Angels and Magic

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Angels and Magic Page 28

by E. J. Bennett

  "What date?" Chris pulls up a chair beside me. He has gotten away from Sarah quick. That girl is like a leech.

  "Don't mention boys, or dates, he has a problem." He stares at me. "When you get rabies, Kay, you will thank me." he says in a mocking tone.

  "Rabies? What as that got to do with anything?" I ask in annoyance.

  "Well he is a dog," James laughs at his comment so I give him a glare, kicking Chris under the table for his mean insult. Just because he does not like him does not give him the right to call him names.

  "You are mean, what's with calling him a dog every chance you get."

  "He's a shifter, and he turns into a wolf. All his family are wolves," Misty explains.

  I am still new at this. "Can he really give me rabies?" I am a little worried.

  Chris smiles a mischievous grin, while James and Rory try to contain their laughter. "Just hope he doesn't decide you look tasty and take a bite."

  I can feel the color drain from my face.

  "Chris, leave her alone," Misty comes to my rescue, but I catch her smile before she turns away. "You won't get rabies, just ignore him," Misty says.

  I feel silly for believing him. "You're a jerk."

  He just smiles at me. So I do the most absurd thing I have ever done. I rod him. Yes, I put my middle finger up. He has a way of bringing out a side of me I have never seen before. The scarcest thing is I like it. The others laugh. Chris pretends to catch it mid-air and places it in his pocket. I roll my eyes.

  "You know you really shouldn't judge someone unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. You never know what someone is dealing with on the inside," Clara has always taught me never to judge a book by its cover, you may be surprised by what you find inside, remembering Clara's loving nature I smile. I wish she could be here to help me through this new chapter in my life.

  "You know that is not a bad idea. That way I will be a mile away from him. On a better note, I will also have his shoes." Chris smiles as he leans back in his chair.

  I roll my eyes at him. He is impossible.

  "So who is your date, Misty?" Chris asks, I roll my eyes the detour in the conversation did little to keep him away from the subject.

  A worried look covers her face. She has already told me how all her dates change their minds or have something that needs to be done, that cannot wait on the day right after Chris finds out. She said he was a protective brother. With the way he treated Justin I can imagine why, he is intimidating.

  "No one special, just a friend," Misty waves him off, but he is not deterred.

  "So who is this friend?" he drags the word friend out.

  "Maybe she does not want to tell you or he might get the Justin treatment." I give him a pointed look.

  "I think we might need to work on our trust issues." He points at Misty ignoring my comment.

  "Great idea, we should start with the free falling thing, I promise I will catch you." I smile sweetly at him. The rest of the table burst into fits of giggles. He shakes his head fixing his eyes on a squirming Misty.

  "You know, sometimes you two sound like a married couple," James says.

  "Misty is not the problem. Rory failed his IT course work," James points at Rory. Rory lets out a sigh.

  "You should hear his excuse. Mom went nuts. She has to come in today and meet with Mrs. Thorn," Misty says with a big grin.

  "He told her that he could not do his homework because the cat ate his mouse for his laptop."

  I crack out laughing, unable to contain it.

  James and Misty laugh alongside me. Chris shakes his head, amusement dancing in his eyes.

  "Did you lose your laptop again Rory?" Chris asks him.

  "You know his room is like the Bermuda Triangle; if it goes in it is never seen again," Misty adds.

  I sit in my usual seat in history, across from Justin and in front of Chris. Flashbacks of the last time I was in this class cause me to cringe.

  "You have a nice lunch?" Justin asks, taking his seat.

  "Yeah, just a shame about some of the company," I direct the last part at Chris, who kicks the leg of my chair in response. Anger filters across Justin's face before quickly disappearing.

  "You will be in better company tomorrow. I can guarantee it," he beams.

  "Let's just hope he is obedient." Chris leans forward, staring at Justin, taunting him. Justin ignores his comment.

  What is his problem today?

  "Don't forget. Make sure you are firm with him or you will just have an excited little puppy on your hands."

  "Chris, shut up," I warn.

  "The best advice I can give you is never moon a werewolf."

  Justin stands up as anger flashes on his face, causing his eyes to take on a yellow tint and his cheeks to flush slightly.

  "Sit now, and be a good little puppy." He just has to carry on.

  Before things can escalate further Mr. Donald walks into class, calling everyone to attention, and wastes no time in getting started.

  "As the rise of the Dark ones and Demons rose, God was at a loss, he didn't know what to do. The world in which he created was falling apart. Humans were being sacrificed, drained of their blood, torn apart in vicious attacks. Their emotions were being played upon, turning them against each other. So God came up with a plan, and he created three witches, one boy two girls. Can anyone tell me the names of these witches?"

  "Faith, Meredith and Michael," a petite girl answers.

  "Faith is correct; the other two are not, anyone else?" He looks around the room my heart stops when he looks at me. I don't have a clue. I have not done much reading lately.

  "Chris, how about you?" Chris does not answer, which causes me to turn around, he is staring straight at me, his dazzling blue eyes locking onto mine causing goose bumps to rise.

  "Chris, do you know the answer?" Mr. Donald slightly raises his voice, tapping his hand on Chris's table.

  "Sorry what?" He does not even try to hide the fact that he wasn't listening.

  "The names of the three witches first created."

  "Faith, Aura and Meredith," Chris answers with ease. No surprise there, Mr. know it all is correct

  "You will all be working in pairs, you will be writing an essay on one of the three witches. I would like to know about their lives." He then begins giving partners.

  "Kayla, your partner will be Chris, pick a name out of the hat."

  I groan. From the hat I pick Meredith.

  "What name did you get?" I ask Misty as we leave hoping she has the same as me then we can do some of the research together which means I don't have to work with Chris as much.

  "Faith, you?"

  I let out a groan. Looks like I have a lot of research to do. I know nothing about Meredith. I wonder if the Internet will have any information, but I highly doubt it.

  Chapter 22- Kayla

  "The Michaels don't let many people into their tight circle, you must be lucky," a pretty black haired girl with honey brown eyes says. Justin introduces her as Melody.

  "What do you mean?" I ask, not knowing where she is going with the turn of conversation.

  "The Michaels think they are too good to hang out with anyone here, they mainly stick to themselves." Ben is a muscular boy with long, shoulder length light brown hair and hazel eyes, he answers, waving his fork in the air.

  I don't like the way they are speaking about my friends. The tone of their voice is unnerving. The Michaels, even with all their faults, have etched their way into my heart. Chris too, even with his arrogant bossy ways.

  "James has made it through the entire school's population of female Guardians, and Guardians in training, we are just waiting to see who the next poor unfortunate soul will be," Melody babbles. I have no idea what she is talking about. My face must show the confusion as she continues.

  "He has broken the hearts of each and every one of them, pretending to be interested one minute the next he has a new challenge on his arm. Sick really, yet the girls all swoon over him
, hoping to be his next poor victim."

  James has been nothing but friendly with me, joking around, involving me in their conversations. I cannot believe she is talking about the same person. I would never think that James would play with people's hearts. He seems genuine. Chris has a problem with the wolves, and the wolves have a problem with the Michaels. Well I know Chris has a problem with the wolves and he is not afraid to show it. Misty and James seem to have a guarded look in their eyes whenever Justin is near.

  Can I be friends with both parties?

  For the rest of the day I ponder over what the wolves have said, thinking back on all the encounters I have had with James. But I come up empty. Nothing they have said rings true. In fact, I like James's company, he is a ray of sunshine, and he has an easy going personality that I cannot help but like.

  A soft knock at my bedroom door brings me out of my thoughts. I look around my room. It is a bomb site, clothes strewn everywhere; looking for something to wear to the dance is proving difficult. I have one hour to find something before Justin picks me up and at least try and make myself look presentable. Distractions, I do not have time for.

  Stomping to the door, I yank it open. To my surprise, Amelia stands on the other side a warm smile placed upon her full lips. Her dark hair cascades down her back. She wears another white ankle length dress, making her honey tanned skin glow in the fluorescent lighting.

  "I thought you might need some help with your dress for the winter ball." She walks past me into my disaster zone. "Yeah, you definitely need help," she laughs, looking at the mess. "What kind of dress would you like?"

  "I don't know, anything but white," I shrug. I am not good with fashion and I never keep up to date with the latest trends, like Misty.

  "OK, close your eyes and I will work from there." I look at her utterly confused but I do as she has, asked. The air slightly changes, a warm breeze sweeps over my skin.

  "OK, what would you like to do with your hair?" I begin to open my eyes.

  "No, keep them closed for now."

  "Maybe an up do, my hair pinned up with a few loose curls."

  "Yeah, I like the idea of that," she says excitedly. The same warm breeze sweeps over my skin.

  "You can look now."

  Opening my eyes, Amelia has a small smile on her lips and a faraway look in her eyes. A tear slips down her cheek. "You look so much like your Mom, so grown up. You look beautiful." Pulling herself together, she pulls me towards my full length mirror.

  I am amazed at the girl staring back at me. A pale blue satin dress hugs my body and glistens in the light. The teardrop pendent stands out against my pale skin. My cheeks have a slight flush to them. My eyelashes are darker and a pale blue eye shadow covers my eyelids with a tint of glitter.

  My hair is clipped up with small sliver gems all sparkling and dancing. A few curls hang loose, framing my shoulders. The girl that stares back looks older more sophisticated; I am amazed at the transformation. I feel like a princess.

  "Thank you," I whisper, at a loss for words. She has truly done an amazing job. "You're like my fairy godmother getting me ready for the ball."

  She pulls me towards her, giving me a gentle hug, careful not to mess up her work of art. She grins, a beautiful smile lights up her face. "Unlike Cinderella, you have no limitations. Enjoy yourself, Kayla. After everything you have been through these last few weeks you deserve it. If you ever have any questions about your Mom I will be willing to answer whatever I can."

  I stare at myself in the mirror long after she has gone. I have lots of questions about my Mom. But I don't feel right asking Grandmother. The words are always at the tip of my tongue but never going further.

  Earrings, I need earrings.

  I open the dresser drawer with a little too much force. The drawer comes completely out, crashing to the floor. The entire contents land in a heap.

  I crouch down with the daunting task of picking everything up. A white, yellowing envelope catches my eye, taped to the underside of the drawer. Kneeling closer to the letter, I see that it is addressed to me, my name written neatly in elegant, precise writing, familiar but yet I cannot place the penmanship.

  Curious, I detach the tape and open the letter. Tears come to the front of my eyes as my heart aches.

  Dear Kayla

  If you are reading this then unfortunately I am no longer with you, a thought that terrifies me more than you can ever know. I can tell that the end is drawing near for me. They are getting too close. Finding us too fast, I fear that I may no longer be able to hide you. But I will do all I can to prevent them from taking you.

  There are many things you don't know, many things that you don't understand. I know that it is my fault, but I had my reasons.

  Your journey has only just begun, and you will need to find your inner strength if you are to succeed, to overcome the darkness that lurks in the shadows, the evil of the world.

  Remember where ever darkness resides there is light as one cannot exist without the other. Everything has a balance and that balance must be maintained.

  Your fight has just begun, keep on fighting. If you are unwilling then you might as well just throw life away.

  Never trust anyone, not family or friends, in the end they more than likely won't be there. Learn to rely on yourself.

  Remember a secret is not a secret if more than one knows. No one can keep your secrets, but you. You, my dear, have many secrets you need to keep, secrets that will not only turn your life upside down but the people that you hold dear.

  Not everything and everyone is as it seems. People will use you; try to befriend you for their own personal gain.

  Always hold onto your light, and even in the darkest of hours your light will see you through.

  Be careful, remember I did what I thought was best to keep you safe and to protect you from the nightmares of the world. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

  It is my deepest regret that I am not here to guide you, to protect you, and most of all watch you grow into the beautiful and strong young woman that I know you will be.

  There is one thing I must share with you. Fate has sent me to protect a special gift. Fate has as set out your path.

  In every generation, a girl will be born, until the girl who bares the rose's thorn.

  Rules will be disobeyed that were made to be sworn.

  The girl will rise through light and dark. She will bear the mark.

  Hell will be opened. Evil will be welcomed.

  The child from earth and light will bear the fight.

  She will end the war once and for all. With her they will all fall.

  The sky will turn red to mourn the dead.

  I love you more than life its self.

  Love you my angel



  Goose bumps rise on my skin, bringing with them a chill. My body trembles slightly. I do not understand anything in the letter.

  What Secrets do I process?

  I wish I had my childhood memories more than I ever have, if only to understand my mother's words.

  "Kayla, your date is here." Owens voice carries up the stairs.

  Checking the mirror one last time to make sure I have not smudged Amelia's work with my tears, I place the letter back in its hiding place and leave the room with sadness in my heart. Justin stands at the bottom of the steps looking more handsome than I have ever seen him. I didn't think it would be possible. He wears a dark blue suit with a white shirt and matching tie.

  My heart races with each step I take butterflies erupt in my stomach.

  My Grandmother and Owen stand beside him, smiling up at me. The expression on Justin's face sends a wave of excitement through me. As I reach the bottom step my Grandmother rushes towards me, pulling me in for a hug.

  "Now, now, Belinda, let's not go messing the girl's look up," Owen chides.

  "You look amazing," my Grandmother proclaims as more tears brim her eyes.

  "You loo
k beautiful, Kayla, a true princess of the witches," Owen says, placing a warm kiss on my hand.

  Princess of the witches, now that is new to me.

  "Thank you," I beam, never have I received so much attention. I have been to dances before but this feels different somehow.

  "Okay, let's get a picture and then they can be on their way." Owen suggests. Grandmother wastes no time snapping shot after shot, a dozen photos, Owen comes to our rescue.

  "Okay, I think it is time to go before the dance is over." He winks at me while he leads us outside, where the limousine is waiting.

  "We can't have the princess walking now, can we?" The cool feel of the leather seats are a relief to my burning body.

  Once we arrive, we walk down the school corridor arm in arm. We stop outside the hall where the dance is being held. A table is set up. Justin hands over our tickets to a small chubby girl with blond short hair in pig tails and a heart shaped face. She hands us both a mask.

  "Don't forget to check your numbers before you go in," the girl calls after us.

  "Numbers, I didn't even know we had to wear masks," I mutter.

  "Every year at the winter ball we wear these masks, and halfway through the dance we must dance with the male or female with the same number," he explains.

  "When the school was first opened the different supernaturals didn't mix with each other choosing to stay within their own race the dance was created to help them mix without knowing who they were really dancing with, and the dance has carried on all these years later." He places the mask on my face before doing the same to himself.

  Walking arm in arm through the door, I stand still, shocked and amazed of the transformation of the hall.

  Real snow falls from above. The snow drifts down in a hypnotic dance, disappearing before it has the chance to hit the polished floor.

  All kinds of bright green trees scatter around the room; the tops covered in snow and lit up by blue led lights. Blue and white led lights float high in the air. They twirl in and out of a white, blue and pink mist, creating the look of a sunset it is truly beautiful, a magnificent winter wonderland scene.


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