New Title 1

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New Title 1 Page 10

by Jennifer Loren

  “No, it’s not you, I wasn’t expecting … that,” she folds her arms over herself as she puts her bra back into place.

  Frustrated, I fall back into bed as someone starts knocking at the door. “Now what?” I get up and take Ava’s face in my hands, trying to look into her shying eyes. “I’m sorry, okay?” She nods at my apology, letting me walk away to get the door. Demerae wide-eyed and anxious meets me at the door.

  “Some kids were smoking in one of the crop sheds and it caught on fire and now the wind is causing it to threaten the main work house,” he said in a panic.

  “Ava lock up and I will be back later.” I put my shoes on and take the hard-shelled jacket from Demerae. Arriving quickly we get instructions and work together putting out the blaze. The wind made it difficult but I stick around until they have everything handled and then trudge back to the cabin exhausted. As I approach, I see someone staring into the windows of our cabin.

  “Avaaaaa.” Kevin yelled as he peaks through the windows.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled at him.

  Kevin turns to me immediately looking guilty, “back already Sean?”

  “I thought you were helping with the fire, what are you doing here?” I asked him feeling my muscles tense up.

  “I was worried about Ava and it looked like you guys had it handled so …”

  “Ava? Ava’s fine, she’s inside safe. We needed your help with the fire!”

  “But the power went out and I was afraid she might be scared or try to fix it herself, so I came over to be with her until you could get back..” I stare at the lying piece of shit fisting my hands.

  “How did you know our power went out?”

  “What?” He said darting his eyes around me searching for an escape.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” Kevin tries to move quickly around me but I grab him pulling him back close to look him in the eyes. “And stay away from Ava. Understand me?” He nods and I let him run away. I walk into the pitch-black cabin cursing under my breath until I hear her crying. “Ava?” I search trying to find her with the flashlight they gave me to get back. Her figure highlights in the corner of the shower, curled up in a ball trembling and crying hysterically. “Ava what happened?” I crouch down to her only to be met with flailing hands and arms.

  “NO! Let me go!” She screamed at me.

  Shocked I call out her name trying to get a hold of her arms and holding them until she breaks down in my arms. “What happened?” She shakes her head burying her face into my chest. “I’ll kill him if he hurt you. If I had known, I would not have let him leave. But I will go get the prick right now and …”

  “It wasn’t Kevin.”

  “Then who was it?” She shakes her head pulling away from me. “Who was it Ava?” She sits silent, rocking in place. “You’re not going to tell me?” Watching her shake her head again, I sigh. “Was it anyone on this island?” She shakes her head one more time before I pull her into my arms and let her cry against my chest until she calms completely. “Do you want to go to bed or do you want me to stay with you a little longer because I would like to get a shower?”

  “I don’t like the dark,” she whimpered. I hand her the flashlight. “What are you going to do?”

  “Unless you want to take a shower with me I guess I will have to feel my way around.” I said helping her up. “I’m going to leave this door open to get some light in, so don’t come in spying on me.” I said against her ear, earning a slight smile. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask holding her against my chest until she nods. “Give me a few minutes and I will be out to protect you from dumbasses trying to get in.” I get my cold fucking shower, no thanks to Kevin, I am sure of it. Afterwards, I find Ava sound asleep outside the bathroom holding the flashlight for me. “Ava Kelley, I don’t know if you’re crazy as hell or adorable or both, which is more my luck.” I take the flashlight and pick her up putting her in bed and the flashlight on the bedside table directing it away from the bed but leaving it on for her. Exhausted and eager to crash into bed, I make my way into my side of the bed and find a comfortable position before I suddenly feel her crawl up against me, and hold onto me. My exhausted body suddenly comes alive again.

  Chapter 11: Ava

  The next morning, I awake in the middle of the bed alone and find him sitting in his chair staring at the wall. “Why did you let me sleep?”

  “I wanted some time to think.” His tone is harsh, his entire body shaking, he avoids looking my way.

  “About what?”

  With a sharp glare, “about you!”

  “What about me?”

  “You know damn well what I’m talking about.” I shake my head and he immediately jumps up hovering close as he motions with his hands. “Ava come on, what happened last night and why are you having nightmares every night?”

  “The plane crash,” I shrug looking away from his judging eyes.

  He laughs sarcastically, “the plane crash?” I nod. “The hell it is! Ava say whatever you want but don’t fucking lie to me. Tell me what is going on with you? Or better yet tell me what this fucking letter is about?” His furious figure stands waving my letter from Justin in my face.

  “Where did you get that?” I snapped snatching it from his hand.

  “It doesn’t matter, tell me why I am such a key part of your trip.”

  “You’re not!”

  “NO? Then why does that fucking letter say that I am?” Confused, I shake my head and he rips the letter back to show it to me, “It says right here …,” he points to Justin’s words as if they make sense to him.

  Tears building up, “you have no idea what you’re talking about. What he is saying has nothing to do with you.”

  “Then what does it have to do with Ava? Because to me it looks like you planned this whole time to get to me somehow. And you worked my mother perfectly to do so.” My body tenses as I take my letter back and walk away from him, with sadness, I don’t understand. Sean pulls me around to look at him, “you took advantage of my mother to get to me and that story about how we met the first time, it was all a lie wasn’t it? I don’t know how …”

  “I would never do that!” His anger deepens into his eyes. “SEAN!” I jerk away from him, tears flowing rapidly down my face as my body shakes with dread.

  “Tears aren’t going to help, Ava,” he said holding my face up to look at him. “I don’t care why you did it but you better believe it’s not going to work. I’m not going to be with you, I’m not going to give you money for anything and you better fucking believe I am not …”

  “I was RAPED!” I screamed at him. His wide eyes back off at once. “Oh now you’re not so tough are you? You conceded fucking ass! That letter has nothing to do with you. He wants me to go out with him and he said what he said about you because I haven’t let a man touch me since it happened.” Breathing in deeply, I calm as I stare into his horrified green eyes. “You see it’s funny, ha-ha. Ava doesn’t let men touch her so good luck with Sean Grant, one of the sexiest men alive, oh wait we are talking about Ava so it’s more like a miracle is what’s called for.” He shakes his head hesitantly at me. “Only the real joke of it all is that you’re the first man that can touch me and not make my skin crawl. How incredibly FUCKED UP is that? Of all people, you are the one man that I am comfortable with. But don’t worry, chances are that it only goes so far. There is no way I will ever be able to trick you into bed because I’m too scared. To scared to take my clothes off and lie down in that bed and let you fuck me.” Wiping my tears away I look back up at him, “but you know what? You are right about one thing, I do want to. Oh like you don’t know. I wish I could fuck you Sean, because maybe if I can with you then I can let someone like Justin, who cares about me make love to me like I have dreamed about for so long. Maybe I can let him love me and I won’t be alone anymore.” I pause regaining my voice again. Patting the letter against his chest, “you keep it, because it obviously means more to you than it does
to me.”

  “When did this happen?” He asked suddenly.

  I stare blankly at him, “why does it matter?” His defeated expression seems desperate for an answer. Forcing a smile and focusing on him with a brave face, “it happened a few days after I met you in New York. That’s why I told you that story and why those few minutes with you meant so much to me because that was the last time I felt normal.” The emotion grips me as all the pain and memories come rushing back.

  “Ava, I am so,” he said reaching out for me.

  I close myself off from him, “don’t touch me. Don’t ever touch me again.” I said rushing back into bed, burying my face into the pillow to hide my tears from him.

  “I don’t blame you at all, but will you at least let me apologize?” Sean said tugging at my shirt as he tries to get me to look at him. “Please Ava, I feel like …”

  “I don’t give a shit how you feel, leave me alone. Hopefully we won’t be on this stupid island much longer and I won’t have to see you ever again.”

  His pitiful expression is breaking me. “I’m so sorry Ava. I really am. I know it doesn’t mean much but you don’t know the kinds of people I have to deal with sometimes and I know that’s no excuse but I ....”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “Not until you accept my apology”

  “Fine it’s accepted. Feel better?”

  “Not really,” I shrug at his answer.

  “Demerae is going to be here soon to pick us up for breakfast.” I say trying to get around him but he grabs my hands quickly and forces me to look into his sorrowful eyes, feeding my guilt for being still angry. “Ava please, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, if I had then I would have never hurt you like that. I would never let anyone hurt you. Please believe me. I will do whatever you want to make it up to you.” He has no idea about what hurts!

  “Anything I want?” He nods expectantly as I seek my revenge for my hardened pain. “Then go back in time and keep that psycho from raping me so someone other than you can touch me.” Sean drops his hands without a word. “Sean …” His pain filled eyes rip me apart. “No, Sean I didn’t mean that.” I said reaching for him but only manage to be left standing alone.

  “I’m going to walk to breakfast,” Sean said avoiding my hands once again and walking out the door without another word spoken.

  Demerae picks me up and drives me to breakfast - everyone is there, but him. My eyes are beginning to blur staring at the door waiting for him to come through it. After everyone leaves, I stay a little longer, waiting, only to be disappointed.

  With the weather lightened up for a little while, I thought the small beach I was told about, might be a nice break. Ashlen offered me one of Brianna’s bikini’s that she bought for herself but was forbidden to ever wear and after I put it on, I know why. The bikini is smaller than I would ever think to buy for myself, a turquoise string bikini with carved wooden tassels provocatively hanging down between my breasts. It is masterly designed but only the most confident person would parade around in it. I of course, cover up the racy suit with shorts and a t-shirt before proceeding down the trail to the expected secluded spot.


  The beach is not big but the water is clear, warm and without another soul anywhere near and that is all I need. I slip out of my clothes and pack them into my bag before wadding in and letting the tender waves break against my back and the sand wash over my toes, rejuvenating myself as I watch the distant storm. My tranquil setting lasts for a few minutes before engines gearing down the path nearby unsettle me. They speed and slow and speed again as they curve the path leading away from me. I sigh in relief with the renewed silence until one returns. I close my eyes willing whomever it is to keep going but no luck.

  “Hey Red. I like the suit, it works well on you,” Kevin called out, eyeing me and adjusting himself openly.

  “Kevin where are the others … I thought I heard them?” Noticing him slyly kick my bag of clothes further away from me, I quickly search for alternate escape routes.

  “Oh they are enjoying playing on those machines but I thought maybe you would want some company.” He said jerking his clothes off down to his boxers. “I hope the water is warm.” His approaching nearly nude body sends violent chills up my spine. I slowly back away from him. “Where are you going?” He rushes towards me and barely misses grabbing me as I move even deeper. “You sure do look good but you might want to be careful before you step off too deep. Here let me help you.”

  “I think you should go find the others Kevin, I really want to be alone,” my shaky voice discloses my fast approaching fear and paralyzing weakness.

  “Alone huh? You don’t sound too sure. Well I’ll be quiet, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll just enjoy the view.” His eyes trace my body down through the clear water. With a startled gasp, I step back too far and fall off the ledge deeper into the water. With eager expectations, Kevin lunges, grabbing me and pulling me tight into his arms where his loaded breath clouds my face. “You better be careful there.” His hands hold flat and hard against my body with his excitement growing and protruding repulsively into my thighs. “MMMmmm you smell good,” he moaned nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, grazing his sun-chapped lips against my skin.

  My body shakes until my sight blurs, “please Kevin, I want to go, I don’t want ....”

  “Hey do you know I have been thinking about you since I first saw you get on the plane? After we crashed and you ended up rooming with Sean I thought for sure I would never get my chance with you,” he pushes into me breathing heavily into my ear. “But here we are and I can’t wait to taste those lips of yours,” he said leaning in and forcing his lips to mine.

  “No! I want to go!” I yelled at him slapping the salty water into his eyes, forcing him to release me. I run reaching my towel and getting one fisted grip before he falls on top of me.

  “Ava this bikini is so sexy, you can’t blame me for wanting you. You had to know what you would do to me in this. It’s only fair that I get to enjoy it,” he says tight into my ear while I struggle against his pressing body, his wandering hands, and loathsome, wet mouth.

  His experience is obvious as he holds me in place giving me no options to take advantage of. “Kevin let me go or I am going to start screaming.”

  “Scream, I might even like it.” Forcing me on my back and pressing down on me with his exposed, hardened excitement digging into me, causing daggers of panic to shoot into my veins as equally panicked screams escape my mouth. Ignoring my protests he covers my mouth and continues his attempt to persuade me as I jerk my head from one side to the next, freeing myself from his forceful hand. “NO! LET me go!” I screamed, slowly weakening by my overpowering dread.

  Kevin places his hand back on my mouth with so much pressure my head whips backwards into the ground with a loud thump. “Stop fucking crying, you’re ruining this for me! If you would just relax and enjoy it.”

  Fighting his hands and weight, he forces my face down into the towel and then suddenly he lets go of me. I open my eyes to see his mouth wide and gasping for breath as hands choke him into a strained stand. “I thought I told you to stay away from her.” Sean’s powerfully directed words singe Kevin’s face as he pleads with the hands controlling his life. “Do you know what I could fucking do to you right now?” Kevin nods before landing on the ground choking on the air he swallows back into his lungs. In awe of my rescue, I watch dumbstruck while Sean leans down to me and looks me over with tender hands. “I didn’t mess up saving you this time did I?” I shake my head with an emerging smile.

  Kevin stands abruptly and kicks Sean in the back and then repeatedly in the side. “Stop, you’re hurting him!” I yelled jerking at Kevin’s arm.

  “Ava, get back I’m fine,” Sean said holding his ribs but getting up strong. Kevin knocks me backwards, watching Sean motion for him to come at him again. With a laugh, he runs towards Sean - and his fists, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Rubbing
his bleeding face, Kevin gets up staggering but ready to square off with Sean once again. “You don’t want to fight me dumbass.” Kevin still staggering begins circling away as Sean takes my hand and carefully maneuvers me out of the way with his muscles flexing and jaw tensed.

  “Wow! Are you really concerned about her? I don’t understand you at all Sean, you can have any girl you want, you can’t possibly be this angry over one. That pussy must be good.” Kevin barely gets a full sarcastic chuckle out before he is on his back and seeming shocked at the fervent rage that is cursing his body. The beating is hard to listen to but even harder to watch.

  “Are you understanding me now, you disgusting fuck?”

  “Sean stop!” I screamed.

  “Sean let him go! You’re going to kill him!” From out of nowhere, Demerae rushes to Sean and drags him away from Kevin’s bloodied and swollen body.

  Alizabeth runs in with Paul - mouths wide open, “what the hell is going on?”

  “Alizabeth call Dad and get this stupid ass out of here,” Demerae demanded.

  “Sure thing,” Al agreed as he takes in the sight fully, helping Kevin up and pushing him back towards the path.

  “Wait, I have to get my clothes,” Kevin said scrambling to pick up his scattered clothing.

  “I wouldn’t fucking worry about your damn clothes. Get the hell out of here!” Demerae screamed, using his entire body against Sean’s chest.


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