How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury

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How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury Page 16

by Cressida Cowell

  the sidelines would storm out, screaming most terribly,

  and Wrecker’s Bay would become a bloody, terrible

  scene as the two armies fought one another to the


  It was already haunted by so many ghosts of the

  past, that Bay, for that was where the Winter Wind of

  Woden blew unfortunate ships who were wrecked on

  the terrible Reefs, and it wasn’t always clear whether it

  was the wind howling through the holes in the Reefs or

  the wailing of the human and the dragon ghosts who

  had lost their lives here once.

  Now it was haunted by future ghosts as well as

  past ghosts. The silent watching audience could see

  them all in that moment, the ghosts of Heroes and

  Dragons past, present and future, flying together in the

  Bay in their minds’ eye.

  ‘T-t-toothless the Seadragon has SPECIAL

  POWERS,’ said Toothless to himself as the

  little Hiccup party set out. ‘He will grind that

  F-F-Furious’s bones to dust with his… with his…’

  Toothless had no idea what his special powers would

  be, but he ran through all the delightful possibilities in

  his head. Invisibility, lasers, super-speed…

  It was difficult for Windwalker to fly through


  the air towards where the dim black outline of

  Furious lay in Wrecker’s Bay, for the air all around the

  Dragon was so burningly, burningly hot, that at times

  Hiccup had to pull down the visor of his fire-suit and

  Windwalker had to draw down his third eyelid, which

  was see-through. The wind was blowing strongly, and so

  poor Windwalker felt as if he was trying to fly against a

  burning jetstream of fire, and any second, he felt as if

  his raggedy wings might blow inside out, sending him

  plummeting downwards.

  ‘It’s hot,’ complained Toothless. ‘T-t-toothless

  LIKES it hot, Seadragons love it toasty warm…’

  Hiccup had a sudden longing image in his mind

  of happier times, of Toothless playing in the hearth fire

  in the old Chiefly hut on Berk, racing up and down the

  chimney, with squeals of delight…

  ‘… but this is too hot, even for a great terrifying

  Seadragon like T-t-toothless…’ said Toothless sadly.

  ‘Yes, Toothless,’ replied Hiccup, who even in the

  protection of his fire-suit was drenched in sweat, his

  body burning up like he had a raging temperature. ‘It’s

  definitely too hot.’

  Every instinct in Hiccup was telling him to turn

  away, go back – but he could hear the distant voices

  of the peoples of the Archipelago singing those old


  Archipelago songs, and willing him on:

  ‘I’ve heard that the sky in America

  Is a blue that you wouldn’t believe

  But my ship hit a rock in these boggy shores

  And now I’ll never leave…’

  And the songs gave him courage, and calmed him, as

  if the dear familiar owners of those voices were flying

  right beside him.

  As he approached closer to the might and the

  heat of Dragon Furious, Wodensfang began to fly more

  slowly, more uncertainly, his breath catching in his little

  throat. He had known the Dragon Furious for so many

  years… old friend, old enemy. But now it was as if the

  Dragon had turned into something else, something

  older than the hills around, and something more


  The nearer, nearer, Hiccup, Windwalker,

  Toothless and Wodensfang came to the Dragon

  Furious, the hotter they became, as if they were flying

  into the very fires of hell, and even underneath his

  fire-suit, Hiccup’s face burned as if he had stuck it in

  the oven.

  Hiccup had not been this close to the Dragon


  Furious since the time he first met him, buried in briars

  and chains in the forest on Berserk, and you could still

  see the remnants of that forest captivity in the trees

  that had grown through the Dragon’s spines, the chains

  trailing from him.

  Even back then he had been a truly terrifying

  sight, enough to make you sweat with fear when you

  saw him.

  But the Dragon had changed. War had changed

  that Dragon, and something about the way he had

  changed made Hiccup’s heart sink down into his boots

  and his stomach churn like a nauseous sea.

  The maddened melancholy of Furious’s great

  yellow eyes had become bleaker, and wilder, and

  deader, like the cruel implacable eyes of a Great White

  Shark. Although he was still – so still – you could feel

  the anger reeking off him like the clouds of steam that

  rose from his shining, blackened sides, and almost smell

  his fury in the heat of the air.

  His skin was peeling off, like the little peelings of

  charcoal that fly into the air when a bonfire is roaring at

  its hottest, and all around, those little black flakes were

  whirling upward.

  His great steaming, roasting body was covered

  in battle scars, and spears, axes and swords were buried


  in his flanks and neck like ornaments, forming a little

  spiky coral crust.

  Toothless was so terrified that he forgot he

  was a Seadragon, and he couldn’t really think of any

  special powers to give himself that would be up to

  this situation. So he gave up flying entirely, and buried

  himself in Hiccup’s waistcoat, while Hiccup forced

  himself nearer, nearer, although every instinct, every

  nerve in his body, was screaming: ‘Turn round! Go

  back! Pull on Windwalker’s reins and turn him back

  the other way!’

  Was the Dragon Furious alive or was he dead?

  The Dragon was crouched down, still as if

  turned into rock, only the tip of his tail swaying as

  they approached, yellow eyes unblinking, but in their

  depths, moody firestorms brooded and crackled.

  Wodensfang could not meet the raging, seething

  intensity of the Dragon’s gaze.

  There came a point when Windwalker could fly

  no further. He just would not go on, but hovered in the

  steaming heat, his sleek black sides shaking so wildly

  with terror that it was as if he had some shivering fever.

  And then the Dragon suddenly opened his jaws

  with such unexpected violence that Hiccup nearly fell

  off the Windwalker’s back with the shock of it.


  The Dragon Furious opened his mouth and let

  out a great wild mad shriek, like the alien scream of

  a goshawk, and you could see buried in the roasting,

  smoking chasm of his throat, the ghostly outline of a

  Viking ship’s burning mast, stuck there like a fish-bone.

  Who knows who they had been, those poor human

  souls, whose ship had been swallowed in one hungry

  gulp, and who had disappeared forever into the fiery

  furnace of the belly of the beast?

  War has driven him crazy, thought Hiccup, feeling

  the sick taste of panic in his mouth.
How can I even

  dream of talking to a creature like this? How can I appeal

  to his reason when he has gone so far beyond reason into a

  wild alien place?

  The Dragon shrieked, shrieked and shrieked

  again, and the drilling sound of it burrowed so madly

  into Hiccup’s brain that he had to cover his ears, and

  even then his eardrums vibrated and throbbed with


  For a second it seemed as if the Dragon would

  not be able to speak at all, so mad with fury was he,

  that it was as if he had forgotten all language. He

  leapt forward as if to tear Hiccup apart on the spot,

  but then threw himself violently back the other way,

  and thrashed about, shrieking on and on, until Hiccup


  thought he might go mad with the noise of it.

  But eventually, the Dragon seemed to be making

  an effort to control himself and find some memory

  of speech, thrashing and foaming at the mouth and

  making strange strangled guttural noises until he finally

  fixed on something approaching words. He spoke in

  Norse, even though he knew Hiccup spoke Dragonese,

  and there was something dreadful about that, for it

  was as if he were trying to keep Hiccup as a stranger,

  something alien to him…

  Because he knows he is going to kill me, thought

  Hiccup with dull terror.

  The Dragon spat out each foreign Norse word

  as if he hated it, as if the human word was something

  poisonous and revolting in his mouth.

  ‘So, Wodensfang, you have betrayed me…’ said

  the Dragon Furious. ‘You promised you would bring

  me the Dragon Jewel before the King came to meet

  me… Where isss this Jewel?’

  Shaking, Wodensfang flew above Furious’s head,

  hovered for second with the Jewel in his claws… and

  then, guiltily, sadly, he dropped it.

  Wodensfang dropped the little Jewel and the

  mountain moved. Out shot the Dragon’s mighty fist,

  and the claws of Furious closed around the Jewel, as a


  hand might close around a speck of dust.

  And now the steam around the dragon seemed

  to grow thicker and more intense as the Dragon

  brought the Jewel up to those seething, burning eyes

  so he could inspect it. His pupils narrowed to great

  unbelieving slits in order to better focus on the tiny

  bead of a Jewel. And then those great eyes raised slowly

  again to gaze with spear-like fury at the guilty, raggedy,

  flapping little Wodensfang.

  A dreadful ominous noise began to rumble in the

  Dragon’s throat, as if the Dragon really were a volcano

  and he was going to explode.

  ‘I know! I know!’ squeaked the Wodensfang, ‘it

  is not the real Dragon Jewel, but give me a chance to


  The steam rising from the Dragon’s back began

  to hum. The Dragon did not open his mouth, but

  his eyes glowed with a strange light, and he spoke

  to the Wodensfang through his thoughts alone, for

  Seadragons can communicate with one another like

  that. And those thoughts were SAVAGE.

  ‘What… is… this???’ the Dragon’s mouth did not

  move, but his words came alive in the Wodensfang’s

  brain like hissing, angry serpents, and the Wodensfang’s

  eyes glowed too as he received them.


  ‘Thisss is not the Dragon Jewel.

  ‘Thissss – as you must well know, Wodensfang,

  for you have known the Dragon Jewel well for a

  thousand years – thisssss…

  ‘… is a FAKE.’

  ‘Yes,’ replied the Wodensfang nervously. ‘I know.

  I have to admit, it is, indeed, a fake…’

  ‘BETRAYAL!’ screamed the Dragon Furious’s

  thoughts. ‘TREACHERY! You have double crossed

  me, Wodensfang!’

  The Dragon Furious turned his eye upon the

  Wodensfang, and drew in his breath to obliterate him.

  ‘Yes,’ said the Wodensfang, brave once more. ‘I

  did, I am, and I will. But also ,’ said the Wodensfang,

  ‘No, I didn’t, I’m not, and I won’t.* I have betrayed

  the enemy that you are now, but not the friend that

  you once were.’

  ‘Yes and no!’ squeaked the Wodensfang. ‘No and

  yes! It is all Grimbeard the Ghastly’s fault. The fake

  Jewel was one of his red herrings. He always did have

  a nasty sense of humour…’

  ‘If this is not the real Dragon Jewel ,’ hissed

  the Dragon Furious’s thoughts, ‘Where isss the real

  Dragon Jewel? Be careful how you answer me,

  Wodensfang. Tell me the truth…’

  *For Seadragons were used to talking to each other in this complicated

  way, living as they do in the past, present and future simultaneously.

  ‘We do not know where it is,’ admitted the

  Wodensfang. ‘It could be anywhere at all in the vast

  and empty wastes of an endless Archipelago.’

  Furious finished the Wodensfang’s thought for


  ‘So it does not really matter if this is not the

  real Jewel. For although I do not now have the Jewel,

  nor does Hiccup. And you have run out of time to

  find it.’

  The seething madness in the Dragon Furious’s

  yellow eyes calmed a little at that.

  The Wodensfang was very afraid to say the next

  sentence. But bravely he said it anyway:

  ‘You see, I have always hoped, Furious, that you

  would not carry this through to its bloody ending.

  That you would let this Hiccup try one more time to

  bring the humans and dragons together.

  The Dragon hunched down, his eyes fixed on the

  little speck of Hiccup hovering in front of him in the

  smoke and the fire and the black rain of his smoking

  skin. He had grown very still again, as if he had turned

  to stone, with only the tip of his tail swaying very gently

  from side to side.

  The Dragon’s thought-voice was now very cold

  and bleak, and he spoke with absolute finality.


  ‘Then your hope will be in vain, Wodensfang.

  ‘A King must harden his heart, and act in the

  interests of his people. And if I show mercy now, it

  will be the end of dragons.’

  Hiccup had no idea what was being said. He only

  knew that he had to speak now. His voice sounded

  very small and weak, and indeed he barely could speak

  at all, with the burning heat tearing at his throat. But

  still he spoke, in Dragonese, trying to reach out to that

  alien otherness that the Dragon Furious had become,

  trying to make some connection with him, and bring

  him back.

  ‘I have not come here to die, Furious,’ shouted

  Hiccup hoarsely. ‘I have come here to give you my own

  promise. I promise you that now I am the new King,

  I will make the Wilderwest a Kingdom in which

  humans and dragons can live together peacefully—’

  ‘Humans cannot change,’ roared the Dragon

  Furious, and his eyeballs spat with electricity, and two

nbsp; thunderous lightning bolts shot from them to either

  side of the trembling Hiccup. ‘Do not think that you

  can use your treacherous forked-tongued words to

  change anything. Words change nothing. You see…

  When I look at you, I do not see a new King of the

  Wilderwest. I see the old King of the Wilderwest. I


  see… Grimbeard the Ghastly…

  ‘I see Grimbeard the Ghastly sitting there

  before me, as if it were a hundred years ago, right

  here today!’

  The little spark of hope that had lit in Hiccup

  when the Dragon started talking, died abruptly.

  He isn’t talking because he is wanting to bargain,

  he’s going to play with me before he kills me, thought

  Hiccup. Like a cat with a mouse…

  ‘Look at you,’ roared the Dragon, in a screaming

  taunt. ‘You little human King, you, all dressed up

  with the King’s Things. The Crown… the shield…

  the second-best sword… the lobster necklace… the

  ticking-thing. You are Grimbeard the Ghastly to the


  The Dragon Furious reached out a talon and

  jeeringly swung the ticking-thing so that it swayed

  back and forth from where it dangled on Hiccup’s belt

  beneath the hovering Windwalker. Tick tock tick tock

  tick tick tock.

  ‘I am not Grimbeard the Ghastly!’ Hiccup

  shouted up to the Dragon. ‘I will never be like him! I

  am a Hiccup, and I will always be a Hiccup!’

  ‘I have a GRUDGE against Grimbeard the

  Ghastly,’ growled the smouldering Dragon Furious.


  ‘He killed my Master, and kept me captive in the

  darkness for a hundred years… Do you know how

  long a hundred years can seem when you have

  nowhere to go, nothing to do but to keep on thinking

  about the past, the present and the future?

  ‘If I had that Grimbeard here before me, O how

  I would RIP him…

  ‘I cannot rip Grimbeard but I can rip you…

  ‘So FLY AWAY little King, and let us see how

  far you get before I RIP you…’

  The Dragon opened up his great bloodstained

  jaws so wide that Hiccup could see his cavern of

  his throat, and the fireholes preparing to shoot



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