BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3)

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BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3) Page 43

by Samantha Leal

  Following her usual mantra, she wasn’t going to ask where he was going though. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her. The days of sentimentality and finding a sensitive man to hear about her feelings were gone along with television, radio, and getting her nails done. Relationships now, at least to her, were much more as she imagined they had been a few hundred years ago. A man wanted sex and companionship…and hot meals. A woman needed protecting…and maybe had her own needs. But the days of choosing among hundreds of possibilities a day were long gone. In some ways it was easier now.

  “How long are you going to be gone?”

  “I don’t know. A week or maybe a month. Me and a couple others need to head out. Just be careful and I will see you when I get back. Tell the boy I said goodbye for me.”

  Teresa swallowed hard and closed her eyes. She wanted to take in and remember the moment so she could store it away for now and then draw on it in the nights to come. She did her best to memorize the feeling of his strong arms around her.


  She did her best to internalize his touch while he held her for a few more minutes before he got up and started to get dressed. Teresa hated it when he left. She was unclear how many men he was taking with him, but she had no doubt she would be safe here still. He would make sure she was looked after. But she would miss him. He was not going to tell her where he was going or why, but she had a feeling it had to do with her neighbor Jessa. That only made sense.

  As she thought about what might or might not be to come, she watched as he pulled his leather jacket from the closet. She saw the necessity in it in this dirty, dangerous world. She knew there were no police. There was no law except the law of might. But still it scared her whenever he put on the leather. It was almost like he was putting on a new persona. With that jacket he changed into someone she didn’t fully know. She suspected that the unfamiliar persona had been born when the bombs dropped and the old ways had died. A further shiver ran through her as she watched him pack his bag full of items that made her blood run cold.


  Jessa took a few minutes to watch the sunrise from the small apartment building’s window. There was a small balcony off of the sliding glass door, but they were too close to the city to actually step out on it. They couldn’t risk being spotted. She looked into the ruined town and felt a familiar sense of dread. Towns were dangerous places these days. Cities were worse. Jessa ran through her plan and questioned her tactics. They were alone on the outskirts of a place they shouldn’t be, but she had decided that it couldn’t be avoided.

  The woman and her son had been holed up in the apartment building for two days now. She was stalling because she knew the decision to go straight through it was incredibly risky. She had been watching the city the entire time, scouting to find the best path and the best time to make the trip. She had left her son, Shane alone on two occasions for a few quick night recon trips. He was only five but had had to grow up twice as fast. It was clear that he was doing his best to pull his own weight and be strong, but in truth he was still just a young child. She could only learn so much without putting herself, or her son, at even greater risk. It was a mile through the mid-sized city or over forty to go around it considering the topography.

  Scanning from the window, her eyes fell from the pink and orange hues of the new day’s sky, to the dark burnt out grays and browns of the gritty city below. It wasn’t even a city anymore really. It was just a series of burned out buildings and rubble. This was one of the cities hit by a nuclear device and what life was left looked a lot less like it should. The radiation had subsided over the years, but the mutations had taken hold and multiplied. Jessa had seen the packs of beasts herself. Their ancestors had probably been named “Fluffy” and “Spot”. Now they ran the destroyed city, like a disorganized pack of watchdogs – or watchcats- in a giant junkyard.

  There appeared to be very little human activity, though she did see several lights on in the tops of some of the buildings that survived far enough away from the epicenter. Most people, if there were any here, were wise enough to stay in the shadows. What people she could detect had gone to the heights like she had. It just seemed safer with these creatures running around. This world’s version of an alley cat was the stuff of nightmares. She wondered if the people she saw – the lights at least - in the tall buildings were up that high for protection or a better view. Maybe they were one in the same, she realized. Either way, there were several issues to consider. Jessa was feeling anxious to move forward. The path she had mapped out in her mind was hardly ideal.

  Looking back at her sleeping son, she wondered if it wouldn’t be better to just go around after all. There was no guarantee that traveling around would be any safer though either. God, this world sucked, she thought, half joking with herself to ease the tension. The only guarantee that she had was that it would be longer and instead of an hour or so, it would take several days.

  Not for the first time, she said to the empty room, “Why did you leave him?”

  The question came out as a whisper, as it was more in her head than on her lips. But she still did not have an answer. She had been asking herself this question to one degree or another ever since that morning when they slipped off. As a matter of fact, if she was honest with herself, she had been asking herself that question even before they took off on him. Of course then it was “Why are you going to leave him?” It just seemed to be in her nature now. This new reality demanded it. But she knew that she would have felt safer if Michael was with her.

  No, she corrected herself, she would have been safer in reality if he were with her. She knew that. She still felt his touch when she laid down to sleep at night. Granted, she didn’t sleep much anymore, but when she did she remembered the feel of him beside her. Jessa only got a few hours’ sleep at a time now, and usually only in the daytime, when it was too risky to travel. She still had not fully adapted to the city ways, but it seemed like the opposite held true here. The nights were full of roaming animals, and the days, especially the early mornings, were calm and quiet.

  A new plan formulated while she went into the kitchen and got a few plates down from the cabinet in her new kitchen. Vaguely she wondered if the woman of the house had picked out the plates herself, or if they had been a wedding present. They were nice blue glass. There was no food or useful items in the apartment that she could take with them, but there were these nice dishes. She liked the idea of eating in a civilized manner, even if just for a few minutes, on real glass plates. They had been on their own for a couple of weeks by then and while by old standards they were on the precipice of hell of earth, it was actually the most comfortable set up they had had since leaving the community. Shane was sleeping on an actual bed and she had a great view. She closed her eyes for a minute and allowed herself the luxury of pretending for a minute that it was the old days, and that if she opened her eyes she would see the beautiful bustling city below her. Of course when she did open her eyes, all she saw was the dead husk of civilization sprawled out below them.

  “Good morning. It’s time to wake up sleepy head.”


  “Because tomorrow we are going to be leaving early, so we need to get used to being up and ready to go.”

  Shane nodded and got up dutifully, although his face was still a little grumpy. He most definitely did not like to be up early. He was more of a night person like his father had been.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “You always are,” she said with a wink. “Breakfast is on the table.”

  Shane made a disparaging noise and sat down to the same food they had been eating since they got there.

  “Why can’t we go find some fruit or something?”

  “I don’t trust the food here. I am afraid it could make us sick. In fact the sooner we get away from the city the better.” She had heard stories about people who lived in the cities, and she didn’t want to take any chances.

  “Oh. OK.”

  Shane didn’t understand what it meant, but he knew that he was going to be eating more of the dried cakes until they got away from there.

  “When are we leaving?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “Good. I like this place. It’s different. And it’s cool to be up so high, but still, I would rather be able to go outside.”

  “Me too. We are going to go through the city, so it might be a little scary, ok.”

  He shook his head, though she didn’t think he really grasped how scary it might get. He looked at her with a trust that she hoped she had earned. She had had a sinking feeling in her gut ever since they had come upon the city, but she didn’t want to let him know that she felt so nervous.

  “It’ll be fine. When we go all you have to do is stay close and be really quiet. Everything sleeps in the early morning, so we just need to make sure that we don’t wake them up.”

  Shane nodded his head, but with just a hint less certainty, she thought. He seemed to know it might be better not to ask too many questions about whatever “things” she was talking about.

  “Now eat up. We need to go through this place and see if there is anything useful we can take with us. I saw some comic books in the back bedroom. Did you see them?”

  Shane brightened, as did Jessa. Ah, the power of a comic book to a boy’s happiness, she thought to herself. At least that hadn’t changed. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly and they were both tired by the time the sun started to go down. Jessa lay down with him until he fell asleep and then she went to the window to look out into the city again. As her eyes went to the few lights she had noticed in evenings past, she couldn’t decide if they represented a beacon of hope or a warning. They would just have to find out.


  Michael passed through the city one last time before the sun went down. He had settled on taking shelter in one of the larger office buildings that had been right outside the blast zone from so many years before. He had kept up with the woman’s trail, even as it drew him closer and closer toward some unnamed city that had appeared on the horizon. Along the windswept and often overgrown roads it had been relatively easy to follow her trail, but as the concrete closed in on all sides he had lost it.

  His heart had sank as he had followed the trail closer and closer toward the danger of the city, but at least he had had a trail to follow. But now, with no trail and no sign of her, his worry had reached a peak. It seemed she had just vanished. Maybe that was good, he thought. She might be keeping a low profile. Besides, she could protect herself, after all. He had seen that first hand when she finished off that guy that had attacked her in the woods. She could definitely take care of herself. But still, this was all conjecture at this point. He hoped for the best, but until he could find her – and her son – she would have no idea, for sure, if they were alive or dead. His gut told him to stay near the city and that she would eventually show herself.

  That assurance was what kept him going. Some guys might have gotten the hint after a woman ran out of them not just once, but twice, but he was a little more hard headed than most men. Besides, regardless of what she had done, he was not ready to give up on Jessa yet. He could still close his eyes and almost smell her hair, and could practically feel what it had felt like to hold her. He knew in his heart that despite whatever games she was playing on the outside, she did care for him deep down. She was just of those woman than ran away from that kind of loving, rather than running toward it. She would come around. At least he hoped she would, if he didn’t lose patience first, that is. He had to remind himself that the first order of business was tracking her down again.

  Michael had come across a few people in the last two weeks, but he had remained out of sight and left them to their own devices. There was always a certain amount of risk in making contact with people these days, and in this situation he decided the risk was not worth the potential reward. There was no way she would have allowed herself to be seen by anyone anyhow. By apocalyptic wasteland standards, the city was virtually teeming with people, but they hid likes rats in the walls. And by teeming he estimated the whole place might have a few hundred people eking out an existence here amongst the ruins. Nature had moved in pretty quickly, so that here and there trees had even taken root in the smallest patches of dirt and cracked pavement. The animals had moved in when man was bombed out. Virtually anything you could have once found in a forest could be found here now, given the right situation. Dogs and cats abounded as did those unspeakable creatures that were mostly dog or cat. Raccoons, deer….squirrel; they were all still there. The animals were wilder now of course. Or maybe it was that man was wilder. It seemed pretty likely that man was here to stay. Opposable thumbs and frontal lobes were pretty hard to beat, after all. But when the bombs fell, a seed of doubt had been planted. Maybe man would not make it after all. When meeting those people that were scraping a way through the dust and decay, one was as often as not confronted with a deadness in the eyes that seemed more fitting to a possum than a man. Humanity had been forever changed and their place in the hierarchy of earth’s fauna had definitely taken a serious hit, to say the least.

  Michael pulled away from the glass. He had selected this particular spot, high in the tower because of the excellent view it afforded. He had several candles burning near the windows, inviting her to him. He knew it could invite others as well, but that was a risk he was willing to take. Those who survived now had to know when to be careful and when to be bold. Mike thought that if Jessa knew he was there, she would come to him. That was his hope at least. The truth of it was that he was pretty powerless in this situation. At least this way he felt like he was doing something. It was not lost on him that it was she who had walked away in the first place. But he also knew that there was that third quality you had to have in this world. You had to know when to be careful and when to be bold, but you always had to have hope.


  Mike looked towards the locked door across the room. The now familiar voice came again, a little more insistently. He sighed and went to unlock it, somewhat annoyed by the interruption to his thoughts. In a rare lapse of judgment, he had revealed himself the day before in order to help the kid. He had just looked so pathetic shuffling down the street trying to push a cart while balancing an armful of books and drink some sort of brew through a straw all at once. He allowed himself to be cowed out of hiding by the ridiculousness of it, and some vestigial compassion he still had running through his veins. Maybe he had just longed for some human interaction. The kid certainly looked harmless enough. Trouble was that it was becoming apparent that Milo now considered him his new best friend. He wasn’t sure how to shake him.

  “Hey Milo, come on in. You know you shouldn’t be out after dark.”

  “Aww, those little puppies don’t scare me. Besides they don’t like their food burnt.”

  The young man chuckled and the sound made Mike nervous. It was clear that Milo may not have been around for the bombs, but he certainly had lived in the cities aftermath long enough to be claimed by the ravaging of the radiation that permeated the city. Mike had asked him why he didn’t leave, but an answer was not forthcoming. Everyone knew it didn’t do to hang around the cities too long. This kid obviously hadn’t gotten the memo.

  Milo sat down next to Michael and pulled out a bag of some sort.

  “What do you got there?”

  “It’s a surprise. But I looked high and low,” the kid quipped. “It’s pretty hard to find these days, but I know where to look. It’s actually not exactly what you said, but it’s close. You’re lucky you have simple tastes.” With that he started pouring some rice into bowl.

  Michael had indulged in the favorite “what food do you miss most” game and of all things had come up with oatmeal with apples. His mom used to make it for him when he was a boy, and just the memory of it warmed his heart. Of course he hadn’t told the kid that part. He had just said he’d love some hot oatmeal with apple slices. By the looks
of it, Milo had made it his mission to make that desire a reality.

  “My mom had told me that rice is really about all that is left to eat from before. Sorry, but there’s no more oatmeal. My mom told me that too.” With that he pulled a few apples out of the bag now. “But there’s lots of apples,” he said brightly. With that the kid proceeded to the sink where he pulled further supplies out of his bag, including a gallon of water and matches. Michael watched with more than a little appreciation as the teen proceeded to build a small fire in the sink, and cook up the rice with apples like he was a master chef right in his own kitchen. The kid seemed oblivious to his skill. “My mom showed me a lot of stuff,” Was all he said. “But then she went away.” Whatever that meant, the kid seemed to have made peace with it, so Michael didn’t pry.

  Eventually they sat down and enjoyed the hot meal, much to Michael’s delight. “Thanks Milo, that was pretty impressive…and I’ve decided that rice and apples is just as good as rice and oatmeal. Where are you staying for the night?”

  Michael thought he already knew the answer, and really he didn’t mind the company. A little touched or not, the kid had come through with the meal. Besides, Milo was pretty quiet. And Michael was learning that he was far more useful than he first appeared. God only knew what else the kid knew about surviving in the city. Maybe if he just let the kid hang around a little he could learn something helpful to his cause, he thought. Besides, the kid was alright.

  “I was hoping to stay here.”

  “Of course. You are welcome here as long as I am in the city. So why are you still here? There are lots of little settlements that are not so destroyed and without the radiation.”


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