When Stars Collide

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by Aliyah Burke

  A Total-E-Bound Publication


  When Stars Collide

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-466-8

  ©Copyright Aliyah Burke 2011

  Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright February 2011

  Edited by Andrea Grimm

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content, which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Aliyah Burke


  To my daddy, thank you for teaching me to love the stars!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Dodge: Chrysler Group LLC

  Honda: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

  Chapter One

  Cortland Kysenzki tipped back the beer and sighed in contentment as the chilled brew slid down his parched throat. The respite, although brief, was welcomed. The unforgiving Texas sun beat down on him and the others gathered for the party. Not that the heat seemed to slow the mood. Women in scant attire dashed to and fro along with shirtless men, laughing and having a great time. They were like a bunch of college kids having a blast.

  This was the thirty-seventh birthday bash for his college friend, Benvolio ‘BB’ Gibson. His nickname derived from his name, Benvolio Benedict Gibson. Everyone called him BB, apparently from the time he’d been in diapers. It was how he’d always referred to him. He and BB had played football together and had shared some classes. He was thrilled he’d been in town when the call came for the party. It was nice to just hang out with some old college buddies and relax.

  “Really, Cort, this is a party, man. A smile or two won’t kill you.” BB’s voice sneaked in and jerked him from his wandering.

  He met the glance of his friend and smiled at the cockeyed birthday hat on BB’s shaved head. The brown eyes staring at him were full of twinkling mischief.

  “Just lost for a moment, man.”

  “I’m sure. The big bad federal agent doesn’t know how to take time off. Well, here you’re off the clock, so smile. Maybe you’ll even get laid if you do.” Cort chuckled and BB got a mock shocked look on his face. “Not from me, Cortland Kysenzki. I know we’re close butuh, uhnot ever going to happen.”

  Cort laughed even harder, not bothering to take offence. There was no reason. BB had a wild and crazy sense of humour. Nothing was off limits to say. Beer up to his lips he scanned the crowd again, this time paying a bit more attention to the women. There were some very attractive ones weaving in and out of the crowd.

  “Perhaps,” he admitted.

  BB smacked him on the back then headed off to mingle. Cort sought some shade and leant against a thick trunk. He mulled over BB’s words as he watched people dancing, some playing volleyball, and others standing around in groups talking.

  How long had it been since he’d been with a woman? Damn, if I have to think on it like this, it’s been way too long. He frowned and thought harder. Had work taken over his life that much that he’d not allowed himself any time for fun?

  He shrugged as the echoes of his two brothers’ “hell, yeah” rang through him. His brothers, who each had a woman in his life. Pete had been reunited with his wife of years back, which had been a shock to say the least to know his brother had even been married. And the middle brother, Taber, had recently got his woman. Now they, along with their parents, had begun looking at him like he needed to hurry up and get one.

  Sighing, he dropped his gaze to the empty bottle he held and with an easy motion pushed away from the tree. He jogged inside the sprawling country house, moving through the foyer on to the kitchen. Dropping the bottle in the recycling bin, he walked to get some water from the fridge. Once the cup was full he turned to leave and paused when he heard a feminine voice. Husky and sultry. He didn’t recognise it, and so, glass in hand, he headed back to the living room that he’d passed.

  Across the room, a woman stared out of the window while she talked on the phone. Cort dropped his gaze and ran it up her, mentally taking her stats. Five-seven, about a hundred and sixty pounds of mouth-watering firm curves, black shiny hair hanging loosely to the middle of her back. He licked his lips and took in the generous dips and swells she had. She stood barefoot, wore cropped, silvered ash coloured cargo pants—which cupped an ass made for a man to hold while he pounded into her—and a sleeveless top, which was a frosted green.


  Her smooth, dark skin drew his attention and he stopped himself from moving closer to touch her and took a drink instead. She laughed and a tingle streaked up and down his spine. When she spoke again, it took him a moment to get past the husky tone of her voice to realise she wasn’t speaking English. Spanish? No, it was French.

  He cleared his throat and she glanced over her shoulder at him, her eyes, big and brown, ran a quick gamut of him before she smiled slightly. A terse smile indicating she wasn’t entirely pleased with her conversation, but still he could feel his heart pounding out of control at that simple act. Her full lips begged to be kissed. She looked totally edible. For him.


  She ended the call and faced him fully. He felt the blow desire hit him with and it nearly took him to his knees. Her shirt had ruffles along the ‘v’ at the neck, adding a gentle feminine flair to it, and highlighted the necklace she wore. An interesting one and he wanted to look at it closer. That wasn’t all he wanted a closer look at. He took another sip of water in a valiant attempt to wrest control back from his lust, which seemed to be running rampant.

  She slipped her phone into a front pocket and walked towards him, her hips moving in a way which damn well should have been outlawed. Her gaze was direct when she stopped right before him and tilted her head to the side while staring up at him.

  “Hello, Cort.”

  The way his name rolled off her tongue made him stiffen in his pants even more. Her voice was smooth and soft with the hint of an accent. It wasn’t a Texas drawl but something subtle and exotic. He longed to hear more of it. The accent was probably French, given that’s what she’d spoken on the phone earlier.

  What!? How the hell is it possible this woman knows me and I have no idea who she is?

  A throat as dry as the ground outside was only one of his issues. He couldn’t place her. And she knew it. Her eyes, he noticed, weren’t plain brown. They were a mix of bronze and russet. And he wanted to jump in and let them take him wherever.

  “Don’t know who I am?”

  He licked his lips again, inordinately pleased her eyes flared with heat as they followed his motion. “No, sorry. Refresh my memory.” Her necklace grabbed his attention ag
ain and he focussed on it. There were eleven leaf pendants hanging from the chain, in different shades. It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as its owner.

  Her lips turned up into a large smile, showing full white teeth. “No. Kinda nice for once, to see you sweating.” She dragged her gaze over him and she emitted a soft, little rumbled sigh, which encased his cock in titanium. Her teeth bit down on her index finger as she took another look. “A bientôt.”

  Something inside melted as he followed her exit. Swiftly after was yet another feeling. One proprietary in nature. It roared through him and he knew there was only one way to get her out of his system. Take BB up on his suggestion. She was the one.

  Great, so now I just need to figure out who she is, how I know her, and why the hell I can’t recall her name.

  When he found mobility again, he headed back outside and scanned the crowd for his mysterious woman. He couldn’t see her. His fingers tightened around the glass in his hand, the condensation doing very little to cool the liquid heat in his veins.

  Where was she?

  A flash of green caught his eye and he tilted his head to the left. There she stood. His smile of relief quickly turned to a frown when he realised she stood with all men. Two steps were all he got before she bestowed upon them a brilliant grin, strolled away and mingled with others.

  Cort remained on the wraparound porch until he’d finished his water, never once taking his eyes off the brown beauty who moved with such grace and continually took his breath away. However, no matter how hard he stared or how deep into the recesses of his mind he dug, he couldn’t pull up any recollection of who she was.

  It still eluded him while he stood in the group as the cake was cut and handed out. Determined to get her name he strode towards her only to stop when BB asked for everyone’s attention.

  “I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who showed up to celebrate me getting yet one more year older.” Everyone laughed. “Seriously. Thank you so much for coming out to see me. I know it’s been a while since college but it is so nice to know we’re still friends.” BB lifted his glass. “I also want to thank my favourite sister for actually making it here this year. I know it had to be hard for her to leave the Pyrénées to come back to Texas during one of our hottest summers on record.”

  His mystery woman stepped up beside BB and slipped her arm around him. “The sacrifices I make for family,” she quipped. “We’ll just ignore the fact I’m your only sister.”

  BB and the others laughed. He kissed her on the forehead. “Makes you even more of a favourite for me.”

  Sister. That was BB’s sister? He’d not thought about her for years. Zémire Gibson.

  As if she knew the realisation had just hit him, she lifted her gaze to his and sent him the faintest hint of a smile. He gave her a salute in return with his fork. What was she doing in the Pyrénées? And if she’s BB’s sister, does that make her off limits? Hell no!

  The setting sun added a golden glow to her skin. She danced with her brother’s friends and he bided his time. Not moving until she slipped inside. Then he followed in silence. He checked the living room and then the rest of the downstairs, except for BB’s bedroom. When he came up empty, he trotted silently up the carpeted stairs to the second floor and began to check rooms.

  The bedroom at the end of the hall held the prize he sought. As she had in the living room, she stared out of the window at something only she knew. Unlike there, this time she didn’t have the phone up to her ear.

  “Zémire,” he murmured.

  The single word flowed across the room and skated along her skin, causing her to keep a moan behind clenched teeth. In the reflection of the window she could make out Cort’s form. Cortland Kysenzki. A man’s man. And a Texan. Tall, broadly muscular, and totally tanned. Blond hair hung to the nape of his neck and looked rakishly messy. His blue eyes had the power to pierce whomever he stared at.

  He wore some dark hued rugby shorts, a port coloured crewneck shirt, and a pair of slip-ons. Immediately her mind dashed down a road best left alone. Her life was complicated enough as it stood now. She allowed herself one final ogle via the window before she turned.

  Face to face he looked even better if that was possible. He propped one shoulder against the doorframe, appearing relaxed. She didn’t buy it for a second. It was naught but deception at its finest. He seemed more predator to her than anything else. And in the back of her mind she had this distinct feeling she had acquired the position of prey.

  “Cort,” she returned in a soft tone. With a deep breath she walked towards him totally enjoying the way his eyes touched her. “Just for the record, it doesn’t count that BB let it slip who I was.”

  Bow shaped lips curved up into a sensual smile, and as if there were a string from them to her core, she could feel it pulse with longing. I bet he has no difficulty getting a woman.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t recognise you, it’s been a while.”

  “Yes.” It had. Fifteen years. The last time she’d seen him was at the final football game of his college career. He’d barely given her a glance as she’d congratulated him on the win, his attention taken up by the cheerleader on his arm. “Y’all’s final game. You hadummmore pressing matters to focus on than BB’s baby sister.” She stopped before him.

  He shrugged like he couldn’t recall who he’d been with and never once did he look away from her. This inexplicable heat began to grow deep within and she fought the urge to shift under the intense scrutiny. Determined to not appear like the small child he’d always seen her as, she ignored it and coolly arched a brow.

  “BB said you’re now a US Marshall?” She made it a question despite being well aware of it as fact.

  “I am.”

  His voice could tempt the devil. Deep and low, it teased her like a warm snifter of cognac. For a brief moment she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to hear Cort whisper in her ear while he made slow love to her.

  The slight quirk of his brow and arrogant lift of one side of his mouth snapped her out of her fantasy world. Running a hand through her hair to hide the trembles, she gave what she hoped was a relaxed smile.

  “I bet it’s very exciting.”

  “It has its moments.” He pushed easily away from the frame and moved closer to her, immediately dwarfing her with his size. “What about you?” he asked in a voice that seemed drenched in sexual invitation. “Pyrénées?”

  Goosebumps exploded along her skin and yet she felt hot, so hot. Her nipples pebbled and ached behind the silk of her bra. Moisture gathered between her legs and she longed for his touch. Just one touch. One finger to trail along her supercharged sensitive skin. To slide down along until the ache went away.


  She shuddered with the force of her lust. Cort was one of the few in this country who said her name with the proper accent. Most didn’t. But the way it rolled off his tongue made her think about things she’d never experienced nor would have considered unless with this man.

  Licking her lips, she watched his blue gaze burn hotter. At least I’m not the only one affected here. She slid her hands into her pockets, for something to do and so she didn’t grab at him.

  “I work over there at Observatoire du Pic du Midi de Bigorre.” A furrow appeared between his brows and she explained further. “Pic du Midi is a mountain in the French Pyrénées, I work at the astronomical observatory there.”

  Cort whistled low. “Wow. That’s amazing. I had no idea you were even interested in anything like that. What does that mean, Pic du Midi?”

  Her smile held a hint of sorrow. “It means ‘peak of the noon’. Why would you know what interested me? We were years apart in school. You barely knew I was alive.” She knew he thought she looked merely at stars. While she enjoyed that, it wasn’t her job at the observatory.

  “A mistake on my part,” he rumbled.

  She snorted then sighed. “Why? Because you think plying me with some sweet words will help? I won�
��t lie and say I don’t—I’ve not—imagined what it would be like to…umm…” Heat rushed to her face as she realised what she’d actually begun to say.

  He moved with careful yet eerily determined steps until he stood a hairsbreadth away. Her heart stuttered a bit and her breath caught. His eyes refused to release her and they flared hot with blue flames and possessiveness.

  “And?” he asked, running two fingers down a section of her hair.

  Cort smelt so delicious her mind turned traitor for a few moments of time. Masculine, rugged, clean and fresh. Combined with a hint of something she couldn’t identify yet made her long to jump on him, remove their attire and discover how good he would make her feel.

  Digging deep for any shred of dignity, she squared her shoulders and replied, “Sweet words won’t get you into my pants. I’m not that kind of girl.”

  His gaze darkened and grew stormy. “You, Zémire, are no girl, you are all woman.”

  The way he said that made her think he’d merely left off the part where he said she was his woman. Her body felt aflame and she didn’t know what to do. She knew what she longed to do. However, that wasn’t what she should do.

  “Excuse me,” she said, unable to make her voice rise above a whisper. “I should get back to the party.”

  “Runnin’ away?”

  She reached up and placed her hand over his where it lingered in her hair. His skin warm and inviting. Slowly, she moved their hands to where she could see them and she stared at his fingers. Strong hands, long fingers with clean, square nails on the ends. Her thumb skimmed along his index finger.

  “No. I’m going back to my brother’s party. The reason I’m home. It was great to see you again, Cort.” She met his gaze again. With a deep breath she stepped back and reluctantly released his hand, allowing her touch to drag along his until their fingers fell away from each other. “You’re looking really good.” Ducking by him, she hurried off down the stairs and back outside.


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