A Lost Love

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A Lost Love Page 11

by Jennis Slaughter

  Empire’s Advance


  For millions of years a rogue meteor hurtles through space towards Earth, glowing from the vast fields of radiation through which it has passed. A primitive human female gazes in wonder as the burning invader hurtles toward the ground, unaware of the great beast stalking her. All three meet in an instant.

  Flash forward to the present, yes, she is still here, she has always been here, in the shadows, ready to strike from the darkness with gleaming fangs.

  Immortal Tigress

  An abused and bullied teenager is suddenly granted great and terrible powers by an ancient goddess. Each step towards womanhood is shaped by her new abilities, as is the woman she will become. Devil or angel, which will she be? Will the woman who chases her ever know for sure?

  Lady Blue

  Earth and Eladia are being invaded by a race of destroyers. Only one hope remains for either world to survive, the good will of a mad woman, his daughter. Can Charles Carter convince her to help or will she even care?


  On a medieval world, Dale, a bi-gender teenager, is on the run, from the authorities, from him/herself, and something far worse. Sometimes the thing you fear most is exactly what is needed, and Dale's need is desperate. Destiny rarely comes at an opportune moment, and Dale's destiny is nearly upon him...her...both...

  Dark Traveler

  Shelly is a troubled teenage transsexual. Can she escape the family violence and find love, a place in the world, or is her life over when her abusive father decides to work at home?


  Tired of relationships that could easily be replaced by a fresh set of batteries, six women decide to break out of their ruts and find a love that will meet all of their needs.

  Divorced Constance needs someone who will court her and treasure her.

  Davie needs someone who doesn’t fear her love.

  Widowed Elaine needs a new dance partner.

  Hard working Kenzie needs someone who won’t take her for granted.

  Artistic Heather needs somebody to remind her of the world beyond work.

  Engaged Aileen needs somebody far better than her drunken fiancé.

  Can a change of scene be what these women need?

  The MacKendricks

  The V'Lox Empire has redoubled its efforts to locate and destroy the Offspring and her band of rebels. Tracy realizes it will never stop unless she can completely destroy that empire. Can she do it or will the Offspring's growing power completely absorb and obliterate the human woman she was as well as destroy everyone she loves? Only time will tell.

  Empire’s Fall

  Sometime between Tasha Stewart witnessing the murder of her parents and the attempt on her life, she made a deal with a goddess. In exchange for super powers Tasha would bring Justice to the city. A cold relentless Justice, no lawyers, no courts, and no mercy. Can she deliver on her promise and still remain who she is at her core or will she be absorbed into the cold unfeeling force that is Lady Justice? Only her unexpected compassion for a monster and the friendship of Lady Blue will keep her grounded in herself.

  Lady Justice

  For long ages the Children of the Wolf have managed to remain hidden, but the modern world has found them. Hunted and captured by a criminal mastermind, only a precious few remain free. Helpless to aid their captured kin, they turn to the Vampire king and the saber tooth tiger who serves him for help. However, this demented man may just be too much even for the mighty vampires to overcome.

  After a long hunt and a terrible battle the vampires prevail, but the number of the werewolves are decimated and they need a new home. Will the vampire abandon them now or will he go further and help them find a home, help them assimilate into the new and modern world. Can they overcome their own instincts enough to do so? Only time will tell.

  Children of the Wolf

  The tale of Mary Hope MacLaren is a story of hope. It is the story of a young woman's hopes and dreams shattered as her new husband turns violent. It is the story of hope enduring over the years, but of hope renewed at his untimely death. Most of all, it is the tale of a womans fight back to who she had been before and of her renewed hope for the life she once wanted, dreamed of having.


  Lexa Condon spent too much time in imaginary worlds until she witnessed a murder. Now the killers are after her. With her young life about to be snuffed out, she cries out for help. Lexa is granted the power to create imaginary worlds herself. Flexing her new powers, she goes on the hunt for the killers, but her power is strong, and seductive. Will she be drawn completely into a world of her own construction and disappear forever, or will she gain control and bring down the killers. It will be a long trail and will have to face her own darkness before it's over.

  Killers are hunting for Lexa, but what they find is darkness and shadow. Shadow and form, and then shadow again. Even as they hunt her, mystery and madness hunt them. And then there is that damn dragon.

  Defiant young Annie Laurie Balfour is sent to a distant land in hopes of avoiding a devastating public scandal. There she acquires a dark and dangerous ally, a guardian angel of great and terrible power. Together they return to Scotland to extract vengeance and gain justice for Annie. Will they succeed or die in the attempt? Only time will tell.

  The humans of Earth have been guided and nurtured as they bred indiscriminately. Now the puppet masters are returning for the harvest. At the moment of our greatest danger an unexpected ally returns from the stars and a leader of incredible ability arises from the vast numbers of the marginalized. She seizes command of the allies and leads them against the enemy. Will they succeed? Can we even survive? And if we do, will there be anything left of our poor battered battleground of a planet?

  Rhonda Gale was the undefeated champion of the world in bicycle racing. She had it all, fame, fortune, beauty, and tons of admirers. And yet, the one thing she truly wanted, needed desperately, eluded her. Rhonda was troubled by dreams, psychic dreams, dreams of a woman calling to her for help. They were dreams of a woman who set Rhonda's soul afire with desire. Race by race, week by week, she searched, until the day she found her, the woman of her dreams.

  Deep in the Gap where time and space don't follow the rules, Deann of Nova stumbles on a group of people who claim to be her descendants. Now she has to keep them alive, escape the time ship that imprisons them all, and prevent the total annihilation of Sector Nine and the Borelian Clans. A mighty task, even for the matriarch of Red Nova.

  Oona, a slave beaten and tortured is saved from certain death by a pirate queen. Nurtured and nursed back to health by Red Meera, Oona becomes the Second Queen of the Westermen, the largest fighting force in the known world.

  When Meera falls near death from poison Oona becomes First Queen. Will she use her new found power to avenge herself on her former master? Indeed, she will, him and those who originally took her. The wrath of the Westermen is about to fall on the slave masters. There will be no mercy.

  The Second

  They say she can find anyone, anytime, anywhere. Run as far and fast as you can, gather friends with guns if you want, it won't help you. She's coming. There on your back trail, always there, always getting closer, is the Seeker. Nothing can stop the bounty hunter, nothing can turn her aside, and there's only one thing she's afraid of, the dragon rider.

  Lady Seeker

  Genie Carey is a trans woman down on her luck. Jamie Cameron is homophobic redneck hiding from life at the bottom of a bottle. When circumstances force them into each other’s company they are forced to face their own fears. They may get past their natural differences, but the growth could be difficult and painful.

  A Simple Twist of Fate

  The Small Step Journey

  Book of Prose and Poetry

  The Tiger and the Snake

  Book of Prose and Poetry

  When U.S. Marine Dakota McKnight returned home from her third tour in Operation Iraqi Freedom, she c
arried more baggage than the gear and dress blues she had deployed with. A vicious rocket-propelled grenade attack on her base left her best friend dead and Dakota physically and emotionally wounded. The marine who once carried herself with purpose and confidence, has returned broken and haunted by the horrors of war. When she returns to the civilian world, life is not easy, but with the help of her therapist, Janie, she is barely managing to hold her life together...then she meets Beth.

  Beth Kendrick is an American history college professor. She is as straight-laced as they come, until Dakota enters her life, that is. Will her children understand what she is going through? Will she take a chance on the broken marine or decide to wait for the perfect someone to come along?

  Time is on your side, they say, unless there is a dark, sinister evil at work. Is their love strong enough to hold these two people together? Will the love of a good woman help Dakota find the path to recovery? Or is she doomed to a life of inner turmoil and destruction that knows no end?


  With two out-loud-and proud mothers, plump, clumsy Lily is miserable in fifth grade where bullies torment her on the playground and in class. Across the room Clara sits still as a statue, never volunteering or raising her hand, answering only in whispers with her head down to avoid curious eyes, keeping her family's secret that she has two dads.

  Each girl is relieved to have a friend, especially one who understands living in a rainbow family. Everything seems great until old lies and blackmail catch up with them.

  Clara is kidnapped. Her two dads move fast, the police even faster, but her best friend must be the quickest of all. Will Lily be in time to save Clara's life?

  Riding The Rainbow

  “It’s like this, see. My dad’s a fag, his boyfriend’s a queer, and I think I might be gay. I mean, I think it’s catching or something.”

  When twelve year old R.J. decides to turn his dad straight, unintended consequences mess everything up. His father is miserable, the kids at school hate him, and his best friend Jessica is furious. To make things right he will have to figure out for himself what it means to be A Man’s Man.

  (For readers age 12-16)

  Amelia Gittens, a black female, has the distinct honor of being the first female to be admitted to the US Army’s elite group of snipers, fighting in Afghanistan. It doesn’t come without its price, though, as she comes back as so many veterans do with post-traumatic stress syndrome complete with major flashbacks. Working as a New York City police officer, she is involved with a suspect shooting. Unfortunately for her, it is the cousin of a major international drug dealer who seeks revenge on her and her partner, as well as the departmental psychiatrist. Amelia responds the only way she knows how, falling back upon her military training to keep her ward safe while the situation is being resolved. The whole while, she is battling her own inner demons, fighting with herself to keep them at bay, nearly tearing herself apart.

  Leaving Afghanistan Behind:

  Aly Lockewood, 24, never having told anyone that she is a lesbian, meets Sasha Aronov, 31, who has been out since Junior High school, in a clothing store, both wanting to buy the same plaid skirt. Alison breaks the ice in a most bizarre way, completely taking Sasha off-guard. Meeting over coffee, Sasha won't admit her instant feelings, saying she isn't in a relationship and isn't looking for one, yet offers to mentor and support Aly. Aly admits to being gay for the first time, trusting Sasha not only because she also is a lesbian, but because she gets a good feeling from her, along with feeling sparks of her own toward Sasha. Can the immovable force move the immovable object? Only time will tell...

  The Plaid Skirt

  London Pereira is a mid-career TV anchorwoman wanting to move from her prestigious anchor position into world-travelling investigative reporting. At a chance meeting of corporate executives, she meets Madeline Ross, a well-respected and successful Ad Marketing executive. Both women are single lesbians, at first unknown to each other, but both strangely drawn to the other. Under the pretense of having their two companies work together, London engineers a way to see more of Maddie, hoping to ignite romance. Maddie secretly plans the same thing. When their plans lead to sensual fruition, the chance for a love of a lifetime blossoms, but with unforeseen complications that their new romance might not withstand.

  The Other Side of Indifference:

  Welcome to Paris, “The City of Lights”—-where the only requirement to visit is being “Undead.”

  Struggling with a past tragedy and growing unrest with my sister, I accepted an invitation to visit my very close friends in Paris.

  My early morning flight had just arrived in Paris. As I made my way through the busy concourse, timed seemed to stop. All my mind could register were the three friends standing in front of me. Janine and her two Brother’s, Luc and Jaycee.

  Meanwhile, back in the States my sister Elena had taken great joy in antagonizing me. Elena’s jealousy would come to be the driving force that would lead to the culmination of a showdown that will resolve a past injustice and ultimately lead to the destruction of our relationship, and a much darker, sinister means to an end.

  Would the love that Luc and I came to share, along with Janine and Jaycee be enough to overcome the deceit, treachery and betrayal we would encounter? Would the secret my friends have destroy me or renew me?

  Little did I know, they would literally hold my soul in their hands.

  To Paris With Blood

  After an unhappy marriage, Marie is lonely and wants to find love. Her old ways of searching for someone special hasn't worked. So after learning a new technique, she found the love of her life. Marie puts everything she has into this new relationship with Jada, wanting only her happiness, sacrificing all, even her mental and physical health. However through Jada's family and personal secrets, she wonders what is in it for her. Did she really find what she was looking for when she met Jada, a younger black woman?

  Jada answers the call for companionship with Marie, but she's holding on to the past, unwilling to let her mother know her closely guarded secret. Unfortunately, she's confronted with some disturbing news which threatens to destroy her future.

  Will her secrets keep her from happiness with Marie? Will her suspicions cause her to miss out on the best thing in her life?

  Unbeknownst to Kelly, "another" answered the call for friendship with Marie was well. When Kelly's attracted to her dance partner, "Kelly" makes it her life's mission to become more than just Marie's friend, even if that means ruining her love's life.

  Those that lie within the unsuspecting woman are a mystery to Kelly, but also to Marie and Jada as well.

  Love Me Completely

  Louisa Cannes is trying to juggle her human resources career with looking after her family and keeping her girlfriend interested. Her ethics are repeatedly tested at the difficult job she depends on to pay for her nephew’s life-saving treatment. Cripplingly long hours, an incompetent, lazy line manager and a couple of vindictive rivals don’t exactly help, and she is in danger of burning out. But why does the evil boss, Penelope, seem determined to destroy Louisa one minute then groom her for promotion the next? Can Louisa avoid competing with her best friend, can she still call herself a people person, and who can she really trust in the race to the top...?

  People Person

  Alone in the Laundromat can she get away with what she needs to do, does she dare? What about when she is discovered.



  Fifteen short stories

  Hasn't there always been a place you wanted to go to, that you dreamed about? What if you made it a reality with the one that you love? All your fantasies and dreams come true?

  Beach Dreams

  This is what happens when I wear a bikini for the first time. A short erotic story that tells a tale for those who understand that BIKINIS ARE DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 1

  Once again we prove that Bikini's can't be trusted, that these itty bitty scra
ps of material, are DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 2

  Proving that Bikini's are more than just for swimming.

  Bikini's are Dangerous 3

  Rio de Janeiro is well known as the world's premiere beach destination. Will I wear my bikini or not as they are also known for their nude or clothing optional beaches...BIKINI'S ARE DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 4

  When you are unsure about your body, being around those who are not only fit and trim but bikini clad can be inhibiting as well as distracting. As I work on my body, my confidence and my attraction to this bikini clad body that helps me achieve these results develops. Finally admitting our mutual attraction leads to a situation that proves BIKINI'S ARE DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 5

  All FIVE in the series

  *Bikini's are Dangerous The Complete Series

  Don’t judge a book by its cover! Nothing, and no one, is EVER what they seem.

  Ellen Christenson escapes from an abusive life, but does one ever escape the scars that are left on their soul? One must move on, one must try. But life has a tendency to circle back to what one once knew and she finds her life choices bring her back to the scenes of her abuse, to deal with it finally and fully, in ways she had never thought she would deal with. It is then that the healing can begin, as she repairs her soul and the people she has devastated along the way.

  Ellen hadn’t ‘intended’ to end up in Silicon Valley and its high tech world, but due to life and it’s circumstances she finds herself the head of a startup tech company. Cool, calculating, efficient, she shows the world a side of her that she really isn’t, few if any know the real Ellen. Nearby San Francisco provides her with plenty of girlfriends. That elusive one, that soul mate, she has a hard time recognizing due to the scars within.


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