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Adored Page 5

by Tina Donahue

  He blinked repeatedly, the way one does when trying to focus. “Yes, what?”

  “I am enjoying myself.”

  His quiet laughter sounded pleased. “So am I.”

  “I want to taste you.” Hell, she wanted to do every-fucking-thing. Oral, vaginal again, even anal, and if he knew something she didn’t, she wanted him to show her.

  “Not right now.” He closed his eyes. “Later.”

  The clock on the desk showed how few hours they had until morning and their respective flights. “Two minutes?” She tightened her sheath around his weary cock.

  Grinning, he forced his eyes to open. “You are an optimist, aren’t you?”

  “Three minutes then.”

  He grew surprisingly serious and commanding. “Patience. There’s no need to rush. You won’t get away from me now. I’ll have you where I want, when I want.”

  Chapter 4

  Six weeks later

  Painted Ladies Corporate Headquarters

  San Francisco, California

  Danni leaned against her office window, her face turned to the drizzle-dreary skyline. Greyish fog resembling dirty cotton wrapped around the Golden Gate Bridge. On the streets below, bluish-white headlights glimmered, showing traffic progressing. Tires swished over the pavement, an occasional horn blared, bass thumped from a stereo. Familiar sounds she barely noticed before Vegas. Now, they brought her back to the night in Adam’s suite when he said he’d have her where he wanted, when he wanted.

  She wrapped her arms around herself.

  After he’d rested, he used his tie to secure her wrists to the curtain rod, almost precisely as she’d fantasized. Except he kept the drapes closed and the lights on while he regarded her.

  Naked and confined, she’d allowed his intense scrutiny and indulged in her own as he undressed, hungering over his broad chest, the crisp curls on his muscular pecs, the dark pelt above his thick cock, his powerful thighs and calves. At the time, his masculine beauty and scent squeezed her throat, rasping her voice. “Hurry.”

  His manner remained calm and intractable. “There’s no need to rush.”

  Why he kept saying as much mystified her since their time together would soon run out.

  He didn’t seem to notice or care. Once he put the champagne on a small table near her, he doused the lights and opened the drapes fulfilling her bawdy vision.

  Her pulse jumped. As far as the eye could see, Vegas glittered brashly. Subdued traffic sounds and a wailing police siren felt too close. If those below looked up, she wasn’t certain if they could see her or not.

  Warmth curled in her belly at being exposed.

  His eyes glinted, reflecting the faint light, making him appear wolfish and dangerous. She smiled.

  He touched the champagne glass to her lips. “Drink.”

  Wine streamed down her throat. She enjoyed its smooth bite.

  He drank next then dribbled the last drops across her chest.

  Cool liquid trickled down her breasts and torso. She shivered.

  He caught a bead on his tongue before it dripped from her taut nipple. Cupping her ass, he licked champagne off her breasts.

  His carnal moves were more gratifying than any fantasy she’d had, generating thrilling yet comforting heat and emotions she couldn’t possibly describe. Wanting more, she struggled to press against him. The binding held firm, denying her. Nor did he edge closer, intentionally staying away from her reach.

  Frustrated, she twisted her wrists to free herself.

  “Don’t.” His heated breath brushed her chest. He squeezed her ass.

  Not to harm, but enough to tell her who was boss in this room—during this night. Her heart skipped several beats at him possibly turning her over his knee and spanking her good and hard until she obeyed. She wasn’t certain he’d do as much or if she’d allow such discipline. Deep inside, she figured she might, but there wasn’t enough time for such games.

  Bummed, she stopped struggling.

  Rather than loosen his grip, he sank to one knee and licked champagne off her stomach.

  What he did tickled and she laughed. “Stop.”

  He ignored her, lapping her stomach then sweeping his tongue over her curls. He licked and suckled her nub.

  Her smile caught.

  He grunted crudely and gorged on her as if she were the only woman alive.

  Heat whisked through her, followed by building pressure between her legs. A feeling she could only compare to a tormenting yet provocative itch she couldn’t scratch.

  Faster than she believed possible, she climaxed, sweaty and limp.

  He untied her wrists and carried her to his bed. Once he’d pinned her hands beneath his, he drove inside. His demanding cock stretched her passage, insistent on satisfaction.

  She squeezed her inner muscles to increase the friction between them, giving him what he wanted then, and later, while she tasted his balls, shaft, and seed. The remaining night unfolded into a satisfying blur: their limbs tangled, the room scented from sex, them exploring each other’s nudity and carnal desires until they parted.

  There was no getting around it. They wouldn’t see each other again for months and only at the next trade show.

  Or so she’d thought.

  She rested her forehead against the window, her breath fogging the glass. In less than five minutes, she’d be in the conference room meeting Roger Boyce, the man who now owned Painted Ladies, and greeting the new company president and her boss, Adam.

  Excitement, unease, and mounting irritation tensed her shoulders, making them burn.

  Adam couldn’t have known about the acquisition as they crawled all over each other in Vegas. If he had, she couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t warned her, rather than repeating the same mantra: she needed to be patient, there was no need for them to rush, she wouldn’t get away from him now, he’d have her where he wanted and when he wanted.

  That couldn’t have been his warning or hint at what would happen once they started working together.

  Could it?

  She squeezed her lids and rolled her forehead over the chilled glass, worried when she saw him again she’d call him a damn liar, no different than Matt, Bryan, and her dad. Or worse, she’d want him so badly she’d behave more foolishly than she already had, because no matter what he said during their impassioned evening, he was surely off-limits as her boss. Neither scenario seemed promising.

  Someone pounded on her door.

  The intrusion wasn’t making the moment any sweeter. She tightened her fists. “What?”

  Hinges squeaked.

  She cringed, fearing the visitor might be Adam, even as she longed to see him again under any circumstances.

  You’re fucking hopeless.

  “Ah, hey.” Sunny Sinclair’s voice sounded Marilyn Monroe breathy. “You all right?”

  As long as Danni kept her eyes closed and never budged from this spot, she’d be fine. “Never been better.”

  “No kidding? You sound like you want to hurl.”

  Danni blew out a breath and faced Sunny, the newest lingerie model here. She leaned against the doorjamb, casual and relaxed, despite how little she wore. Beneath her unbuttoned robe, she sported a seafoam green bra and thong, the color a perfect match to her amazing eyes. With each breath she took, the crystal beading on the bra twinkled, drizzling light to her milky breasts.

  No computer program could have generated a look to equal her. Tall, with outstanding curves, a lovely face, long dark hair, and even a real beauty mark near her mouth, she reeked from natural perfection. Although the other models weren’t as beautiful, they had Danni beat by several miles in the looks department. Now, Adam would be able to compare her to them on an almost-daily basis. He might even date a few, including Sunny, while Danni watched helplessly.

  She lowered her face and bit back a groan.

  The door shut and made a brief clicking sound. “Dreading the meeting, huh?”

  “I’m fine.” She pushed away f
rom the window and sank into her chair.

  “Roger’s not so bad.” Sunny spoke in a conspiratorial tone, as if not-so-bad Roger had bugged this office. She leaned against Danni’s desk to get closer, possibly to speak more quietly. “In fact, he’s kind of cute.”

  Danni curled her upper lip. Roger’s picture on the internet showed his receding hairline, dark-rimmed glasses, and too-long teeth. In other words, nowhere near cute. Now his bank account… “He is loaded. Nearly a billionaire.”

  “And cute.”

  Danni made another face.

  Sunny frowned. “Quit being so critical. Not all guys can be hot like Adam.”

  Blood drained from her face, leaving her lightheaded. “You’ve met him?”

  “Yeah, with Roger.” Still frowning, Sunny leaned closer and stared at Danni. Her slender eyebrows shot up. “Whoa. You know Adam.”

  She averted her gaze. “Of course, I know him. We belong to the same organizations and go to the same trade shows. Soon, you’ll be going to them too. So of course I know him.”

  “Uh-uh. You don’t know him, you know him. You’ve slept with him. I can see it in your eyes.”

  She covered them and didn’t say a word. Even if Sunny pointed a gun at her head, Danni wouldn’t admit the truth. What happened with Adam was no one’s business. And if she wanted to make certain things stayed that way, she should start working on her poker face.

  Sunny sat on the desk, rather than a chair, and got comfortable. “How many times did you sleep with him?”

  Danni shook her head.

  “Five times?” Sunny tapped her chin. “Ten? Twenty?”

  “Will you stop?”

  “Thirty? Forty?”

  “No! Only once. I mean, only one night. That is, several times, but within the same night.”

  “Was it good?”

  Danni breathed hard. “I’d give up several years of my life to experience it again.”

  “Wow. Tell me.”

  The same words Adam had spoken in the elevator, urging her to share her depraved fantasies with him, which led to the best night she’d ever known, then this. “It’d take too long.”

  Sunny crossed her legs Indian-style.

  Danni’s stapler and reports dropped to the floor.

  Sunny didn’t bother to retrieve them. “That good, huh?”

  Her throat and cheeks burned from the memory. “Before I had to leave for my flight, he tied my wrists to the showerhead, then—”

  “Whoa. He tied you up?”

  Danni wrinkled her nose. “Not like it sounds—how you said it. He’s not a freak. He only did it because I told him about my fantasy.”

  “You mean, being tied up in showers?”

  She laughed and sobered quickly. “No. About him and two other guys.” She waved her hand. “It’s a long story. I wouldn’t have told him at all if he hadn’t caught me masturbating.”

  Sunny choked on her swallow. She coughed and cleared her throat. “Caught you? Where in the world were you masturbating?”

  “Do you want to hear what happened when he tied my wrists to the showerhead or not?”

  “Only if it’s better than when you were playing with yourself while he watched.”

  It was. “He soaped me up and washed me all freaking over.”

  “In spots you didn’t even know you had?”

  Oh, she knew she had them, but hadn’t expected how heavenly it would feel to have warm water gliding over her nudity as he eased one finger into her anus, two inside her pussy, and thumbed her clit while he sucked her nipples.

  She smiled wistfully.

  Sunny gaped. “Awesome.” Rarely had she sounded breathier. “So what happens now?”

  Heart sinking, Danni got real. “You don’t tell anyone about this, ever.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.” Her screwed up mouth didn’t compromise her beauty in the least. “I meant, what happens with Adam? Are you going to hook up with him now? You are past the awkward first-date stage.”

  And right into fantasies about spanking. Moisture seeped from her pussy, dampening her panties, her sheath demanding a man she could no longer have. “He’s my boss.”

  “No kidding. Very macho of him to tie you up like that.”

  Danni shot her a look.

  The intercom buzzed. Her secretary spoke, “Roger and Adam are waiting for you in the conference room.”

  Sunny leaned across the desk toward the intercom. “Hey, Jen, tell them she’ll be there in a few minutes.” She scooted toward Danni. “You’re getting a zit right here.” She’d spoken quietly, her tapered nail tapping the mole near her mouth. “You might want to cover it up before you go in there. And maybe put on some more lipstick.”

  “Thanks for the pep talk.”

  Sunny’s eyes widened slightly. “I want you to look as good as you can.”

  Which wasn’t nearly as great as her and the other models. Danni dug out her compact and lipstick, then put them away without using either.

  Sunny lifted her shoulders. “It doesn’t hurt to look nice.”

  Or to be truthful. A pain throbbed dully in Danni’s chest. Again, she wondered how much Adam had kept from her in Vegas.

  He had a lot of explaining to do.

  Roger gazed at his reports rather than Adam. “No matter what you think, it is necessary.” His emphasis and failure to make eye contact signaled the conversation was over.

  Adam wasn’t about to concede. “It’s a mistake. I don’t appreciate being blindsided at this late date.”

  “No one’s trying to blindside you. We ran the figures again and what can I tell you? Changes have to be made.” He lifted his glasses and peered at the pastries available for the many scheduled talks today. After choosing a cheese-and-pineapple Danish, he dropped his glasses, took a bite, and spoke around it. “Not bad. But let’s make certain we get the cheapest food service for future meetings.”

  Adam rammed his hands into his pockets and tightened his fists. “I understand we have to watch capital, but this isn’t the way to do it.”

  Roger fingered glaze from his mouth. “A penny here, a penny there. It adds up.”

  “Tell you what, I’ll bake the damned pastries to save a dime, but when it comes to talent we need the best.”

  Chewing another bite, Roger regarded the numerous bagel varieties, cream cheeses, and fruit.

  Adam wanted to strangle him to make him listen. “We can’t compromise quality. We never have.”

  “And we won’t now.” He topped off his coffee. “Not with you in charge.” Before Adam could comment, Roger inclined his head to the glass wall separating this room from the reception area. “Danni’s here.”

  Adam’s heart beat so quickly the room spun. He recalled her fragrance, the heady sweetness from flowers after a hard rain. His cock reacted instantly, growing stiffer than it had in weeks. He turned.

  She paused in the doorway, brief wonder in her eyes, followed by hurt and anger.

  The change was so subtle, he was certain Roger couldn’t have noticed.

  Adam sure as hell did. He’d kept the truth from her, and she didn’t tolerate guys who weren’t totally upfront.

  I should have told you everything. I’m an idiot, a goddamn—

  “Danni, hello.” Roger offered a toothy smile and crossed the room, his hand outstretched. “I can call you Danni, right?”

  She held Adam’s gaze a moment longer, then acknowledged Roger. “Of course.” She shook his offered hand.

  Her black, clingy top was similar to what she wore the first time they met. Her sleek black trousers didn’t prove or deny whether she wore a thong beneath that sported tiny bows on each side. He squeezed his fists so hard his knuckles hurt.

  Roger gave her an indulgent grin that didn’t reach his eyes. “You have met Adam before, right?”

  She looked at him. “Yes, I have.”

  Although her features remained neutral, her voice was lower than normal, strained.

  He pulled his hands
from his pockets and approached. “Hi.”

  She glanced at his offered hand.

  His stomach sank. Please don’t refuse to touch me. I’m not that bad.

  One second rolled into too many others, making the moment increasingly uncomfortable for him. However, he wouldn’t back down. With her, he couldn’t, even if she called him a bastard before Roger and everyone else here.

  At last, she slipped her warm, soft fingers over his.

  The room lurched. He locked his knees.

  She lifted her face. “Hi.”

  There were more freckles on her nose than he recalled. God, they were sexy. Without thinking, he ran his thumb over hers.

  Color darkened her cheeks. Her eyes softened briefly then grew cautious. She eased her hand from his.

  He stopped himself from recapturing it.

  “Well then, let’s get you something to eat.” Roger steered her toward the credenza. “The cheese-and-pineapple Danish is excellent.” He wiggled his eyebrows. His lenses glinted.

  She chose a fragrant cinnamon roll.

  Roger smiled. “Those do smell good, don’t they?” He dropped two on a paper plate and returned to the conference table.

  Adam grabbed a Styrofoam cup from the tray. “I’ll get your coffee. Three creams, right?” It’s how she wanted the beverage as they shared breakfast in his suite, naked, in bed, sheets tangled around them.

  Her blush deepened. She started to look at him, then stopped. “I’ll just have juice.” She chose apple, regarded the chairs at the conference table, and took one on Roger’s side.

  He gave her a quick glance and wrote something on his spreadsheet.

  Adam rounded the table to his chair.

  Her gaze slid to his silver-and-blue striped tie, the one he’d used to secure her to the curtain rod in his suite. She stopped stroking her juice bottle. Her nipples tightened even more.

  Roger clicked his pen. “How’s the roll?”

  She glanced at it, still untouched. “Fine.”

  Nodding, he leaned across an empty chair toward her. “We want you to know we like the direction Painted Ladies has taken. Right, Adam?”

  He pulled out his chair and sat. “Danni’s an exceptional talent.”


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