Find Me, Keep Me

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Find Me, Keep Me Page 1

by Norah C. Peters

  Table of Contents

  Find Me Keep Me

  About the Author

  Find Me, Keep Me

  by Norah C. Peters

  Copyright 2013 by Norah C. Peters

  FIND ME, KEEP ME is a work of fiction. Names, characters and events are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to actual places, happenings or people, living or dead is coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Find Me, Keep Me

  About the Author

  Find Me, Keep Me

  7 AM Heathrow Airport Terminal 4 Cafe

  Helen dropped her back pack on the floor, placed the skinny latte on the table and sat down. She had two hours before the second leg of her journey and she was looking forward to reading her book. It was noisy in the packed cafe but she didn't care as she dived into the newly released thriller.

  "Excuse me, mind if I sit here?" Helen looked up at the tall stranger and just stared at him. He had long black hair, a dark tan and a wonderful big smile. She guessed he was about 35. Someone like him could not be talking to her, he looked like he had just stepped out of a movie. She felt a rush of energy to her stomach and she felt lost for words.

  "Is that ok? Sorry to bother you," he continued as he stood there with a heavy tray of coffee and sandwiches. He looked at the cute girl and wondered why she didn't answer his question. She looked to be about 32 and she was easily the best looking girl he'd seen all week. He liked her long brown hair, her slim figure and her light tan. She was just the kind of girl that did it for him.

  "Yes, of course, please do, let me make some room for you," Helen croaked as she snapped back to life and hurried to move her empty tray to the table behind her, adding it to the debris of the previous occupants.

  A little nervous and to avoid staring at him, she went straight back to her book, Helen was engrossed in the story, flying through the chapters when her freshly fed table companion spoke up, "Is that Harry Devon's new book? I didn't know he had a new one?"

  "Yes, I just bought it at the newsagents before I came in here. I got the last copy, lucky me. It's great. So, do you like Devon's work?" Helen looked up from her book and tried to sound polite.

  The man's eyes lit up and he moved forward in his seat. "I loved his last book. It really was a page turner, I was up until 4 one night finishing it. I literally couldn't put it down. That should be good flight reading for you. Where are you flying to today anyway?"

  Helen's eyes twinkled. "I'm on my way to Chiang Mai. I'm taking a healing course and some time off to chill out."

  Her male companion smiled and put his hands through his long black hair. "I love Chiang Mai. I spent a month there last summer, it's beautiful. I'm off to Lima today myself. I'm quite excited about it, I've never been there before. I'm attending a course too. It's a shamanic wisdom training, I've heard very good things about it so it should be well worth the long journey."

  Helen put her book down, "It sounds like we have more in common that just books in that case. I was in Lima two months ago. On another healing course. Healing is my thing, it's what I do for a living."

  "That's interesting. I've not studied healing myself but a lot of my friends are into it. I'm more of a meditation and alternative world view person myself. In fact, I give courses on personal transformation."

  "In that case, is this a chance encounter or is it fate? My life seems to be one coincidence after another." Helen giggled and looked into his dark brown eyes.

  "Definitely a random event. You and I have nothing whatsoever in common. I'm Tom, by the way, very nice to meet you." The tall dark stranger laughed and held out his hand.

  "Nice to meet you Tom, I'm Helen," Helen smiled as she felt the energy in his hand, she noticed a warm pulse she hadn't felt before in anyone she'd met and she wondered what it meant.

  "Do you always travel so light, Helen? You don't have much hand baggage."

  "Yes, that's me all over, very little baggage of any kind. Us successfully single healer girls don't need a whole lot. Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. Too much information, sorry," Helen blushed.

  Tom laughed, "Me too, I like to travel light, no need to apologize, the way of the warrior eh?"

  "Something like that," Helen responded while avoiding eye contact. She forced herself to look away from those lovely brown eyes and instead stared blankly at her book.

  Tom stood up and reached for his backpack. "Well, it was great meeting you. I must remember to get that book. Okay if I grab a photo of the cover as a reminder?"

  "Sure, go ahead," Helen replied as she held up the book and Tom flashed a copy of the image onto his phone.

  "Thanks. There's a great book shop where I live in Kew Gardens. I'm sure they'll have it."

  Linda looked up and sneaked a look at Tom's eyes. "Kew? That's where my sister lives."

  "Small world eh? I'm sorry, I'll have to dash. It was great talking to you. Bye." Tom grinned, grabbed his hefty backpack and dived into the crowd storming the departure gates.

  Helen's eyes followed him and watched his back pack bounce up and down in the distance until he disappeared out of sight.

  Interesting. Never met someone like him before. His energy is unusual. Very pure. Helen sat there, thinking, staring into space, she'd lost her interest in reading.

  * * *

  Sitting on the sofa in Sarah's Kew apartment, Helen and Sarah giggled as they both agreed a second glass of red wine was an excellent idea.

  "Chiang Mai sounds wonderful Helen. You must take me with you next time. You simply must. Promise me you will," Sarah insisted.

  Helen playfully punched Sarah's shoulder. "Of course, little sister of mine. I will. It's a deal."

  Sarah countered with the question she'd been waiting to ask. "So, did you meet any nice guys over there?"

  "One or two, nothing special though. I didn't find that special connection I'm looking for."

  Sarah frowned and shook her head. "Here we go again with that special connection thing. Are you sure that's not just a figment of your imagination? I'm not so sure that it even exists in the real world, sis'."

  "It is real, very real. I had it with Tom," Helen confessed before she knew what she was saying.

  "Tom? Who exactly is Tom? You've not mentioned him before. Is he your secret Thai lover?" Sarah teased.

  "I met him at Heathrow before my flight. We shared a table in the cafe, the place was packed so I let him sit with me. He's hot too. Tall, dark and handsome. And, get this, he teaches personal transformation courses," Helen beamed.

  "Wow, Helen, he sounds like your perfect man. When are you seeing him again?"

  "I'm not."

  "Why not Helen? Come on sis, what is it this time? Does he not have enough of that special energy?"

  Helen frowned. "His energy is amazing, I never felt anything like it. Very pure, beautiful actually. The thing is we didn't exchange contact details. I feel like such an idiot."

  Sarah punched her sister in the shoulder. "Oh my God, you must be kidding me. Helen, what are we going to do with you? After the spell of dating disasters you've been through you finally met someone good for you and you let him walk away."

  "I know, I know, no need to remind me, Sarah. I'm sure I can track him down, so it's not that bad."

  Sarah picked up her computer, "What's his name and where does he live?"

  "Like I said, his name is Tom, I don't know his surname, and he said he lives in Kew, he could be one of your neighbors for all I know. The only other thing I know about him is that he travels a lot and he reads the same kind of books I like."

  "Well, Helen, that's not much help is it? You must know more than that, surely."
  "No, Sarah, that's it. We only had a quick chat before he dashed off to catch his flight. I never thought I'd be sitting here talking about how to find him."

  "You're such a nightmare, Helen, really, I don't know anyone else who gets into these bizarre predicaments," Sarah put her computer away and shook her head.

  "I know. No need to remind me. Look, Sarah, I need to be realistic about Tom. I'm never going to see him again so I better just get on with it and get out there to meet new people."

  "Sounds like a plan. Surprisingly sensible for you, actually. I'm impressed." Sarah smirked.

  "If I meet enough guys I'm sure I'll find someone with that special energy I like."

  "Oh No, here we go again. Helen, you're doing my head in with this energy obsession. Don't you think you'd have that by now if it was meant to be?"

  Helen shrugged her shoulders. "Ok, I won't mention it again. Anyhow, to change the subject I joined a green consciousness online community. It's the busiest site of its kind in the UK so it's ideal for promoting my healing workshops. And, get this, there's a dating section too. So, I added my profile yesterday."

  "Good job, Helen. Sounds like the right place for you to meet someone. Any emails so far?"

  "I've not checked yet. Let me get my phone, I'll see." Helen giggled when she saw she already had 26 messages. Maybe things would work out after all. Maybe Tom would join and find her there.

  * * *

  Tom parked his car right outside Kew Gardens and ambled across the road to the Kings Arms. Jim was already set up by the roaring fire with a pint of bitter. Tom ordered a Belgian lager and joined his best friend, friends since the age of 11.

  Jim shook his hand. "What's up Tom?

  "The usual. Lima was a blast. I just got back two days ago."

  "Cool, so what were the girls like, Tom?"

  "Stunning, I met a lot of amazing Latina girls. Absolutely stunning."

  "So, you got lucky, I take it." Jim grinned and poked Tom in the ribs.

  "Not at all, it wasn't that kind of vibe. It was spirituality and good karma. It's not like going to a night club, Jim," Tom laughed.

  "Ok man, maybe I'll have to see for myself one time. Maybe I can sex up these gatherings you go to."

  "Anyway, I'm still seeing Wendy," Tom confessed, awkwardly.

  "You're not? But, Tom, I thought she was driving you up the wall."

  Tom sighed. "She is hard work but I end up getting grief with any woman I go out with. I don't know what it is but I seem to have that effect on women. I seem to rub them up the wrong way."

  "Yes, I've noticed that over the years. But still, why stay with her if you're not happy?"

  "Jim, it's not that I'm unhappy being with her, it's more a case that I'm not happy, not as happy as I want to be, if that makes sense."

  Jim shook his head. "No, actually, that makes no sense whatsoever."

  Tom tasted his beer and paused for a moment. "What I want more than anything is a special connection. I can't really explain it. It's a special feeling you get with someone. It's not just feeling in love, it's more than that."

  Jim groaned. "Right, and you've found this before? I don't think so. Time to get real man."

  Tom paused again and slowly scratched his chin. "I have had moments. I met a girl at the airport, in a cafe, we had a special connection, like I'm talking about."

  "That's great, Tom. So when do I get to meet here?"

  Tom gritted his teeth. "I didn't get her number."

  Jim rolled his eyes and put his drink down. "You idiot. You complete idiot. Am I not always telling you to jump on opportunity when it comes along? God!"

  "I feel like an idiot, I assure you. I do have her photo though," he passed his phone to Jim.

  "Wow, she's beautiful. I'd feel a special feeling if I met her too," Jim drooled.

  "Very funny, Jim. So, her name is Helen and that's her photo, she's a healer, that's all I know. I don't know where she lives but funnily enough she has a sister who lives here in Kew."

  "Tom, London is way too big to find someone with nothing more to go on than that. Surely, you must have at least an idea of where she might be."

  "I don't, honestly. I was hoping you might have some bright ideas, seeing as you how you work in IT support for the police. You're the closest I have to a real life detective," Tom joked.

  Jim finished his pint and took a deep breath, "Tom, mate, even I don't have a clue what to do when there's no data trail. If you could provide me with some personal details I could track her down for you within 24 hours. Strictly off the record of course, we shouldn't even be having this conversation. And I wouldn't with anyone else. Seeing as how it's you I can make an exception since I'm quite sure you're not an axe murderer. That is, unless you learned some new skills in the jungles of Peru."

  Tom smiled and smacked Jim on the shoulder, "Thanks Jim. I did have one idea. Can you guys do an image search to identify someone?"

  "We can. Tell you what, Tom. Send that photo to my phone and I'll get back to you tomorrow to tell you what I've come up with."

  "Sending right now, Jim. Okay, good to meet up with you and thanks so much for your help with this. I appreciate it."

  "It's nothing, Talk to you tomorrow, Tom."

  * * *

  Helen had enough. Six hours searching personal transformation training sites for Tom proved to be a complete waste of time. It was a lovely sunny day so she headed out for a long leisurely walk along the river by Kew Gardens. She lost track of time as she picked wild flowers and by the time she got to the Kings Arms she was debating whether or not to walk the long way home or to catch a bus when her phone buzzed a text. It was Sarah: "in pub, fancy a quick drink?"

  Sarah looked giddy when Helen found her sitting in her favorite spot by the open fire.

  "Did you enjoy your Sunday stroll Helen?"

  "How did you know where I was?"

  "I have my sources, you know, I have you under constant surveillance," Sarah laughed, "I was driving past and spotted you. You looked like you needed a good stiff drink."

  Two red wines later, Sarah whispered,"So, tell me, meet any hot guys on that dating site?"

  Helen crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "Not yet. To be perfectly honest, it seemed like a good idea at the time but now I'm not so sure. Anyway, I went back to the site to log in and somehow I crashed my computer so I can't log in to check the messages. Actually, I can't even turn the computer back on, I think I need to get it repaired. I don't know what it is with me and technology, it just always seems to break."

  "Not again Helen, people like you shouldn't be allowed to use computers. That's the end of the online dating for the moment then." Sarah grabbed Helen's arm. "But you still need to get out there, don't use this as an excuse to hibernate, ok?"

  "I think I need a man break." Helen replied.

  Sarah persisted. "Get out of here. You've been on an extended man sabbatical for longer than I can remember, for someone with so much to offer you are the world's worst dater, seriously. Anyway, it's your life, I've nothing more to say on the subject."

  "What about you, Sarah? You seem exceptionally pleased with yourself. What have you being up to?"

  "I met a guy. And, Helen, you'll never guess where? I was sitting right here a few days ago and I got chatting with a guy who was standing by the fire to warm up. He was early to meet a friend and I was just about to leave but we swapped numbers. Nice guy, he works for the police, imagine that. Now, I really can have you under surveillance," Sarah laughed.

  Helen grabbed Sarah's hand. "That's great news. So, what's his name or is it a big secret?"

  "Jim!" Sarah beamed and laughed again.

  Helen rolled her eyes. "Oh God, I can tell you're going to be insufferable for the next few weeks. Excuse me while I go book a long holiday."

  "Very funny! Listen, Helen, I'm meeting Jim here this evening. He said he'll bring his friend. Why don't you come along too? His friend is his childhood best friend. Sounds like a
nice guy, you might like him."

  "Look sis', I'm delighted for you, I really am but I seriously need that man break or sabbatical as you put it. Have a good time and text me to let me know how it went."

  * * *

  Tom picked up his phone and texted Jim back: "can't make it to the pub tonight. have fun". Tom paced the floor over to the windows of his penthouse and looked across the river to Kew Gardens, he admired the huge Victorian structure that housed the botanical gardens. It looked like a space ship parked inside the high garden walls and under the full Moon it glistened like wet silver.

  He really wasn't in the mood for meeting a girl. The sister of Jim's new crush. Whatever. This was the second text he'd received from Jim today. After a painful wait, Jim had finally got back to him about the image search - the computer had trawled all the social media sites and come up with nothing. He'd felt deflated the rest of the day, going out was the last thing he felt like doing.

  His phone beeped another text, who is it this time? It was his girlfriend: "It's over Tom, bye." Tom smiled, at least it wasn't all bad news. He'd had a long heart to heart with her over lunch and he told her straight it wasn't working for him, he just didn't feel a connection with her. She took it pretty badly but thanked him for his honesty. She agreed things had been stale for a while and there was no point in denying that.

  Tom told her he was happy to keep seeing her just as long as she knew it was no longer a serious relationship. She had looked surprised by that and said she needed some time to think about it. So she had made her mind up, probably best for everyone.

  Tom sat on the floor and stared up at the full Moon. He knew he wouldn't sleep much tonight. The Moon always had that effect on him. He'd stay up late, meditate and take time to be alone and to reflect.


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