Dirty Bastard

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Dirty Bastard Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Tears filled her eyes as shame consumed her. She’d never been put in the back of a police car before in her life. The cop wasn’t arresting her, but he was taking her to the station so she didn’t drive under the influence.

  Once at the station, the officer left her in the waiting area while he helped to deal with Jaxson. After everything that had happened, it took her a few moments to realize she had her cell phone. Pulling it out, she called Andrea, Jaxson’s lawyer, who promised to arrive as soon as possible. The cop who’d brought her to the station returned, and he sat down with her, giving her a verbal caution. She had no priors, and he didn’t see a reason to add one now when she was clearly shaken up.

  The night had been so perfect. She put her hand to her neck, to touch the necklace Jaxson had given to her.

  Time passed, she didn’t know how much, but she stayed at the station. Wiping her face, she imagined she looked a mess with the mascara and lipstick she’d used.

  Finally, Andrea turned up. He checked on her first, letting her know that Dane was on his way.

  “You didn’t have to call him,” Noelle said.

  “Jaxson and Dane have a rule. If they end up in jail, the other must be notified. You’re good to stay here while I take care of this?”


  “Good. I won’t be too long,” he said.

  She sat back down, waiting. Dane was going to pitch a fit when he came back.

  “You know you can do better than that man I put away last night,” the cop said.

  Noelle said nothing.

  “It shouldn’t be much longer now, miss. I know how good Andrea is. You’ll be out of here in no time. I don’t want to see you here again, and if you take some advice, stay far away from your man. He’s bad news, and he’ll get you killed.”

  She didn’t say anything, padding across the floor with bare feet, holding her heels in her hand. Rounding the corner, she saw Jaxson was already waiting. Andrea worked fast.

  What surprised her was Dane. He stood behind Jaxson.

  She had never felt so much relief at seeing her brother as she did in that second, even though he looked so pissed off.

  “Seriously?” Dane asked. “You could have taken my sister home.”

  The cop shrugged. “You can never be too careful.”

  “She’s not a fucking criminal.” Dane pulled her into his arms. “Come on, Noelle.”

  She didn’t pull away from him as he marched out of the police station. His car was parked out front, and she was so happy.

  Andrea stopped to talk to them, but Noelle tuned out. She was so tired, and all she wanted to do was sleep. Andrea shook their hands and left.

  “Dane?” Jaxson said.

  “Right now, I got nothing to fucking say to you, man. You wanted to give her a good time, I get it. You got her practically arrested.”

  “They called her a whore,” Jaxson said. “Tell me you wouldn’t have done something.”

  “I would have done something. You can guarantee I’d have done something about it. Just not when people can call the fucking cops.” Dane shook his head. “Get in the fucking car.”

  She climbed into the passenger seat and expected Jaxson to climb in the back. Staring out of the window, she watched as Jaxson and Dane seemed to have an argument, right there in the middle of the street.

  Biting her lip, she couldn’t help but worry as Dane finally climbed behind the wheel. He slammed the door closed, and she sensed the anger coming off him in waves. This was the first time she’d ever felt like she was in trouble.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  She told him everything that had played out, including her own little ride in the back of a police car.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t fucking think. You should have followed him, and that way they wouldn’t have been able to even caution you. Fuck!” He slammed his hand against the steering wheel.

  “We were only having some fun.”

  “I know, and that is what pisses me off. There was no way I was not going to come and see you both. You’re my little sister. Jaxson and I have an agreement.” He shook his head. “From now on, think before you do anything. I’ll deal with Jaxson. He should have known better.”

  “I will.” She glanced toward her brother.

  “Right now, I feel like a fucking father who has just caught his kid doing bad things.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re doing really well.”

  He burst out laughing. “Thanks, kid. Did you at least have fun?”

  “Yes, I did. Dane, you don’t have to keep worrying about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “You’re my little sister. I’ll always be responsible for you. That will never change. Not now. Not ever.”

  “Don’t be too hard on Jaxson. It’s my fault.”

  “He’s a grown man, Noelle. I’ll deal with him how I see fit.”

  She didn’t say anything else. What more could she say?


  Jaxson entered his apartment and wasn’t surprised to see Dane already there. He had a key to his place. Dumping his keys in the little dish he kept on his desk, he faced his best friend.

  “What’s going on between you and Noelle?” Dane put down the picture he’d been holding.

  “Why do you want to know? Has she said anything?”

  “Noelle won’t say shit. It’s how you know she’s so damn loyal. I’m asking you as my friend. What is going on between you and Noelle?”

  He stared at his friend. Noelle wouldn’t say anything. He was tired. Pissed off. Angry. This wasn’t how he wanted the night to end and certainly not the next day.

  “I’m not in the mood for this.”

  “Get in the fucking mood because Andrea had to bail your ass out of jail.”

  “They called her a fucking whore! I wasn’t going to let that happen a third time.” He went to his bottle of scotch and poured himself a generous shot. Downing it in one, he didn’t give a shit that it was morning.

  “What’s going on between you and Noelle, Jaxson? I’m not going to ask again.”

  He poured himself another shot. His hands ached from the punches he’d given the night before. He had yet to see Noelle.

  “You really want to know?”

  “I wouldn’t be here asking, would I?”

  Finishing his shot, he turned toward Dane. It was on the tip of his tongue to lie. It would be a lot easier for all of them if he did, only, he didn’t want to keep his relationship with Noelle a secret. He had nothing to hide.

  “She’s mine.”

  Dane burst out laughing. “Are you kidding me right now? She’s yours?”

  “You know what that means.”

  The laughter died. They stared at each other, waiting.

  Dane stood, and Jaxson turned completely, keeping his best friend in his sight.

  “Let me get this straight, you’re saying you’re laying claim to my sister?”

  “She’s mine, Dane. You know it. I know it. You can pretend that you’re not aware of it all you want, but you’re not fucking stupid. You know I’ve had feelings for her for a long time now.”

  Dane shook his head. “You’re my best friend. You can’t be dating my sister.”

  “I’m the only one who you’ll ever allow near her, or are you going to deny us both that?” Jaxson asked.

  “You’re willing to gamble with our friendship over her?”

  “Yes. I don’t want to, but I can’t give her up. I love her.”

  Dane stared past his shoulder, and Jaxson saw the blow coming. He didn’t back up but allowed the fist to connect with his face. The impact hurt, and he knew it would be fucking bruising. When the second hit came, he didn’t do anything then either. He allowed two more blows before he defended himself.

  “You can hate me, but you’re stuck with me. I love your sister. I’ll treat her right. She is going to be mine. My wife. The love of my life.”

  “This life is too fucking da
ngerous for her, Jaxson. If you cared for her at all, you wouldn’t put her through this.”

  “Then what are you doing? You’re not exactly being the caring sort! This life is just as dangerous for her if I don’t claim as if I do. Do you think I want this for her? You don’t think I haven’t considered what my feelings will mean for her?” Jaxson blocked Dane’s fist. Pushing him up against the wall, he shook his head. “Enough. I don’t want to fight with you!”

  “You think I’m going to sit back and watch you ruin my sister? I know what this life is like. I want to protect her the best way I can, and that means you and her are never going to be.”

  Jaxson shoved him back, and Dane ran his hands over his wrinkled jacket.

  “That’s your final answer?”

  “Right now, be happy you’re still fucking breathing. I need a drink.”

  He watched as Dane turned on his heel and left.

  It didn’t end exactly the way he hoped, but Dane also hadn’t murdered him. Staring at his reflection, he looked angry, but he didn’t have time for a shower. Leaving his apartment, he went straight to Noelle.

  He knocked on the door, giving her time to open up. When she didn’t, he pulled out the spare key he had of hers, slid it into the lock, twisting it and entering her apartment. He heard the television playing, and he slammed the door closed.

  Within seconds she was there. She wore a long nightshirt, even though it wasn’t night, with a pair of pajama pants. She’d closed all the curtains, and he saw her eyes were red and puffy.

  “I didn’t want to start a fight last night,” he said.

  “You should have walked away.”

  “I don’t believe in walking away,” he said. “I have to protect you.”

  “This isn’t going to work.”

  “I’ve already told Dane you’re mine.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Are you fucking crazy?”

  He couldn’t help but smile. It had to be the first time he’d heard her swear. “It would seem that way.”

  “Why would you do that? Why are you alive?”

  He rubbed his chin. “Of course I’m alive. Dane’s not going to kill me because he knows I’m good at what I do and he needs me just as much as I need him.”

  “This is so frustrating. I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  “He hit me.” He rubbed at his chin again, and he saw the concern in her eyes.

  She walked down the corridor and cupped his face. “Where did he hit you?”

  He pointed at his face, and she pressed a kiss to each side. “I’m sorry.”

  He cupped her hips, not letting her move. “I’m not going to hide. He asked me what was going on.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Plotting my death, probably.”

  “Can we really be this selfish?”

  “How can we not be?” He walked her back until she was pressed against the wall. “Now, before we were rudely interrupted, I remember you asking me for something, and now I’m wondering if I should give it to you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Seriously, after everything that has happened, you want to think about that?”

  “Why not? I’ve got nothing to hide, and I know I want you.” He pressed his lips to her neck, and he heard her moan. Flicking his tongue across her pulse, he heard her breath catch. As he nipped at her flesh the breath turned into a guttural gasp. “Tell me to stop, Noelle.”

  “No, I’m not going to do that.”

  “I’m not a good man, Noelle. I’m a bad man. I’ve killed people. Hurt them and laughed as I did. I will fight to keep you, to protect you. I’ll never let another person hurt you, but you must realize something.”


  He started to walk her back, going straight to her bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he loosened his tie, throwing it to the floor, followed by this jacket. “You belong to me.” He removed his shirt. “Your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul. It’s all mine, and you can’t give it to anyone else but me.”

  He gripped the front of her shirt, drawing her close. Her hands went to his shoulders. Slamming his lips down on hers, he felt her melt against him. Tugging at the shirt, he tore it down the center, pushing the bits of fabric from her body until they fell to the floor.

  They could go on and on like a record on repeat about how Dane wouldn’t accept them. Dane wouldn’t have a choice.

  There was no one else in this world that would ever give Noelle a better life. The moment he and Dane took over this city, removed Dane’s parents, they had sealed Noelle’s fate.

  He was the only person who would ever be able to protect her.

  Running his hands down her back, he drew her closer to him. “Say the words,” he said.

  “I don’t want to.”

  She began to unbutton his shirt, and he watched her. When she pushed it down his arms, he helped her get it off his body. It fell to the floor.

  Next, she gripped his belt buckle and proceeded to remove his jeans. The pair of pants she wore, he screwed up in his fist until they tore. Throwing them to the floor, he cupped her face, walking her back until she fell down to the bed.

  He followed her down. Pushing her hands out of the way, he took off his boxer briefs, and now they were both naked. Nothing between them.

  Staring down into her eyes, he saw the indecision flash within her gaze.

  “Just say the words,” he said.

  Noelle didn’t have a fucking clue how he felt about her. He loved her with every single part of his soul. He would do everything for her. No other woman would ever compare to her.

  She reached up, cupping his face, pulling him down to her. His body moved between her spread thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he caught the smile dancing across her lips.

  “Make love to me, Jaxson.”

  They were the best words he’d ever heard her say.

  Chapter Nine

  Noelle had never been this nervous before in her entire life. Her body was alive as she felt the hard press of his cock between her thighs. The heat from that single touch had her nearly coming apart at the seams. The only person she saw or wanted to see was Jaxson. He’d gone against her brother, and she didn’t know why it changed her mind, why it made her believe all of this was possible, but it did.

  He caught her hand, pressing it up against her head. She arched up and moaned as his lips circled her nipple.

  “Keep your hands above your head.”

  She held still as he began to kiss her body, moaning with each flick and suck of his lips. He didn’t just stay at her breasts; he began to trail down, driving her crazy as he licked her stomach.

  Staring down the length of her body, she watched as he spread her thighs wide and there was no hiding anymore.

  “Such a pretty pussy.” He opened the lips of her sex, and as he took a lick, she cried out.

  “Please don’t punish me.”

  “You’ve done everything I said. There’s no reason to punish you when you’ve been a good girl.”

  That shouldn’t sound so good, and yet it did.

  When he latched onto her clit and sucked hard, she arched up off the bed. He pressed a hand to her stomach, pushing her down so she had nowhere to go.

  Whimpering, she watched his control of her body, and it completely blew her mind. Feeling him surround her, taking her, there was nothing else, nor was there anywhere else she wanted to be.

  “I want you to come all over my mouth and then I’m going to fuck you.”

  He flicked her clit, going down to circle her hole and up again, sucking her back inside. The pleasure was intense, and there was no way for her to stop the impending orgasm. The instant it hit, she screamed his name and begged for him not to stop. There was no way she was ever going to survive such scorching pleasure. He didn’t stop, the strokes of his tongue taking her into a second orgasm that was just as intense as the first. As she was coming down from her second release, Jaxson started to crawl up the bed. He
settled between her spread thighs, and any fear left her.

  There would be pain, no doubt about it.

  Every woman’s first time meant pain.

  Staring up at him, she felt his cock press against her slit. He stroked his length between her, bumping her clit. She cried out as the pleasure shook her body, and as he moved down to her entrance, she saw the worry in his gaze.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  In the next second, she cried out as he slammed past her virgin wall, tearing through it and claiming her as his. The pain, to start, was intense. She’d never felt such heat, and at first, she tried to stop him from going any deeper.

  He captured her hands, pressing them to the bed as he seated himself to the hilt.

  His kisses swallowed her cries, and as tears ran down her cheeks, Noelle wondered if she just wasn’t right. Was there something wrong with her?

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

  “It hurts.” She hated how childlike she sounded.

  “I never wanted to hurt you. I promise it’ll only hurt for a little while.” He kissed her head, her lips, surrounding her with his warmth. “I’d never willingly hurt you.”

  His kisses bruised her lips, but as he trailed down to her neck, sucking on her pulse, she felt a spike of heat rush through her body.

  Gradually, the pain started to lessen, and all that remained was the searing heat of his body as it consumed her.

  She’d never felt something so amazing.

  His cock tightened within her, and she closed her eyes.

  It wasn’t enough anymore to just lie there and wait. She gave a little wiggle, and at his groan, he started to pull out.

  She wrapped her legs around him, trying to stop him from doing that.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I’m not going to.” He thrust forward. “But I want to see if this is what you want.”

  As he filled her, she cried out at the pleasure. “Again, please, Jaxson, don’t stop.”

  He lifted up and pressed his cock inside her. Once, twice, three times, and as he did, she felt herself coming apart, screaming his name, begging for more.

  “Yes, please, yes,” she said. “It feels so good.”


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