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Alexei's Passionate Revenge

Page 3

by Helen Bianchin

  Renovated into two beautifully decorated apartments, one of which she leased to a responsible tenant, the property represented a valuable investment, providing Natalya with a place where there were no memories of her shared time with Alexei to haunt her.

  Except now he was back.

  Food held no interest whatsoever, and she reached for the remote, activated the TV, checked local and international newscast, and scrolled through the host of programmes until she found something that might provide a distraction.

  A night in was a conscious choice. Not that she was a social butterfly, although there were a few very good friends whose company she theatre, movies, social events for worthy charity causes; lingering over a shared coffee, and there was a sports complex she frequently visited with an indoor swimming pool, and several large rooms hosting a variety of exercise equipment. None of which held immediate appeal.

  She wanted out of her clothes, a leisurely shower, then she’d slip into something comfortable and carefully examine her copy of the employment contract in the unlikely event she’d discover a possible loophole.

  An hour later she tossed the contract aside, aware there appeared no evident room to manoeuvre within the skilfully crafted legalese.

  Food was a requisite, and having nibbled without appetite she settled into a comfortable chair and channel-surfed the TV for a while, noticed a much-viewed programme, only to discover it was a repeat episode she’d already seen.

  What next? Phone a friend? Skype? Flip through the pages of a current magazine?

  Indecision wasn’t one of her usual traits, so she decided to retire to bed with a good book. Ollie merely tilted his head in silent askance at this change in his mistress’s usual evening routine, and leapt onto the bed when it became apparent Natalya intended to settle in comfort.

  Half an hour in, the written word failed to capture her complete attention, given her mind seemed intent on reliving events of the day.

  No matter how hard she tried to focus on the story, Alexei’s image kept intruding, until she simply gave up, closed the bed lamp, and attempted to sleep...with no success whatsoever.

  Emotional reflection eventually tipped her back into a place which transported her back six years to a time when she first met an end-of-year social gathering for employees of her father’s affiliate firm responsible for the manufacture of electronic components.

  Tall, dark-haired and ruggedly attractive, he’d stood apart from the rest of the men present. For a heart-stopping moment she’d become acutely aware of every breath she took, unable to look away as he turned slightly as if drawn by her attention.

  Dark gleaming eyes met her own, lingered, before returning to the young woman who clung to his side. Understandable, Natalya conceded, given he possessed the wow factor in spades.

  She could, if she was so inclined, cross to his side and effect an introduction. Hadn’t she slowly circled the room achieving the social etiquette required of the boss’s daughter separately, and at her mother’s side, as the evening progressed?

  Except she’d been forestalled by one of her father’s foremen, intent on introducing his son, and when she moved on the object of her attention was nowhere in sight.

  Shame, she mused, aware she’d probably never see him again.

  Yet she did, days later, when she entered a suburban supermarket to purchase a few groceries needed to replenish her fridge and pantry. And there he was, in the same aisle. Their eyes met, and they both exchanged a smile at the coincidence, whereupon Alexei introduced himself, and Natalya did likewise. Coffee, the universal suggestion, worked, and led to conversation and the exchange of phone numbers.

  What followed rose to the surface, intact and in glorious Technicolor...a relationship so special, caring, so attuned to each other there had been no need for words. Just the touch of his hand, the warmth of his smile, dear heaven, his mouth as it possessed her own. The hard strength of his body, aroused emotions taking them both to a place where they existed in a sensual world of their own. Erotic, exquisite, mind-blowing.

  A time when she’d felt so alive, in mind, body, and soul. Sure in her heart they were destined to share a life together.

  Only to wake one morning to find herself alone in her flat, no explanatory note, only a brief text message on her cell phone later in the day indicating little, and not followed up at all.

  ‘The number you are dialling has been disconnected’, a disembodied robot had intoned, sending her reeling with alarm. Worse, the crushing news he no longer worked at her father’s electronics plant.

  Five years, with no satisfactory explanation.

  For all she knew he’d disappeared off the face of the Earth, followed by months of her agonising why. Ultimately, the realisation he didn’t want to be found.

  Now he was back. Not the man she’d once known and imagined she’d loved, but a hard, resolute stranger bent on revenge—no holds barred. Bent on destroying her father, using her as a tool. other word suited as well.

  She wanted to hit out...verbally, physically.

  Silently didn’t begin to cut it.

  Getting physical, however, did.

  First up, her apartment, which she cleaned to within a whisker of perfection.

  A long session at the local squash centre expended excess energy, and there was a certain satisfaction in continuously slamming a ball against the wall, especially as she mentally imposed Alexei’s body centre front and deliberately aimed to hit target every time.

  Revenge of sorts for his physical image which had entered uninvited in dream form throughout the night, providing vivid memories she assured herself she’d long forgotten.

  And knew she lied.

  ‘Why so aggressive?’

  Oh, hell.

  Natalya closed her eyes, then opened them again as she turned towards her squash partner and endeavoured to catch her breath.

  ‘There has to be a reason.’

  Aaron offered her a penetrating look. ‘Spill.’

  One of the pitfalls of a good friendship being they knew each other too well.

  Initially they’d met at a social gathering hosted by her father. A partner in a prominent law firm and the eldest son of a wealthy family, Aaron was sophisticated, charming and considered to be a very good catch in the matrimonial stakes. Only a chosen few knew he maintained a relationship with a long-term same-sex partner.

  ‘Nothing I can’t handle,’ Natalya assured him as they emerged from the court.

  Aaron read her better than most, a good friend who’d provided unstinting support when she’d needed it most.

  Such as now, when his teasing anecdotes would do much to help lighten the dark mood threatening to destroy her composure.

  ‘Share dinner with me this evening.’ The invitation was tempting, yet she hesitated as she collected a towel from the neatly folded stack adjacent the locker rooms.

  ‘I’ll make a reservation and collect you at seven.’ His smile held a tinge of humour. ‘Enlighten me or not, your choice.’

  She didn’t, because she couldn’t bear to drag into the open how deeply Alexei’s presence affected her. Or revive memories too breathtakingly real to share.

  Instead they kept the conversation light, touching on the ordinary, and simply enjoyed fine food, a little wine, and the relaxed benefit of good friendship.

  It was a pleasant evening, and Natalya thanked him as he deposited her outside the entrance to her home.

  Surprisingly she slept well and woke early, pulled on a Lycra body suit, added a singlet top, affixed earbuds to channel music and took her customary morning a more gruelling pace than was her norm.

  Following a shower, she dressed, munched on an apple as she collected keys, shouldered her bag and drove to t
he nearest mall to stock up on essentials.

  As she drove to her parents’ home later that day to share Sunday lunch she couldn’t help but silently question what was real, as opposed to what had been a superbly acted sham on her father’s part, given he’d managed to fool her so well. There were no incidents she could recall to indicate her parents’ marriage had been anything other than a devoted union. There had been the odd private meeting while in London when her presence as his PA was not required. Likewise Paris.

  The knowledge refreshed memories of her father taking time out for a relaxing massage. Personal shopping time. The supposed private business meetings he attended alone.

  How naive had she been?

  Worse, did her mother suspect?

  Doubtful, given Roman had provided the perfect cover by employing Natalya as his PA, ensuring his daughter accompanied him to interstate and overseas business meetings.

  A string of silent castigations didn’t come close to easing the anger she felt at her father’s deceit. There was a part of her that wanted to confront him, rail her fists against his chest and demand to know how he could have put his marriage, dammit, his life, in jeopardy by such selfish careless actions.

  Play nice, Natalya cautioned as she eased her car into the driveway leading to her parents’ modern home set in beautifully tended grounds.

  Smile, chat, and pretend nothing has changed.

  Except it had, and the conscious effort to maintain a façade affected her appetite.

  It was during dessert the question arose regarding her future plans.

  ‘Darling,’ Ivana broached with interest. ‘Are you going to take a break before applying for another position?’

  Oh, my. Evade the issue, or aim for the partial truth? It had to be the latter...

  ‘No break, unfortunately,’ she managed with a credible smile.

  ‘Really?’ Disappointment was apparent in her mother’s voice. ‘I was hoping we might share some girl time. Lunch, shop. Book a massage, facial, mani-pedi.’

  ‘Who will you be working for?’ Roman queried, direct and to the point, as ever.

  There was no easy way to break the news, other than to make the truth as simple as possible...then wait for the inevitable fallout.

  Natalya met her father’s narrowed gaze with outward calm. ‘The ADE Conglomerate.’

  His eyes hardened, so did the tone of his voice. ‘You intend to work for the firm who bought me out?’

  Natalya chose not to remind him that technically the bank had foreclosed.

  ‘Is that a problem?’

  Roman’s features darkened. ‘You’re aware of the CEO’s identity?’

  ‘My interview was conducted by a legal representative.’ Initially it had been, and not precisely an untruth.

  The media presses would run overnight for newspapers delivered at dawn. In a matter of hours the news would become public knowledge.

  ‘Alexei Delandros is ADE Conglomerate.’

  ‘Delandros?’ Roman’s face grew dark with a mixture of anger and disbelief. ‘Alexei Delandros? What the hell are you thinking?’

  Of my mother... Except the words never left her lips. Instead she lifted her chin a little and met his anger with determined spirit.

  ‘He made an offer I couldn’t refuse.’ The truth...just not all of it.

  Dark, almost black eyes hardened, and she saw his mouth thin to an ominous line as he made a visible attempt to rein in his wrath. ‘How could you even consider working for Delandros?’

  Because there’s no alternative.

  ‘In what position?’ The demand was palpable.

  With no easy way to break the news...except tell it as it was. ‘PA.’

  Roman regarded her with disbelief for several long seconds, then he slammed a fist onto the table, sending crockery rattling in protest. ‘I’m calling my lawyer.’

  ‘Who’ll only confirm the contract was signed without duress and therefore legally valid.’

  A telling silence reigned as Roman processed the inevitable. ‘I hope you know what you’re doing,’ he warned heavily.

  Her eyes didn’t waver from his own for several seconds, then she discarded her dessert fork and pushed the plate aside. The thought of taking another bite of food made her feel slightly ill.

  For as long as she could remember, she’d prided herself on being part of a close loving family worthy of her implicit trust.

  Now she was forced to recognise the father she had adored was not the man she’d believed him to be, and the pain of betrayal was almost a physical ache.

  The desire to leave was, before she uttered words that, once said, couldn’t be retracted.

  Another hour, that was all, then she could escape.

  Consequently Natalya accepted coffee, lingered over it, and accepted Ivana’s invitation to admire her treasured garden.

  Together they moved outdoors, leaving Roman to add a generous snifter of brandy to his coffee, and smoke a cigar, presumably in the hope the alcohol and nicotine hit would soothe his temper.

  Scrupulously tended and picture perfect no matter the season, the beautifully sculptured shrubbery and numerous borders were Ivana’s pride and joy. While a part-time gardener took care of the heavy work, Ivana was very hands-on with the choice of plants and succulents designed to provide a glorious balance of symmetry and colour.

  ‘Darling, I’m very concerned for you,’ Ivana said quietly as they wandered through the grounds. ‘Having to sell Montgomery Electronics was a blow to your father’s pride and self-esteem,’ Ivana added. ‘It doesn’t sit easily on his conscience he needs to rely on the money and investments I inherited from my late mother’s estate.’

  Natalya’s grandmother had expressed a dislike of Roman Montgomery from the onset, and had been fiercely against the marriage, ensuring each and every one of her assets on Ivana’s demise would pass directly to Natalya.

  Natalya had adored her babushka, the regular visits with her mother, the joy and the laughter, tales relayed of an early childhood in another land, the treasures representative of a different country and culture...the division between wealth and poverty.

  Ivana caught Natalya’s hand and brought it to her lips. ‘Will you find it difficult working with Alexei?’

  The answer could only be an unspoken yes. ‘I’m no longer the lovesick young girl of five years ago, Mama,’ Natalya reminded her.

  ‘Perhaps not. But...’

  ‘I’ve moved on.’

  You have? Like the initial encounter with Alexei Delandros was totally impartial and devoid of any emotion?

  ‘I hope so,’ Ivana opined evenly. ‘For your sake.’

  It was easy to offer a smile and brush lips to her mother’s cheek. ‘I’m fine.’

  Little white lies and pretence. Not something she favoured, but forgivable in the circumstances...surely?

  She lingered a while as they leisurely wandered through the structured pebbled paths, pausing to admire numerous plants, commenting on the subtle scent of roses, while listening to gardening tips Ivana chose to share.

  There was a sense of relief when they reached the silver BMW parked in the pebbled forecourt.

  ‘Come inside, darling, and have a refreshing drink.’

  ‘Another time, Mama, if you don’t mind.’

  ‘You’re leaving so soon?’

  ‘New job,’ she managed lightly. ‘I need to check my wardrobe, laptop, and grab an early night.’ She leant forward and hugged her mother close. ‘Love you. Thanks for lunch.’ A quick movement released the BMW’s locking mechanism. ‘I’ll phone during the week.’ She slid behind the wheel, fired the ignition, and blew a customary kiss as she eased the car forward.

  Not the most convivial lunch, Natalya perceived wryly as she traverse
d the main road en route to her own home.

  Tomorrow was likely to be a whole lot worse.

  Working in close proximity to Alexei Delandros featured way down at the end of her choose-to-do list. So how did she prepare to meet her nemesis?

  Perfectly groomed, elegantly attired, immaculate make-up, heels to die for...and presenting solicitous professionalism together with a degree of unruffled cool.

  Something she achieved following two attempts to acquire the desired effect with her make-up.

  Laptop, iPad, leather satchel, smartphone, car fob...check.

  Minutes later Natalya joined early Monday morning traffic into the city, fought the long delays at numerous controlled intersections before entering the underground parking area assigned to the building housing ADE Conglomerate.

  Easier said than done to tamp down the onset of nerves as she rode the lift to a high floor.

  She’d been her father’s PA for several years, she knew what the position entailed. There might be a few adjustments, but how difficult could it be?


  NATALYA ENTERED THE ADE reception and was met by a personable young woman who moved forward to offer a polite greeting.

  ‘Natalya?’ A hand was extended, which Natalya accepted.

  ‘Marcie,’ the blonde enlightened by introduction. The smile was genuine, which helped ease any preconceived tension. ‘I’ll take you through to your office suite.’

  A comfortably large room, Natalya perceived, executive fittings, new state-of-the-art electronic equipment.

  ‘Louise is your assistant, whose office is to your right, separated by a shared lounge,’ Marcie offered with a smile. ‘I’ll introduce you, when we’re finished with the tour.’

  So far, so good.

  ‘Alexei is at the industrial plant today. His office is to your left, accessed via his assistant’s office, and their shared lounge.’

  A reprieve, Natalya accorded, aware the day just became a little better.

  Space, lots of it with room to move. Comfort, synchronised professional privacy...and far different from her father’s former set-up.


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