Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  “Okay, we can go home now.” Conall said and once again grasped his parents hands. They appeared back in their living room and Zach started to take his weapons off and Alex was doing the same.

  Conall was doing the pacing thing again.

  “What's wrong?” Alex asked.

  Conall stopped and looked up, “Mum that was quite a weak Fallen, I don't know what would've happened it it had been a large or stronger one. Lexi was made for this...her touch as you know puts them down...what if the next one is bigger, stronger?”

  Zach butted in, “Well we'll just fight longer and harder – that's what you do in those situations son.” Zach's tone was calm but his words were strong and Conall nodded. “Okay dad but if anything happened to either of you it would kill me!”

  Alex laughed, “Now don't you go worrying about us, we'll help you Conall. Whenever you need – until Lexi gets back – and even when she does we'll still help. We need to get these Fallen off of this earth before they cause havoc.”

  Conall agreed and wished that Lexi would come back soon, he missed his twin.

  However, Lexi didn't come back soon, a week went by and there was no sign of her. With each passing hour and day Alex, Zach and Conall worried all the more.

  Why was she away so long? Where was she and just what the hell was going on? None of them had any answers to any of these questions and got more and more frantic. Conall tried calling Michael but, of course, the Angel didn't come.

  Alex tried hard to help her son, he wasn't sleeping properly, she knew because he was staying at theirs and he slept rarely.

  Conall and Zach took it upon themselves to change the nursery, painting it a neutral beige and getting their stored furniture back. Conall was grateful for the large sleigh bed tho it still didn't help him sleep. It was just a comfier place for him to toss and turn.

  Alex felt sad at seeing the nursery go before her eyes but knew it was time. At least now they had a proper spare room again. Zach, Vlad, James and Dmitri had sometimes had very long nights together...drinking copious amounts of alcohol. On more than one occasion Alex wished she could just roll one of them into a bed.

  Well, now she could, if the need arose.

  Irina had dropped in with Tatya to see how Alex was, knowing her friend was worried for her daughter. “So no news then?” Irina asked while trying to hold on to a very squirming child.

  “No nope, nothing.” Alex replied while getting a cookie for the said squirming child.

  As soon as Tatya saw it she quieted down, “Mm cookie!” she squealed and Irina raised an eyebrow at Alex. “It's only one!” Alex countered the look.

  “Yes but Vlad gave her one earlier so she shouldn't be getting another one just now.” Irina complained and Alex just smiled sweetly as she handed the cookie to the gorgeous little girl.

  “So have you seen much of Simeon and Sam?” Irina asked, curious about the female. A Jaguar! Nobody had thought they were even real. Irina was more than a little excited about it and she hoped her and Sam could become friends.

  “Just a couple of times, to be honest I've been busy here, supervising the nursery change and looking after two very uptight males!” Alex said and realised that she should've made more of an effort. The poor girl was taken from her home in a camp to another country and hell, Alex felt bad that she hadn't gone round to check on her.

  “Oh don't worry about her...Lisa has taken her under her wing and so has Donna, so she's fine. I even caught a glimpse of them in the woods behind our house. Alex she was glorious – a Jaguar – I never thought I would ever see one!” Irina's excitement was clear in her voice.

  “Yes I know, her Jaguar is beautiful and I'm glad Lisa and Donna are helping her adjust. Jeez Irina, the camp they lived in was so basic and they stayed animal a lot of the time. Poor girl didn't even know what a bra was for.” Alex was still a little shocked at how basic Sam's pack had lived.

  “Well Alex there are some packs that live like that, not a lot nowadays but still some, or so I've been told. I'm sure she'll settle down just fine. The bond of a mated couple makes up for an awful lot – with her mate beside her she'll do fine.” Irina was now trying to get the remnants of half chewed cookie off of her sleeve.

  “Zach said Simeon has been having a hard time though Vlad's going to get them moved to a small house – it's just getting decorated for them. Every time Sam goes out the door of the apartment Simeon is snarling at anyone that looks at her!” Alex was half laughing, most mates were like that in the beginning. However, as the couple were staying in the apartment block for the Guards it was more of a problem and could end nastily.

  Irina did the giggle that Alex loved, it sounded like a child's infectious laugh, “Oh I know – Vlad says the sooner the better as Simeon is ready to kill someone!”

  Alex thought Vlad was right, the sooner the better for all concerned.

  Just as Irina was going to speak again Conall appeared - “Mum – another Fallen – quick, dad's waiting!”

  Alex ran, getting her gear on and shouting a “Sorry” to Irina who watched with more than a little fear on her face. When Vlad had said what Alex and Zach were doing in the absence of Lexi she had nearly wet herself. It was far too dangerous – and she wished that Lexi would return soon. Irina loved Alex and Zach dearly and when she thought that either could get hurt...well it made her ill.

  Irina was ignorant of what her own mate was about to do, which was just as well. She probably would've had a heart attack.

  Alex was ready quickly and Conall took her hand and moved them. They appeared in the training gym where Zach had been sparring with Vlad.

  Alex noted both Zach and Vlad were suited up and that Zach had one of Vlad's swords in his hands. Oh – Vlad was coming?

  Conall took his mother's hand and his fathers, Vlad holding onto Zach and they appeared in a wooded area. Where? They had no idea. It didn't matter.

  It was near dark and cold and wet, Conall looked around – there. Two Fallen were walking off in the opposite direction to where they had appeared, their backs to them.

  Conall moved quickly, flying a few feet above the ground which saved him from making any noise while he moved closer.

  He struck in the middle of the two, sending them stumbling for a few paces. As soon as Conall was passed them the three vampires struck. Blades and swords flying through the air.

  Conall landed in front of the two beings and started swinging great punches, landing on one then the other. The two Fallen were confused as they were being attacked from both back and front.

  The confusion lasted only a few seconds though and soon they stood firm, one facing forward the other back.

  Vlad moved forward, fast, and his sword was held low in both his hands, he moved to strike and was suddenly thrown up into the air. He moved through the air with force and struck the nearest tree with a loud cracking sound.

  Alex knew he had broken something, but what? She wasn't sure, she took a deep breath and ran towards the being in front. Zach was just ahead and he actually slowed, waiting on his mate to reach his side.

  His thinking was that hopefully the being's attention would be distracted by at least one of them. He was wrong.

  Just before both Alex and Zach's swords descended they found themselves Both landed in a heap on the cold wet ground, the wind being knocked forcefully from their lungs.

  Conall was fairing better, his immense strength helping him, though he was no nearer taking this being down than the vampires were.

  Alex looked to see if Vlad was okay. Was he up? Shit, she didn't see him, where the hell was he? The thought of having to tell Irina Vlad had been hurt, or worse had Alex's heart rate shooting up alarmingly.

  Zach sent a small thought to Alex, 'Vlad's flanking it, come on' and they got up and moved forward again. Keeping the being's attention on them.

  The Fallen facing their way was keeping a close eye on them, waiting til they were a little closer before throwing them awa
y again. Though this time he planned on making them hurt, bad.

  Just as the being was gathering it's power to attack the two vampires Vlad moved quickly and quietly from the side, his sword high – two handed – and he let it fall with all his strength. The blade sliced right through the shoulder where it met the neck, carrying on downwards and right through the chest.

  The Fallen's roar was so loud that everyone's ears hurt and then it fell to it's knees. Zach and Alex took their opportunity and attacked ferociously...hacking it again and again...until it was finally dead.

  Zach turned his attention to the one that Conall was fighting, his son looked as if he was slowing down and his face was pure white. Zach went for the backs of it's knees, the large battle sword taking them both out at the same time.

  It fell forward onto it's face and struggled to get up. Conall was on it's back in the next second and his arms were around it's neck, squeezing with his vast strength. It took several long minutes before it lay still on the ground.

  Conall stood up slowly and Alex was right there, “Are you okay?” she asked worriedly, she had never seen him so pale.

  “I'm fine, I think, that's the first time I've felt tired though, I wish Lexi was here.” Conall was taking deep breaths trying to still his fast beating heart.

  “Vlad – how're you?” Zach asked his friend who was now sitting on the ground, his sword stuck in the muck beside him.

  “Some broken ribs and this bloody shoulder sure aint right - again!” The large Vampire hissed in pain and Alex moved over - “Here let me see.”

  Alex started to poke and prod at Vlad, getting curse words in return. “Shoulder's not broken, dislocated, Zach, help me.”

  Alex now had a grab of Vlad's wrist, holding it out in front. Zach knew what to do – dislocated shoulders were fairly easy to put back in – it hurt like a bugger tho.

  In less than ten seconds Zach and Alex had replaced Vlad's shoulder to its rightful place, however, Vlad cursed and snarled at the pain.

  Zach helped his friend up, “Your ribs will heal once you get some blood.” he told Vlad – who knew this – and he smiled - “Yes – I do know!”

  Alex coughed, knowing what Vlad's feeding would result in – Irina was in for a good night.

  As Vlad got steady on his feet two large Angels arrived to take away the words were spoken and they were gone as quick as they had arrived.

  Conall was shaking his head, “Dad I don't know how much longer we can do this without Lexi. We've been lucky so far but sooner or later someone's going to get badly hurt.”

  Zach had to agree, where the hell was their daughter?

  Conall moved everyone back to Unity, and Vlad walked stiffly to his car. “See ya later.” he mumbled as he made his way, to his mate to feed.

  Alex was worried, this couldn't go on, she had to do something but didn't know what. Worry was clear on her face.

  “I'll get the jeep later – come on – let's get home.” and each one moved back to the bungalow. Conall headed straight for a shower and Alex and Zach did the same.

  Zach's ministrations were heavenly and soon passion came to his touches. Alex relaxed, letting her mate take over, and soon she was doing her very best not to scream his name at the top of her lungs.

  Both Alex and Zach walked back to the living room in their robes not bothering to get dressed. They just wanted to sit and relax for a bit.

  Alex's phone was on the side table, she had forgot it when she had rushed out. There were several messages from Dmitri – their Second in Command – he needed them back at work.

  “Bugger, Dmitri needs us at work, he's getting inundated – or so his texts say.” and Alex handed her phone over – Zach reading through the messages with a frown.

  “How are we supposed to help Conall and do our own jobs at the same time?” he grumbled and Alex didn't know.

  Chapter 16

  Conall walked through, hair still wet and gave a lame smile, “I'm.....” and before he said another word Zach piped up - “Hungry?!” and his son nodded.

  “Okay, I've got some stuff in the fridge, I'll make us something.” Zach moved to the kitchen and so did Alex, not to cook, of course, but she got a bottle of wine out and opened it. Pouring a very large glass while trying to figure out how they could do everything that they had to.

  She was a good problem solver and set her mind to try and decide on a resolution to their predicament. Her mind whirled in one then another direction. still working hard to come up with something viable.


  Zach had texted Dmitri to say they would be in first thing in the morning – the large Russian was relieved. He told them he had more assignments than teams and he was finding it hard juggling everything, that was an understatement. He was totally frazzled with everything that was on his plate at the moment.

  His mate, Donna, had been a great help, answering emails and phone calls, so much more than what she had been hired for. Initially she was only to help with their paperwork backlog but now that Alex and Zach hadn't been in the office for more than two weeks he was struggling big time.

  He looked over at Donna, she was feeding the kids and she moved with ease doing half a dozen different things at once.

  Dmitri and Donna were only together a short time but it amazed him that they had settled in so well. Shit she had four kids still at home and they all got on well. The fact that Dmitri had been the one to help rescue them all from an abusive Alpha helped a lot.

  Dmitri was still in awe at the way Donna had recovered from a terrible attack by that Alpha only a short time ago. The thought of him killing said Alpha popped into his mind and he was once more glad. The male had been one of the lowest pieces of crap in his opinion. Beating a female and raping her – shit he deserved what Dmitri had done to him.

  Donna must've realised that Dmitri was watching her as she looked over and the smile she gave him made his stomach clench in desire. Newly bonded, newly mated, shit he would spend every day in bed with her just now if he could.

  He tried to get those thoughts out of his head – after all the kids were here.

  “So Finn, how long is it now?” Dmitri asked the oldest boy – and Finn knew what he was talking about straight away.

  “I'm joining next week, Vlad's getting me one of the Guards apartments. I'm excited though I think I'll still be coming here for dinner!” the young man laughed as his mother placed a very full plate of food in front of him.

  Donna ran her fingers over the top of his head, she was so proud of him. Despite having the genes of her now dead mate in him he had turned out so much better than his father. He was good and strong and she loved him to death. The thought of him moving out was a bit of a shock but she knew she had to let him go – without any fuss.

  “Well you know if you need any help with anything just let me know.” Dmitri's face had a large smile on it, something not many people got to see, it made a huge difference to his features.

  “Oh don't worry Dmitri, I will. I know it's going to be hard going getting through the basic training but then I want to concentrate on the computer side – or maybe weapons – I can't make up my mind!” Finn was trying to talk and eat at the same time.

  Dmitri laughed, the boy was chock full of enthusiasm. “Well the trainers, and Vlad, will see what you're good at – they will help to steer you to something that fits – both for you and the Guards.”

  Finn nodded, “Yea I know. I just hope they don't think I'm good with mechanics, I hate working on cars.” and Finn went back to eating his meal, Dmitri was sure the boy didn't even taste it, the food going in and down so fast.

  Annemarie was fidgeting in her chair and Dmitri could sense unease. What was wrong? His protective feelings for the kids reared up and he kept watching her as she got more and more fidgety.

  “Uhm mom, can I talk to you?” Finally Annemarie got up the courage to speak and Donna had been waiting on it. She had felt her discomfort and had been waiting on her to

  “Yea, come on into the kitchen, leave these little animals to eat their dinner.” Donna smiled, hoping to put her daughter at ease.

  Annemarie got up and followed, Dmitri kept his Vampire hearing turned up, he wanted to know what was going on.

  Donna started to wash down some counter tops, “So what's up?” she asked and Annemarie was shuffling about. Nearly sixteen she was a lovely looking young woman, albeit a bit shy.

  “Well, uhm there's a school dance next week and I was wondering if it was okay if I went?” the girl spoke with her eyes on the floor.

  “So you mean go with your friends?” Donna asked, knowing that wasn't the case or she wouldn't have been so nervous asking.

  “Uhm no – sort of – Josef has asked me to go with him.” Annemarie held her breath. She had never asked to go anywhere with a male before.

  “Josef?” her mother queried and Annemarie took a deep breath.

  “Yes, his dad's a Guard and his mom helps out in the Library, he's a Wolf.” Annemarie waited, she just had no idea how this would go.

  “Dmitri.” Donna said quietly – knowing he would've heard. Her mate joined them and walked to Donna's side. “Do you know Josef, his father's in the Guards and his mum works in the Library?” Donna asked knowing that Dmitri would, he knew everyone.

  “Yes I do know him, though he's a bit older than you Annemarie.” Dmitri tried to speak softly, he didn't want to scare the girl.

  “Yes but only a year.” Annemarie got out and Dmitri raised an eyebrow in question.

  “I'm pretty sure he's seventeen, going on eighteen.” Dmitri said, still looking at Annemarie who was now blushing and shuffling from foot to foot.

  “I'm nearly sixteen!” she got out and Donna laughed, both Annemarie and Dmitri turning to look at her.

  “What's so funny?” Annemarie asked her mother and Donna moved closer to Dmitri,his arm coming around her shoulders as she did.

  “Tell you what Annemarie if Josef will pick you up here and you bring him in to meet Dmitri and me then yes you can go.” Donna had a large smile. She knew Dmitri would probably scare the crap out of the boy.


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