Angels and Magic

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Angels and Magic Page 8

by E. J. Bennett

  Well, she thought, since I'm here already. She stepped in and began her search. A quick look inside the drawers in his table revealed what one might expect in an office. Documents, pencils, staplers and other normal, non eyebrow raising things. She went to the cabinet in the corner and began going through the various compartments. Nothing was out of place. Everything was as it should be.

  She looked at her watch. She still had about fifteen minutes. Better make it count she thought to herself.

  In the back room Caleb was not having much luck either. He opened a box he found in the corner. There was nothing of importance in its interior. Just some old clothes and books. Ordinary books. He closed it and replaced it. By and by as time went, he was convinced that they had come here to waste their already limited time. Leila was a smart girl, he gave her that, but this time, she had really fired a miss. He was partly furious because of the amount of research he knew they could have gotten done in the time it had taken to search a very ordinary bookshop. With a heavy sigh, he went over to a pile of books in the corner and started glancing through them.


  Leila locked the drawer angrily. There literally was nothing in the room. She looked round the poorly adorned room. All it had by way of decoration was a decorative fish piece, a framed baseball card on top of the book shelf and some irregular sculptures scattered across the room. There was nothing out of place as far as she could see. She sighed, regretting her decision to come search the place, and anticipating the talking to she knew she'd get from Caleb. Then something she'd seen struck her.

  A framed baseball card.

  Hezekiah hated baseball. She'd heard him on more than one occasion speak out on how terribly boring the sport was. Why have a framed baseball card in his office, if he hated the sport so much?

  She walked towards the framed card and reached for it to examine it. The frame didn't budge, it seemed stuck somehow. Like someone had glued it to the top shelf. She grabbed on to it, going on tiptoes to get a better angle, and she pulled.

  At first, nothing happened.

  Then all at once, the entire room was filled with the sound of well oiled gears as the bookshelf started to move. She stared at the slow moving shelf in disbelief.

  She'd been right? How? She thought in shock.

  But then there it was. Proof! The bookshelf retreated inwards and then moved sideways before settling down to reveal a room that one could only have been described as captivating.

  There were symbols drawn all over the walls inside it and words also, like another language. There were stacks of books on two small shelves. It would have been less believable if Hezekiah had entered with an "I am a druid" sticker.

  Just then she caught the sound of movement come from behind her. She turned quickly and caught a flash of blue erupt from the hand of the large man at the door. Instantly, the room started spinning.

  As she fell to the floor she felt arms wrap around her to break her fall.

  Caleb she thought, but a part of her knew the arms were much too big to be Caleb's.


  Joan Summers

  Joan Summers

  Joan Summers

  The name repeated itself over and over again in her head. She realised she was lying down. She was too weak to even attempt to block out the sound. What had happened to her?

  Joan Summers

  The voice sounded urgent now and Leila was scared she was running out of time.

  She tried to open her eyes, but they were too heavy. There was something else. Talking voices.

  The first one, she recognised as Caleb's, then the familiar voice of Hezekiah kicked in. Both men sounded serious, but at the same time, sounded civil. There was no air of confrontation involved in their exchange. They were simply talking about serious issues.

  She turned with some effort and tried to open her eyes again. This time she succeeded in opening it a little.

  Caleb was the first to notice that she was awake but Hezekiah was the first by her side. He had an apologetic look on his face and blurted out a quick apology as he reached her.

  "I'm so sorry Leila. I thought you were someone else. You know, we druids we have a lot of enemies" he said offering her a cup of what looked like tea, but smelled much stronger.

  She took the cup absent-mindedly. Had she just heard him right?

  He had just called himself a druid.

  A druid!

  She drank the liquid in a daze and nearly choked. But once she got it down her throat, she started to feel immediately better.

  "Hezekiah hit you with a stunning spell" Caleb said by way of explanation of her condition and Hezekiah nodded unable to look her in the eyes.

  He looked really penitent and she remembered the promise she'd made to herself. Sitting up with little difficulty, she reached forward and gave him a big hug, ending it with a peck on the cheek.

  "What was that for?" the hulking man asked

  "For being awesome" she said smiling. "And for being a druid" she added, laughing.

  "Okay, can we get to it then? I've brought Hezekiah up to speed. He says he's willing to help" Caleb piped in, coming to sit beside Leila and placing an arm around her protectively.

  Leila gave him her 'is this true?' look

  "Ah, yes. I do sympathise with the situation. It is most unfortunate. A tear in the veil has very disastrous effects on both realms and must be attended to quickly, lest it become permanent." he paused

  "But. . ." Leila pushed, sensing a but

  "But I cannot help you close it." he said simply.

  Caleb was on his feet in an instant

  "What do you mean you can't help us close it?" he asked angrily.

  "It's much too dangerous" he said pointedly, looking at Leila.

  Leila had not said a word all through. She noted the way he looked at her when he said it was much too dangerous and she wanted to know what that was about.

  "What do you mean by that Hez?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  Joan Summers

  She winced, and nodded for Hezekiah to go on.

  "Well. It's like this" he said, with some hesitation. "The tear in the veil cannot be fixed from this realm. No. One would have to go into the realm of the dead itself to fix it from there"

  "If that's the case, Caleb can go. He has access to both realms" she said, happy to have found a solution.

  Both Hezekiah and Caleb shook their heads

  "It's not that easy Leila. Not this time. You see, the tear can only be closed by the one who made it in the first place. And in this case, that person is you." Caleb said

  "But you said. . ."

  "I know what I said" Caleb continued. "But the truth is that all I did was provide a way for you to come back. You were willing to come back and that is why I was able to bring you back. So in essence, you caused the tear. You could have easily stayed back" he explained

  Leila was dumbstruck. She could have stayed back? What did that even mean? Remain dead? She didn't think she'd have liked that very much.

  Joan Summers.

  She didn't recall any of this happening. But then again, she didn't think she was supposed to remember.

  So she had to go in. What did that mean?

  "How do I get into the other realm?" she asked and Hezekiah looked at her with wonder. He looked surprised that she was even considering the possibility at all.

  Joan Summers.

  "Well. I would have to slow your heartbeat to a barely perceptible range by submerging you in ice. Then your soul will be pushed out of your body temporarily and be able to infiltrate the realm of the dead. Once there, you can close the veil by placing your hand over the hole when you find it"

  Leila was quiet as she took this in. Even Caleb seemed to be having second thoughts. He realised that he couldn't stand the thought of losing her.

  "If you decide to do this Leila, you will be saving a lot of people. Including Joan. And I will be with you. I won't let anything happen to you"<
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  Leila was quiet still and both guys regarded her quietly.

  What did she have to lose?

  Only your life a small voice said. Well, it'd be in exchange for a whole lot of lives so it was a fair exchange.

  Her mind flashed to Joan Summers helping her rehearse when she was a child. She'd been shy back then, and unsure of herself. Joan had personally seen to it that she improved and by the end of her lessons, she had been one of the best ballerinas produced that year.

  She couldn't sit by and do nothing now that her life was in danger could she? She decided she couldn't.

  "What do we need?" she asked and Hezekiah looked at her with a mixture of pride and sadness.

  "Well. . ." He started. "We'll need ice. Lots and lots of it"


  Joan Summers woke suddenly. As the disorientation ebbed away, she realised she was in her car.

  She'd fallen asleep, in the garage.

  Oh Joan. She chastised herself as she realised she'd left the engine running. She quickly turned it off and glanced at the time. She realised with some level of shock that she had been asleep in the car for more than thirty minutes.

  She quickly reached for the door handle. But it was jammed. She pushed the button and heard the locks disengage, then she tried to open it again. It still didn't budge.

  She coughed as she tried it again. The air around and inside the car was thick with engine fumes from her volvo.

  Slightly alarmed now, she tried the door on the passenger side but it wouldn't budge either.

  She realised with sudden fear that she was stuck in her car. She coughed again as she struggled to breathe.

  Mustering all her strength Joan Summers screamed.


  The ice had been emptied in the bath and Leila stood beside it. Now that the time had come to get to work, she was having serious second thoughts.

  Caleb came to her and placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing softly,

  "I won't let anything happen to you" he said looking into her eyes.

  She looked at him, suddenly finding it hard to look away. Then as she looked, Caleb suddenly leaned forward and she closed her eyes.

  She'd kissed and been kissed before, but nothing she'd experienced before prepared her for the literal spark that went through her entire being the second Caleb's lips touched hers. She reached up and wrapped her hand around his neck deepening the kiss.

  When they finally separated, she felt her confidence return. She turned to Hezekiah who had been watching them with amusement.

  With one final sigh, she got into the bathtub. The chill was instantaneous and her reflexes kicked in. She started thrashing about, but her efforts were futile. Hezekiah held her down with an iron grip. Caleb held himself back as he watched her thrash about.

  Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, her struggles slowed and then stopped altogether.

  Hezekiah muttered a few words under his breath and her chest flashed a bright blue for an instant.

  "She's ready. Go now." he said to Caleb, who took his place on the seat beside the tub.

  "Keep her safe. One minute." he said to Hezekiah, steel in his voice.

  "You too" the latter replied with equal strength.

  Caleb nodded and closed his eyes and Hezekiah sighed deeply.

  He was now alone.


  Leila looked around, confused. She was in a dark place. It was a place she recognised. But she didn't know where from.

  She moved forward and realised that even though it was dark, she still knew her way around. It hit her then.

  The dream with Sofia Andrews.

  She hoped she didn't encounter the angry spirit of her former babysitter.

  Where was Caleb? Wasn't he supposed to be there by now? She wondered.

  Just then, a small light flashed and Caleb stood before her. He hurried and hugged her tightly.

  Then he grabbed her wrist "Let's go. We don't have much time. We have a minute in the realm of the living meaning we have about fifteen minutes here. We must hurry"

  They took off in a direction they both instinctively knew was the right way.


  Joan Summers sat back trying to calm herself down. She needed to conserve oxygen till help arrived.

  But how would they know where she was? She wondered.


  She hurriedly grabbed her bag and fished out her phone. Her face fell as she realised it was dead. She tossed it aside in anger and sat back.

  What was she supposed to do?

  She'd struck at the glass repeatedly, but it wouldn't budge. It wasn't meant to be that sturdy was it?

  She didn't know the answer to that, but one thing remained.

  If she didn't get out of the car fast. She would die of asphyxiation.


  "What are we looking for Caleb?" Leila asked as they ran.

  "A tear in the veil Leila. You'll know it when you see it. We both will" he responded.

  Suddenly he stopped in his tracks and spinning quickly, grabbed her by the waist, dragging her to a corner and pressing her against the wall.

  He gestured with his finger, telling her to be quiet. A spirit floated into sight then. It looked nothing like she had seen in the movies. It was humanoid but had been mutated in ways she couldn't even begin to explain. It was wispy and transparent.

  It moved towards where they hid and she drew closer to Caleb.

  Why couldn't it sense them? It was so close.

  The spirit looked around once more and then floated away.

  "What was that?" Leila asked

  "I think they're called watchers" he explained "They're like the hall monitors of the realm of the dead. But their eyesight is poor and they hunt mainly by sound, so do well to be very quiet. Let's go"

  They took off again towards the direction their internal compass led them.

  On the other side of the veil, Hezekiah checked his watch.

  Thirty more seconds. He readied the hot water and towels, along with the other things he needed to revive Leila.


  "Look, there it is" Leila screamed excitedly.

  "Sshhh" Caleb urged looking round. "Do you want to get us both stuck here?"

  She shook her head and he nodded.

  "Now look" he said, drawing her attention to a horde of nasty looking spirits who hovered around the tear in the veil. They phased through each other in a never ending dance. Every now and then one of them would pass through the tear.

  Leila watched with annoyance as she recalled that her time was not the only one that was essential, Joan's clock was ticking as well.

  "I am going to draw their attention. The second I do, you run like hell and you cover up that tear you understand?" Caleb said looking at her with wide eyes for emphasis.

  "But won't they hurt you?" Leila asked even as she nodded. Caleb just smiled as he strolled out into the open facing the horde.

  "They can try" he said as he faced them and screamed at the top of his lungs.

  The spirits turned at once and without hesitation, took off after him as he led then in the opposite direction.


  Joan was finding it harder and harder to breathe with each passing second. She was much too weak to break the glass, or even attempt to anymore.

  She just reclined back in her seat and prayed for a miracle.

  She knew she was going to need one.


  Leila watched Caleb disappear with the horde of spirits after him. She looked around, praying he would be okay and then took off towards the veil tear.

  She noted how close she was to her goal with glee. She was more than ready for the entire ordeal to be over.

  Halfway to the prize and she heard a ghastly sound coming from behind her. She turned and froze mid race.

  The watcher who they had encountered earlier or at least what looked to be his twin, was after her.

  She recovered quickly and took off again.
She was moving fast, but apparently, the watcher was faster. Very soon she felt an icy nail run down her back and the next second a powerful shove sent her sprawling few yards away from the veil tear.

  She turned on her back and faced the watcher who floated above her. As she watched it opened its ghastly mouth and something silvery began to float out of her essence and into him.

  She didn't know what it was, but she knew that she felt weaker with each passing second. She closed her eyes.

  Was this the end for her? She'd come so far only to fail a few yards away from reason for coming. Even Caleb had sacrificed himself.

  What would her parents do? What would Emma do?

  She didn't know why or how, but that instant, she opened her eyes and mustering all the strength she could, she screamed.

  A sudden galeforce erupted from her, outward and tossed the watcher off of her.

  She struggled to her feet after recovering from her surprise and realised with dismay that the watcher was already on its way back after her.

  She raised her hand instinctively when suddenly the watched stopped abruptly.

  She looked and saw Caleb holding it by both ankles

  "Run. Finish this" he screamed as the watcher turned and slapped him, tossing him aside.

  Leila raced for the tear, arm outstretched.

  The watcher was gaining, calling on all her track experience she made one final bound and jumped.

  The second her hand made contact with the tear, an explosion of white light erupted out of it and spread round the realm and she was sucked through it, she saw Caleb on the floor.

  And then everything went black.


  Hezekiah lifted Leila out of the bathtub and into a basin of very warm water in an attempt to even out her temperature.


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