Alexei's Passionate Revenge

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Alexei's Passionate Revenge Page 15

by Helen Bianchin

  ‘I want you in my life.’

  Want, not need. ‘In your bed,’ she managed evenly, and saw his eyes narrow slightly as she slid out of his bed and began pulling on her clothes in the moonlight streaming in from the night sky.

  ‘That, too.’

  It took all her resolve to utter the one word she’d hoped never to have to say to him. ‘No.’

  His expression remained unchanged. ‘Marriage is not important to you?’

  Yes. Just not merely another merger added to your life portfolio.

  ‘I’m content with my life the way it is.’

  ‘What if I want more?’

  Five years ago she’d believed their love was inviolate, a permanent entity that would entwine their lives for a lifetime.

  ‘Qualify “more”.’

  Your heart, gifted unconditionally. Words she couldn’t, wouldn’t voice.

  She needed her own space, her own bed. Without a word she gathered up her bag, her keys, bade him a polite goodnight...and left. Waiting until she used the remote to close the gates guarding Alexei’s residence.

  Fool, she silently chided as she traversed the streets towards her home.


  NOT THE DESIRED result Alexei had envisaged.

  Five years of hard business negotiations had resulted in paring details down to the bare essentials...cut-throat minimalist facts.

  Successful in the business arena.

  A complete failure when it came to proposing marriage.

  He wanted to hit something, and almost did...except doing so wouldn’t achieve the desired result.

  There was a flashback to the night he’d intended to ask Natalya to share his life.

  The champagne on ice. Flowers...her favourite roses, tastefully assembled in clear cellophane with a note expressing his love. The for ever, until death do us part in poetic prose. The ring, the delicate diamond, the best he could afford at the time, put on hold and paid off in increments from his fortnightly wage. Her favourite food.

  The evening she didn’t arrive.

  Her smartphone cut off.

  Alexei’s arrest.


  Which had no part in the present...or the future.

  He picked up the phone, punched in numbers, made a few calls, cancelled two appointments, and set the next day in motion.

  A day in which Alexei spent time with Marc Adamson caught up in meetings with Marc’s PA in attendance. Not entirely unusual, Natalya perceived...nor was the late afternoon text requesting her presence at a restaurant on the other side of the city.

  Despite the location not being one she perceived Alexei would normally choose. Who was she to judge? Presumably privacy was key, with no intrusion from the media.

  Parking wasn’t difficult, and she slid in behind Alexei’s Aston Martin...a surprise, given his preference for the limousine with Paul at the wheel. hardly mattered. She was here in her capacity as Alexei’s PA, with no time to delay if punctuality was key.

  She walked through the door, and paused, initially puzzled at the lack of patrons. There was only one occupant... Alexei, who rose to his feet as she crossed to his side.

  ‘Has there been a delay?’ She glanced up as a waiter appeared out of nowhere and pulled out a chair for her. ‘I take it your guests are late?’

  ‘No guests,’ Alexei said quietly as he placed a hand to the back of her waist. ‘Please, sit down.’

  She sank into the chair and a faint frown creased her forehead. ‘There’s no meeting?’

  ‘Not tonight.’

  ‘Then why are we here?’

  It was difficult to read his expression, and her eyes widened as the lights brightened a little, and another waiter appeared bearing an ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne.

  For a brief second she thought she got it...only to dismiss the possibility as a flight of fancy. Until the waiter popped the cork and poured a measure of champagne for Alexei to savour and approve...a mere formality, given the exclusive label...before carefully pouring a quantity of the sparkling liquid into two crystal flutes.

  Alexei lifted his flute, touched its rim to her own, and gently named the toast... ‘To us.’

  Natalya’s lips parted, but no words emerged.

  Light muted music wafted from hidden speakers, and a waitress appeared with a silver platter, on which lay a single red rose and a personalised card.

  Natalya simply looked at him as he removed both and placed them in front of her.

  ‘I planned a surprise evening five years ago...champagne, food,’ he revealed quietly. ‘A ring to seal our love.’

  Her lips quivered a little, and there was nothing she could do to prevent the single tear escaping to slowly trickle down one cheek.

  He leant forward and carefully brushed it away. ‘I love you. For the beautiful woman you are, in heart, mind and spirit.’

  Her heart stopped beating, then quickened a little as she attempted to say the words caught in her throat, only to feel the press of his finger against her lips.

  ‘Last night...’

  Natalya’s eyes softened as she resisted the temptation to interrupt him. Was it asking too much to want to hear the words?

  ‘Will you marry me? Please.’

  It was the please that did it for her. ‘Yes.’

  He rose to his feet and caught her close, his mouth on hers as she clung to him. Unaware of time or place...until he gently released her, and the restaurant, the importance of the evening returned to focus.

  ‘There are words,’ she offered quietly, ‘written, said, for momentous occasions such as this. Poetic prose escapes’re my only love. Yours, for as long as I draw breath.’

  Alexei’s eyes darkened with slumberous passion. ‘I’ll hold you to that.’

  It was her turn to tease him a little. ‘I’d hoped you might.’

  He drew her apart a little and reached into his pocket, withdrew a ring, took hold of her left hand and slid a magnificent solitaire diamond onto her finger.

  For a breathtaking few seconds, she couldn’t find the words. ‘It’s beautiful,’ Natalya accorded with quiet reverence. Stunning, she added silently. A visual testament to his wealth and power.


  ‘The ring you bought five years ago,’ she began. ‘Do you still have it?

  ‘Why do you ask?’

  The thought he might have kept it held such meaning. Bought with an emotion-filled heart...a symbol of everlasting hope, love, and the intention of them spending their lives together.

  The ring he’d placed onto the third finger of her left hand flashed brilliant fire as caught by the steady flickering candle. Magnificent and ruinously expensive.

  ‘It represents the love we shared at that time.’

  ‘And that is important to you?’

  There were words she could say, a few of which she had already expressed. ‘Yes.’

  A warm smile curved his lips. ‘Are you going to tell me why?’ A diamond worth little in comparison to the ring which now replaced it.

  Natalya lifted both hands to frame his face, her expression soft with emotion, and incredibly beautiful. ‘You need to ask?’

  No, he didn’t.

  ‘Will you mind if I accept this ring as a commitment gift representing everlasting love throughout all the years we’ll share together, and wear it on the third finger of my right hand?’

  Alexei shook his head and offered a quizzical smile. ‘And the original ring?’ he teased.

  ‘Suspended on a gold chain close to my heart.’

  She was something else. ‘If it pleases you.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  He gave a soft laugh. ‘I�
��ll commission the jeweller to craft a wide wedding band.’ Encrusted with diamonds, he added silently.

  He knew her so well, her values, ideals...her generous loving heart.

  His for ever...all the days and nights of his life.

  She reached up and kissed him. ‘Perfect.’

  So too was the evening.

  The champagne, the food, ambience...a special memory that was theirs alone.

  One, Alexei determined, they would celebrate each year for the rest of their lives.

  * * *

  The next thing on their agenda was to inform Natalya’s parents before the ring on her finger resulted in a media article citing rumour and supposition. Even if the ring didn’t appear on her left hand, the mere sight of it would draw comment, assumptions would be made...and Ivana deserved better than to hear such important news second-hand.

  It was okay to be cool-headed in all things business...inviting her parents to dinner to formally announce an engagement, followed by a wedding, was something else.

  Alexei and Roman in the same home, the same room? ‘You’re stressing too much,’ Alexei chastised gently. ‘Ivana will be delighted.’

  ‘Perhaps I should pre-warn her?’

  ‘In order for her to pre-warn your father?’

  He read her too well. ‘Something like that.’

  Alexei touched a light finger to her cheek. ‘I’m sure Roman will be the consummate guest.’

  If not, he’d deal with it.

  Natalya planned the menu with care, choosing each course with her parents in mind. Cuisine was one of her skills, and she made lists, selected the best ingredients, took care with the dining room setting, using the finest linen inherited from her babushka, a favoured dinner set, fine crystal, and silverware. Faintly scented candles.

  A double-check, a change of clothes to pencil-slim linen skirt with matching silk top, make-up, hair...done.

  ‘What do you think?’

  Alexei crossed to her side and laid his mouth to the sweet hollow at the edge of her neck. ‘Amazing.’

  He was her rock, the love of her life...everything.

  Designer black trousers, a pristine white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, the shadowed designer stubble...eyes so expressively dark as he smiled.

  Hers. Truly she was his.

  Together again, as they were meant to be.

  Not by

  ‘It’s perfect,’ he accorded quietly. ‘So, too, are you.’

  ‘Don’t make me cry, or I’ll have to...’ she caught the musing gleam in his dark eyes ‘...go fix my make-up, and leave you to greet the parents.’

  ‘For a moment I thought you might be considering an interesting diversion.’

  She trailed light fingers down his cheek, the soft designer stubble to the edge of his mouth. ‘Later.’

  ‘I’ll hold you to that.’ He lowered his lips to her forehead. ‘You’re my love, my life.’

  ‘Same goes.’

  At that moment the external buzzer sounded, and she watched as Alexei crossed to release the gate mechanism.

  There were hugs, a mutual handshake between Alexei and Roman, who expressed his appreciation for the invitation, while Alexei attended to serving drinks in the lounge.

  Ivana’s delight, her appreciation of Natalya’s ring.

  Warm, friendly...even Roman appeared to behave himself, and it became easy to relax a little.

  Fine wine preceded the starter, followed by the main course, eaten in a leisurely fashion. Conversation flowed, as Roman made an effort to engage, sans his usual bonhomie. Dessert was a pavlova variation created by Natalya’s grandmother...crisp meringue, soft on the inside, covered with whipped cream and drenched in fruit and their juices.

  ‘Perfection, darling,’ Ivana complimented, adding to Natalya’s pleasure, ‘Let me help you in the kitchen while Roman enjoys his customary after-dinner cigar.’

  A familiar ritual following a lifetime of family lunches and dinners for as long as Natalya could recall.

  Alexei stood to his feet. ‘I’ll join you.’

  This evening’s short sojourn would hopefully create an emerging bond of sorts between Alexei and her father. Each had issues to be resolved, and although the timing wasn’t least it might help both men to move forward.

  Natalya waited until the men had moved out on the back terrace, and spared her mother a quick glance, received a reassuring smile. ‘I’ll be okay.’

  Alexei closed the door quietly and indicated the decorative gazebo at one end of the terrace, waited until they reached it, and they stood facing each other while Roman extracted a cigar, expertly clipped the end, then his lighter flared, and he took the first draw.

  Alexei kept it brief, merely the bare facts, and lowered his voice.

  ‘Five years ago you went to extraordinary lengths to separate me from Natalya. You deleted text messages from Natalya’s cell phone, wiped her answering machine clean and misappropriated her mail. Information I imagine you’d prefer to remain buried?’

  ‘Are you threatening me?’

  ‘Not at all. Merely assuming you’ll want to attend your daughter’s wedding and share a part in your future grandchildren’s lives?’

  Roman closed his eyes, then slowly opened them again and inclined his head. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Then we understand each other.’ Alexei extended his hand, which Roman shook, then Alexei indicated the nightscape, the sprinkling of electric lamplight in the distance, the moving vehicles along major traffic roads, and the darkness of the ocean beyond. ‘An attractive view, by day or night.’

  ‘Yes. The home which once belonged to Ivana’s mother.’

  ‘So I understand.’

  ‘A hardworking feisty lady,’ Roman imparted. ‘Who spoke her mind.’

  ‘Of whom Natalya was very fond,’ Alexei reminded, which drew a nod in silent agreement.

  ‘Shall we return indoors? Share champagne, raise a toast to the future...and family.’

  In hindsight the evening proved a pleasant one, as Ivana suggested lunch to initiate pre-wedding plans.

  ‘I don’t want to diminish your enthusiasm,’ Natalya offered with gentle affection. ‘But we haven’t discussed the when or where of it yet.’

  ‘It’s every mother’s dream to help plan a daughter’s wedding. The dress, the venue, flowers...all of it.’ She caught hold of Natalya and whirled her around full circle.

  ‘Okay,’ Natalya protested with a light laugh. ‘I totally get it. But let me talk to Alexei first.’

  There was coffee, thick, black, aromatic to provide a finishing touch to the evening, and there was time to relax a little before her parents took their leave.

  ‘Our time, I think,’ Alexei decided as he drew Natalya into his arms. ‘Ivana is in her element.’

  She turned her face up to him, and trailed her fingers down his cheek. ‘Prepare yourself for bridal magazines, material swatches...everything that goes towards a wedding. Which we need to discuss.’

  He wanted to indulge her, run the shower, share it with her, and help ease the tense muscles formed from a long day. And he would, soon.

  ‘How do you feel about a private family-only civil ceremony, a relaxed tropical island honeymoon, followed by a formal church wedding for family and friends?’

  Natalya closed her eyes, then opened them again. ‘Two weddings? Are you kidding me?’

  ‘Think about it.’

  ‘I’m endeavouring not to.’

  ‘Your parents, a few close friends. No fanfare, followed by lunch, or dinner if you prefer...then we fly out for a week of rest and relaxation. A private island, no tourists. I know someone who owns the perfect place.’

  It sounded appealing...becoming more appealing by the mi
nute. ‘And do it all over again in style...when?’

  ‘Six, maybe eight weeks later.’

  ‘I think that could be a plan.’ She uttered a faint shriek as he lifted her into his arms and headed for the main bedroom, helped discard her clothes and his own, then he took her to bed.

  It was bliss...utter bliss, as he massaged out the kinks in tight muscles, more as his hands shaped her body, lingered a little, then he took her to sleep curled close in against him.

  * * *

  Discretion was key in planning a private wedding.

  Subterfuge a given.

  What should have been simple in arranging a very private wedding ceremony took effort in a bid to avoid media attention.

  The preferred setting narrowed down to two venues... The gardens at Ivana’s home, or the grounds surrounding Alexei’s home.

  Alexei’s Seaforth mansion proved the ideal choice, followed by a celebratory lunch prepared by Lisette.

  ‘I’m calm,’ Natalya assured Ivana as she put the finishing touches to her make-up.

  Words, which didn’t hold much weight, evidenced by the slight tremor in each hand as she tended to her hair.

  There was a brief tap at the door as Lisette entered carrying a tray. ‘I thought tea might be a welcome distraction.’

  ‘How kind,’ Ivana assured her with a smile. ‘Will you join us?’

  A small window of light relief helped ease the increase of nervous tension...which was crazy.

  She loved Alexei with every cell in her body, every beat of her heart. every breath she took, that his love for her was absolute.

  Ivana offered a faint smile in silent understanding, almost as if she knew the train of her daughter’s thoughts, and Natalya returned the smile, sipped the tea, then she discarded the silk wrap-around, and selected the white fine linen mid-calf dress overlain with guipure lace, elbow-length sleeves and a wide scooped neckline, stepped into it, stood still as Ivana slid home the long zip, before stepping back to offer a smiling nod of approval.

  White stilettos, a wispy white confection of a cocktail hat, completed the outfit, Ivana handed her a bouquet of white roses culled from her own garden...and it became time to join Alexei waiting in the formal downstairs lounge.


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