DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13)

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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) Page 1

by Samantha Leal

  Table of Contents














  Wolf Shifter Romance

  Dragon Shifter Romance

  Billionaire Romance

  Highlander Time Travel Romance

  Dystopian Romance

  Stepbrother Romance

  Alien Romance

  Time Travel Romance

  Vampire Romance

  MC Romance

  Love and Survival in the Time After

  Bear Shifter Romance


  A Forsaken Riders Standalone MC Romance

  Book 13

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2017 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Thank you so much for purchasing my Novellete. All of my stories also contain bonus stories, so please take a look at the other stories I offer here. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for updates and free books!

  The Forsaken Riders series is a collection of novelette length standalone Bad boy romances that fit together to tell the longer tale of the Forsaken Riders – and the woman they love - as they fight to dominate the town of Slate Springs.

  The Forsaken Riders are:

  King (Book 1)

  Lynx (Book 2)

  Steel (Book 3)

  Gunner (Book 4)

  Hawk (Book 5)

  Bull (Book 6)

  Stag (Book 7)

  Stick (Book 8)

  Decker (Book 9)

  Ax (Book 10)

  Hunter (Book 11)

  Rocket (Book 12)

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  Table of Contents














  Wolf Shifter Romance

  Dragon Shifter Romance

  Billionaire Romance

  Highlander Time Travel Romance

  Dystopian Romance

  Stepbrother Romance

  Alien Romance

  Time Travel Romance

  Vampire Romance

  MC Romance

  Love and Survival in the Time After

  Bear Shifter Romance


  The sun shone down and Jenny lay back and let it warm her olive skin. She had never been the type to worship the big, fiery ball in the sky, but this felt different. She had spent so long hidden away, now was her time to shine. She wanted to fall out of the darkness and into the light.

  She closed her eyes and lifted her arms high above her head as she breathed in deeply and slowly. She could hear the distant sounds of the waves lapping at the shore line and she cursed herself for not taking a vacation sooner.

  Why was she always so keen to work? So keen to please everyone else ahead of herself? She really was running herself into the ground, even if her job only consisted of serving cheap drinks to horny truckers.

  She peeked through the cracks of her eyelids and looked out ahead at the ocean. It was crystal and clear, an azure blue full of energy and it looked so refreshing her mouth started to water. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked out at everything around her. She gazed at the palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, at the Tiki bar on the edge of the bay playing soft music and looking alive with fun, and the boats that were dipping and bobbing out on the horizon. It was so idyllic, she really could have stayed there forever.

  Even if she was practically naked.

  Her bikini was like nothing she ever would have dared wear before. She had watched the girls at work twisting themselves around the poles wearing a lot less, but for some reason, she felt completely exposed. She reached down and snapped the tops of the fuchsia bikini pants back into place and then made sure that her heaving chest was still contained in the tiny triangles that were covering her nowhere near as fully as she would have liked. Her skin was prickling with the heat and she wished she had brought something to cover up with, but at the same time, she was enjoying the feeling of being on display. Even though it was unnerving, she was living out a kind of fantasy of her own by letting her body be on show. After all, no one had ever had the pleasure of it before. She was still pure white and just lying there bare made her feel a little bit dirtier.

  She bit her lip, laid back down and closed her eyes. The breeze whipped against her hot skin and made her nipples stand to attention with the slight chill. From somewhere behind her, she could hear the sound of voices. She heard a man calling back to a friend and of his footsteps skipping over the sand, kicking it up behind him as he made his way toward the shore. Jenny peeked again and covered her eyes so she could get a proper look.

  I should have brought some damned shades, she thought as she looked at him a little too obviously.

  She felt her jaw sag a little when she saw him fully. He was tall, dark, handsome and perfectly tanned. His bulging muscles seemed to burst out of his neck and trembled right down his arms, his stomach a perfect six pack, ripped, solid and rock, rock hard.

  She instinctively fanned her face and bit her lip again.

  She watched as he threw his surf board down onto the sand and looked out toward the ocean. The waves weren’t powerful enough, Jenny could tell even though she knew absolutely nothing about the sport. But it was plain to see that if he was wanting to catch a wave, he was going to have to wait. There would be no point in him heading out in those conditions. The sea was calm and bouncy, but the waves rushing up to the shore were low and small and they weren’t breaking in good time.

  She fully sat up and watched him and her heart skipped a beat when he turned to look back at her. His eyes hooded over, him too trying to squint through the sunlight and she was sure she saw a flirty little smile flit over his lips.

  Somewhere deep inside of her, she felt a surge of electricity. Her hormones were igniting and encouraging her to turn this into something. She had waited so long for a man who was as sexy and raw as the one in front of her. Why should she step away from the opportunity now?

  What have you got to lose, Jenny? Just get up and wander down there…

  She never listened to her inner voice, but on this occasion, she was powerless to resist. Even though it was nothing like her, she found herself getting to her feet, her confidence stronger than it had ever been, and she padded slowly toward him, her shoulders back and her head held high. She knew he was watching her, and she saw him pause and turn his body to face hers, his arms hanging down by his sides, open slightly, as if he was already welcoming her into them. And although she was nowhere near him yet, she could tell they were a place that she was supposed to be.

  The muscles on him.

  They were so big and so hard. Jenny had never seen anything like it before. She kept walking, her heart rate increasing with each step she t
ook, and then as soon as she was about ten feet in front of him, she stopped and waited.

  Her mind was spinning with lust and confusion.

  What am I doing? she asked herself as she looked up and noticed that the sky had gone from a perfect clear blue to a dusky purple, tinged with red. The fire in the sky was helping ignite the fire within her and when she looked back to her sexy stranger, his eyes were glinting with it too.

  He looked up at her and smiled.

  “I’ve been watching you,” he said deeply, and it made her pussy throb. “I’ve been watching you and that hot body of yours from way back over there.”

  He turned and pointed to the edge of the bay and Jenny smiled, even though she was sure that the bar had disappeared and now they were completely alone out there. The busy beach had dispersed and all of the other people and signs of life had gone.

  It was just her and him.

  “I’ve been watching you too,” she said nervously. “And I’ve been thinking bad things. Very bad things.”

  What the hell, Jenny… What are you doing? What are you saying?

  “Good,” he said with a wry smile. “Because so have I…”

  He moved forward and as his body came to within inches of her own, Jenny could feel his power. He was big, strong and full of testosterone, and she knew that all she would have to do is lie back and say yes for him to do anything and everything that she had ever imagined. She had never been touched by a man, but it was so vivid, she could already feel his fingertips all over her.

  He reached up to her neck and swept her hair over her shoulder as he took hold of her with his thumb and forefinger. As he moved in closer, his lips brushed against hers and she felt her spine tingle with desire. His kiss was hot and strong, and as he pushed his tongue in to meet hers, he took her breath away.

  The world around her began to spin. She was feverish and broken. She had no clue how she had gotten herself there and where the beach was falling away to.

  As he swept her up in his huge arms and lay her down on the sand, it suddenly turned into big, bouncy, fluffy sheets and he parted her legs with his and climbed in between them.

  Oh my god… she thought as she gasped. I can feel him… I can feel it…

  She daren’t open her eyes, but he kissed her again and his hands began to travel up the full length of her body, pulling at her, teasing her, making her want so much more.

  “Please…” she found herself whispering. “I can’t take it anymore.”

  And when she went to reach up for his face, she groaned as her hands met with nothing, and the weight she was feeling on top of her vanished into thin air and she grasped out, desperately searching for him… But it was too late.

  She sat bolt upright with her heart racing, her skin dewy with sweat, and with an all too familiar ache between her legs. She opened her eyes and when she looked around her darkened bedroom, she moaned and flopped back down into her bed as she pulled her pillow over her head and screamed silently into it.

  “Not again,” she panted as she lifted it and rolled onto her side. “Another goddam dream…”

  She balled herself up tight and wrapped her duvet around her shoulders, wishing she could recreate the sensation of having a man holding her, if even just for a second.

  “He was pretty hot,” she whispered to herself. “One of the best dreams in a while.”

  And then she sighed and rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

  She didn’t want to know what time it was. It was still dark outside and that was all that really mattered. She still had some time to try and get back to sleep and blank out this misery and sexual frustration.

  “If he had been real,” she said to herself. “I would have done it this time. I really would.”

  And she knew that she meant it.

  Even though Jenny was almost twenty-two, she was still a virgin and had always promised herself that she would wait until she found someone she loved. But as time had passed and that person hadn’t come along, now she was done looking for Mr. Right and was more on course to discover Mr. Right Now, however cliché that may be. All she wanted was someone who would give her a wild night she would never forget and ensure that her first time was an experience she would look back on with only fond memories. She wanted an experience that would make her bones shake and change the way she looked at men forever. She wanted someone who could awaken everything inside of her she knew was waiting.

  She let a smile play across her lips as she remembered the sexy surfer who had worked his way into her dreams.

  A surfer… that’s certainly a new one…

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. In real life, she never would have looked twice at a man like that. Some kind of beach bum whose idea of a good time meant he never truly grew up. But it had worked in the dream. And now she couldn’t help but wonder if she would forever find herself craving a surf dude.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she told herself almost instantly. “And even if I did… where the hell would I even find one around here? I’m in the middle of the goddam desert.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, priming herself to go back to sleep.

  “A vacation would be nice, though,” she admitted as her mind began to get weary. “Somewhere hot, but with fresh water and lush trees. That’s what I need.”

  She yawned and pulled the cover up a little tighter. It may be a while before she got her wish, but at least she had something to aim for. It would be the first time in a long while that she had, and even though she was in the middle of crossing back over into sleep, the idea was exciting and new.

  This year is going to be your year, Jenny, she told herself. You’re going to go big this time…


  When her alarm trilled in the morning, she rolled over on autopilot and knocked it off before she covered her eyes and forehead with her forearm. The sun was blaring in through the crack in the curtains and it made her wish she had thought ahead and finally fitted the blackout blind that she had waiting in the closet. It was another job she had put off, with the excuse that if she worked nights she was always way too tired to be bothered with that kind of thing during the day. But now she was starting to see the error of her ways.

  “It’s not going to do itself,” she whispered. “Much like yourself.”

  And then she laughed.

  Her brain was working overtime in naughtiness after her dream, and she couldn’t seem to shake her desire.

  She sat up and rubbed her bleary eyes. Somewhere from downstairs, she could hear Britney singing and clattering around. No doubt, she would be in the kitchen attempting to rustle up a stack of pancakes to save them from having to trek all the way over to the diner. But Jenny knew all too well what it meant when Britney tried to cook. And it never ended well.

  She climbed out of bed slowly and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blonde hair was stuck up at the back and she ran her fingers through it to flatten it down and then she reached for her silk robe and pulled it around her shoulders before tying it at her waist.

  “Let’s go and see what kind of carnage she’s caused,” she whispered to herself with a little laugh.

  As she opened her bedroom door and stepped out onto the landing, she could already smell the burning drifting up the stairs.

  “Oh no…” she laughed as she shook her head and raced toward them and down two at a time.

  “Britney?” she called as she ran down the hallway and made her way toward the kitchen. The fire alarm hadn’t started sounding, so at least they weren’t at critical levels just yet. And Jenny could barely see any smoke.

  “I know! I know!” Britney called back as she sloshed something hot into the sink. Jenny heard the following sizzle and cringed.

  She pushed open the door to the kitchen slowly and stepped inside with caution. It wasn’t as bad as she had feared, but it was still a pretty unpleasant sight to wake up to.

  The counter was covered in batter and flour, and
what could have easily been a million bowls and dishes were dirty and covering every inch of the counter tops elsewhere.

  “Wow,” Jenny exhaled. “Looks great.”

  Britney scowled at her and then they both burst out laughing as Britney turned so that Jenny could see what exactly was there in the pan.

  “Yikes,” Jenny added.

  “I know,” Britney winced. “And also, I officially give up any kind of cooking duty. You’re on your own from now on.”

  As Jenny looked at the sticky black mess in the bottom of the frying pan, she couldn’t help but nod and agree.

  “I think I’ll be okay with that,” she laughed as she wrapped an arm around Britney’s shoulder. “But thanks for trying. It’s sweet.”

  “It’s pathetic,” Britney said. “But come on, let’s get dressed and go to the diner. I’m starving and I can’t look at this mess for a minute longer.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t mean you get out of cleaning up!”

  Britney nodded sheepishly and then pulled Jenny back toward the hallway and to the stairs.

  “You’ve got ten minutes, max!” she demanded. “I need fuel and I need it now! So come on girl, get your ass in gear!”

  Jenny held up her hands in defeat and walked back into her room.

  Britney may have been a terrible chef, but she was certainly a good drill sergeant. And sometimes that was all Jenny needed. Someone to organize her and tell where she needed to be and when. And she knew that after such a restless night, hanging out in the diner wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. She needed to get out of the house and distract herself from her mounting lust for a man.

  The girls walked together out of their neighborhood and toward the highway that led out of Slate Springs. Their little town had served them well over the years and they had loved to call it home. As Jenny looked around, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride, she had always been a small town girl, and she had loved growing up there with all of her heart.


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