Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf, Too (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf, Too (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Abby Blake

  “Guilty?” He had nothing to feel guilty about…well, except that he had been feeling guilty as he headed home three days early, wanting to see Louise one more time. It had seemed like such a selfish move at the time. He went to explain, but almost as if Louise could follow his thought processes, she grinned, turned to straddle his thighs, and kissed him until his head spun.

  Catching sight of Aiden and Zeb smiling indulgently as their werewolf mate practically made out with him on the front seat of his truck, Cal was still working on the theory that he’d had a nervous breakdown and was imagining everything, when Zeb stepped closer to the truck and hauled a squirming Louise away.

  “Relax, baby girl. Let the man breathe.”

  “Welcome back, Cal,” Aiden said as he held his hand out to shake. “As you can see, our mate missed you, and we have a few things we need to discuss.”

  “Discuss? I thought we said everything that needed saying. She’s a werewolf, you’re both her mates, so you get to ride into the sunset, and I get to go back to the farm.”

  “Hell,” Aiden said, rubbing his neck as if he couldn’t quite find the words he needed, “if you’d just answered your phone…Look, there’s no easy way to put this, but you’re also her mate.”

  “I’m what? But…but I’m not a werewolf.”

  “That’s actually the easy part,” Aiden said with a very serious look on his face. “Xavier has already given us permission to make you one of the pack. The harder part is going to be learning to live with me and Zeb in the picture.”

  “So Louise will have three husbands?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. But being mates with a werewolf is a whole lot more than being a human husband. We sense her emotions and share her dreams and…” Aiden trailed away as he saw the look of disbelief Cal probably wore on his face.

  “Dreams? As in, actual dreams?”

  “You tell me, Cal,” Zeb said with a happy laugh. “The last mating dream we shared with Louise, you were definitely there. You seemed quite happy to fuck her while we watched.” Heat streaked through Cal’s middle as embarrassment stole his words. But it didn’t stop his cock from hardening as memories of that incredible dream flashed through his mind.

  Aiden smiled, but he must have sensed Cal’s disquiet. At the time Cal had simply believed the dreams were just that—dreams—his mind imagining what things might have been like, but with this new information came more questions.

  “Why don’t you and I follow Zeb and Louise up the mountain to Xavier’s pack? That way the four of us can spend some time together, and you can get to know the life a werewolf leads. Then you can make decisions about the type of future you want.”

  “Um, yeah, I suppose making me a werewolf isn’t something easily reversed.”

  “Try impossible.”

  Cal nodded. He’d been so miserable without Louise that he was more than willing to try and figure things out. He glanced in the rearview mirror and realized that there was someone else in the back of Louise’s cruiser. “Who’s that?” he asked, desperately hoping it wasn’t another mate for Louise. He might be able to find a way to share her with Aiden and Zeb, but surely there was a limit to what one man could take.

  “Just a young wolf who needs a new pack.”

  “Oh,” Cal said, sounding so thankful that he managed to give away his thoughts.

  “Trust me,” Aiden said with a friendly smile, “if we find out there are any more mates for Louise, we are bundling that woman up tight and heading as high into the mountains as we can go. Three is more than enough.”

  “Agreed,” Cal said with no small amount of relief. Aiden turned to talk to Zeb and Louise, and Cal finally realized he still had his damn seatbelt on. “Aiden.” When the man turned back to him, Cal felt suddenly embarrassed but spit the words out anyway. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  Aiden looked very thoughtful for a moment, as if he were assessing Cal’s genuineness. “She loves all three of us,” he said simply and turned away once more.

  Chapter Nine

  The ride up the mountain seemed to take ten times longer than last time. Louise understood why she was traveling with Zeb, and why Cal and Aiden followed in Cal’s truck, but it didn’t mean she liked it. She would have loved some time alone with Cal to sort out a few things.

  “Aiden and I will give you and Cal all the space you want when we get home, okay?”

  She growled low in her throat. “Stop doing that. It’s really creepy finding out you can read my mind.”

  “Get used to it, baby girl. Cal will be able to do it, too, once we make him pack.”

  “If we make him pack. What if he doesn’t want to be a werewolf? What if he doesn’t want to live the type of life the four of us will live together?”

  “Then he’s a fool.”

  “No he’s not.” Some small part inside her realized she was arguing just for the sake of arguing, but anxiety over whether things would work out with the four of them or not was messing with her head.

  Zeb sighed. “I know I’m going to regret this.” He glanced over at her briefly and then put his eyes back on the road. “You should be able to hear some of his thoughts by now. You’ve been a werewolf long enough to be able to do it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” Okay, it seemed belligerent was currently her middle name.

  “We tried to, but you’ve been so tense since Cal left that we didn’t want to throw too many things at you at once.”

  “So I should already be able to read your mind. Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “Yes, baby girl. Do you want to guess what I’m thinking right now?”

  She didn’t need to guess. She already knew. How the hell did she miss that?

  “Because you’re a stubborn, ornery woman,” Zeb said directly into her mind.

  “Geez,” she said, rolling her eyes, “tell me something I don’t know.”

  “All right, how about first chance I get I’m going to bend you over, spank that gorgeous ass until it glows pink, and then fuck you the way I’ve been wanting to since I met you.”

  Heat streaked through her. She knew she should be annoyed at his threat to spank her, but it only made her excitement burn hotter. Zeb groaned as the smell of her arousal filled the car. Well, that was a drawback to an increased sense of smell. Good grief, how embarrassing.

  “No need to be embarrassed, sweetheart.”

  “Aiden?” she asked out loud, glancing over her shoulder to see the car lights following them as if she could somehow see the man himself.

  “Of course,” he said with a soft telepathic laugh. “I’m very glad you found your talent. Now behave for Zeb.” She wanted to tell him to shove his bossy order up his ass, but then he added, “So that he can concentrate on the switchback roads without being distracted.”

  “Okay.” It was supposed to come out sounding annoyed—she did realize how dangerous these roads were—but instead the word sounded almost submissive. Before she could even wipe that thought from her mind, Zeb and Aiden sent mental pictures of tying her down, spanking her to orgasm over and over, and finally fucking her together the way they’d done in their mating dream from nearly two weeks ago.

  “Behave,” she told both her men. Fortunately, they did, and both turned their full attention back to the road.

  “But when we get home…” Aiden left the promise unfinished, but of course, her stupid overactive imagination took over, and she squirmed in her seat the rest of the way up the mountain.

  * * * *

  Cal glanced around the area in the light of day. They’d arrived well after midnight last night, and despite how many things the four of them needed to say, they’d simply curled up on the big bed and fallen asleep. He might have been embarrassed to sleep on a bed with two other men, but he’d been holding Louise in his arms, and nothing else had mattered.

  They’d shared a mating dream again, and even now Cal had trouble hiding the erection pressing against the zipper
of his jeans. The dream had seemed so real that he’d woken wondering if it had actually happened, but they’d all still been fully clothed, so he was fairly certain it was just a dream.

  “Mornin’,” Aiden said as he stepped onto the porch and handed Cal a cup of hot coffee. Cal lifted the dark brew to his lips, surprised to find Aiden had made it exactly as he liked it—black and sweet. The question must have been written on his face, because Aiden laughed and took the seat beside him. “The interesting thing about a mating link between werewolves is that we end up with access to our mate’s thoughts and sometimes her memories. I learned nearly a week ago how you like your coffee.”

  “Oh.” Cal tried to look casual as he asked his next question. “Will you develop access to mine?”

  “Not directly,” Aiden answered, “but Louise will, and since I have a link with Louise…”

  “You’ll know me better than you probably should,” Cal finished for him.

  Aiden hesitated for a moment, and Cal got the impression he was searching for the correct words. “I know it’s not an easy concept for humans to understand, but werewolves develop a deeper relationship. It’s why we mate for life. Once we claim our mate, there’s no going back.” He lifted his head and faced Cal head-on. “If we change you to a werewolf, your future is almost predestined. Louise is mate to all three of us, so we either find a way to make it work or all end up miserable. Either way, Louise is the only woman we’ll ever feel this connection with.”

  “Can I ask…” Now Cal hesitated. It was a question he needed answered but a topic he really didn’t want to raise. “What happens if Louise dies?”

  Aiden grimaced. “Then we go on without her. But we’ll never have the same connection to someone else.”

  “Why not?” Cal asked. “Louise has three mates. Why couldn’t you have more than one also?”

  Aiden laughed, glanced over his shoulder, and sighed. “Considering that our mate is currently lying in my brother’s arms listening to everything that is going on in my head, I’ll be brief and to the point. Three mates is an anomaly. I’d never even heard of a werewolf having more than one mate until Zeb and I found Louise. I’m not even sure how Andrea ended up with three mates, but they are the only two cases I’ve ever heard of.”

  “And I’m the only werewolf you’re ever going to love, Cal Sanders.”

  Cal glanced over his shoulder, expecting to find Louise standing behind him, but when he found the space empty, he turned back to Aiden with a question on his lips. But he didn’t need to ask it.

  “That’s part of the mating link,” he said with a grin. “If we make you a werewolf, you’ll be able answer her telepathically as well.”


  Aiden gave him a sympathetic look. “Louise just wants you to be happy. I know,” he said, tapping his temple, “that she loves you enough to let you go, if that’s what you truly want. We all want you to stay, but if it isn’t what you want, Louise will understand. Give it some thought.” He levered out of the chair and headed back into the house, but before he stepped through the doorway, he turned back with a mischievous grin. “But you need to remember that as a werewolf Louise is a lot stronger now, so if you two want to play in the bedroom, it’d be best to make sure Zeb and I are there to hold her down.”

  “I am so going to kick your ass when you get in here, Aiden,” Louise said directly into Cal’s mind. Her voice was full of humor as she added, “But he’s right, Cal. I could hurt you. Either we wait until after you’re a werewolf, or Zeb and Aiden can supervise.” She said “supervise” with so much excitement in her voice that he almost clambered off the deck chair and ran inside. It didn’t help his peace of mind when images of Cal riding her sweet pussy while Aiden fucked her ass and Zeb fed her his cock bounced through his brain over and over.

  But he stayed where he was, determined to sort through his jumbled emotions before making a decision that would affect the rest of his life.

  * * * *

  Zeb slapped her thigh, nuzzling the back of her neck as he whispered, “Leave the man alone.”

  Louise stopped the flow of mental images to Cal and rolled over in Zeb’s arms.

  “I’m just trying to let him know how good things will be between us.”

  “I know it will be,” Zeb assured her, “but Cal needs to make a decision without his brain being addled by arousal. I know he loves you. He just needs a chance to figure out that he loves you enough to accept how much your life has changed.”

  “I know,” she said with an exaggerated pout. “I just want him to make a decision quickly.” Zeb leaned over, sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, and nibbled on the sensitive flesh for a moment.

  “Trust me, Aiden and I want him to make a decision quickly, too. We want to claim our mate and then make love to her until she screams our names in ecstasy.”

  “Well, wouldn’t it make sense then for Cal to join us in bed before he decides if he can accept the four of us together?”

  “The lady does have a point,” Cal said as he stepped around the corner and leaned against the doorjamb. “If I’m going to be uncomfortable with you two making love to my woman, I’d rather know about it before I’m a werewolf.”

  “So what are you saying?” Aiden asked as he stepped past Cal and stood beside the bed.

  “I guess I’m saying I want to try the stuff we’ve been dreaming about. I didn’t seem to have a problem with it in the mating dreams, but I’d like to be certain.”

  Louise might have felt a little insulted by his “try before you buy” attitude if she hadn’t been able to sense his deep fear. He was worried that he’d hurt them all by not being sure. Tears filmed her eyes, and she blinked rapidly to try and hide them. Cal truly loved her, loved her enough not to risk hurting her or the other men who loved her. By their reactions, she got the impression that Aiden and Zeb realized it, too.

  She climbed off the bed, giggled quietly as Zeb smacked her ass on the way past, and then wrapped her arms around Cal. “Make love to me,” she whispered a moment before she pressed her lips to his. Cal kissed her slowly, seeming to savor the contact they’d both been missing. He gently coaxed her lips apart, pushing his tongue into her mouth and exploring the warm recess.

  She sighed as she felt Aiden and Zeb removing her clothes. She really should have gotten changed before they’d fallen into bed last night. But somehow, sleeping together fully clothed had seemed a necessary first step in their relationship.

  She lost herself in Cal’s kiss, groaning as Aiden and Zeb worshipped every inch of her skin as they slowly peeled off her clothes. Finally standing naked in the middle of her three men felt like coming home, almost like she’d finally found where she belonged. For her the emotions were the same as they’d been in the mating dreams. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Cal’s feelings and realized he shared the same revelation.

  Two deep chuckles sounded behind her as Aiden and Zeb moved away to strip off their own clothes. She felt a moment of panic from Cal, but it was quickly replaced by arousal as Aiden and Zeb pulled her gently from his arms and helped her to lie on her back on the bed. They sat on either side of the mattress, caressing her with their eyes as she squirmed with excitement.

  It was the first time she’d seen her wolves naked in real life, and she was very pleased to note that her dreams had been no exaggeration. All three of her men were lean muscle and long limbs, and fortunately, all roughly the same size and thickness where it counted most.

  “So I take it we meet with your approval,” Aiden said with a laugh, obviously hearing her thoughts. She blushed in embarrassment.

  “Wait,” Cal said, glancing between the two men. “This is your first time with Louise? You haven’t spent the last two weeks fucking her every chance you got?” Again, Louise might have been offended by the words if she hadn’t been able to sense his deepening respect for Aiden and Zeb.

  “No,” Zeb said with a smile. “Once we realized that you were her mate as well, it fel
t like waiting for you was the right thing to do.” Cal swallowed several times before he looked at both men and dipped his head in thanks.

  “I wish I’d known that two weeks ago. I would have come home much sooner.”

  “You would have known two weeks ago if you’d just answered your phone, you stubborn man,” Louise said with a pretend growl. “Now come here and make up for lost time.”

  Cal smiled that confident smile she remembered so well and started to remove his clothes. Two warm mouths lowered to her breasts, and she had a damn hard time trying to concentrate as Aiden and Zeb alternated between laving her nipples and flicking the hard tips with their tongues. She was writhing against the sheets, moaning, by the time Cal moved to kneel on the end of the bed.

  Warm hands grabbed her knees, pulling her legs wide, exposing her wet pussy to them all. “So beautiful,” Aiden whispered as Cal wedged his shoulders between her thighs and lowered his mouth over her mound. Her legs tried to close instinctively from the first warm, wet stroke of his tongue, but true to their word to protect Cal from her increased strength, Aiden and Zeb held her knees, holding her wide open, trapping her as Cal tormented her with his tongue.

  Wet warmth once again engulfed both nipples, both men sucking strongly as Cal thrust his tongue hard and deep into her pussy. She gasped, the overwhelming sensation of all three men pleasuring her at the same time taking her by surprise. Even the mating dreams hadn’t really prepared her for the incredible reality of what was happening.

  “Shhhh, baby girl,” Zeb said as she whimpered. “We’ll take good care of you.”

  She nodded, not sure whether she was agreeing with him or pleading for him to follow through on his promise. He ran a callused hand over her cheek, lowering his head to capture her lips in a kiss that would have curled her toes if she wasn’t already shaking with arousal.

  “Please,” she whispered, trying to somehow move closer to them all.

  “Not yet, baby girl.”


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