His Mistress

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His Mistress Page 5

by Monica Burns

  Alarmed, she struggled to focus on the events in the chamber below. Angélique was laughing quietly as she instructed her charge to lie on his back. Despite her efforts to forget about the stranger, Jane could still feel his penetrating gaze on her back. She swallowed hard as she fought not to glance over her shoulder in the stranger’s direction.

  A split second later, every thought disappeared from Jane’s head as a frisson danced its way across the nape of her neck. The tingling intensified as she sensed a warm body suddenly occupy the chair behind her. Jane kept her eyes on the scene below and struggled to keep from looking over her shoulder to confirm what instinct was telling her.

  The stranger had taken the seat directly behind her.

  Heat skimmed across her skin while her heart pounded a wild rhythm in her ears. Dear God, how was it possible for him to affect her like this without saying a word? She swallowed the knot in her throat and fought to keep her attention on the chamber. The erotic scene below only served to emphasize the disturbing sensations sliding through every inch of her body.

  “Good evening, my Lady.”

  Instantly her skin grew hot in a feverish fashion. With nothing more than a simple greeting, he’d managed to make sin seem as innocent as a cup of warm chocolate. His voice was seduction in its purest form, and Jane’s heart skipped a beat at the enticing sound. Afraid to speak for fear of sounding as breathless and discombobulated as she felt, she ignored him. Instead, she continued to study Angélique and her lover in the chamber below. A scorching heat brushed the side of her face as he leaned forward until his mouth was almost touching her ear.

  “Are you really that engrossed in the small play below or are you merely trying to avoid the obvious.”

  “Obvious?” She frowned slightly.

  “My intentions where you’re concerned.” The hypnotic note in his voice didn’t squash the lash of disappointment slicing through Jane. Her initial supposition about the stranger had been correct. She straightened her shoulders.

  “I wasn’t aware I’d expressed any interest in your intentions at all, sir,” she said coolly. He countered her chilly response by blowing a soft warmth across the back of her neck.

  “Then perhaps I should say that I have reason to believe you would not reject me outright.”

  His softly spoken words made Jane draw in a quick breath before she slowly released it in an attempt to control her escalating pulse. Lord help her, but that had sounded almost like a request. Had she been wrong? Did he prefer a strong woman in his bed? The thought made her chest tighten as though her lungs were empty of air. With her next breath, she was able to breathe again. The idea filled her with a wild mixture of trepidation and excitement. Still uncertain of his true intentions, Jane didn’t look at him, but simply nodded toward the theater below.

  “If that is the case, then permit me to watch the rest of this performance in silence.”

  “As you wish, my Lady.”

  A dark angel could not have acquiesced to her request any more reluctantly. His breath stirred the hair on the back of Jane’s neck, and she knew that if the sun were blazing down on her it could not have been as hot. Determined not to show how much he disturbed her, Jane forced herself to concentrate on Angélique in the Obedience Chamber.

  Her friend had instructed her charge to lay flat on the floor. When he was in position, the Frenchwoman walked forward to stand above his erection. Bending at the knees, Angélique slowly sank downward until the man’s phallus brushed against her sex. Instantly, the man’s hands quickly moved to touch Frenchwoman’s thighs. Angélique’s fingers lightly tapped the tip of the man’s erection before she stood again and moved to stand over his head.

  “You disappoint me, mon chou. You know the rules of our little game. You will not be satisfied until I decide you will be,” Angélique said with a sigh. “Now look up, and tell me what you see.”

  “You, my Lady. You’re beautiful.”

  “And what to you wish to do with such beauty?”

  “I want to pleasure you, my Lady.” The ache in the man’s voice made Angélique smile as she moved away from him.

  “Then you will please me by taking yourself in hand. Stroke yourself. Slowly.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” the man said in a choked voice as he obeyed her command.

  “Very good, mon esclave,” Angélique said with a soft laugh. “Now I want you to imagine you are sliding into me—ever so slowly.”

  “Sweet Jesus,” the man uttered in a dark voice.

  “And while you are thinking about that, imagining what that feels like, mon ange, you are to continue stroking yourself, but you are not allowed to spill your seed.”

  Angélique’s command made the man draw in a hiss of protest, but he nodded and proceeded to obey her command. The Frenchwoman got down on her knees and bent over the man’s stiff erection to lick the tip of him. Every time he stroked himself, Angélique swirled her tongue around the edge of him. Muscles bulging with tension, the man shuddered.

  “My Lady…please.”

  The hoarse whisper made Angélique lift her head. With a nod, she stood up and walked across the room to a rack where she hung up her whip. His breathing still harsh, the man continued to stroke himself. Taking her time, Angélique returned to his side.

  “You have done well this evening, mon cher,” she said with a seductive smile. “You have my permission to release your seed.”

  A guttural sound rolled out of the man’s throat as with two last strokes of his hand, his body convulsed with pleasure, and he climaxed under the Frenchwoman’s and the gallery’s watchful eyes. As always, the voyeuristic experience left Jane feeling aroused and somewhat naughty at having witnessed such an intimate scene. His release complete, Angélique’s lover came up on his knees and leaned forward to kiss the Frenchwoman’s ankle.

  “Thank you, my Lady.” The man’s impudent demonstration of gratitude made Angélique laugh.

  “Off with you, mon cher, before I regret allowing you to come so quickly.”

  As her submissive scrambled to his feet, she playfully slapped his backside as he headed out of the room. Laughter filled the gallery at the interaction, and Jane smiled. It was evident Angélique was fond of the man. Any other partner would have earned a stern rebuke for touching her without permission.

  The moment Angélique left the Obedience Chamber, the soft murmur of conversation filled the air as the gallery audience slowly broke apart. Behind her, the stranger remained silent, almost as if waiting for her to command him. Anticipation skimmed through her blood as Jane rose and turned around to look down at the man seated in the chair behind her. In the space of one quick breath, shock shuddered its way through her entire body.


  It couldn’t be. Why hadn’t she recognized him? Realized that the dark, seductive voice in her ear belonged to the man she’d agreed to marry? The answer was immediate. This was a Tobias she didn’t know. Even the roguishly wicked smile on his lips was foreign to her. And it was a smile that made her heart pound harder in one beat than it had at any other moment she’d been in his presence.

  Panic swept through her as a look of assessment darkened his handsome features. Dear God, was it possible that despite her mask he might still be able to recognize her? Her fear slowly subsided as she realized he was merely studying her as one might study one’s quarry.

  As he rose from his seat, she struggled to breathe and maintain a serene countenance beneath his bold look. Normally he was only an inch or two taller than she, but because the row she was standing on was one step below his, he appeared even taller. His eyes glittered with what she realized was appreciation, and in the back of her mind, Jane wondered if this was what it felt like when one was drowning. Her pulse skittering out of control, she fought to keep her wits about her under Tobias’ brazen look. Her mouth dry, she unconsciously licked her lips, and a low growl rolled out of him.

  “If you are not otherwise engaged, my Lady, perhaps we might enjoy the plea
sure of each other’s company this evening?”

  Although his manner was courteous, there was also a soft note of confidence in his voice. It suggested he fully expected her to agree to his proposal. Despite her desperate battle to maintain her composure, a small part of Jane resented the self-assurance she heard layered beneath his words. Was she so transparent where he was concerned? It was a question she didn’t care to answer. Her eyes narrowed as she met his bold gaze.

  “You presume a great deal, sir.”

  “I think you misunderstand, my Lady.” There was a challenge in his dark brown eyes before he lowered his gaze in a deferential manner. “I wish to be of service to you.”

  For a long moment, Jane stared at him in disbelief. Had the man she was to marry just offered to surrender himself to her commands? The idea elated and appalled her in one split second. Here was the type of challenge she’d been looking for since Angélique had declared her ready to use her abilities. And yet, she hesitated. She instinctively knew Tobias would not be easily managed, and it made her question her ability to bend him to her slightest command. Insecurity won the battle of indecision.

  “Unfortunately, I have other obligations this evening.” She declined his offer with a quiet firmness that belied the tumult inside her.

  “Then may I serve you tomorrow night, my Lady?” Again, there was the self-satisfied note in his voice that said he was certain she would accept his offer. She clenched her jaw at the notion he thought it easy to gain her favor. She might be a novice, but she was not a fool.

  “I am otherwise engaged tomorrow night as well…but the next time we meet perhaps I shall consider your request.”

  Although Tobias didn’t raise his gaze to meet hers, she knew the deliberate pause in her answer had the effect she’d intended. Her response served as a rebuke for his arrogant belief she would easily give way to his request. The way he held himself rigid was evidence of his surprise and frustration that she’d not easily agreed to his offer. Despite her bemused state of mind, confidence bloomed inside Jane as she watched the frustration cross Tobias’ strong, angular features.

  “As you wish, my Lady.”

  There was respect in his voice, but she could tell he was vexed by her rejection of him. Once more he reminded her of a powerful, restless jungle cat pacing the confines of his cage looking for a way to escape his prison. Had she made a mistake to deny him tonight? No, the shock of seeing him here in La Maison des Plaisirs Sombres was too much for her to cope with at the moment.

  It would have been a mistake to accept his offer when her senses were reeling. Still, the desire the desire to keep him from seeking relief with any other Lady in the club consumed her. Jane stepped up onto the landing next to him and stretched out her hand to gently brush a lock of his hair off his forehead. The midnight black strand curled around her finger. She was glad she’d left her gloves behind in Angélique’s suite this evening, otherwise she would not have been able to enjoy the silky feel of his hair against her skin. Without realizing she’d come to a decision, she leaned into him and brushed her lips against his ear.

  “I offer you a test of willpower. If you can save your seed for me and me alone, I shall grant your request the next time we see each other.” She heard the sharp hiss of air he pulled into his lungs and smiled as he jerked his head in a quick nod of agreement.

  “I will do as you ask, my Lady,” he rasped.

  “Then until we meet again,” she whispered. Jane lightly grazed her lips along the edge of his jaw then climbed the remaining steps to the balcony’s top landing.

  It was an effort to do so, but Jane forced herself to maintain a moderate pace until she was in the corridor outside the gallery. She paused for a brief moment, one hand pressed into her stomach as a tremor worked its way through every inch of her. Dear God, had she actually managed to make a man obey her with little more than a few words and a light touch? And even more importantly, the man had been Tobias. The knowledge sent another shudder through her.

  Why hadn’t Angélique warned her that Tobias was a member of the club? Jane gritted her teeth, in frustration. She understood the rules of La Maison des Plaisirs Sombres all too well given the traitor in their midst, but this was completely different. She drew in a deep breath then released it before she made her way through several softly lit corridors toward the back of the club and the suite Angélique maintained at La Maison des Plaisirs Sombres.

  Her friend’s maid and seamstress answered Jane’s quiet knock on the suite door. Bernadette smiled her welcome and invited Jane into the brightly lit salon. For a moment, Jane squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light.

  “Bonsoir, Lady Mystère,” the young woman said pleasantly. “Madam Bissette is changing, but will be ready soon. I have laid out your gown for the party in the dressing room for you. As soon as I have finished helping Madam Bissette, I will be in to assist you.”

  “Thank you Bernadette.” Jane nodded her thanks as the other woman hurried back toward Angélique’s dressing room.

  As the maid disappeared into the adjoining room, Jane removed her mask as she always did when she was in the safety of Angélique’s private sanctuary. The last thing on her mind was changing for the Sunderland party. Her encounter with Tobias had left her feeling shaken and vulnerable. Jane inhaled then exhaled a sharp breath before she crossed the floor to the liquor cart. In a jerky movement, she reached out for the decanter of brandy and poured herself a small shot. She swallowed the alcohol in one swift gulp only to regret it a moment later. Fire streaked its way down her throat, and she coughed violently as the brandy spread its burning sting through her chest.

  “Mon Dieu, ma chérie,” Angélique exclaimed as she entered the salon. “What in heaven’s name are you doing?”

  “I’m having a drink of brandy to settle my nerves,” Jane rasped as she set down her glass and turned toward her friend.

  “But we are to attend Lord Sunderland’s soirée, and you haven’t even changed.”

  “That would be because my dearest friend in the world didn’t prepare me for the fact that my husband-to-be is a member of La Maison des Plaisirs Sombres.”

  “Merde, so you saw him,” Angélique said softly. “Did he recognize you?”

  “No, I thought he had at one point, but I’m certain he has no idea that Lady Mystère and Lady Jane are one and the same.”

  “Forgive me, Jane. I wanted to warn you, but I could not.”

  “Not even though you know both of us and that we are to marry?” Jane glared at her friend. “I’ve been coming here for almost a year, and this is the first time I’ve ever seen Tobias in the club. You should have said something.”

  “No, ma petite. If I had told you, I would have been no better than the traitor we have in our midst.” Angélique eyed her with disappointment. “Even if I had told you about Tobias, I would have in all fairness been obliged to speak of you to him as well. Would you have wanted me to do that?”

  “No, that is something I’ll share when the time is right,” Jane said quietly. “I’m sorry. It was unfair of me to think you should break the rules where I’m concerned. I’m simply flustered by his appearance in the club. Why haven’t I seen him before now?”

  “I imagine his work has kept him away.” Angélique shrugged slightly. “I have learned not to ask questions of my clients.”

  “When he does come to the club, does he…” Jane’s voice trailed to a halt as she realized she might not want to know the answer to her unspoken question.

  A slight smile of understanding tilted Angélique’s lips. Jane winced at the gentle amusement flashing in the Frenchwoman’s eyes. Angélique knew her far too well not to know precisely what Jane was thinking.

  “If you are asking does he have a special Lady he indulges himself with when he is here, then non.” Angélique’s brow furrowed in contemplation. “In fact, I think it unlikely Tobias has found a woman strong enough to make him yield to her command.”

  The memory of Tobias’ fru
strated expression sent a wave of excitement through Jane. Tobias had yielded to her tonight. It had been with great reluctance, but he’d yielded nonetheless. The knowledge filled Jane with a sense of purpose.

  “Then I shall be the woman who makes him yield,” Jane said with a quiet resolve. Angélique shook her head with concern.

  “That will not be an easy task, ma petite. Tobias is not like other men, Jane.” The Frenchwoman’s expression was that of someone gently trying to steer her away from danger. “Tobias has never submitted completely to any woman. It is a game he plays, and he has mastered it. The more layers you tear away, the harder he will fight you.”

  “I know.” She nodded at Angélique’s warning. “That was quite evident tonight.”

  “You spoke with him?” the Frenchwoman exclaimed softly.

  “Yes. I didn’t know it was him until he approached me…and offered to be of service,” Jane replied. The memory of turning around and seeing the wicked grin on Tobias’ face set off a flurry of butterflies in her stomach.

  “Merde, to my knowledge, Tobias has never approached a woman in the club before. He has always come to me to arrange private introductions.” Angélique’s surprise changed to excitement as she smiled. “But this is magnifique, ma chérie. That he sought you out demonstrates he recognized your innate strength. He wishes to test himself with you.”

  “Then he received his first test tonight.” Exhilaration flooded Jane’s senses as she remembered how Tobias had agreed, albeit reluctantly, to her instructions. She met her friend’s curious gaze and smiled. “I refused his offer of service for tonight and tomorrow night, but promised that if he would hold his seed for me, I would oblige him the next time we meet.”

  “Mon dieu, I can just imagine how he reacted to that.” Angélique gasped with a peal of laughter before she stepped forward to take hold of Jane’s hands, a serious expression on her face. “But remember, Tobias Lynsted has never relinquished control of his inner demons to any woman.”


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