New Title 1

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New Title 1 Page 12

by Jennifer Loren

  “Shouldn’t we answer that?” She asked.

  “Nooo!” I mouthed harshly.

  The mother fucking knocking asshole persists as I silently argue with Ava. “Hello! Sean - Ava?” Demerae called out. “Okay. You can ignore me but I was told to stay here until I talk to you both.”

  Persuading Ava with my patented mood enticing kisses I wonder if I should get up or make the poor bastard wait until after I get what I want. I briefly consider both and decide I do not care about his time. However, Ava’s eyes say she has decided differently.

  “Sean, I think we should answer the door.”

  “He can wait until after.”

  “After what? I’m not going to have sex with you while he stands out there waiting.”

  I plead and whimper like a lost puppy to her but there is no give. “Fine!” Gritting my teeth and mumbling harshly I find my pants and put them on carefully over my now clearly obscene cock, glancing at her as she snickers at me behind her hands. “I’m so glad you find my pain amusing.” I grumble my way towards the door.

  “Oh Sean, I don’t want you to be in pain. Answer the door and find out what he wants and then you can come back to me.” She smiles seductively sneaking under the sheet and sliding her bra off and letting it fall to the floor as the thin sheet floats down to her bare breasts highlighting them for me. Instinctively I move back towards her. “No Sean. The door first or you get nothing.”

  “Door. I will get the door,” I mumbled with a focusing grunt.

  “Get the door Sean.” Sighing I opened the door to Demerae’s goofy grin.

  “Bad time?” He chuckles.

  “Is there something you need?” I asked impatiently.

  “Yes actually,” he smiles wide at my obvious disgust. “Okay, well I was told to give you this information come hell or high water, so here I am. You don’t mess with my mother you know.” I wave him on to continue, while glancing back at Ava lounging seductively under the sheet.

  “HELLO Sean,” Demerae said pulling me out of my wet dream.

  “WHAT!” I yelled concealing part of my body with the door.

  “I said! The weather is suppose to clear up tonight and my mother has decided to have a barbeque.”

  “Great, thanks,” I said shutting the door.

  Demerae sticking his foot in the threshold, “no! Sean. I am supposed to let you know what time to be there and a few other details that I have to tell Ava,” he said with his Cheshire grin. Asshole he knows what he is interrupting.

  Ava jumps out of bed and gets dressed and I glare at his snickering figure as she comes around the corner, ducking under my arm to greet him.” Hi Demerae.”

  He looks at me with that same stupid grin. “Ava, you are here. I thought Sean was alone, he seems so excited, I mean eager to get back to what I assumed was some self-reflection time.”

  “That’s hilarious asshole.” I grumbled under my breath.

  Ava elbows me and Demerae nearly chokes holding back his laughter. “Okay so here it is? I am supposed to let you know to be there at 6:30 and that …” He pauses looking at me while backing away. That can’t be a good sign. “Well Ava is suppose to come with me. And here is the letter my Mom wrote to explain to her why.” He rambles the last part quickly as he practically throws the letter at Ava to stay clear of me.

  Ava walks back inside to read the note. “Do you understand what you are doing to me right now?” I whisper to Demerae.

  “I feel for you, I really do but my mother is scarier than anything you can do to me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Ava steps underneath my arm again, “okay Demerae, give me a second and I will be right with you.

  “What?” I asked darting my eyes between them.

  “Ashlen wants my help setting up, so I need to go now. I will see you later.” Ava explained putting her hand against my chest and ducking back into the cabin.

  “What?” I said watching her gather items to take with her. Turning towards Demerae, “what?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know, honestly, I don’t know.”

  Great, I lean into the doorframe and try to relax before I slam the door shut and lock her in with me. “Hold on one second.” I said to Demerae and shut the door. I turn inside watching Ava gather a bag full of stuff. “What are you doing, moving? If you don’t want to have sex just say so but don’t leave.”

  She turns to me with a surprised smile, confusing me even more. “I’m not leaving to keep from having sex with you. Why would you think that?”

  “Because you’re packing and leaving.”

  “I’m only taking a few things to get ready with tonight. I will come back here with you tonight, I promise,” she rolls up onto her toes kissing me sweetly on the lips.

  “Ava, do you have to go? Can’t you go with me later?”

  “I promised her Sean, I have to go. She wants to show me some recipes and,” she shrugs her shoulders. “It’s a girl thing, you wouldn’t understand. I’m sorry but I’m glad you want me to stay with you and after all that time you spent calling everyone you know trying to get away from me,” she laughs.

  Raising my eyebrows I take a step back from her, “how do you know that?”

  “It’s a small island Sean, people talk and especially when they find us the most interesting thing to happen here in awhile.”

  “Ava, I wasn’t trying to get away from you.” I said as she folds her arms. “Well I didn’t call everyone I know, just my brother, who I could never get a hold of and maybe my mother too. Who decided it was best and safer if I stay here. Like that was a surprise. It was frustrating and I only did that right after we crashed here and after I found out I was going to have to share a one-bed cabin with you. Tell me you wouldn’t have freaked out too?”

  “You’re right I would have, I did. But I have to go now, I promise I will see you tonight. I will save you a dance this time if you want.” She kisses me with an encouraging smile and takes me by the hand walking with me back to the door.

  “Okay Demerae, let’s go I have what I need.” I pout heavily earning only a smirk and a giggling kiss. “I will see you later?”

  “Sure,” I said defeated.

  “It’s a lot of fun Sean, lots of great food, music, and dancing and …” He trailed off once he notices my deep disinterest.

  Standing in the doorway, I watch Demerae drive off with my girl. Interesting, now what?


  I waited about as long as I can possibly stand it before making my way to the party, arriving early enough to help Khenan hang white Christmas lights around the perimeter of a dance floor and tables. When we finish the decorations the mouthwatering aroma in the air begins making my stomach growl. As I sniff the air, I see Ashlen making her way to the food tables with trays of even more food. “Do you want some help with that?” I asked searching for others inside the house.

  “No thank you, I think we have everything handled.” Ashlen said with a smile before darting back into the house. Okay, nice talking to you too.

  Gavin comes hobbling in on his crutches to take a seat near me at one of the many tables. “I heard you had some excitement the other day,” Gavin laughed.

  “Oh right. So where is my friend?”

  “Khenan put him in their jail here until they can transport him back to the main island. Dumbass took a swing at him – broke his hand, of course. Come to find out he has some warrants out for his arrest. Three girls came forward and said he forced himself on them.”

  “I’m shocked.” I said shaking my head.

  “I hate what had to happen to get him out of here but I can’t tell you how happy I am to have the cabin to myself,” Gavin sighs with an expressive smile.

  “Did I hear my name?” Khenan said taking a chair next to me.

  “Khenan, how are you?” Gavin asked.

  “I’m good. My women are acting a little weird though. It always scares me when they are up to something.”

  “How do you know they a
re up to something?” I asked humored by his fidgeting stress.

  “Trust me, you always know. Be prepared, I don’t know what it is but be prepared”

  “That bad huh?” I laughed.

  “Scary bad.” He shakes his head looking back at the house as if to stare right through the walls at them. “You boys are in for a real treat though, my wife has put together some incredible food and it looks as though it’s ready so let’s get started no telling when the girls will be out here.” Like a ravenous bear, Khenan rushes towards the food tables.

  We gather back around the table with plates full of a food and digging in with no audible words. The food is so good, I don’t know if there is anything that could tear me away from this.

  “Wow is that Ava?” Demerae asked.

  I follow his gaze seeing Ashlen walking over with Ava close behind, wearing a deep blue dress that has everyone taking notice. I gaze admiringly, from the heels at the end of her gorgeous legs to the soft red waves floating around her beautiful bright smiling face, her seductive approach erases my every thought. I stand up as everyone greets her and then with muffled amusement, watch me stare at her in awe. Not the best time to feel like an idiot Sean … speak. She sits her plate at the seat next to mine, waiting as I pull out her seat for her. Smiling at me, she causes the most moronic grin to come across my face. I try to eat but find myself catching glimpses, memorizing every part of her while trying not to be noticed doing so. When a breeze comes blowing through, her hair whisps near my face and seduces me all over again.

  Khenan leans over to me. “I think whatever they have been planning today … is about you.” He raised his eyebrows at me, nodding in Ava’s direction. I shake my head but he nods assuredly.

  “So Sean, what do you think of Ava’s dress? She was afraid it wasn’t a good color for her but I think it’s perfect with her eyes.” Ashlen asked bringing me out of my cloud of confusion.

  I look up at Ashlen and follow her eyes to Ava and that blue dress.

  “It goes nicely with her eyes right?” She pushed.

  I pull myself together enough to look up into her eyes, those gorgeous deep blue sapphire eyes are even deeper tonight. “It’s perfect.” I managed to say watching her smile wonderfully at me.

  “Thank you,” she said in that sweet southern voice of hers.

  “You’re welcome.” I gush.

  Demerae makes his way to the DJ stand and begins playing music as people are finishing their meals.

  “Hey Sean,” Alizabeth said approaching in his finest suit.

  “Hi Al, what are you up to?” I asked finding amusement in his sophisticated attire for the night.

  “Well I thought I would come over and ask this beautiful lady to dance,” he said holding out his hand to Ava.

  She smiles sweetly at him, “I would love to”

  Al acting a complete gentleman escorts her to the floor and takes her hand respectively. Spinning her and dancing so politely that more people than myself find it humorous. Ava however, is enjoying every second, laughing with him and respecting him right back with every effort to move along with him. As more people begin to dance the more I have to move to be able to see her. Ava spins around laughing and smiling at me, making me as anxious as a schoolboy waiting for his turn.

  Ashlen nudges my arm with disapproving eyes, “are you going to stand there all night like a fool or are you going to go grab that girl and dance with her?” I laugh at her motherly encouragement.

  “Al would it be alright if I cut in?” I ask winking at her.

  “Sure, she’s all yours.”

  Taking her hand, I slide my other across her body to the small of her back, pulling her in close I bury my face into her soft curls, inhaling her enchanting scent. With her hand on my chest and her head on my shoulder, we move gracefully together. I spin her out watching her twirl and laugh, making me crave her all over again and forcing me to bring her back to me even closer than before. As the night continues, the rest of the world disappears while my heart and mind spin out of control. I stylishly dip her back, holding her close and trailing my lips up her neck to her ear, “I can’t take my eyes off you. You look so beautiful tonight.” Looking up at me through her long lashes, she does not even try to tame her perfect smile this time.

  “Thank you, this is the best night I have ever had Sean.”

  “The night isn’t over yet, sweetheart,” I smile as Khenan huffs at the stragglers in his yard.

  “Okay people party is over, time to go, be safe and see you tomorrow.” Khenan yelled.

  “I guess we should go,” I said taking her hand and leading her back to our cabin.

  Chapter 13: Ava

  His hand strong and warm, gently folds around mine while my mind races with thoughts and desires. I am not sure if I should jump him and rip his clothes off his hard body or strip naked and wait for him or offer to play cards with him until we get tired and go to bed. It is amazing how many thoughts can pass through your head in such a short walk, none prepare me for when the cabin appears in the distance. The moonlight shines on the tiny, wooden cabin, like a blazing spotlight on my awaiting decision. Sean glances over at me with a tender smile, twirling circles on my hand with his thumb and for a brief moment, I forget what I was worried about but only for a moment. As soon as we step into the cabin, I feel lost and take in the room as if I have never seen it before. Sean shuts the cabin door behind me and I can feel his eyes on my back. “So … are you tired? Do you want to go to bed or get something to eat or …” I ramble on with his hands warming my body and his breath heating up my neck.

  “Are you nervous?” I shake my head but his once brilliant eyes begin withering with each passing second that I remain silent.

  “Sean I … I.”

  His exhausted sigh ends with an even weaker smile and a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Don’t worry about it,” his hands fall from my body as he turns away.

  Silent fears begin charging their way into my brain. “No.” I murmured gazing up at his waiting eyes. “No Sean. I don’t want you to go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart.”

  “I mean I don’t want you to stop touching me.”

  Taking my face into his hands, “Ava what do you want me to do? Tell me and I will do it. I’ll do whatever you want me to.” His warm lips press tenderly against my cheek, “but I can’t read your mind Ava.” His hands deepen into my hair, “you have to tell me what you need.”

  I feel the words waiting to come out as my fears battle with each other until I see his loving green eyes reaching for me, “I want you. I want what you want Sean. Now, I’m ready.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” I nod stepping into him and drawing in his lips. “Please.” With one hand sliding up my thigh he lifts me up against the wall pushing his body up against mine, his tongue tasting my lips until I welcome him into my mouth. Everything in my body is heating up from his supporting hands, wet lips and his rapidly growing hard excitement between my legs. Sean pauses removing his shirt and allowing me to set him back from me while I take the initiative and undo the tie around my neck for him. Slipping my dress casually down to the floor, becoming more excited as I watch him lick his lips and take in my body fully. Finding his way back to me, he does not wait another second to release my bra. I manage a single breath before his mouth is on my breasts, sucking, palming, and groaning his respects for them while he swirls his tongue around each nipple with emphasis. With my back pressed hard against the wall and my hands cradling his head to my breasts he slowly releases my hold making his way down to his knees. He tongues my diamond with a smile as his fingers trail underneath the edges of my panties, sweeping in soft motions and sending waves of intense tingling sensations to my core. The intensity increases when his mouth moves lower, tonguing the laced boundaries and looking up at me with wanting eyes. Our eyes stay locked as he slides my remaining garment down my legs, setting my thighs on fire. With full palms, he continues back up
my body with his mouth and tongue leading the way - setting my whole body a blaze.

  “You are so beautiful, Ava,” he says as he memorizes every part of me with his slow wandering hands. I stand frozen watching him admire me and kiss me tenderly. “Do you still want to do this?” I respond eagerly earning a soft kiss. He caresses my face gently with the back of his fingers and breathes heavily against my skin. Taking a step back from me and watching me closely he takes hold of his pants, undoing his belt, and sliding it out of the loops with a whish. He continues to watch me as I bite my lip, holding back my heaving breaths of anticipation while he slowly undoes his pants, the button, the zipper, each moving with a sound that sends speeding vibrations up my legs.

  His sudden hesitation causes me to look up at him with frustration, “don’t stop.”

  “You do it then,” he says holding his hands out to his side waiting for me. Eyeing his bulging pants, I close my eyes and take hold of him. Forcing my hands down in between his underwear and his soft torrid skin I feel the heat through my palms. “I want you,” he whispers against my skin, encouraging my hands to glide down further into the heat. Watching his throbbing bulge extend closer and closer to my hands, I guide his clothes over it, down his legs, and off him completely. Encouraging me with his stance around me, I begin wandering over his body, taking hold and feeling his wanting groans rippling through his every muscle. “Come here,” he says picking me up easily into his arms and carrying me to bed, his lips taking in mine while he positions me to his needs and fueling my body with full and respectful hands. The weight of his body heavy on mine and his throbbing presence between my legs, all of which sends faint signals of distress until he breathes my name freeing me of my fear of him for good. He allows me to freely comfort him, tracing his muscles with my fingers and hands, following the glistening beads that flow down his back. Feeling every part of him fully against me, I pull my legs up around his waist, “do you want me Ava?”


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