Jocked Up: Sports Romance (A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance)

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Jocked Up: Sports Romance (A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance) Page 7

by Summer Cooper

  “You left me at eighteen with no goodbye, nothing. You just left. Then you left my son and I. Remember my son? The one you promised to coach?”

  “I couldn’t help that and I did tell them I wouldn’t be able to stay the whole season. I bought them a lot of equipment and, well, yeah, it was shitty of me to leave wasn’t it? And about that time when we were young, yes, I was a total bastard. I was totally stupid. I really was. Bethany, please, give me a chance to prove that I can do this?” He pleaded with me and I wanted to give in but I couldn’t.

  “I’m sorry, Drake, it’s just not going to work. I can’t afford to rely on you, you just aren’t very reliable. That’s not a chance I’m willing to take with a child.” I sighed and got up, needing to get out of the hard seat and cram my fists into my back.

  “Please, Bethany! You don’t think a child would change me? Knowing I’ve created another human being has already changed me and I’ve only known for sure for a few minutes now. When I saw that picture I suspected, you’re not the kind that sleeps around so I all but knew it was mine. And something in me clicked, Bethany, something that’s been wound tight inside of me all of my life let go and the world was suddenly right. Please, Bethany, you grew up without a mother and me without a father. Even if we can’t work it out together in a relationship, let me have one with this child.”

  Oh dear, the tears were flowing by the time he finished. How could I say no? Maybe being pregnant made me emotionally weak or perhaps his words just truly touched me, either way, my heart melted. He hadn’t lied to me about the fiancée, he’d never had one, I’d just jumped the gun and, actually, I’d been the one that walked away that time. I’d been wrong.

  “Maybe.” I began but he wouldn’t let me finish.

  “I swear Bethany, I swear to you now, this baby will be all that matters to me. From the moment it is born, it will be my world.”

  “She. It’s a girl.” I gave him a wobbly smile and took his hand. She was kicking me again; it had started as soon as he’d begun his speech. She wanted her daddy it seemed.

  “A girl.” He breathed the words, his face a picture of pride. “A girl!”

  “Yes, I’m kind of glad. One of each now.” I spoke with my own pride.

  “You’ll let me prove I can be a good father?” He asked, his voice hopeful as he stood with me in the kitchen.

  “You can try. But the first time you let us down, Drake, that’s it. I’m not having my children hurt.” I stared daggers into his beautiful happy eyes. They beamed back assurance.

  “I’ll give you the moon Bethany, I swear it to all of you.” He pulled me to him in a hug that I’d longed for but wouldn’t allow myself to acknowledge.

  In a moment the world had changed, Drake hadn’t betrayed me a second time, I’d betrayed myself. And he was here, promising to care for us. He’d flown across the country, blown off the meetings and interviews he had, and come to me to find out if he was going to be a father or not. That had to mean something. To me, it meant he wanted this. I had to believe he was being honest and that this is what he truly wanted.

  Call me weak, call me stupid, but I’d longed for him in my darkest hours, I’d secretly hoped for some resolution, but I’d carry on by myself if it came down to it. I’d let him have his chance but he’d better not mess up. There’d be no more chances after this.

  For now, I knew that it was my own stupidity that had been the problem this time, not him at all. I wanted to take things slow because I didn’t even know what his favorite color was for crying out loud, but oh my, those jeans of his.

  “Do you know how adorable you are? I can’t believe you have my baby in there.” His hands went to my tummy, covered in a long, dark blue maternity top made from soft cotton, and the top of my maternity jeans. I held my breath and in that moment, I knew this wasn’t going to go the way I planned, especially when our eyes met and I saw the wonder in his eyes, the pride beaming from the dark grey orbs.

  “She’s our baby, actually.” I said with a small laugh as he took my hand.

  “Let’s go in the living room. I need to sit down. I know you’ve had six months to get used to this idea but I haven’t. Wow.” He helped me to sit, though I’d become used to it by now, and took a spot beside of me. “So she’s healthy? No problems I should be aware of?”

  “No, she’s fine, showing all signs of being healthy and growing away.” I told him with a happy but nervous smile. I had no idea where this was leading, I had an idea that sex might be involved but wasn’t sure.

  “And you’re alright? No high blood pressure or anything?” He looked concerned and I patted his hand to reassure him.

  “All is well, Drake, I promise.”

  “Right. So when should we get married?” He looked anxious but determined.

  “What?” My eyes had gone round and I was trying not to laugh. I wasn’t marrying him!

  “When should we get married? I think we should do it right away, before the baby is born so she can have my name.” He really was serious!

  “Oh, we don’t have to get married for that, Drake! I’m sorry but I’m not in the mood for marrying just now. I appreciate you offering but no, I don’t want to get married, not now anyway.”

  “Oh. Later then?” Oh my god, he was serious. Maybe he really had changed in an instant.

  “Maybe. For now, don’t you think we should relearn about each other? Find out if we’re even compatible for marriage?” I looked at him with a gentle smile and soft titter of laughter, hoping to ease the sting of it all. It wasn’t every day a man like Drake offered marriage, I didn’t want him to think I was being cruel.

  “Ah, yes, I see your point.” He laughed at himself then. “I’m just nervous and I want to do this right, Bethany. I’m serious, I want to give all of you, you, Peter, and the baby, the world on a platter. I was already changing when I came back that last time, I was thinking of settling down, starting a family, getting some permanency in my life, you know?”

  “Right. That’s why you bought the house then?” Had he been thinking of all of that with me, then? Is that why he’d asked me out?

  “Exactly that. I wanted a nice home to offer the woman I wanted to marry. A nice house to play with the kids in, for parties, and lazy days in the pool.” His eyes had gotten a faraway look and I knew he was picturing it.

  “That sounds beautiful, Drake. Just what a girl would want.” I was trying not to hold my breath but he was taking my breath away, his nearness, the change in his personality, it was all combining to make my head spin. “And what about football?”

  “I plan to retire if we go to the Super Bowl this year. I may anyway. With a family to take care of and play with I should get out before I suffer too much physical damage.” He laughed again and I loved how much we’d laughed tonight, even if it was partially nervous laughter.

  “This is all just unreal isn’t it? I think I’m dreaming, or hallucinating. Maybe I didn’t eat enough and I’m really on the floor dreaming all of this?” I knew it was real, my heart was beating too fast for it not to be, but still, it was so surreal that I could have been dreaming.

  “No, it’s real, Bethany. And I really do plan to give you the moon, even if you won’t marry me.” Drake gave me a lopsided grin that made my heart beat even faster and my pulse throb in my ears. The man had no idea what being pregnant was doing to my hormones. Or what he was doing to them for that matter.

  Chapter Ten

  A month has now passed and the world really has changed. Drake convinced me to move Peter and me in with him and we’re now there permanently. Drake and I don’t share a bedroom yet, we’ve decided to go slow, but we have date nights, nights where we’ve come close to making love, and a lot of talking when he’s home.

  He has obligations to his team and I understand that. The most exciting part is his team has made it to the Super Bowl; Drake’s dream is finally coming true! So while he’s preparing for the biggest game of his life, Peter and I are decorating the baby’
s new room. Peter is the happiest little boy to ever walk the planet right now. I see him stop sometimes, his innocent little boy face filled with wonder as he realizes that it’s not a dream. Obviously, the novelty hasn’t worn off for any of us.

  I’ve learned that Drake is a kind, caring, and loving man from the way he treats my child and me with tender care and love. The selfish young man that had left me to wake up alone in a tree house now makes us breakfast, arranged for maid service when I complained about being too tired to wash any more clothes, and has sent me flowers every day he was away. I had to stop voicing my opinions about things I liked out loud, though. Every time I said something was nice or that I liked it the item would show up in the house. There are only so many quilts and sofas you can fit into a house.

  But he wasn’t just showing his love with the room full of toys Peter now had or through the new car I received when mine broke down. He came home as soon as he could break away from the team, he looked after us, played with Peter, and was really forming a bond with my boy. He took Peter out to games, to play football, to movies, all the things real dad’s do. Drake had asked me about Peter’s father but I told him I just didn’t want to talk about the man. He was long gone.

  Drake would also come into my room at night so we could talk about the day and our plans for the next day. Often he’d sing me to sleep and he’d even bought a guitar so he could play along as he sang. Rather than keeping me up, the sound of his voice and the light strumming of his fingers over the strings soothed me and the baby right to sleep. I told him he’d probably have to keep that up after the baby was born.

  I was getting more tired as the time passed and Drake hired a personal assistant for me. I didn’t want to rely on the woman too much, she was older than me for goodness sake, but she did make life easier for me by doing personal errands, shopping, and other things I needed to have done. I was starting to feel a bit useless and the lack of sexual contact was getting to me. I spent a lot of time in bed resting, pondering the universe, and Drake found me there this evening, sobbing into my pillow.

  “Bethany! What’s wrong baby? Are you alright?” He swooped down onto the bed, pulling me into his arms.

  “Why haven’t we had sex yet?” I wailed into my pillow, hoping Peter was fast asleep.

  “Um, pardon?” Drake asked from behind my head, sounding slightly amused.

  I rose up on my elbow and rolled over, or tried to but got stuck flat on my back. That only made me cry harder!

  “Oh, Bethany. Baby don’t, you’ll make yourself sick.” He said as he helped me finish rolling into his arms. We often cuddled but he’d never let it go any further than that really. Maybe some kissing but then he’d get up and move away or find something else to do.

  “Is it because I’m pregnant? Am I disgusting?” I hiccupped my way through that question, my eyes begging for an answer.

  “No baby. Well yeah, kind of I guess. I don’t want to hurt either of you.” Drake said as he stroked my back. “I just wanted you to be really sure and not just horny. I didn’t want to do anything you might regret. I know this is an odd situation but I want you to be sure, really sure, that you want that kind of a relationship with me.”

  “Silly man! I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t!” I grinned as I pulled his lips to mine, needing to feel his warmth, his silky smooth skin against mine.

  “Thank fuck, I was running out of ways to cool off!” He moaned as his full lips found mine and his tongue darted out to taste my lips.

  I hated that I was full of snot and worried about Peter hearing anything but the door was closed and he was a few doors down with his television on even though he was asleep. I’d checked on him earlier and my little guy was conked out. He wouldn’t hear much.

  I hadn’t had sex when I was pregnant with Peter so I didn’t know how my hormones were going to surge through my body at the barest touch of Drake’s lips to mine. When his tongue swept across my bottom lip I couldn’t stop the moan that left my throat. It was as though everything had been amplified by one hundred!

  And my down there! Oh my god, my down there was throbbing already! I didn’t know how we were going to do this, I looked like I’d swallowed a watermelon but do it we would because my body was screaming for it! The scent of his cologne intensified as his flesh heated up, filling my senses with the intoxicating smell of Drake.

  “Oh my.” I gushed as I broke our kiss for a moment of air. I looked into his eyes and he smiled down at me.

  “You’re even more beautiful now, Bethany, with my baby growing inside of you. I didn’t know how beautiful this whole experience could be. With you, it’s been absolutely amazing.” He kissed me between my eyes before he got up to dim the lights. He stood at the side of the bed and pulled off his black sweater.

  I gasped as he revealed the muscles of his torso and arms. The man’s body had been honed for the sport he played and he gave a smirk of satisfaction as he saw my face fill with delight. I’d put on a bit of weight, obviously, and I wanted to get my pudgy little fingers on all of that smooth skin between his neck and the button of his jeans.

  The dark blue material parted as he undid the copper button and slid down the zip. A pair of black briefs slid down as he pushed his jeans down his legs, baring even more golden tan flesh. I looked like I’d been imprisoned for the last ten years I was so pale but he didn’t seem to mind. I drank in the sight of his naked body, admiring how much work must have gone into creating such a sculpted frame. His muscles rippled across his chest as he moved, pulling my legs to the edge of the bed with a growl.

  I giggled as he pulled me over, my legs dangling from the edge, as he leaned over and kissed me once more. It wasn’t exactly easy but he managed it and our lips came together as he braced himself on one arm, his other hand pushing aside the panels of my robe to explore my naked breasts.

  I’d been large in that department to begin with but now they were heavier, bigger, and the nipples had darkened. He growled once more as he took the right, then the left between his hot wet lips, making my back arch to press them deeper into his mouth. My world exploded into pleasure, sensation, and nothing more as Drake used his mouth to tug gently at the sensitive tips. They hardened almost painfully as he increased the suction, my hips now arching up to meet him as well.

  Softly his fingers moved down my body, caressing the stretch marks no amount of lotion, cream, or oil had been able to prevent, lovingly lingering as he examined the marks with his fingertips.

  “These are beautiful, the same as you. They show how much you love this child. They show what you’ve done, the things you’ve endured and will endure. Never hate them.” He was a smart man, have I said?

  His mouth went back to my nipple as his fingers found my wet center, drenched already with my desire. My body responded to his slightest touch and my hips jerked as he slid a finger inside of me, the heel of his hand pressing into the most sensitive button beneath it.

  “Oh Drake.” I breathed as I clutched at his broad shoulders, the silken flesh delighting me further. He was so strong, so kind, so very good at what he was doing.

  Drake didn’t respond, only moved further down my body, following the trail his hand had taken as his lips sought out the pink flesh of my lower lips. He parted the folds with his tongue, finding the nub he sought for quickly. I heard a moan and realized it was my own as his tongue lashed at my swollen clit, my body a raging storm of pleasure that would soon explode.

  His fingers stroked my inner walls, stoking the fire that burned there as I braced my feet on the bed, pressing up into his face helplessly as he tongued me, not caring anymore about what I looked like or how I sounded, I just needed the release he offered. The months of waiting, of wondering, were finally over and Drake’s talented tongue worshipped my body. I felt my hips rising as Drake lifted my bottom, wanting to get a better angle at the distended button he was so skillfully torturing.

  If this was torture though, I’d gladly submit, I thought just before the first
spasm of pleasure sang out from my clit, a muscular contraction that made me gasp and then groan wildly as my entire body responded to his touch. Pleasure pulsed through me and the world went dark as my eyes closed. For a long moment nothing else existed but the pleasure I felt and Drake’s tongue, nothing else mattered. And just as it was slowing, just as I wanted to mewl with disappointment that it was over he rose above me, his hips spreading my thighs as his hard length slid inside of me without resistance.

  He was home then, we were home, and he stopped to savor the moment. His breathing was ragged and I knew he was holding back. I knew he wanted to be careful but I wanted his wild passion, I wanted all of him.

  “More, Drake, more.” I urged him on, my ankles closing around his buttocks to urge him deeper. He moved then, filling me with everything he had before withdrawing. He set a slow pace that I soon matched but my own desires took over and I moved, my hips taking him deeper, faster, until we were both lost, my muscles massaging his hard cock as I came beneath him, spurring him to follow.

  I came back to earth, feeling him still pulsing inside of me as he braced himself on his arms over me. I smiled up at him as he grinned down at me.

  “We need a lot more of that.” He said as he caught his breath.

  “A lot more.” I agreed. Laying beneath him, my legs spread wide to cradle him, my body full with child, and my mind finally at peace, I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. We still hadn’t mentioned love but it would come one day. I’d never stopped loving him after all.

  An hour later and we’d had a hot shower and were in the main bedroom, a room full of dark colors and wood but I loved it. It was dark and mysterious, full of secrets that I wanted to share in. Drake was resting as I looked for a movie for us to fall asleep too. My body was relaxed, the baby was sleeping in my ribs somewhere, and we were together. Plus, his skin smelled all clean and moist, which was wonderful but distracting.


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