Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 8

by A. K. Michaels

  Lexi stopped, cocking her head to the side, then pointed right. They turned as one and made their way in the direction which Lexi had indicated. A long hallway was in front of them, again all in black marble, on the floor, walls and ceiling...and they moved silently and slowly.

  A door...a huge door...was lying open straight ahead and they moved to the sides of the hall. Lexi, Zach and Vlad on one side and Conall and James on the other – their progress slow as they moved towards the opening.

  As they got nearer they could make out parts of the interior, huge chairs of gold brocade visible, several held very large males.

  Zach could feel the power from these beings even from their position in the hallway. They spoke in a language that none of the vampires knew but it was obvious that the twins did and knew what was being discussed. A frown coming across both their features.

  Conall held up a hand, with three fingers up – all the vamps knew what he meant. One finger went down, then the second, when the third descended everyone moved, incredibly fast.

  Lexi and Conall were first through the doors to great roars from the beings. The huge Fallen moving quickly – almost as quick as a Vampire.

  The beings looked like dirty angels, their features perfect as any angels were, but dirty, grey, and drab. Their faces were masks of hate at that moment and when they felt the power that was obviously in the twins at least two had fear on their perfect faces.

  There were four in total, Lexi moved so fast that Zach couldn't keep track of her and she flew upwards – flying towards the largest of the Fallen. Doing just what he would do in a battle...taking out the strongest first.

  Conall went for the one nearest and Zach did the same, his sword...even held above him at it's highest point...not even reaching the head of the being in front of him.

  James and Vlad went for the last, one which was trying to get out a door to the rear of the great room they were in. Vlad got to the door first and stood with his sword raised, legs spread, one slightly in front of the other. A fighting stance and James got behind the being, his own sword grasped tightly in a two handed grip.

  All hell broke loose, Conall was thrown high up into the air and Zach catching sight of him in his peripheral vision, his breath catching. Conall landed squarely on his two feet and flew back at his opponent.

  The Fallen in front of Zach took his momentary lapse in concentration to strike and Zach found himself landing heavily against the black marble wall, he heard several of his ribs breaking on contact. He took a deep breath in and pushed himself upward and back into the fight.

  Lexi was trying to get closer to her Fallen but he moved fast for such a large being and twice she had failed to touch him, her special touch obviously known to him. She noted that Conall had been thrown and landed okay – her father not being so lucky and she was sure she heard bones break.

  Lexi's fear for her father made her move quicker, faster, and she got within touching distance – YES! Her hand landing on the thigh of the being in front of her and he let out an ungodly roar before falling straight back...his head making a terrible sound when coming into contact with the cold, hard, marble.

  Lexi immediately went to her father's side, he was already back on his feet and moving towards the Fallen before him. He even managed a small smile towards his daughter before he launched himself forward.

  His blade sliced through the hip of the great being and it roared in pain. The sound loud and echoing within the marble walls.

  Lexi realised that her spells were also helping against these Fallen and she all but laughed as she flew towards it...a single touch...and it was down.

  Zach was bending over, trying to ease the pain of his broken ribs when something flew past him. What or who was that? His head swung up quickly trying to see.


  Alex was running down a long hallway and she saw Zach being hurled against a wall. She actually heard his ribs break! Anger and adrenaline was now so high in her system she was seeing red and she ran down the hallway and into the room.

  As she entered Zach had risen and injured the Fallen in front of him, Lexi moving quickly and touching fell to the floor still. At that second she saw Conall battling another, he was fast and strong but he didn't have the touch that Lexi did. The one that could cripple or kill even a Fallen Angel.

  Her mother's love for her child strained inside her and she flew past Zach, who was now bending over gasping, and straight to her son. She usually used small blades and throwing knives but had been practising using a small sword and that's what she now had in her hands as she entered the fight.


  Vlad had hurt the being in front of him, with James also doing so from behind. However, both he and James had been injured too, the strength of this thing was beyond their wildest imaginings. A flick of it's wrist against them and they were thrown down or up and against the walls. The marble both were made of hurting each time they crashed into it.

  Vlad wasn't sure who was hurting more...him, James or the thing in front of them. James roared and ran then jumped high into the air and the being turned to swipe him away and he went flying through the air and crashed heavily against the wall.

  Vlad moved the second the thing had turned towards James and his sword went in and straight through the stomach area, finally the being bellowed in pain. Vlad pulled his sword out and struck again, and again, and again...the thing finally fell onto it's knees and Vlad raised his sword high and swung with all the strength he had left.

  The sword connected just under the jaw and went straight on through – the large head falling to the side. A look of confusion and surprise still on the perfect features of the Fallen Angel.

  Zach followed the person who had ran past him, shit, it was Alex and she was heading straight for the being that Conall was fighting. What the fuck was she thinking?!

  “Lexi!” Zach shouted and his daughter followed his eyes – her mother taking on the being that had just thrown Conall away like a puppet with broken strings.

  “No!” Lexi screamed and Vlad looked over – shit – what the hell was Alex doing?! His blood ran cold,she had no idea how strong these things were.

  Conall picked himself up from the floor and his eyes landed on his mother running straight at the Fallen he had been fighting. The look on her face scared him, she was full of rage and he had never seen her move so fast.

  Alex wasn't stupid – she knew these things were strong – but she was small and very, very fast. She ran straight towards it then veered to the right, going round the back. She was so fast that the thing actually stumbled while trying to keep her in it's sights.

  As soon as she got round just a little on the right side she let her sword fall, quickly but with strength, right above the heel at the back.

  The Fallen yelled in pain and tried to grab hold of this tiny female. The huge hand missed Alex by mere centimetres.

  Alex carried on and struck at the other heel, and the blade went in and stayed there, buried deep in the bone. Alex didn't stop, letting go of the sword and pulling her throwing blades out. She let them and true...flying through the air and piercing the Fallen. One in it's neck, one in the shoulder, and one in the stomach and then she was back at the front. Facing off to this huge being in front of her.

  Conall appeared next to her and then Lexi, finally Zach was behind her, pulling her away forcibly.

  Conall distracted the being as Lexi reached out and touched it and it fell backwards and broke a huge vase filled with flowers that the earth had never seen grow on it.

  Alex was so full of adrenaline that she at first fought her mate, desperate to get to this thing that had thrown her son about. Zach had to tighten his hold and whisper in her ear, “Meine Kleine – it's me, it's over, you need to calm down now little one. Calm down.” and he had to repeat himself a few times before Alex stopped struggling.

  Finally she looked over her shoulder and up to Zach her face full of concern. Alex turned around full
y, running her hands all over Zach, “Shit you're hurt, I heard your bones break Zach, shit shit shit. Lexi, Lexi – Lexi get over here – your father's hurt!”

  Lexi came over but Zach was shaking his head, “No Lexi...James, he's unconscious...see to him first.” and his daughter looked around, locating the Vampire lying like a broken doll at the base of the marble wall near the back of the huge room. She moved quickly and knelt down, Vlad was already next to James trying to check the damage of his friend. Lexi could feel he was also hurt.

  However, James was worse...a lot worse and she went to work. First she lay her hands on his body, sending out her power to sense all of his injuries. The worst was his head, the back had been caved in the last time he had hit the hard marble wall. She worked fast, first his head, then his shoulders, back, ribs and lastly his leg.

  If James had been human he wouldn't have lasted long enough for her to get to him. He would've been dead.

  She thanked God that he was a Vampire and had lasted long enough for her to heal him. He would probably have healed on his own though it would have taken a long while...and a whole hell of a lot of fresh blood.

  James came awake quickly and jumped up, still ready to fight. When he saw all the Fallen down and out he relaxed, slightly.

  Vlad winced as he stood up, knowing he had broken ribs and one of his shoulder's was definitely not right. He sighed when Lexi touched him – her power invading his entire body. He felt himself heal but there was no pain, only a soft heat radiating out from his core. The feeling was rather pleasant and relaxing.

  Next, Lexi moved to her father – her mother still running her hands over him. Feeling for injuries and a look of concern on her face. Lexi gently moved her mum over a bit and placed her hands gently on her father's chest, letting her power leave her body and heal his injuries.

  Zach had been the least injured – just a few broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. Soon he felt fine...more than fine...he felt great.

  Alex looked about the room and was just going to tell them about the girls they had found when Michael arrived.

  The Angel was not alone, he had two other large Angels with him. They moved quickly and placed a hand on a Fallen and disappeared only to reappear again and do the same. Then there was only Michael.

  The large Angel had moved towards Lexi at the same time as she moved towards him and they met with Michael enveloping Lexi in his arms. The look of love that passed between them was not missed by any that was witness to it.

  “Are you allright my little angel?” Michael asked and the voice was not one that Alex or Zach had ever heard before, full of emotion and only one word that could describe

  “Yes, of course I am silly.” Lexi spoke back and the tone she used spoke volumes as to her feelings for the Angel.

  SHIT! Alex was worried and looked to Zach who was staring intently at the large being holding his daughter. Alex knew that look and tried to avert what she knew was coming.

  Alex placed a hand on Zach's arm trying to calm him and keep him in place. He scowled down at her and moved forward.

  “Okay you two, I want to know what's going on right now! I thought Angels couldn't be with a human?” Zach all but spat the words out. His fists tightly clenched at his side.

  Alex looked about and her eyes met Vlad's, a silent plea in hers. The large Vampire saw and understood, moving quickly to his friend's back.

  “Zach you need to calm down.” Vlad whispered and Zach's head whirled round.

  “Calm down?! I need to calm down?! No what I need is to know what's going on with this.... this... fucking ANGEL and my DAUGHTER! That's what I need!” Zach was now shouting and his body was thrumming with his power.

  Vlad turned to Alex with a look that said, 'I tried'.

  Alex then looked to Conall who wouldn't meet her gaze. She moved over to stand by her mate and looked up at the perfect face of this Angel.

  “Well?” Alex asked and waited.

  Lexi squirmed, Michael's wings fluttered, and then they both looked at one another was so clear...that look...they were in love!

  “Mum now's not the time, really...I can feel more Fallen, at least two, they're hiding. We need to deal with them and get anybody you found back to safety. We can discuss this when we get home, okay?” Lexi finished and the pleading in her voice hit Alex right in the heart.

  Alex grabbed Zach's arm, “Okay for now, but Lexi, Michael...we WILL have this conversation – the second we are back home.” and Alex's tone left no room for argument.

  Michael inclined his head and moved back from Lexi and promptly disappeared again.

  “Why does he keep doing that!” Zach shouted.

  Conall came over, “Dad, come on we need to find the others before they get away or kill the girls. Come on.” and Conall finally got through to his father.

  Zach looked at his son and nodded his head, well it wasn't actually a nod, just a slight movement, but everyone in the room took that as a yes.

  “Lexi where are these fucking Fallen.” Vlad asked.

  Lexi started moving, “Upstairs near the back – I can feel them.” and everyone fell in behind her and Conall, making their way back towards the front door.

  Once more in the entranceway they started up the stairs, which seemed to go way up high, so much higher than the building looked from the outside. Lexi was first with Conall right next to her. Zach was right behind and his anger was still rolling off him, so much so that Alex could almost see it.

  At the top Lexi turned right and headed down an impossibly long hallway, shit if this was real they would be in the middle of the Cairngorms by now, Alex thought. She trudged on and soon doors on either side came into view.

  Lexi slowed and she moved to one side of the hallway and Conall the other, the rest followed suit. Alex was now on the opposite side of the hall from Zach and she didn't like it – she wanted to be next to him but had to keep going.

  Lexi stopped, so everyone else, her head cocked to one side as tho listening but Conall knew she was sending her powers out. Powers that he had too but she seemed to use them just a little bit better than he did. Then her head shot up – and looked to the door on the left a little way further on. She pointed and then held up two fingers. Her meaning clear.

  Lexi moved on – slowly – and soon she was opposite the door with Conall and Zach right beside it. Conall and Lexi took several deep breaths, centering themselves and their powers.

  Conall moved first – Lexi a second behind – and the doors flew open before they touched them. Conall using his powers to throw them wide just before entering.

  Everyone rushed in, and Alex noted Vlad and James had moved just a little faster than her so that they and Zach were also in front of her.

  In the farthest corners of an enormous room were the Fallen – one in each. One was much, much, larger than the one Lexi had taken down earlier and both her and Conall moved towards that one, slowly.

  Zach, Vlad and James moved towards the other one, much smaller than the other but still huge. Bigger than all three Vampires.

  Alex stood a little ways back, watching first – waiting – in case she was needed.

  She soon found out she was, as the Vampires moved towards their prey it's hands flew out and Vlad was thrown violently backwards. He flew through the air and landed in front of Alex, who jumped over him and moved forward.

  Zach was moving fast now, weaving, trying to get to the huge being without it's powers striking him. James was doing the same and James reached it first, his sword held out to the side and moving his arms in a side arc. If the weapon had struck it would've been a severe blow, but it didn't.

  Just as the weapon was mere inches away the being threw out an arm and James went sprawling on the floor, a loud curse coming from his mouth.

  Zach struck, his battle sword reaching it's target, though it was only a glancing blow. The only damage a slight cut on the being's upper left arm.

  It was enough to anger the Fa
llen before them and it's attention was now fully on Zach. He stared into it's cold, flawless features and the hatred and anger was clear on it's face. It muttered some words in a language none of them knew and then flicked a finger. That was all – a simple flick of one finger and Zach fell to the floor, his body encompassed in pain.

  Zach couldn't make a noise, couldn't take a breath, and the pain was so intense he thought his body was going to come apart. Then he heard a yell - “NO!” and Alex flew past his body and launched herself bodily at the Fallen.

  Alex landed on the being, about half way up his massive size, and started to rain blows down on any part she could reach. Her hands held two daggers – both of which had been spelled by Lexi – and the being staggered, bellowing in pain, before throwing her off roughly.

  Alex tumbled through the air and twisted her body at the last moment before she hit the marble floor. She landed on her feet – well mostly – one foot and one knee, and launched herself back at the perfect looking creature.

  James was now on his feet and heading in the same direction, Zach's pain had went the moment Alex's daggers had pierced the skin of the Fallen and he pulled himself up to stand in front of it once more.

  A blood curdling animalistic roar broke through the air and Vlad was moving at supernatural speed – everyone else did the same. The four Vampires going for the one Fallen in front of them.

  The being tried to launch another spell but Alex had pulled a throwing dagger out and threw it straight at the face in front of her. She used every single part of her enhanced strength and the dagger lodged in the cheek, all the way to the hilt, and the thing stepped back, trying desperately to pull it out.

  The distraction was all the Vampires needed and they launched at it with their large swords, hacking, cutting, striking, for all their worth. Wounds appeared and didn't heal, a dark liquid oozing out of them.

  “Legs!” Zach shouted and all three started to hack at the knees and finally the being fell forward. As soon as it was down Zach and Vlad did one of their long practised moves – both going for the neck from opposite sides. It was a tried and tested tactic they had used many, many times in battle and it worked once more. The head falling completely from the shoulders of the large Fallen Angel and it's body collapsed downwards.


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