Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music

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Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music Page 13

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 13

  Fernland's Castle

  Electra had been happy to give up her little cottage on the beach to the Caliph and her mentor, Rabar, even though it meant staying at the castle for a time. Her stay had been uneventful so far and she spent most of her time gathering herbs in the forest or helping the royal physician in his patient rounds. This morning she had been summoned to an audience with her father, King Geoffrey. Electra opened the big wooden door to the throne room. Her father smiled as she entered. She returned his smile though she was a little apprehensive about this audience. King Geoffrey met regularly with Prince Avor to hear about progress on the estuary, but in her months of apprenticeship at the Lake, he had never summoned her before. She believed he no longer trusted her. She had kept secrets about Serafina and she doubted her father would ever forgive that.

  King Geoffrey walked toward her. He was dressed in a plain tunic today. Not the luxurious robes he donned for official audiences. "Come in. Come in. How are you keeping? You look well. Have you had any word on the Caliph?" King Geoffrey took his daughter's hand and led her to a chair beside a round table at the base of the raised platform that held his throne.

  Electra began to relax. "I am well. The Caliph is still very weak, but no worse, I think."

  "Good. Good. We have grown very fond of the Caliph, as you know." The King paused and looked away. "I understand the Gypsy caravan left without incident."


  He turned back to find Electra's eyes. "And were you sorry to see them go?"

  "More relieved than sorry."

  "Oh? Muller said they claimed they were here to visit you. That you had dinner with them the night before they left."

  Electra laughed. "They were surprised to find me at the Lake. And they did not invite me to visit them. They invited Avor. I went along uninvited because I did not want Avor to go there alone."

  "Oh? Why not?"

  Electra realized she had just fallen into a carefully laid trap. She was not about to report her brother's foolishness to her father, but he obviously suspected something.

  "He didn't have a lantern."

  She looked back at her father and hoped he saw that further questions would be to no avail.

  King Geoffrey drummed his fingers on the table. "No lantern. I see." More finger drumming.

  "And did they ask you to intercede on their behalf?"

  Electra began to grow angry under her father's questioning. She decided this would be her last answer.

  "Yes, they did. I told them it would do no good. I told them the Royal Guard would be there come morning. Now, I should be getting back. Mother wanted my help on a medical matter."

  Electra stood up and saw the look of shock in her father's face. Probably he was not accustomed to such rude behavior.

  King Geoffrey stood as well. "So sorry to have kept you. I must learn to curb my selfish behavior."

  Electra thought briefly about sitting back down and apologizing. She squashed the thought and left the room.

  King Geoffrey was still sitting at the table a few minutes later when Muller came in the side door.

  "I heard no voices. Has the Princess already left?"

  "It was a very short interview," King Geoffrey said, smiling. "I'm afraid I offended her with my questions."

  Muller decided staying silent was the prudent course. King Geoffrey would elaborate if he so desired.

  Geoffrey continued. "It sounds as though she went to the Gypsy camp to keep Avor out of trouble, though she would not admit to it." The king reached into his ample sleeve and pulled out a roll-up scroll. He smoothed out the little scroll and reread the invitation to the Nomadic Games. "I plan to allow Avor the choice to attend these games in Taz. He needs to test his wings a bit. But I will want you and Hilgard to accompany him and see that he stays safe. And, of course, while you are there, you will try to locate a source of the white powder we need for the exploding arrows."

  "I am at your service, Your Majesty."

  "Very well. I will inform Avor today at lunch of my decision. I believe Rabar intends to set sail in two days time."

  At lunch that afternoon Electra talked to her mother about clothes and the decorative changes she had made to her cottage, much to her mother's surprise and delight. Her father spoke to Avor about progress on the royal barge and the estuary from the lake to the sea. At one point, her father cleared his throat, as though he were about to make an important announcement. In spite of her earlier intention of ignoring anything her father had to say, Electra stopped to listen.

  "We have had an invitation from Bataar to attend the Nomadic Games to be held this year in Taz. Since work seems to be progressing apace at the lake, I thought you might wish to take a brief vacation and attend on our behalf, Avor."

  Avor waited a second to be sure his father was serious. Then his face broke into a wide smile. Avor's voice faltered a little as he tried to thank him.

  "I had...I would...Yes. I would very much like to attend." He looked down at his plate, composing his thoughts. "Ah...when are the games to begin? I mean, how soon would I be leaving?"

  "You will be leaving with Rabar on his ship. I believe he plans to embark in two day's time."

  Avor's face shone with excitement. "Two days. But this is wonderful. I...thank you, Father."

  "You have earned a vacation, son. But just remember..."

  "I know. Bataar is not our friend." Avor finished his father's sentence. "I will remember."

  Delphinia smiled at her son's enthusiasm. "We will have a great deal of packing to do before you go. We must include gifts for Bataar and his family."

  "I will go as well," Electra stated in a determined manner.

  Everyone went quiet as they stared at Electra.

  "I expect Bataar invited the whole family, did he not?" she added.

  "I do not remember asking if you wanted to go as well." King Geoffrey's tone was stiff and formal.

  "Rabar has spoken to me about the journey. He said he would be grateful for my help to gather the herbs he needs. It would be a good opportunity to learn about the herbs that grow there. Now, with this invitation from Bataar, I have two reasons to go."

  Delphinia was convinced her daughter could not seriously consider going. "But the invitation is to view the games. Archery and wrestling and horseback riding. You have no interest in those sports for men."

  "Am I mistaken? Was the invitation not to the entire Royal Family?" She stared at her father, daring him to lie.

  "No. You are not mistaken. The invitation, as you have guessed, is to the Royal Family—though you seem to be quite selective about when you wish to be included as a member and when you do not." King Geoffrey's voice was gruff as he pushed his plate away. "As it happens, Electra, I do have a message for you as well. Your fiancé, Dagon, will be arriving here today for a visit with the Royal Family. Perhaps you might do him the courtesy of asking permission before embarking on a journey to a nation of cutthroats."

  Electra and her father stared at one another until Electra decided they were both being childish and lowered her eyes.

  "I will ask his permission, of course."

  Avor waited a few seconds for the tension in the room to ease. Then his enthusiasm took control.

  "Could I take my horse on the ship, do you think?"

  King Geoffrey laughed in spite of his pique and patted Avor on the shoulder.

  "We will ask Rabar, Son."


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