on his desk.

  His lips kissed down to her breasts, and when he sucked on one nipple, she cried out his name, wanting more, hungry for his touch. His teeth sank into the flesh of her nipple before sliding his tongue between the valley, to swirl his tongue across the other peak.

  When he sucked her beaded tip into his mouth, she cried out at the intensity of the pleasure.

  Give him pleasure.

  Opening her eyes, she saw he was staring at her. Reaching down between them, she cupped his cock in her hand, and began to work up and down the length, the way she’d seen others do it.

  Up and down.

  He released her tit, and he let out a growl. “You’re playing with fire.”

  “So are you.”

  He nipped at her tit, and she cried out. Squeezing his cock, she worked him harder and his eyes closed.

  “Fuck, that feels good. You want to make me come?”


  Suddenly, he released her. “Good.” He climbed out of the pool and reached out, grabbing her. Within seconds he had her sitting on the chair where she put her towel. He let down her hair, wrapping the length around his fist. “Take out my cock.”

  She pushed down his boxer briefs, and his cock sprang forward.

  “Wrap your fingers around the length. Work it. Show me what you want to do to it.”

  She did as he asked, watching his jaw clench. His cock was so hard and yet the flesh so soft as she ran her hands up and down.

  She wanted to taste him, but when she leaned in close, he wouldn’t let her. “For now, you just touch. Soon, when I’ve got my face in your pussy, you can suck my cock.”

  Staring up at him and into his eyes, she worked his cock, seeing how close he was. Within a few strokes he came, his grunt echoing around the empty room as his cum spilled out. He wrapped his fingers around hers, and aimed at her exposed chest. Wave upon wave of his cum splashed over her tits.

  Once he was done, he knelt down, cupped her face, and kissed her hard.

  She was truly fucked.

  Chapter Seven

  “Where are we going?” Noelle asked.

  “It’s a surprise. No peeking.” He put his hand in front of her face to make sure she wasn’t trying to cheat and look.

  “This is crazy. You wake me up in the middle of the night telling me you wanted to go somewhere.”

  “I had a brilliant idea, and seeing as you don’t have to work tomorrow and I can make any excuse I want, this will be fun.”

  He was sure she rolled her eyes, but he didn’t care. He wanted to take her somewhere special. Somewhere he knew she always wanted to go, even as a kid but had never gone.

  Dane had always been too busy, and there was no way he’d take his best friend’s little sister with him, so now was the perfect time.

  “Should I be scared?” she asked.

  “No. Of course not. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  “Is it light yet?”

  “It’s getting there.”

  He had to put his foot down. He’d been driving for four hours straight. Noelle had fallen asleep a short time into the drive, but he already had the blindfold on her.

  Seeing the sign for where he wanted to go, he pulled off the main road and headed in that direction. Just as the sun was about to co
me up, he was there. Finding the first available parking space, he rushed around the car, helping her out and moving her toward the edge of the wall.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I think so, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to be ready for.”

  He dropped the blindfold. “Open your eyes.”

  The moment she did, he heard her gasp.

  As a kid, she’d always talked about seeing the sunrise on the beach. He couldn’t get her here to see it set, but going to bed last night, he’d thought about her, and knew he could do this for her.

  “Oh, wow, this is beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you but a close second.”

  “I can’t even believe you remembered this. I mean, how did you remember this?”

  “I just did, and now I’ve finally been able to take you.”

  “You wanted to show this to me?”

  “Of course.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head against her shoulder. “It’s pretty unforgettable. Whenever you look at a sunrise now, you’ll always be thinking about me. About us.”

  “Jaxson, there can’t be an us.”

  “There can be. It’s fine for you to be nervous though. I can handle a nervous you.”

  She turned into his arms, her brown eyes staring up at him.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For bringing me here. I’ll never forget it. It looks so beautiful.”

  He cupped her cheek. “I wanted to come here, to show you all of this. You have a right to see the beauty that’s before you.”

  “You’re a real charmer, you know that, right?”

  “Of course.” He gripped the back of her neck, pulling her close. “A kiss as payment.”

  She moaned the moment his lips touched hers.

  He started out as a caress that soon turned into a hard, demanding kiss. He only stopped when he heard her stomach growl. Chuckling, he kissed her again. “I better feed you.”

  “This is so embarrassing.”

  “No, it’s not. Come on. I’ll feed you.”

  He found a diner that was serving breakfast. They ordered some coffee and took time to peruse the menu.

  “I’m thinking waffles, bacon, and eggs,” she said.

  “I’m with you on the bacon and eggs. Not waffles though.”


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