The Evolution Trilogy: Hybrid, Complications & Return
Page 57
‘Sounds good.’
The café was not too busy. They seemed to be mainly truck drivers and a few weary travellers.
‘Can I get you anything?’ The male attendant asked.
‘Yes, please,’ she replied, as she leant it to take a look. ‘I’ll have a hot chocolate, BLT, and a packet of roasted peanuts please.’
‘I’ll have a latte, a ploughman’s, and a packet of bacon crisps please?’
The man placed the order on a tray. Steven quickly handed over a twenty pound note. ‘I’ll pay for hers.’
Caitlin blushed. ‘Thanks.’
‘My pleasure.’
They took a seat by a raised table. Swirling the plastic spoon in the drink, she thought aloud. ‘So, how do you pay for everything now?’
‘They set me up with some money. They have lots, and I can also get more anytime I want. I have the ability to be extremely persuasive. But, I will get a job eventually and earn it properly,’ he sighed, raising his eyebrows. Then he casually took a sip of his coffee.
‘Is that why I’m here? Did you persuade me to come?’ she teased.
‘I hope not,’ he gasped, confused. ‘I didn’t have to, did I?’
‘I don’t think you hypnotised me – seduced, definitely.’ She laughed aloud. ‘So, you can make people do what you want?’
‘I’m pretty sure I can.’
‘So what would you make me do?’ Her eyes widened, it was a dare.
‘I wouldn’t make you do anything, well, apart from maybe fall madly in love with me and run away. Oh, is that what we’re doing now?’ He pursed his lips, gave a half smile and widened his eyes. He enjoyed teasing.
‘Well, it would explain my irrational desire to be with someone bad.’
His facial expression changed from cheeky to concerned, as he seemed to consider this seriously. ‘Do you think I’m bad?’
‘I haven’t made my mind up yet.’ She pursed her lips and then took a huge bite out of her sandwich.
Following suit, he took his sandwich out of the packaging and ate half of it in one go.
‘That’s a dangerous bite,’ she joked.
He chewed and gave a disgruntled laugh. ‘You have not seen the half of it.’ He pecked her lips quickly.
Bewitched, she gazed into his eyes. ‘Yummy, cheese and ham.’
‘I don’t remember you being such a joker before?’ he mused.
‘You know me, I adapt easily.’
‘Yes, you do,’ he replied. Mouth empty, he leant in for a deeper kiss.
She tried to not respond, but her lips seemed to move of their own accord. When he pulled back she rolled her eyes. ‘I’m eating here. Stop kissing me or I’ll turn into jelly.’
‘Anything you say,’ he grinned. ‘But, when you finish you’re not going to be safe.’
‘I’ll look forward to it,’ she remarked, taking the other half of her sandwich in her hand.
Flirtation was constant. Steven was relentless, besotted. It was great, just unnerving and intense. Either way, she could not stop giggling like a child at every humorous remark.
Twenty minutes later, as Steven took the turn into the desolate countryside, Caitlin’s expression turned from joy to surprise. The house they approached was grand and sat on top of a hill. She would have studied it from the distance if she had thought it was a likely destination. ‘So, why are we here?’
‘This is the house my family still owns.’
‘It looks like it should have collapsed ages ago. Are you sure it’s safe?’
He gave a low chuckle. ‘The outside is only like that for appearances’ sake. We can’t have strangers checking it out.’
Once inside, the house exuded character. Steven turned on the hall light just as the floorboard creaked under his foot.
‘This is creepy.’
‘Don’t worry, I’m here. What could possibly happen?’ he said.
It was difficult to take him seriously. Caitlin rolled her eyes. She followed Steven into the lounge and saw him get busy. He started to prepare an open fire. Cosy. It was freezing so any heat was welcome. As it crackled and came to life, he turned back to face her. ‘Come, sit by the fire.’
She walked over and sat next to him on a large, fluffy, floor rug.
‘Can I ask you something?’ Steven said.
Ominous. ‘Sure.’
She noticed the colour of his amber eyes matched the fire roaring to life next to them.
‘Are you sure you want to be with me?’
Caitlin smiled. ‘Silly question, of course I do.’
‘The thing is my grandfather told me something the last time I was here. I wanted to tell you about it, in the place he told me. It seems like the right thing to do.’
She waited. He seemed lost in his thoughts as his eyes fixed on the fire. ‘So, what did he tell you?’
‘I’ll tell you soon, first another question.’
‘Another question,’ she mock gasped. ‘Go for it.’ She clasped her hands, the suspense was killing her.
‘Do you really think I’m bad?’
She leant back on her hands. ‘I told you – no.’
It was impossible to think he was bad after everything he had said, she was in awe of him.
Steven took a breath, held her hand and stared into her eyes. ‘Do you think you would ever consider becoming like me?’
She leaned forward. ‘What do you mean?’ She was not expecting that one.
‘Don’t be frightened, you don’t have to. Likewise, if you decide you don’t want me in your life, I understand.’
He was not making any sense. ‘Is it even possible?’
‘Until now, no-one knew it was possible to change a normal human into one of us. But, it turns out that it’s been possible from the very beginning. My grandmother was actually changed by my grandfather. She was not infected by the bats.’
‘Really?’ Her jaw dropped and eyes widened as she took in the information. She focused on the fire. It was hard to believe what he was saying.
Steven voice was subdued. ‘I know – what a secret to keep. Apparently, my grandmother wanted us to have the choice.’
Steven held her hand. ‘Yes, she knew the main reason I wanted to come back was to be with you. She thought that if I was willing to risk everything to see you again, I had to be given the option. Ultimately, she always lived with the guilt of not having given my mother the same choice. If they had told my mother then perhaps she would have led a normal happy life back in the community with my father, and I would have been raised there.’
Caitlin was very curious. Life in the community sounded amazing. Even though there was the tiny issue of having to drink blood, she wanted to know more. ‘So, what is it? What do you have to do? Will it hurt?’
She could feel the hairs at the back of her neck rising in anticipation.
Steven smiled. ‘You actually sound excited. You’re weird.’
‘And don’t you know it,’ Caitlin laughed.
‘The truth is I don’t know how it will affect you. My grandfather only told me how it happened.’
Caitlin did not hesitate. ‘So, how did it happen? Tell me, I want to know.’
If joining them meant she would become smarter and stronger, and stay youthful – she was definitely interested. She ignored the voice at the back of her mind; it warned her to go with caution. She was done with the cautious approach.
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Chapter 39
Steven braced himself to tell Caitlin the story he could scarcely believe. Her enthusiasm worried him, but he decided to tell her all the same. Otherwise the trip home, and his grandparent’s death, would have been in vain.
He took a deep breath and began. ‘On the night of the attack my grandfather realised everyone, barring my grandmother, had received a series of wounds from the bat bites. They talked about what it could mean but at that point no-one realised what had happened. A few days
later my grandfather attacked my grandmother’
‘As in he drank her blood?’ Caitlin remained wide eyes; she seemed to hang onto his every word.
Steven bowed his head low. ‘Yes.’
‘It’s alright, I’m listening.’
He was surprised she wasn’t running for the hills. ‘If you’re sure.’
‘I’m sure. I want to know.’ She squeezed his hand, it felt sincere.
‘Okay. My grandfather snapped out of his bloodlust with a few minutes to spare and realised she was still alive. You can imagine how disgusted he felt. He checked her pulse, it was weak and she was unconscious. As a trained doctor he knew she needed blood or she would die, so he did what instinct told him to do. He pressed his finger nail into his wrist and let his blood ease into her mouth. To his surprise, she started to drink before she went into a coma. He didn’t know what to make of it, but her pulse was strong. He had a feeling she would survive – and she did. In doing so, she became one of them.
A few days later, they killed their first victim together. Then they saw their daughter Catherine and the others do the same. When Emily and Anna also succumbed to the disease at the age of twenty they were horrified. They felt like monsters. My grandfather said he always felt guilty for what he did to my grandmother. But, he said she always insisted that if he had not done it she would have lost her children years earlier.’
Caitlin’s looked up expectantly, awestruck. ‘So, blood exchange works. It’s not just a myth.’
He held out his hand and cupped her face. She was too good for him. ‘Supposedly.’
‘So you could change me, I could become like you,’ she held his gaze.
Steven could not believe she was contemplating it. He leant in and kissed her lightly on the lips. Then he held her in his arms for a minute. He did not know what to say.
Caitlin pulled back. ‘What’s wrong? Wouldn’t you want to? Isn’t that why you came back for me? To be with me and to change me, make me one of you.’
He allowed himself to smile, her directness was overwhelming. ‘Even if you are willing to try, I’m not sure we should do anything rash. What if I end up killing you?’
She slid her hand into his. Her hands appeared so dainty against his. ‘You wouldn’t though, would you?’
‘I’d like to think not. We don’t have to decide anything now.’ He knew he had a serious case of cold feet. A change of conversation was a good idea.
She leant her face into his hand and took a deep breath. ‘You smell nice.’
‘So do you.’ He leant in for another kiss.
As they started to kiss he was taken aback when Caitlin ran her tongue along his teeth. She stopped at his canines and pulled back.
‘You have very sharp canines. Are they your deadly weapon?’
It was awkward. ‘I guess.’
‘You also have very big, mesmerising eyes.’
‘All the better to see you with, little red.’ He rubbed his nose against hers and laughed.
She waved her hands in the air in what looked like an attempt at mock horror. ‘Should I scream and run now?’
‘You could try, but somehow I don’t think a woodcutter is going to turn up to save you, so I’d stay put if I were you.’
She gave a slight huff and then faced him, all serious. Her eyes were radiant, like the colour of the Mediterranean Sea. As she spoke, she pulled her hair to the side and exposed the left side of her neck. ‘So, should I succumb now? Let you take me?’
‘What do you mean?’ He could not believe she was saying what he thought she was saying.
‘Take me. It’s the only way we can stay together.’ Still serious.
‘Are you willing?’ He narrowed his eyes, concerned yet intrigued. It would be difficult to pull away if she continued with her antics.
‘I’m willing.’ She was barely an arm’s length away.
His rational brain told him to stop. His instinct forced him to lean in and kiss her neck. With every gentle kiss he got closer to her pulsing artery. As he was about to bite, he forced himself back and stopped. ‘I’m so sorry. It’s not a game. You shouldn’t do that.’
Half dazed, she asked, ‘Do what?’
Steven frowned. Had she been entranced? Had she lost control? Had he done it? ‘You don’t know what you just did?’ he grimaced.
‘What? What’s wrong? Why do you look so shocked?’ It looked like she didn’t have a clue.
‘I am a monster,’ he said. He got up abruptly and paced.
‘What just happened?’ She genuinely sounded confused.
‘I nearly bit you – that’s what,’ he spat out in disgust.
‘I don’t remember. It was like I was in a dream and you were coming to save me.’
‘I will not do that to you unless you are sure.’
‘I know, but obviously, you can’t help what you do sometimes.’ She was arguing the case in a rational way, as always.
Neither spoke, for a few minutes. Steven did not dare to sit closer.
Caitlin broke the silence. ‘It’s too late for me to leave. What shall we do?’
He looked up and glanced behind her as he spoke. ‘I don’t know.’
Caitlin broached the distance, knelt in front of him and took his hands in hers. ‘Kiss me again, I want to be yours. I’m not in a trance now, I promise.’
Steven refused to make eye contact. ‘You don’t know what you’re saying. I’m probably still influencing you.’
Caitlin grabbed his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. ‘Kiss me,’ she demanded.
He leant in and kissed her with a fury beyond his control. Lust overtook the need to feed.
Twenty minutes later, they lay naked again. They lay side by side face up, on the shaggy brown carpet.
‘That was amazing,’ Caitlin whispered, out of breath. ‘You know, I’d nearly forgotten why we were so good together.’
‘I hadn’t,’ he said, as he ran his finger over her breast. She flinched under his touch so he stopped and wrapped his arms around her, his body nestled against hers.
‘I want you again and forever.’
He was caught off guard. Was she really in love with him? Or was she just under his spell. It was hard to differentiate. ‘For the rest of our lives,’ he corrected. ‘We don’t live forever.’
‘Make me yours, take me now,’ she asked, as she moved to face him.
Steven released her and stood up. He needed to get some distance between them. He threw a blanket over her and went to get his pants and trousers. ‘What about your family and friends?’
She sat up and grabbed his arm when he leant down. She pulled him towards her. ‘If you could lose them so can I. Do it now before you freak out on me again.’
‘Caitlin. NO!’ Steven pulled his hand away, grabbed his things and walked away. He did not mean to shout at her, especially not after they had made love. He was just finding it hard to resist. He would not change her unless he knew she was certain.
The problem remained. How would he ever get that reassurance when he was worried she was not in control? Was it even possible?
The sound of crying made him turn back as he reached the door. He could not leave her like that. Caitlin was curled on a ball on the ground, the blanket discarded at the side. He picked up the blanket and covered her. He sat on the sofa. Head in hands, he leant his elbows on his knees. He could not stand to hear her cry.
A long tortuous minute later, he lifted his head and went over to her side. ‘Caitlin, don’t cry. Listen to me, please.’
Caitlin looked up, her face red, blotchy and wet. Through muffled tears, she said, ‘I’m listening.’
Steven struggled to find the right words. His hands tangled together. ‘I-I, look I don’t want you to do the wrong thing, to make the wrong choice. I had no choice – you do. I don’t even know if you know what you’re saying. I can’t tell you whether this life with me will be a good choice. I don’t know much about what you’ll become. You could hurt people
, like I have. I have not told you everything.’
Caitlin stopped crying and stared at him. It hurt to see her like that. With a nod she gave him a sign to carry on.
‘I entranced two girls when I bit them. They are both dead now. Are you ready to kill? Do you want to be responsible for death?’
She shook her head and hugged the blanket. ‘I want to be with you.’
‘I also want to be with you. We just need some time, time to figure this all out.’ Steven moved towards her and sat down. ‘Please, don’t rush this.’
‘I know what I want. I will still be human. I will still be me, just like you are. I just don’t want to lose you. Not now, not ever.’
Steven held out his hand and grabbed hers. ‘I love you Caitlin. You know that don’t you?’
‘Yes. I love you too. So, stop hurting me. Let me share this with you. You told me to choose and I did. I’m not scared. We all kill. We’ll be careful. Together.’ Her eyes were so blue, deep, soul searching. She brushed her hair aside again and exposed her neck. ‘Do it now.’
She was breaking him. As much as he wanted to, he could not resist. Not now, not when he was so weak.
Post coital bliss, hunger and bloodlust – a deadly trio.
He could not stop his canines from extending. He could not stop himself from leaning in. He could not stop his natural instinct to drink. Caitlin’s blood was the sweetest, most delectable, he had ever tasted. Once he started, he knew there was no going back. It was only when she started to go limp that he managed to snap out of his frenzy.
He pulled back, his eyes wide open, and he checked her pulse.
What was he doing? He had not planned to do this now.
Out of options, he laid her down on the floor and bit into his wrist. His placed his wrist to her mouth and let his blood flow into her mouth. He could not believe it when she started to suck, greedy, just like a new-born baby. He saw the colour flood back into her checks and he checked her pulse. It was getting stronger.