The Evolution Trilogy: Hybrid, Complications & Return
Page 83
‘Your blood, your blood can help,’ Catherine said, ‘at least, we think it can.’
‘Oh.’ Caitlin stared at the floor. She didn’t want to see herself as a blood donor, but this woman was dying and, if those were hers, she had three babies that needed a mother. ‘What do you want me to do?’
‘Sit here, Else will get everything ready.’
As Caitlin made her way over to sit next to Lucy, she watched them wheel out the babies. A few minutes passed and then the door to the room shut, and only Else and Catherine remained.
Else set up what looked like a blood transfusion device and before she knew what was happening she had a needle in her arm and her blood was flowing into Lucy.
They all watched the monitor to see if the heartbeat would pick up.
The silence was excruciating.
Caitlin focused on Lucy’s face and noticed the colour in her cheeks return, as the sound of her heartbeat picked up. Catherine and Else smiled. Caitlin was struck by the sight of their fangs. She shuddered slightly.
‘It’s working,’ Catherine said, ‘thank God.’
‘Don’t worry about our fangs,’ Else reassured, ‘we will not attack you, we promise.’
Caitlin tried to relax and focused on the fact she could actually help someone. For the first time, she saw her condition as a gift. She had given those babies a mother.
Else stopped the blood flow. Once Caitlin had been disconnected and was holding some cloth firmly against the puncture, Else handed her a bottle full of the red blood. She assumed it was the manufactured one.
She drank half the bottle and relished the taste. ‘So, this blood could not heal Lucy?’
‘No, we’ll find out soon if it can enable the change,’ Catherine replied, ‘at the moment, it looks unlikely.’
Caitlin nodded and finished the rest of the bottle off. She tried to stay calm, even though the sight of sharp teeth was slightly unnerving.
‘It’s a very close match for human, and your, blood. But, it’s not a match. We thought we had found the cure but it looks like we’ve failed again. There is no denying that your blood is stronger than what we’ve manufactured. I mean, just look at Lucy.’
‘The interesting thing is that neither of us wanted to attack you, even though our fangs extended, so there’s still something about human blood that is different. Something eludes us.’
Caitlin gave a half-smile, ‘So, am I in danger out in the community then? Do you think I will be attacked by one of you?’
‘No,’ Catherine said, ‘I think Emily only knew to attack you because you were different. She guessed you might be able to heal her, and she was right. But, there’s nothing about you that will draw attention. Not if you’re careful.’
‘Careful?’ Caitlin glanced up, it was difficult to look at the pair. Their eyes had a reddish glow to them.
‘Well, if you go spilling your blood around, then it’s different,’ Else said, ‘I can smell your blood now, because we’ve taken some. From the smell I can tell it’s different. I’m not sure anyone would attack you if they smelt your blood, but their fangs might extend involuntarily, just like ours have.’
Catherine opened her mouth slightly and showed Caitlin her normal teeth. ‘They have gone away again. The smell was strong a minute ago, but as soon as it subsided the urge to attack has gone. With humans, just their scent alone can make our fangs extend. But we’re reasonably good at controlling it. I think you just caught us both off guard now.’
Caitlin felt her back and shoulder muscles relax, she had not realised until she saw their fangs retract how much they had put her on edge. ‘I know what that feels like. I also had the urge to attack when I was with a normal human. I admit I didn’t just think about it.’
‘Yes,’ Catherine nodded, ‘it’s hard to maintain control. You should not have killed anyone, but if you did we do understand. We cannot change what we are.’
Caitlin caught sight of Lucy’s eyelids fluttering as she opened her eyes slowly. Her head turned slightly and she stared at them. Her eyes darted from Catherine to Else and then fixed on Caitlin. Caitlin could see confusion written all over Lucy’s face.
‘I’ll wait outside,’ Caitlin said.
‘No, stay,’ Lucy said, in a whispery voice.
Catherine started to talk and Lucy’s gaze turned to her, ‘Lucy, you’ve given birth to two boys and a girl. They’re all doing remarkably well considering the premature birth and we are taking good care of them.’
Lucy started to try to get up, but Else rushed to her side and forced her down again. ‘Lucy, you nearly died. Caitlin saved your life.’
‘Caitlin, that’s your name,’ Lucy’s voice was not so whispery, ‘thank you. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you all the same. What happened?’ She faced Catherine.
Catherine sat next to Lucy and held her hand, ‘I’m not totally sure, but it looks like you’re making a recovery.’
Lucy made to sit up again. Before she could be pushed back, she held out her hands defensively. ‘Seriously, I feel good. Let me sit up.’
‘You just had major surgery. You should not be able to move. How?’ Else lifted the sheet to look under. ‘Lie down a minute, let me look at the scar. We had to perform an emergency caesarean.’
Lucy slid back down again as Else pulled back the sheets. Caitlin knew she should have looked away, and yet she couldn’t. When Else peeled off the blood soaked dressing, she traced her fingers lightly over the skin.
‘The scar has vanished, you have healed completely.’
Caitlin could not believe her blood was able to do that, to fix someone.
‘Lucy, Caitlin gave you her blood. I know you understand what this means. Caitlin can heal our kind. Do you also understand what I must ask of you?’ Catherine said.
Lucy nodded, a look of awe on her face, as she stared in Caitlin’s direction, ‘I will not tell a soul.’
Caitlin shrugged her shoulders, and smiled. ‘Congratulations, I’m glad I gave those babies their mother back.’
‘I’ll never forget what you have done, and neither will they,’ Lucy had tears in her eyes now, ‘I will call my daughter Cara, in your honour. If I used your name people would wonder why. The boys will be named Julio and Ignacio, after my grandfathers. I really must get up to see them. I feel great, better than great in fact.’
‘Can I come with you?’ Caitlin asked.
‘I’m not sure…’ Catherine started to say.
Caitlin interrupted, ‘I would love to.’
Catherine glanced at Else, who said, ‘Caitlin, are you sure?’
Lucy’s face scrunched up, as though troubled.
‘Of course, why wouldn’t I be?’ She hoped they were not going to wrap her up in cotton wool just because she could not have children. She was over that. The sight of the babies would probably put her off for life anyway. Children were snivelling, needy and troublesome. She had a sister, she knew all about it.
‘Okay, if you’re sure you’re well enough, Lucy, then I’ll take you to the shower and get you a change of clothes, and then we’ll go to see them,’ Else said, ‘come with me, please.’
Catherine added, ‘We’ll wait outside.’
Caitlin followed Catherine outside and thought about Lucy and what she had done. Three new-born babies. It should have all been too much, but it was strangely exciting.
Outside, the entrance was deserted. Everyone had to be watching over the babies. The hub of activity had moved.
Catherine turned to face her, ‘Caitlin, are you sure you want to see the babies? You don’t have to. Lucy will not think less of you if you choose not to go.’
‘She doesn’t know I can’t have children, right?’
‘No, she doesn’t.’
Caitlin gave a half-smile. ‘Well, in that case, I’ll go and see them. If I start to cry I’ll tell her they are tears of joy. I can do this.’
Catherine put her hand o
n her shoulder, ‘You’re stronger than I imagined. Sorry, if I’m being overly protective. You have no idea how proud I am of you at the moment. Lucy is a dear friend. I can’t even begin to express enough gratitude.’
‘Well, in that case, don’t. I didn’t help for everyone to be indebted to me. I helped because I could and I wanted to. I cannot change what I am, I made the decision. Now, I have to make the most of it.’ The last thought stayed in her mind, ‘In whatever way I can’.
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Chapter 31
Catherine could not believe Caitlin had agreed to see the babies. There was nothing she could do to put her off without being too obvious. Saying that, there would be no way Caitlin would be able to know Steven was the father. It could not do any harm.
The more she got to know Caitlin, the more she respected her. Caitlin had a strength of character that engulfed those around her. She had no doubt that the community would accept her. In time, even grow to love her. Catherine had a feeling Caitlin was meant to achieve great things.
‘Caitlin, when we’re finished here I’m going to take you to the cafeteria. I think it’s time we just let people see you. Can you handle being amongst the others?’
Caitlin gave a broad, if slightly concerned, smile as she replied, ‘Yes, I’m so ready to be out in the open. I can’t stay in that room forever.’
‘You sure you can handle the stares? The questions?’
‘If I could handle my mother I can handle anyone. Yes, I’ll come with you. So what if they stare? They might even think we’re related,’ she chuckled.
‘Yes,’ Catherine smiled. Caitlin was infectious. ‘The red hair could be a handy coincidence.’
‘It finally came up good for something,’ Caitlin said, she flicked it away from her face. ‘Never liked being red.’
‘Funnily enough neither did I. I’m fine with it now though,’ Catherine admitted, then added, ‘you’re still not sure?’
‘I guess I don’t exactly have a choice. I’m a redhead, I have to accept it,’ Caitlin laughed, ‘but I was always envious of the tanned brunettes and voluptuous blondes.’
‘You’re a very beautiful woman, Caitlin. You have to believe that.’
Caitlin blushed. It was endearing. ‘I guess. I did feel kind of empowered after my change. But, I don’t know. I guess since Emily died things have changed.’
‘Yes, I can understand,’ Catherine nodded, and then nudged Caitlin gently on her shoulder. ‘So, we just have to find a way to get the old Caitlin back?’
Caitlin gave an enthusiastic nod. ‘It would be nice if that was possible.’
‘Anything is possible. Look at us. If anyone thought it was possible for us to exist we’d be in a comic book or a fiction novel. But, it did happen. We’re the next step in the evolution of mankind, whatever that means. Steven, you, you’re both the subsequent outcomes.’
‘More like mutations,’ Caitlin said.
‘That’s not a bad thing necessarily.’
‘I don’t think my kind is meant to thrive,’ Caitlin frowned.
‘Nature has a way of dictating the future. We don’t know what the possibilities are for any of us. We’ve tried to contain our species, to prevent us becoming like a virus. But, perhaps trying to contain what we are is like finding a cure for the common cold.’
Caitlin played with her hair as she joked, ‘Yeah, like impossible.’
‘Exactly. There might be a way for us all to live together in harmony with normal humans. We hoped the new blood we manufactured would be the solution, but seeing as it did not heal Lucy it looks unlikely.’
‘So, if it does not work, what happens?’
Catherine looked straight ahead. ‘We continue with the original plan.’
‘Which was?’
‘Segregation and a new habitat in Borneo.’
‘Borneo?’ Caitlin’s mouth formed a small circle.
‘Yes, a small group of us have decided to set up a new colony in Borneo. It was decided before the discovery of the new blood. If it fails, the plan stands firm. I think a new start could be just what you need to feel accepted. What do you think?’
‘It sounds amazing. To be a part of something like that would be massive,’ she smiled again. ‘I would be up for the challenge.’
Just then, Lucy walked into the room. With a set of new clothes and a wash she looked fantastic. It was hard to believe she had carried triplets hours earlier. The fact she was also wearing normal clothes, and not her usual scruffy and baggy gardening clothes, made her shine even more.
‘Lucy, shall we go?’
Lucy beamed, ‘I can’t wait.’
Catherine led the way into the other room where they had set up the incubators and had several staff maintaining constant supervision.
Lucy made her way up to the incubators and peered in. Catherine and Caitlin followed. The babies were really tiny. They had to be about the size of her hands put together. Their eyes remained shut and Catherine could tell their breathing was heavy, in deep sleep. It would take weeks before they were strong enough to leave the incubators.
Caitlin stared at the one dressed in pink. Her eyes had gone glassy as she placed her hand on the incubator. Catherine was taken aback when she gasped and stood back.
‘What is it?’ Catherine asked.
Caitlin looked at Lucy, and then at Catherine. ‘She opened her eyes for a split second and stared right at me, the eyes are pure black.’
‘All new-borns have no colour at first. The colour will appear soon.’
‘You know,’ Caitlin shook her head, ‘strange, but, for a second there I thought I saw a twinge of amber in her eyes. I must have Steven on the brain.’ She chuckled and blushed.
Lucy stared at her, opened her mouth slightly and then gave an awkward laugh.
‘Caitlin, now you mention Steven, you do realise that you can’t tell him about Lucy and her children. In fact, you can’t tell anyone. Lucy should not have been pregnant. I know that where you come from pregnancy out of wedlock is acceptable on the whole, however, here Lucy would be shamed. We would not want to subject her to the wrath of her family. Her father, Franco, is a devout Catholic. He would not understand.’
Caitlin stared into space for a moment, and then smiled, ‘But of course, I will not tell anyone. It’ll be our secret. I assume everyone else here is sworn to secrecy.’
‘Of course. Lucy you have nothing to fear. As far as your father is concerned you have gone on a research trip. He does not suspect anything, and no-one will think anything of the fact you are no longer within the community.’
‘Really?’ Lucy hugged Catherine very tight. It took Catherine by surprise. She hugged her back and could not help smiling.
When they drew apart, she noticed Caitlin was still staring at the baby girl. It was a lost, and yet yearning, look. She imagined Caitlin had not completely put aside the fact she could not have children.
As though Caitlin had read her thoughts, she gave a weak, unconvincing smile.
Catherine wished she could think of something to make it right. For now, all she could do was to try to give her some sort of life back. ‘Are you ready to go meet the others, Caitlin?’
Lucy approached Caitlin and gave her a massive hug, ‘Thank you for saving my life. I owe you everything. Good luck. Let them see you for who you are. Only a wonderful person would be so selfless, so giving in the midst of trauma. I don’t know what you must think of this place, of us, but I hope you do not think it’s all bad. There is a lot of good here. I’m sure it will find you.’
Caitlin’s eyes became watery. In a tight voice, she replied, ‘I appreciate it. I know anyone in my position would have done the same. Unnecessary death is not good for anyone.’
‘And now you need to get your strength back,’ Catherine said, ‘you need food and, probably, blood.’
She watched Caitlin’s eyes widen at the mention of blood. It was time to go.
***r />
Steven made his way back to his room, eager to be reunited with Caitlin. He hated the fact she was still confined to the room. He knew she was bored and desperately needed to be out in the open. He kept his voice bright and breezy as he opened the door, ‘Caitlin, I’m back.’
When there was no reply, he made his way towards the bathroom and called out again, ‘Caitlin?’
He pushed the curtain aside to find an empty bathroom. He scratched his head and paused for a moment before he resumed his search. He looked under the bed, even though he knew she was too old to play hide and seek. Boredom could do strange things to people. Either way, she was nowhere to be found. He turned around and decided to go get some food. Hopefully, he’d bump into Catherine – he suspected she would know where Caitlin was.
When he got to the hall the hushed silence hit him immediately. Everyone seemed to be watching something or someone. He followed their gaze and his eyes fell upon Caitlin. Catherine was next to her and they were helping themselves to some food. He walked through the reasonably quiet space, the sound of his footsteps making him a tad self-conscience. He could see many heads turn in his direction as got closer to Caitlin.
An arm’s length away, he stopped and tapped Caitlin on the shoulder. ‘Fancy meeting you here.’
Caitlin glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him. In one hand she had a plate heaped with food, and on the other she held a bread roll. ‘Are you eating with us?’ Her lips curled up into a cheeky smile
‘Am I eating with you?’ He matched her expression and grabbed a plate. ‘So what’s good here?’
‘Everything, I’m spoilt for choice’ she replied.
As though the fact they were talking made everyone breathe again, the hub of normality resumed as people spoke in hushed conversations. They all wondered who Caitlin was, of course, but no one was going to challenge them. Not now, anyway.
‘And just like that you both became kind of invisible again,’ Catherine said, ‘I’m going to sit with Ian. Good luck.’
Once Steven’s plate was full, he steered her towards the table where Jenson was sat with the others.