Angels and Magic

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Angels and Magic Page 26

by E. J. Bennett

  "Let's go." He yanks me to my feet and waits for me to climb onto his back again.

  We run for hours through the never ending trees and fields until the sound of rushing water comes into ear shot. He runs faster towards it. My muscles ache from holding on so tightly. I fear I may fall.

  As we draw nearer to the sound we find ourselves standing on a cliff's edge. A large drop greets us.

  Barking sounds in the distance, along with long haunting howls. The sound sends chills down my spine. I am not fond of dogs, little dogs are fine, big dogs with razor sharp teeth terrify me. The deep rumble of the bark tells me it is a big dog.

  He places me on the ground and stares into my eyes. Worry flashes through his iris, causing my fear to pick up.

  He grabs me by the waist. I'm falling. My heart stays on the cliff ledge as we tumble to the ground. Only we don't hit the ground, but ice cold water. The water attacks my body like tiny pin pricks, biting and stinging my skin, as I am dragged under by the force.

  The cold makes my muscles stiff. I find it difficult to kick my legs and push myself to the surface. The strong currents pull at my body, sending me spiraling downstream.

  Rocks graze my arms and legs as I pass them at high speed. Sharp agonizing pain knocks the little air I have in my lungs out. The pain seizes my muscles, sending me under. My head pounds as I sink further and further down.

  My chest burns for air. I frantically kick my arms and legs until my mind begins to fade away. Slowly I sink. The water seems to calm, become peaceful.

  Arms wrap around my waist, pulling me up. I gasp for air. As air enters my deprived lungs I cough and sputter. He pulls me to the bank, laying me on solid ground.

  Chapter 17- Kayla

  My lungs burn as they threaten to give way. Stars dance around me, blinking brightly. My head feels light. Darkness once again creeps forwards plunging me into nothingness.

  Sky blue eyes stare into mine as my eyes flutter open, beautiful and enchanting.

  Who do these eyes belong to?

  The person's forehead presses against mine.

  "You're going to be the death of me," a masculine voice croaks.

  I know that voice, my brain screams as terrorizing pain throbs in the base of my skull, keeping the memory at bay.

  Soft and tender lips press against my forehead, large electric currents curse through my body. Shock waves of heat wash over me, kissing my chilled skin.

  Pressure lifts off my waist as he shifts to the side of me and lies on his back.

  His breathing is slow and shallow, he is almost panting.

  "I know you said you wanted a shower, but I hope the bath did the job," he says, calmly staring at the night sky.

  With little strength, I manage to push his right arm.

  "Yeah, it was the most deathly experience I ever had, plus I like my baths hot, without the rocks. I could still do with brushing my teeth," I add, feeling the rough texture that has now formed on them.

  He lets out a small laugh. "At least you got the bubbles."

  "I cannot believe you just did that. You threw me of a cliff!" I yell, completely in shock. I am sure he has a death wish and unfortunately I got dragged in.

  "If I can remember correctly, you did once tell me to jump off a cliff." He points at me.

  "I meant alone."

  With our capture we have become more relaxed with one another, the static energy more easily ignored. I still need to ask about that, but now is not the time.

  I sit up, slowly letting the dizziness subside. My legs have a bluish tint to them from the cold.

  He slowly stands, gripping my hand he pulls me up. My body protests with agony, and a dull ache lingers at the back of my skull.

  I wince.

  "Are you hurt? Let me look?' He turns me so my back is facing him. Gently he brushes my wet hair aside.

  "I think I hit my head on a rock."

  "Yeah, you have a nasty bump." His hot breath lingers on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

  We walk upstream until we reach a large pool. A curtain of water is spiraling down from a huge drop. The water runs over big rocks before crashing into the large pool. Bubbles form from the impact, making the water a grey-white color. The noise is deafening. The waterfall stands proud and tall.

  "You see those rocks, we have to climb them and get behind the waterfall. There lays a portal that will hopefully take us back to our world," he shouts over the noise.

  "Great, first free falling, now rock climbing," I shout back. Who would have ever thought that I would turn into an adrenaline junkie? Well it was not by choice. Things cannot get any worse. "What do you mean; hopefully take us back to our world?"

  "We are currently in the land of lost souls, the dark one's world," he explains, causing another storm of questions to rush forward.

  I seriously need a crash course for my new life.

  "Dark ones? They are vampires right?" I need to know what I am dealing with after all.

  "No, similar, but instead of drinking you dry they suck your life force, your energy, until there is nothing left." His explanation is vague but scary.

  The cold stone seeps through my feet. The sharp jagged rocks bite and cut into my bare skin.

  Green moss covers the stones, making them slimy and slippery. A number of times I lose my footing. I look down. My heart leaps and my stomach drops. I decide I don't like heights.

  We are now about ten feet away from an opening. Relief floods me. The hope of going home is strong.

  The thought shocks me. I am now thinking of Enchanted Falls as my home. I now realize that I need my Grandmother's guidance and the protection that Enchanted Falls has to offer.

  One thing is for certain. I need to give my Grandmother a chance. Clara and David would want me to do just that. I need to take the time and get to know her. I will make more of an effort.

  I look up at the man who has saved my life on more than one occasion. He is not the man I thought he was. Underneath his arrogant, cocky and bossy attitude is a caring brave man, loyal and fearless. He has risked his life over and over again, asking for nothing in return. I will forever be in his debt.

  Chapter 18- Chris

  My mind is foggy, my eyelids heavy, and a deep pain settles in the base of my skull. The coppery smell of blood is heavy in the air. Needle like pains shoot down my neck as I slightly move my body. I run my hand down searching for the source. My fingers catch a thin object that curves at the end, which sends a sharp acute pain down my spine.

  I pull hard. The object comes free easily leaving a dull throb. I hold a tranquilizer dart. What are the odds of being hit twice with one of these within the space of twenty four hours?

  I inwardly kick myself; I am no longing behind the waterfall. I let my guard down. I should have got us out while I had the chance. We were so close, just feet away.

  Cursing, I pull myself into a sitting position. Panic fills every pore of my body, the fear so great it renders me immobile.

  Large grey concrete steps with a hint of brown, lead to an alter. A black marble slab lies in the center, covered by a red velvet cloth. Deep red candles surround the slab, each flame flickering wildly in the steady wind. Upon the slab lies a motionless body. Blond long golden curls glitter in the moonlight.

  Kayla, her name rushes to my mind, her arms strapped down by black leather binders.

  Blood flows freely from open wounds on each of her wrists, gathering in a large pool on the floor. Red mist seeps slowly upwards, like smoke rising into the night sky.

  Chanting echoes in my buzzing ears, each unrecognizable word drilling into my heart, vibrating to my soul.

  They have started the ritual.

  I quickly glance around. I find myself in a circular clearing. Large oak trees line the perimeter, leading to long stretches of woodlands. Dozens of men stand still, huddled together to the left of me, their heads tilted towards the full moon. Their chanting starts to become faster their words all mingling as one.
/>   Anger consumes me. Its black icy hands wrap around my heart as darkness rushes forth. Its deathly grip claims my soul. Fog settles over my mind as everything fades to black.

  The fog slowly begins to lift. A beating heart is clutched in my right hand. I let my hand go limp. The heart drops to the floor with a thump that echoes around the now silent clearing. Dozens of men lay dead at my feet. They turn to ash one by one, and their remains become swept up with the wind.

  I had let the darkness in. As an angel/guardian we have to ensure our thoughts don't turn dark. Hate, greed, anger, or sometimes even jealousy can become a door way for the darkness to creep through. Once the darkness claims you, there is no going back.

  We become fallen, angels who have fallen from grace. Our souls turn as black as night, all light within us gone. Death and destruction become our only goal in life, pain and misery will bring us pleasure. No good thought will penetrate our minds.

  Anger has always been hard for me to fight, always waiting, ready to explode.

  I fight as hard as I can to keep it at bay. I have one last job to do before the darkness fully consumes me. I am her only hope.

  I rip the binds from her hands with little effort. I scoop her up. Her eyes flutter with the motion but remain closed.

  I fear I am too late, her blood loss is great. If she has enough blood left she will heal within a few hours. If she hasn't then she will never wake. Time will tell.

  I run like I have never run before. I run south, through woodland after woodland, open field after open field. My ears strain as I listen for the sound of rushing water.

  I have to get through the portal and quick.

  The slight heat from her body is doing nothing to the icy darkness that threatens to push me over.

  In one split second I had let the darkness in. Strangely, I don't regret it. If it ensures her safety then it will be worth it. I will willingly sacrifice myself for her, for the good of the supernatural community. If the ritual has been broken, there may be still a chance for us.

  I place her on the ground, under the cover of a large tree, as the darkness begins to root in my heart. I take deep breaths, fighting the darkness with every fiber of my being. Its call is strong and sweet to my ears. I have to hold it off a while longer.

  Evil, inhuman thoughts flicker through my mind. I shake my head furiously, half of me delighted at the prospect and the other half disgusted.

  "Chris." The sound of my name repeats in my mind, the voice sweet and angelic. My mind screams to destroy it. My heart races and flutters like a dozen butterflies have just gathered all dancing as one. I am being torn in two, my mind and heart at odds with one another.

  "Chris!" The voice becomes louder. My eyes shoot open. A young girl stands before me, her legs unsteady. Her blond hair whips around her in the heavy wind, her once white dress torn and muddy, just a hint of its original color.

  Bruises and cuts line her body. Big bright blue eyes dance with uncertainty. A gasp escapes her full red lips.

  I want to rip her to shreds, to destroy all the beauty she holds. The need is so strong that the veil of darkness becomes thicker.

  I close my eyes. My mind runs wild with ways to torment and hurt her, to make her scream in fear.

  Slowly I open my eyes ready to pounce. Big blue eyes with vivid green specks bore into mine.

  "Kayla." Her name rolls off my tongue. Her hand slowly reaches towards my face.

  I scramble back, afraid of what I will do or what I am capable of.

  "Stay away from me," I say through gritted teeth. I hold myself back from lunging at her. I close my eyes.

  Feathery fingers run down my cheek, resting at my chin. Heat and an electric current, mimic her movements. Tenderly, she lifts my chin. Goosebumps rise on my body. A shiver runs down my back. A powerful electric current sends my heart racing.

  I open my eyes, slowly. My breath catches in my throat.

  "Y-your eyes are black," Her words are just above a whisper, not a trace of fear.

  Thoughts rise in my mind.

  Crush her, devour her. Make her scream in agonizing pain. Make terror consume her. She should fear you.

  My heart screams in protest, vowing to keep her safe. Her fingers still caress my face.

  With lightning speed I have a hold of her. I slam her into a nearby tree trunk. My hands gripping her throat, cutting of her air supply. I hold her a few feet off the ground, her face level with my own.

  Shock, pain and confusion filter through her eyes. She holds my gaze, pleading with her eyes for me to let her go. Not once does fear appear.

  Defeated, I let her go. She slides down the tree and lands on her bottom. She clutches her throat and gasps for air. She stands straight, her shoulders pulled back.

  "Did they turn you into one of them?" she asks softly, taking a step towards me. She reaches for me, and her hand gently cups my face.

  "If anyone can fight it, it's you. I can see you struggling. You are stronger than this. You are the strongest person I know." She steps closer. "I believe in you," she whispers.

  Those simple words ease the fog which has settled over my mind, allowing me to think clearly. She believes in me. Her words float around my mind like a flicker of light in the darkest of places. They give me hope.

  Chapter 19- Chris

  She presses her lips to mine, the lightest of touches. My body responds with a mind of its own. My hands fly to her hip, gripping tightly. I press my lips harder against hers. The movement knocks her backwards. Her back presses up against the large tree trunk.

  Strong electric currents run through my body. Fire spreads through my veins, making me feel feverish.

  Her hands run through my now overgrown hair as she meets every kiss. The fire burns hotter.

  I run my tongue over her lips. She lets out a soft moan, making my desire run deeper. She willingly parts them, allowing me entrance. Her sweet exotic taste explodes in my mouth, pushing me to deepen the kiss.

  Her legs become unsteady. I lift her up. She wraps her legs around my waist tightly. Her tongue runs in rhythm with my own. Her hands lock securely around my neck.

  We draw apart, both of us gasping for air. Reality hits me like a ton of bricks. The lingering darkness vanishes in an instant.

  I have just broken an ancient law, a law I have sworn to abide by.

  Slowly I place her on the ground, every intention of stopping what has just started. Then I meet her gaze, and the look of desire in her eyes only intensifies my own.

  All rational thoughts leave me, the burning, and the longing, too strong to fight. I claim her lips with mine, kissing her more gently. She runs her hand through my hair, and each stroke, each touch, sends shock waves of pleasure through me. I relish in the feeling of her warm body pressed against mine. The taste of her fills every fiber of my being.

  She pulls back, her eyes cloudy.

  "You do know I still haven't brushed my teeth right." I laugh. She can worry about small things. I press my forehead against hers.

  "Why did you kiss me? You have no idea what you have done."

  Sadness quickly fills her eyes. "It always works in the movies," she shrugs. "See, your eyes, they're blue again,"

  "You kissed me because you saw it in a movie?" My heart drops a little.

  "Yeah, I didn't think you would go that far," she responds, pushing me back with little strength.

  "Then why did you kiss me back?" I snap. I need to tell her the rules, the danger that we are now in, but the fact that she did it as a last resort and not because we share the same feelings bothers me more than I would like to admit.

  "I thought it was that or get strangled again."

  I puff my chest out, ready to give her a piece of my mind, when she slumps to the ground. I rush to her side, all the irritation leaving me replaced by worry and concern.

  "Are you okay? Are you hurting?" I ask, my natural instinct wanting to heal her, to take her pain away.

  "I'm so tired."

I sit beside her. She rests her head against my shoulder. A stray hair falls in her face over her right eye. I gently push it behind her ears. Her big blue eyes look into mine. Sincerity shines brightly.

  "Why did you kiss me?" she asks looking at me shyly with her now faint green eyes. She absently bites her lower lip. A cute nervous habit I have noticed.

  "Well, it was either that or I was going to kill you." I state, knowing deep down that was not the case. The feelings she stirs in me are hard to fight at the best of times.

  She looks away, out into the vast array of trees, but not before I saw the hurt in her eyes. I have never been good with the touchy feeling stuff like the rest of my family. But the hurt in her eyes pains me, prompting me to say something, anything to take it away. "I couldn't stop."

  She turns to me her eyes questioning.

  "You couldn't stop what?" she asks, pushing me for more. She always wants every last detail she never settles for a simple explanation.

  "I couldn't stop kissing you, you have no idea how you make me feel. I love you. I always have." The words run freely.

  "But I just met you, and you're always mean to me," she whispers. She is right. When I am around her I want nothing more than to take her in my arms and hold her, kiss her senseless. The fact that I cannot touch her frustrates me to no end.

  I wish she could remember me. Remember her childhood, but each time I saw her again I had to build a new friendship with her. Her mind always wiped.

  "We have to move, we need to get out of here." I say more to divert the conversation than anything else.

  She is right, she doesn't know me. She was never allowed a chance.

  I pull her up to a standing position. Her body falls forward her hands rest on my chest, her legs weak and unstable. My heart races as a swarm of butterflies gather in the pit of my stomach.

  She gathers her bearings and stands on her tip toes, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

  "I wish I could remember," she whispers.

  I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. Her body instantly relaxes as her eyes begin to close.

  We are in deep trouble. There is only one thing left to do. Although it pains me, I know it is for the best. When we reach the portal it should lead us to Mexico. There I must purchase a potion from the black market. The potion will rid her of her memories of the last twenty four hours. Her mind has been toyed with so many times before, but I have no choice. No one can know.


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