[Fontaines 01.0] The Sweet Taste of Sin

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[Fontaines 01.0] The Sweet Taste of Sin Page 26

by Ember Casey

  I throw my phone down on the sofa and jog over to the door, staring down at the shaggy-haired PA they call Bug.

  “Isaac says they’re almost ready for you, Ms. Torres,” he says.

  “Thanks,” I tell him. “I’ll be right there.”

  As he darts back to the soundstage, I force myself to take a deep breath. Between Javy’s call and Luca’s tardiness, my nerves have gotten even worse, but I’m determined to pull myself together before I walk on set.

  These past two years have been a crash course in surviving this industry. Every step of the way, I’ve been determined to prove that I can keep up with the big boys, that they made the right choice in taking a chance on me. They liked me enough to keep me on for the sequel, at least, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still fuck this up.

  You can do this, I tell myself as I head out the door. This is just like any other day. Any other scene. Stay professional, do your job, and you’ll be just fine. It’s not that different from what you and Luca do every time you step out in public together.

  Except it is. Yes, our characters had an on-screen romance in the first Cataclysm: Earth movie, but the sex was all fade-to-black. For the sequel, though, the producers apparently decided we needed to go bigger, badder, and dirtier. It doesn’t help that Dante Fontaine pulled out of the sequel for personal reasons—even though he cited wanting to spend more time with his new fiancée, I suspect he and the other Important People were having a lot of creative differences over the direction they’ve decided to take this franchise.

  In spite of everything, though, I’m a little relieved that Dante Fontaine is no longer heavily involved with these projects. Months ago at the Cataclysm: Earth premiere, before Dante and his fiancée were together, he and I slept together. It was a moment of weakness, the result of months of stress and loneliness, and I knew even then it was a mistake. He and I never meant anything to each other—I think we were both just desperate for a little release from all the pressure. Still, I’m grateful to not have to face him day after day on set, especially since he and his fiancée, Ashlyn, are so happy together. Even though the three of us are the only ones who know it happened—Ashlyn walked in on it happening, which ironically is what led to their reunion—it would still be super awkward, and I’m not sure I can handle awkward right now.

  If I’m being honest, I find the whole situation a little humorous. What would the world say if they found out that the only Fontaine brother I’ve ever slept with is not the one I’m engaged to?

  Of course, my main job today is to convince everyone that Luca and I have gotten down and dirty many, many times.

  I did everything I could to prep for this scene. I’ve been practicing for weeks, recording myself making various moans and whimpers and then playing them back to myself. I’ve never walked onto set without being completely and totally prepared. I might not be as experienced as many of the people I work with, but I work twice as hard.

  When I reach the set, people are still rushing around and making their final adjustments to everything. Isaac Hillebrand, our esteemed director, is chatting with Leena, the set decorator, but as soon as he sees me, he makes a beeline right over.

  “Luca’s put us behind schedule,” he says, his irritation plain on his face. “Is there something going on with him I should know about?”

  After working with Isaac for two films, I’m used to his directness, but I’m not really sure how to answer his question. It is really weird for Luca to be late, but I haven’t the slightest idea what’s going on.

  So I try redirection.

  “Has no one been able to get in touch with him?” I ask.

  “He’s finishing up in makeup right now,” Isaac says. “But he should’ve been there two hours ago.” A fat, pulsing vein has appeared on his forehead, the way it always does when he gets stressed. “You two have a fight or something?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” I say. We’re not scheduled to have another big public fight for two months, right before awards season.

  Isaac gives me a pointed look. Not for the first time, I wonder if he knows the truth about Luca and me. Fake celebrity relationships aren’t exactly unusual here in Hollywood, and most people in the industry know how to spot the publicity stunts. But every once in a while, a real relationship emerges from all of the glitz and glamor of the film world, and those have their own special kind of power over people. Everyone wants to believe in them—including those who should know better—and so they do.

  Or, as I’m starting to suspect, after working in this industry for decades, people stop being able to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s fake.

  And speaking of fake…my fake fiancé has finally decided to make his appearance. I sense his presence before I see him. Even more than two years after meeting him, he still has that effect on me—on everyone, I suspect. Isaac and I both turn at the same time.

  Luca, as usual, causes something of a stir simply by existing. Whatever his reasons for being late, he shows no signs of being frazzled. Despite the layers of “apocalypse dust” all over his body, he still seems to glow. He flashes that million-dollar smile and greets the crew members by name as he passes. He’s laying the charm on extra thick today—I swear, if this were an animated movie his grin would sparkle and people would be swooning into dead faints at the sight of him.

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I may have been taken in by that charm the first time I met him, but I’ve learned my lesson. It’s all an act, just like everything else in his life. After two films and two years of pretending to be in a relationship with him, I still have no idea who the real Luca is—I’m not sure anyone does. The character he plays in his personal life isn’t any more genuine than the one he plays on set. Honestly, sometimes I’m convinced the character he plays on set is more real—I swear, I feel more genuine emotion from him when we’re doing a scene together than I do any other time.

  Luca’s grin widens when his eyes land on Isaac and me. He must know that he has something to answer for.

  “Morning, love,” he says when he reaches me. He grabs my hand and pulls me into his arms.

  I don’t resist, even though I’m ticked at him right now. I have a role to play.

  He folds me into his chest, and I tip my head back as he leans in for a kiss. His soft lips come down on mine, and his hand spreads against my lower back, holding me tight against him.

  One thing I’ll give him—Luca is a fucking amazing kisser. Even knowing full well that this is fake, it’s still impossible to keep my body from reacting in tiny ways. Warmth ripples through me, even though I try to fight it.

  He smells different today, I find myself noticing. Like the ocean. I’ve spent enough time in close contact with Luca to pick up on little things like that. I pull back from the kiss, curious about this subtle change.

  What I see in his face surprises me. His usual charming mask is still there, but beneath it I sense something else—something troubling. I can’t put my finger on what it is, exactly—a shadow in his eyes, perhaps, or a slight tightness at the corner of his mouth—but something is off. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was stressed or worried about something.

  “Enough with the mushiness,” Isaac says behind me. “Let’s save it for the scene, hm? You two ready?”

  Luca’s grin widens, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’m ready,” he says. “Emilia?”

  There’s a challenge in his eyes. I wonder if he realizes how nervous I am about today.

  “I’m ready,” I say, lifting my chin.

  Still, the wooziness returns the moment he releases me. I try another one of my dad’s mindfulness breathing exercises.

  You can do this, I tell myself one more time. Just don’t throw up all over the set and you’ll be fine. I’m a legitimate movie star now. This should be a piece of cake. And, most importantly, This is exactly where I want to be. Making movies. As my dad likes to remind me, The secret to happiness is gratitude.

p; As I follow Luca onto set, however, I suspect this is going to be one of the longest days of my career.

  Need more? The Lies Between the Lines is now available on Amazon!

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  The Secret to Seduction

  The Sweet Taste of Sin

  The Lies Between the Lines

  The Mystery of You

  The Thrill of Temptation


  His Wicked Games

  Truth or Dare

  Sweet Victory

  Her Wicked Heart

  Take You Away

  Lost and Found

  Completely (short story)

  Their Wicked Wedding

  A Cunningham Christmas

  Their Wicked Forever


  Royal Heartbreaker

  Royal Mistake

  Royal Arrangement

  Royal Disaster

  Royal Escape




  The Billionaire Escape Plan

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  Ember Casey lives in Atlanta, Georgia in a den of iniquity (or so she likes to tell people). When she’s not writing steamy romances, you can find her whipping up baked goods (usually of the chocolate variety), traveling (her bucket list is infinite), or generally causing trouble (because somebody has to do it).

  For more Ember Casey news, updates, and extras, check out http://embercasey.com. You can also reach her at [email protected] or join her new release list at http://embercasey.com/newsletter/.




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