Tully's Faith (Grooms with Honor Book 11)

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Tully's Faith (Grooms with Honor Book 11) Page 6

by Linda K. Hubalek

  Tully thought about leaving the man in peace, but he felt compelled to give him company. He tapped quietly on the screen to get Nolan’s attention.

  Nolan’s waved his hand to come in.

  “Thought I’d check to see if you needed any dishes washed? I could use a handful of cookies,” Tully joked, which brought a smile on Nolan’s face.

  “I’ve always wondered how many hundreds of dozens of cookies Gramps and Grandma baked over the years for all the kids who sneaked in the back door of the café,” Nolan said, nodding toward the earthenware crock on the edge of the kitchen counter. “The jar can’t hold more than two dozen cookies, but it was always full, no matter what time of day.”

  Tully lifted the lid and peered inside. He was sad and disappointed, it was empty.

  “Even now when… no, before Gramps died...he’d wash one glass or cup, then fill his personal coffee cup, take two cookies from the jar, and then sit down at the work table. I kept the jar filled for him.”

  “Not for kids needing work and food?”

  “Oh, I still keep the jar stocked, but we don’t have kids in the back all the time like when I was young.”

  Tully thought back to when he tagged along with his older brothers. With the six Reagans, Nolan, Gabe, and Tate Shepard, and a few other boys they ran around with, this kitchen was always packed with extra people.

  “How did your grandfather get any work done with all of us kids underfoot in here?”

  Nolan laughed. “He put us to work. Besides washing mounds of dishes, you know how to cook eggs several different ways, right?”

  “Yes, from poached to fried.”

  “And how many pounds of potatoes did you peel sitting in the same seat you’re in now?”

  “Ha! Probably hundreds. I can’t believe how he used us. And how much he taught us too,” Tully finished. “I came home assuming your grandpa would be here as always.”

  “Life can change in an instant,” Nolan said, as he took another sip from his cup, eyeing the cookie jar again.

  “Thanks for doing the service for Gramps. I couldn’t help but think he was watching the whole event from heaven. Sitting in his rocking chair, coffee cup in his hand.”

  “I was humbled and proud he asked, even though I was shaking in my boots until I started. Then, it seemed like the words just came to me, probably because I’ve sat in church for every funeral service my father performed.”

  Tully thought of the funeral services where the church was packed with people, or the Reagan family were the only mourners present. His father said someone always had to be in church to pay respects to the deceased, even if the person had no family of their own. And after the graveside prayers, it would be he and his brothers who filled the grave with soil they’d just removed before the service.

  No wonder Tully hadn’t had any problem performing Dan’s service. His father’s profession extended to his whole family. But would it be enough to continue as his life’s profession? Tully was comfortable with preaching, but the idea of doing something different just pumped up his soul.

  “I hear you’re heading north, Tully, as a travel writer?”

  Tully blew out a breath. “Yeah, but I’m questioning my decision. Maybe I should stick with my schooling and find a church that needs a pastor.”

  “It’s your call. Remember that. It’s your decision. I joined the military for a while. Needed to get away from home, and I’m glad I did.”

  “Even though you eventually had to come home to take care of your grandparents and their café?”

  “That time away made me into a man, and was how I found Holly, my wife,” Nolan smiled, apparently thinking of his spouse.

  In his case, should he take a wife with him? Whether it was to travel, or to a new parish? Tully really couldn’t think of life without Violet by his side.

  “Go with what your gut tells you to do, Tully. That’s what kept me safe while I was a soldier, and why I stepped in to help Holly at a little café when I was snowed in in a little Montana town.”

  The problem was, Tully’s head, and heart had different thoughts than his gut right now.

  One thing for sure, he didn’t want to live in the parsonage anymore.

  “I heard the apartment upstairs the café is available? I’m not sure if I want to rent it a week or long term yet though.”

  “Yes, it is available. How about you use it until you decide what you want to do, and we’ll talk about renting it after that?”

  “Thanks, Nolan. I’d appreciate it. I can’t think of my future while sleeping in my old room in the parsonage.”

  “I can believe that, no offense to your folks,” Nolan said as he stood up and took a key off a hook inside the pantry door.

  “It’s been closed up a few weeks, so I’d suggest you go upstairs now and open the windows to air it out before you settle in.”

  “Again, thanks,” Tully said as he stood to walk out the back door.

  “The back door is always open to you, Tully,” Nolan answered, but it made Tully pause for a second. Nolan used the same words Dan had always said when Tully left the café kitchen.

  Tully had been in the apartment many times in the past because his brother, Cullen, had lived in it a few years before marrying Rose and moving into a home a few blocks from downtown.

  He hesitated walking up the steps now though, thinking of his recent proposal to Violet and confrontation with his brothers.

  Tully purposefully stepped where Violet had sat, needing to move on from that situation to get upstairs. He took a full breath when he reached the top, slipped the key in the lock, opened the door, and walked in to check the apartment.

  Tully opened the two windows that faced the alley to dispel the stale air, then walked through the three rooms that made up the dwelling.

  The main room was a combination of living, dining, and kitchen areas. Besides the settee and a rocking chair, the room held a drop-leaf table with four chairs, a two-burner wood stove, and open shelves for kitchen dishes and supplies. The one bedroom had a bed, dresser, and wardrobe. A tiny separate washroom was just big enough for a washstand, commode, and a galvanized tin bath tub.

  Yes, this would work for the time being. And what about in the future if he needed a place to stay to write, between assignments? The few windows in the apartment didn’t give abundant light inside, but he could always go down to the library to write if need be. He loved the bright light that radiated from the library windows. Of course, part of the cheerfulness of the library came from the librarian, his sister-in-law, Rose.

  Rose had traveled around the country as a circus performer as a child, whereas his brother, Cullen, had never ventured out of the state. Cullen’s job as a postmaster had connected him to Rose, a mail-order bride. An unusual act of fate pushed Cullen and Rose together.

  Was the impromptu wedding ceremony fate for Violet and him, or another stupid prank that had gone awry? Tully had a lot to think about as he headed back down the stairs. Besides retrieving his luggage from the parsonage, he needed to buy bedding and linens for the apartment. He wasn’t going to borrow them from his mother, although she’d press him to do so.

  Was this a way to consider the apartment as his home longer than a week? Maybe. But was he going to share it with Violet? That was a question he didn’t have an answer for yet.

  Chapter 10

  “Wait! I need a ride home!” Violet called to her brothers as they turned their horses toward the road leading out of town.

  “Thought you were staying in town with your husband,” Anton answered as he turned his horse back toward her. Apparently, her parents had told her brothers about her marriage.

  “Change of plans,” Violet answered through gritted teeth. She was mad at Tully for letting her leave, but that was the situation for now. She had no doubt he’d visit her at the ranch tomorrow, no matter what he decided to do. Tully may be impulsive at times, but he never went back on his word.

  “You can’t ride horseback w
earing your black funeral dress,” Anton continued to bug Violet. Of the twins, he’d always been the worst tease, and stubborn.

  “Oh, shut up, Anton, and get off your horse. I’m riding Wally home. You can ride double on Jumbo with Luther.”

  “Come on, Anton. Can’t you see our sister is upset? Help her up on Wally and swing up behind me,” Luther chided his twin.

  Anton grumbled something Violet couldn’t hear as she bunched up her dress and waited for her brother to lean over and to cup his hands in front of her. As soon as Violet put her foot in his hands, he vaulted her up so she could swing her right leg over the saddle.

  “Not going to ride side-saddle like a lady?” Anton snipped, and Violet swung her foot in the direction of his jaw.

  “No. Adjust the stirrups up for me so we can leave…please,” Violet answered.

  “Sorry, Sis. I shouldn’t tease you when you’re noticeably upset,” Anton said as he went to the other side of the horse to adjust the stirrup for her.

  Violet nudged her heels in the horse’s side, anxious to get out of town without looking back to see if her brothers were following. It was embarrassing to stay in town with her legs showing, let alone the gossip that was sure to be spreading about her and Tully.

  “Slow down, Violet!” Luther yelled fifteen minutes later above the pounding of the horses’ hooves.

  Violet let out her pent-up breath and pulled slowly back on the reins to order her horse out of his gallop. She’d urged her gelding into a run out of her frustration, but it was time to let the animal get his wind back.

  “Want to talk about it?” Luther asked as the horses finally slowed down to a walk.

  It struck Violet how much her brothers had matured since she’d left home for school. At age twenty, her twin brothers were now men, matching their father in height and looks. The only difference was her brothers didn’t have the maturity and bulk of Rusty on their bodies yet.

  “How much did Papa tell you?” Violet reluctantly asked. That was the best place to start the conversation.

  “Before you came home, Pa said you were visiting here for a spell, then going back to Chicago to marry a banker. Pa and Ma were excited by the fact you’d be taken care of, wedded to a rich man.

  “Then before our folks left to head home a bit ago, Pa said you and Tully got married in Chicago, but we could tell he was upset about it. He didn’t explain why though,” Luther replied as they now rode side by side.

  “First off, I didn’t know Mr. Westin had written Pa for my hand in marriage, and that our father had agreed. Westin was an older acquaintance from the church I attended, and I brushed off his request to court.

  “Tully and I were married by one of his newly ordained friends, but now we find out it wasn’t quite legal,” was all Violet wanted to share at this point. “The folks don’t know it yet, but after showing our marriage certificate to Pastor Reagan, he said since it was never filed at City Hall, we’re married in the eyes of God, but not by the government.”

  “So now what?” Anton leaned to the side of his brother to ask Violet.

  “I’m not sure,” Violet said, then bit her lip, trying not to tear up in front of her brothers,” but you’re sworn by sibling oath that what we just talked about doesn’t get repeated to anyone, not even our parents. Got that?”

  “Sure, I swear I won’t repeat it. Have Pastor Reagan perform the ceremony again, file it at the county seat, and you’re good,” Luther said, shrugging his shoulders as if that was all it took to make things right. Life was always black and white for the older twin.

  “But Tully’s not sure if he wants to marry me now,” Violet blurted out.

  Luther grabbed her horse’s bridle and pulled both horses to a stop.

  “Violet, that can’t be true. You’ll make an excellent preacher’s wife. Want us to talk to him about it to set him straight?” Luther threatened.

  “Actually, he took another job as a travel writer. He doesn’t plan to lead a congregation.”

  “A travel writer…does what?” Anton asked.

  “Travels to an area, explores it, then write about it, Anton. Don’t you ever read a newspaper?” Luther jabbed his elbow back at his brother.

  “So, what does a travel writer’s wife do?” was Anton’s next question.

  “I had hoped to travel with him to take notes and photographs as his assistant. He’s supposed to be leaving soon for Yellowstone.”

  “And you’d get to ride astride a horse, dress in trousers like Mrs. Hilda Hamner, and camp out under the stars. Which you’d be more suited for, Sis, than being a preacher’s wife,” Anton summed it up nicely.

  The role of a travel companion would fit Violet perfectly at this stage of her life. Things would change as she became a mother, maybe, but right now, she wanted to investigate the west with Tully.

  “I’d tour with Tully if he doesn’t want you along,” Anton teased. “I’ve love to head out of Kansas and see mountains, forests, and oceans.” Anton spread his arms wide and leaned back on the horse’s rump.

  “Quit fooling around before Jumbo bucks us off,” Luther chastised his brother.

  “Oops. Sorry, Jumbo, “Anton said as he aligned his back with his brother again to ease the weight shift on the horse.

  “Truthfully, Violet, we’ve missed you, but what you decide to do is up to you, not our parents. I know how Pa and Ma have always been sensitive about Ma’s background, but that was twenty years ago,” Anton confessed.

  “They are thinking about your reputation and your future though, Violet. Please consider what they say,” Luther added. Her brother was like-minded with her father, wanting to protect their family, and Luther was right. Violet was so lucky to have a loving family, compared to how her mother grew up.

  The buildings of the Cross C now loomed in the distance. She was fortunate to have grown up on the ranch and was happy to be home again.

  If she married Tully, they would visit a few times a year if they traveled or had a parish. If she married Mr. Westin, he’d have the money for her to travel home for extended periods, but would she be too busy maintaining his home and hosting parties?

  “You can always marry James Matthews and stay right here on the ranch,” Anton teased.

  Was her brother reading her mind? Violet had thought about James after leaving town, but there had been absolutely no spark between her and the ranch hand when they’d kissed on two occasions. Violet felt more emotion when kissing one of her favorite horse’s nose.

  “Although he’s a nice man, I’ll pass on James. What about you, Anton? Are you sparking a girl and ready to settle down?” Violet asked to change the subject.

  “He’s ‘sparking’ alright, but Ma would be upset if she knew it’s any girl who will smile at him in an Ellsworth saloon,” Luther tattled on Anton.

  “Hey, I’m a young bachelor enjoying my youth. It will be years before I’m ready to settle down. I’ve been thinking about taking off to work on a ranch in Montana. Nolan Clancy and Elof Lundahl talk about how majestic the area was when they were in the military up there.”

  “Why aren’t you already up there then?” Violet teased.

  “Because my brother, Mr. Cautious, doesn’t want to go with me.”

  “Luther? If you don’t want to travel with Anton, what do you want to do?”

  “I’m fine right here working for the Cross C brand. No woman or far-off place is pulling me away from this land. I’m staying loyal and right here,” Luther said resolutely.

  Violet didn’t say anything else, but she knew a woman could change Luther’s plans for his future, whether he liked it or not. That’s just how love worked.

  The building storm clouds threatening in the western sky promised a storm was brewing before nightfall. As Violet eased off the horse in front of the cabin, she felt the same tension of impending trouble awaiting her. Like it or not, she’d explain her marital situation to her parents and listen to their advice. If she took it or not depended on what Tully ha
d to say when he rode out tomorrow to talk.

  Chapter 11

  “Hey, Tate. Got a minute to talk?” Tully asked as he wandered into the back room of Shepard and Sons Saddlery.

  “Sure. I planned to see when we could get together for an evening, but didn’t want to bother you yet,” Tate replied as he laid down his leather punching tool. Looks like his friend was working on the detailed trim of a piece of leather that would eventually go on a saddle as the skirt. The stack of cut pieces all needed to match in the tool work design.

  “Good job on Dan’s service today, Tully. He would have liked it. I’m still in shock he’s gone, but at his age, I guess we should have expected it down the road sooner rather than later.”

  “Thanks. I think I’m still in shock,” Tully said as he ran a hand over the closest piece of leather on the table. He’d always liked the smell and feel of a newly tanned hide.

  “I planned to spend a few hours visiting with him and Edna this trip, instead of giving his eulogy.”

  Tully glanced around the room. Leather hides, ready for use, lay in a stack across a rack on the far end of the room. Three saddles in various stages of completion were on waist-high wooden stands. Leather punching and cutting tools were lined up in the middle of the work table, handy to grab when needed. In other words, the room was chaotic and organized at the same time.

  “I talked to your folks after the service and walked by your pa now in the front as he was talking to a boot repair customer. What’s Gabe and Iva Mae up to these days? I didn’t get a chance to visit with them.”

  Tate and Gabe became brothers when their parent’s married, and both worked with their father, Reuben Shepard in the family business. Just as with the Clancy Café, Tully had spent time in this shop with Tate as they grew up together.


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