BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3)

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BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3) Page 3

by Samantha Leal

  She wandered down Main Street slowly and debating taking herself directly to the tavern to thank Zeke, but the hustle and bustle outside and the throngs of people vying to get inside put her off immediately. She promised herself that she would go and check in with him later and tell him of how helpful Derek had been back at the Bed and Breakfast, and that also she was still offering her services if he needed an extra set of hands.

  She walked slowly down the street and let her eyes fall across each and every building. It really was a delightful place, and she wanted to really take her time getting to know what everywhere had to offer. The sun was shining down on her and she felt happy to be alive. Even though she still felt tired and worn down from the past few weeks on the road, she knew that she was heading in the right direction and that from where she was at that current moment in time, things could surely only get better.

  She wandered along and spotted a small little park in the center of Main Street and crossed so that she could let herself inside. She sat down on the bench that was directly in the middle and sat and looked out at the world around her. The fresh pine air was intoxicating and it filled her lungs and revived her soul.

  “I’m glad I’m here,” she whispered to herself with a smile. And she really did mean it. It was almost as if she just kept having to say it to herself because she couldn’t believe her luck.

  On her walk back to the B&B her mind was swimming with thoughts of the mysterious Blu and if she would bump into him again soon or whether she would be left waiting for him to show his face. From the way they had left things, she was pretty sure that he was more than interested in her, but she didn’t want to get ahead of herself. It had been a long time since she had had a crush on anyone, never mind had any kind of date or relationship. And the idea of suddenly throwing herself into something the second she had set foot in a new town was kind of intimidating. But, she had to admit, Lost Creek was bringing out the best in her. And this was her chance for a fresh start. In this place, she could be whoever she wanted to be, and maybe she wanted to be a sexy, carefree version of Erin who could pick up a guy on her first day in town and make him hers. Maybe she just had to stop second guessing everything all of the time. Her past was just that… the past. And she had to learn to move forward and live her life, because if there was one thing Erin knew the cold hard truth of, it was that life didn’t go on forever.

  She stopped in her tracks and tried to compose herself. She had done so well not to think about the terrible things that had happened to her long ago, but sometimes they had a habit of resurfacing. And usually when she was starting to feel as if maybe, everything would be okay again. She bit her bottom lip to keep the tears at bay, but she felt them coming thick and fast and she quickly darted down a side road and into a dark alleyway. No natural light could find its way down there and she moved as fast as she could down the side of a dumpster and leaned against the cold wood of the building that backed onto the alley and put her head in her hands.

  “Deep breaths,” she coached herself as she tried to calm herself down.

  It didn’t seem to matter how much distance and time she put between herself and what had happened, it was always going to be there right at the back of her mind, ready to come forward and shake her to the core. Maybe it was because after it had happened Erin had run away and had been on the run ever since. Maybe it was because of that that she had never faced up to anything properly, or maybe it was just because what she had witnessed was so traumatizing, there was never going to be a way back from it.

  As the memories flooded through her she couldn’t stop the tears any longer. She had held herself together for so long that it was like a burst of relief as they flowed down her cheeks and splashed against her chest. She hated confronting her demons, but she knew that in this instance it was all she could do to move forward and stop herself from disintegrating.

  Erin’s past was going to catch up with her whether she wanted it to or not.

  She swallowed and the memories of her previous life flashed before her eyes. Holding his hand, waking up in bed next to him, the feel of his touch. Her happy life had come crashing down and she had lost the person most dear to her. Maybe it was because she had found herself attracted to a guy for the first time since it had all happened. Or maybe it was because she couldn’t suppress it any longer. But as she stood in the alley on that first afternoon in Lost Creek, her haunted past came rushing back to her and nearly knocked her off her feet.

  He had been killed. Taken from her. Lost.

  The man she had loved. The one she thought that she was going to spend the rest of her life with. She had felt so safe, so secure, and so happy once. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, it was all taken away from her.

  She thought back to that fateful day when she had seen her future ripped away from her. The accident had been front page news. It had been on every news station for miles around and she had had to bear witness to the scenes of the crash… the mangled cars… his photograph smiling back at her every time she turned on the television, and there had been no escape.

  They had loved each other. They really had. And life without him, back in her old hometown, had never been the same once he wasn’t in it. And that is what had made Erin finally run. If she had stayed where she was supposed to be with him, it would have driven her insane.

  She managed to last around a year after the accident, but when she realized that she wasn’t moving forward with her life and she kept replaying the incident over and over again in her mind, she knew the time had come for her to get out.

  And so that is exactly what she had done. She had kissed her parents goodbye and said that she would be in touch, and she had been on the road ever since, looking for somewhere she could finally feel free and awake, and somewhere that could give her the chance of a future. And the second she had set foot in Lost Creek, she knew that she had found that place.

  That more than anything she realized, was why she was feeling overwhelmed. It had been two years since he had died, and she knew she was in a better headspace that she had been in a long time, but knowing that she was finally moving on was bringing up the guilt.

  “But he would want you to be happy,” she whispered to herself. And she knew that was the truth.

  She straightened up and wiped her eyes. She had allowed herself her breakdown and now she felt unencumbered once more. It was time to try and live again. She deserved it after all she had endured, and she was determined to give it her best shot.


  She awoke the following morning to the sun shining through the double French doors and falling warmly across her face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked blearily towards the balcony where the sounds of the world outside were already working their way up to meet her. She rolled onto her back and reached above her head and stretched. It was her first real morning in Lost Creek, and it couldn’t have started in a better way.

  She hadn’t slept in properly in such a long time, she had almost forgotten what it felt like to wake softly and on her own terms. For the past few weeks, especially whilst she had been constantly on the road, she had experienced a lot of rude awakenings. It felt good to finally have a bit of relaxation.

  She sat up and rested against the headboard and let her mind clear as she woke properly. She remembered back to the day that she had spent before, the way she had arrived in town and found her way to the B&B where she had, of course, met Blu.

  Her heart rate quickened when she thought of him. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as she thought of his eyes… Of the way they pierced her soul and made her quiver with desire. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had made her feel like that. And after what had happened to her in the past, she had honestly thought that it would never happen again. She had resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn’t be attracted to another person for as long as she lived. But if looked as if she was about to be proved wrong.

  She climbed out of bed and wandered ov
er to the balcony doors and looked outside. It was a beautiful day and Main Street was already alive and busy with what appeared to be hundreds of people all making their way out for breakfast or starting their ski day early and heading up the mountain. She pulled the latch on the doors to unlock them and opened them wide and stepped out slightly into the clear, morning breeze. Somewhere hidden amongst the crowds she could hear the sounds of someone singing and playing an accordion, and it made her smile. The whole town really did have the kind of vibe she would have associated with another world and it really was endearing.

  She watched the traffic move slowly past, and the look of delight on all of the people’s faces who were starting their day. She had never been a skier, but in that moment she could imagine herself throwing on some snow boots and heading up the mountain herself.

  Suddenly, from behind her, the sound of a telephone rang out loudly and made her jump. She brought her hand up to her chest and felt the pounding of her heart as she turned and stepped back inside. The phone on the nightstand rang and a red light flashed on the top of it. It was an old looking phone, one with big press number buttons on the top, a large receiver, and a long, curly cord. She sat down on the edge of the bed and picked it up.

  “Hello?” she said croakily as she cleared her throat.

  “Good morning Erin,” the voice she recognized as Derek’s spoke to her cheerfully from the other end. “I hope your first night with us was a pleasant one?” His question hung in the airwaves between them.

  “Oh yes,” she smiled, almost unable to get her thoughts straight. “It was Derek, thank you.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” he said happily. “I just th0ught I better let you know that breakfast will be cleared in around ten minutes. But there is still time if you want to head down and grab something?”

  Her eyes darted to the clock on the wall and she was shocked to see that it was almost ten am.

  “Oh my goodness,” she said. “I can’t believe I’ve slept so late.”

  “Haha,” he laughed. “That’s alright, you’re not the only one.”

  Erin found herself twirling the cord around her finger just like she had done when she was a teenager and living at home with her parents. It took her right back there and she felt a pang of sadness in her heart.

  “I’ll keep a few things out for you,” Derek said.

  “Oh honestly, it’s my fault I slept in, I don’t want to put you to any trouble. I can head out and get something…” she began.

  “No, no,” Derek continued. “Really, it’s no trouble. Just whenever you’re ready Erin.”

  “Are you sure?” she really couldn’t believe how friendly everyone was being to her.

  “Of course,” he laughed. “But don’t expect it every day! This is only because you’re new in town and it’s your first morning waking up in Lost Creek.” He said it warmly and Erin found herself smiling.

  “Well thank you, I really do appreciate that,” she grinned. “And don’t worry, tomorrow and every morning to come, for that matter, I’ll make sure I’m up and about!”

  Derek laughed and so did she.

  “Thanks, Derek,” she smiled. “I’ll see you down there soon.”

  She hung up the call and shook her head with a chuckle. This really was the best morning she had had in a very long time, and she hadn’t even got dressed yet.

  She stood back up and crossed the room to the closet where she opened the doors and looked at all of her belongings inside. There was a chill in the air and she knew that she wanted to be casual and comfortable, so she opted for some tight jeans and a cute little sweater that showed off her ample cleavage. As she brushed her hair and applied some make-up and perfume she realized that if every day was like today had been so far, she would be very happy indeed. She felt positive and ready to take on anything, and she knew that as soon as she had eaten she was going to head back on over to the tavern and speak to Zeke about helping him out and earning herself some extra money.

  She walked down the stairs with a spring in her step, and as she passed by the painting on the wall that had caught her eyes the previous day she felt a pang of excitement rocket through her. The wolf’s eyes were so intense and penetrating, she felt as if they were following her down the hallway and she couldn’t help but glance back over her shoulder again for another look as it slowly went out of sight.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she headed through the lobby and listened for the sounds of chatter and of the clinking of cutlery. Everything was pretty quiet and she put it down to the fact that she was terribly late for breakfast, and that she would likely be eating alone.

  She rounded the corner into the dining room, and Derek was stood along the back wall clearing away all of the food, with the exception of a small plate that he had left for her.

  “Oh, here she is,” he beamed. “I was starting to think that you weren’t coming!”

  Erin smiled and said, “Sorry about that, thanks so much for keeping something for me, you really didn’t have to.” She moved into the room and even before she turned around she could feel that there was someone else in there with them. She could sense the eyes on her back the second she was in the center of the room and her heart slowly began to pick up its pace.

  “Oh yes, he did,” the deep, smooth voice came from behind her.

  She spun around and when her eyes locked with his, she knew that she was in trouble. Even after a night to calm down, their connection and attraction were too fierce and undeniable. He sat there looking up at her with all the menace of a man who was about to turn her whole world upside down.

  “That’s just the Lost Creek way,” Blu said with a smile.

  Erin’s breath caught in her throat and she found herself smiling back at him coyly, and she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Blu had an empty plate in front of him and a half drunk cup of coffee, but Erin suddenly realized that there was a setting for someone else as well, and a small glass of orange juice next to the spare plate and cutlery.

  Blu watched her eyes glance down at the empty chair and at the coloring book and crayons that were there as well and then their eyes met each other again. Out in the hallway, the sound of small footsteps came skipping along and the distinct and happy sound of a little girl humming and singing a tune.

  When she stepped around the corner and entered the dining room, Erin was in no doubt of who the child was. She was graceful and elegant with ice-white hair and the most striking and piercing blue eyes that she had ever seen.

  Well, she thought, maybe I have seen them somewhere before…

  The little girl stopped and looked up at Erin with a big, wide-eyed smile and then she looked back to Blu and then over to Derek.

  Blu got slowly to his feet and stepped forward, wrapping his arm protectively around the little girl and pulling her close.

  “Erin, this is my daughter,” he said proudly. “This is Luna.”

  The little girl looked back up to Erin and she suddenly felt overcome with emotion. The two of them standing there together looked like the perfect combination of powerful and exclusive genes.

  “Well Hello Luna,” Erin smiled warmly as she took a step forward and held out her hand. She could see the hesitation in the little girl’s eyes, but the last thing she wanted was for her to be fearful of her.

  Luna looked up at her and her face broke out into a warm smile.

  “Hello,” she said quietly, as she took hold of Erin’s hand and shook it delicately.

  “I’m Erin,” Erin told her. “And it’s very nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” Luna said, her manners impeccable.

  Blu looked from Luna to Erin and she could feel his pride warming the air between them.

  “Why don’t you finish your breakfast sweetheart,” he said to the child as he patted her lightly on the head.

  Luna looked up at her father with adoring eyes and then she nodded and skipped back to the table and sat dow
n, where she began to cut up her pancakes.

  “She’s lovely,” Erin whispered to him with a smile. “And she looks so much like you.”

  “Yes she does,” he beamed. “She’s my whole world.”

  Erin could detect a hint of sadness in his tone but she knew that now wasn’t the time to pursue it.

  “So how was your first night in town?” Blu asked as he looked back to Erin. His eyes made her go weak at the knees.

  “Peaceful,” she said with a grin. “I slept ridiculously well.”

  “Good,” he laughed. “Are you rested enough to stay out late tonight?” he said it quietly with his back turned towards Luna so that she could barely hear him.

  Erin’s heart skipped a beat and she felt her smile creep wide across her cheeks.

  “It depends on if I have a good enough reason to,” she found herself saying cheekily.

  “Well why don’t you meet me down here in the lobby at eight and I’ll see what I can do?” he said with a wink.

  Erin bit her bottom lip and smiled.

  “I think that sounds perfect,” she whispered.

  Blu nodded his head and took a step backward, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Well I shall see you later then Erin,” he pretended to tip a non-existent hat on the top of his head.

  Erin smiled and turned back to Derek who raised his eyebrows and then busied himself as if he hadn’t just been watching everything unfold between them.

  “Well, this is for you!” he said as he passed her over a plate full of muffins and fruit. “I hope that’ll do for today?”

  “This is fantastic,” she beamed. “Thank you so much!”

  “No problem,” Derek said genuinely.

  Behind her, Erin heard a chair push back and when she turned she saw Blu and Luna collecting their things to go.

  “Don’t be late,” Blu winked at her as he put his hands on Luna’s shoulders and steered her towards the door.


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