Jocked Up: Sports Romance (A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance)

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Jocked Up: Sports Romance (A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance) Page 10

by Summer Cooper

  Drake sank into his chair knowing exactly why she hadn’t said anything. He’d run out that morning, eager to get to his friends, and left without a word. He hadn’t called to talk to her before she’d left for college, he hadn’t asked about her, and when his mom split with her dad, he’d all but ignored her existence. Even Amelia had eventually stopped talking about her to him. He hadn’t known she was pregnant, hadn’t known Peter even existed.

  Because he was a selfish dick, as usual, he told himself as he squeezed the space between his eyes with his thumb and finger. A giant, douche prick. Damnit all! No wonder she’d been so pissed off with him when he first came back. She’d been raising their kid by herself all that time. And no wonder she’d not told him when she was pregnant with Petra. She’d expected the same exact thing to happen!

  How was he going to make this up to her? Could he make it up to her? And could he tell her the penny had finally dropped? She’d kept it hidden for a reason obviously. But Peter was his; he wanted his name on the boy’s birth certificate. He wanted Peter to call him Dad, to know that he was his father.

  Sighing deeply Drake wondered how to sort this mess out. Who knew things you did when you were a kid could come back to haunt you like this? He’d thought he was just having fun, alright, maybe even exploring a young woman that had tempted him often in his dreams and his fantasies. He had thought it was just a moment, a game, and he’d conquered her and won. When he’d won he’d lost interest and went on to the next conquest, the next game. What a dick he’d been.

  Now he had this little boy to get to know, to love, oh man, a son. Drake’s eyes filled with tears but he brushed them away as a nurse came in. Time to be Dad.

  The anesthetist came in, asked a few questions, then came back later with some medicine to put in Peter’s IV. Drake asked a thousand questions before they wheeled the boy away, grateful that Peter wouldn’t feel any pain. It was at that time that he waited, sending texts to Bethany each time a nurse came to update him, that Drake realized he now felt a connection to Peter but his true feelings hadn’t changed. It wasn’t often a father got to know his son before finding out the child was his but it was special. He’d loved Peter before he knew; now he didn’t love him more, he just felt a stronger bond.

  The nurse came to tell Drake that Peter was in the recovery room and would be back in his room soon. She told him the boy was going to be groggy and probably would sleep a lot so Drake settled into his hospital “bed-chair” and covered up with a blanket to wait. Why was it always cold in hospitals, he wondered?

  Soon enough Peter was back and barely stirred as he was transferred to his bed. Drake sat on the edge of the boy’s bed, looking down at the piece of foam meant to immobilize Peter’s arm and cushion it against any bumps. They’d put a plate and screws in the boy’s arm but Drake couldn’t tell, not with all that foam around it anyway.

  “I’m here now little buddy. I know who you are and I know who I am, we can move forward now and I’m never going to leave you again, I swear it.” Drake held his son’s good hand as he made the vow and he felt Peter twitch in his sleep. Drake hoped he heard it.

  Peter’s innocent little face was almost a cloned copy of his mother’s but Drake could see a hint of his own features in the boy, maybe his chin, his ears. It might have just been wishful thinking but now that Drake looked he could see it. He’d been so stupid; he knew that now. Breathing deep, he went back to his chair, hoping to get a little rest. His brain needed time to process it all.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Peter was in the hospital for two days; the doctors wanted to be sure he was there if an infection set into his bones so they could react quickly. Drake and Bethany brought him home when the doctors decided they were confident Peter was healing well, without infection showing any signs of springing up. Drake wasn’t sure if the excellent care was because of him or simply good care but he was grateful.

  Bethany was exhausted from taking care of the baby and Peter. She barely stopped over the last few days, and even slept on a pallet on the floor in Peter’s room. Peter was learning to get around with his braced up arm and agreed to stay in bed while his mom slept. He’d only get up to go to the bathroom. Drake saw that they both had everything they needed and packed a day bag for the baby. He was going to visit Bethany’s dad, he needed some answers.

  Drake knew where he lived and Geremy Amberson told him to get to riding when Drake called him. Drake had laughed, the older man’s Cajun coming out in a way that delighted him. Geremy was a dying breed of Cajun, speaking both the French patois and English. Geremy had lived the life of the everyday American citizen until Bethany had gone off to college. After his daughter left, Geremy went back to his roots.

  Drake pulled up to the houseboat. He looked at the contraption in awe. Getting out of his truck he walked up to meet the man that had tried to do the best he could for a fatherless boy. Drake held his hand out to Geremy but the man embraced him instead of taking his hand.

  “It’s good to see you, boy, how you been?” Geremy spoke as he did with his old friends and older family members, in a way that would confuse most Americans. When he was with Bethany or other people he kept to the language they used but when he was comfortable or not being a dad he let his Cajun slip out.

  “I’m good, Geremy, real good. How are you?” Drake followed the man into his home and out the back door, his daughter in her car seat in his hand. He took her out and gave her to her grandfather who cooed and mooned over her.

  “You want a drink, get it yourself. I’m going to love on this here girl. Ain’t that right mon cher? Oh you sure are a darling.” Geremy’s eyes gleamed in happiness as he held the girl.

  Drake walked in and got them both a glass of iced tea then came back out. Petra was asleep in her grandfather’s arms. He set the glasses down on a table and sat down. He looked out into the bayou, feeling himself calm down immediately.

  “So, what you come all the way out here for, Drake? Got some questions, I reckon.” The man looked sidelong at Drake, his gaze knowing.

  “Yes. First, may I marry Bethany?” Drake blurted out the question.

  “Your mother and I have been waiting a long time for that Drake. We saw it all those years ago and when Bethany ended up pregnant, well, we figured it was time to call it quits for us and let you two have a chance.” Geremy resettled Petra and looked over at Drake.

  “No way! You two gave up on your own happiness for us two knuckleheads?” Drake looked at the man holding his daughter and realized if it brought his daughter happiness he’d give up his own life.

  “Yes, cher, we did. We wanted you to be happy, both of you. We knew you were Peter’s father; we’ve just been waiting a long time for you both to realize you belonged together. Took you long enough.”

  “Why didn’t anybody tell me if you all knew? Why?” Drake was a tad bit ticked off now, but he tamped down on it.

  “Because you weren’t ready. If you’d known you’d have done the right thing, you two would have married, and you’d be divorcing now rather than having two babies and on your way to marriage. You’d have resented her and she knew that. She knew your star was rising, we all did. So we’ve all been biding our time, though Bethany doesn’t realize we know either.” Geremy took a sip of his tea and shifted again.

  “I always did look up to you, Geremy, even when I was being a giant ego with legs, you were always on my mind. You tried and I appreciated that. I wish I hadn’t been such a jerk now.”

  “Drake, you had a rough start, boy, a very rough start. You needed to get a lot out of your system and now, well now you know what you really need in life.”

  “Yeah, but do I tell Bethany I know? I want to make Peter mine legally.”

  “I don’t know about that, Drake. You both need to get this off your chests but how to get it out in the open, that I don’t know.”

  “That’s the best advice you have to give?” Drake was stunned and looked over at Geremy for confirmation.

/>   “Well, if you want the truth, it’s time to use those balls of yours for something besides making babies and ask my daughter to marry you. Make her your wife and claim your son man. That’s what you really need to do. Make your mom and me proud of you for more than just football!” Geremy ended his speech with a laugh but Drake took his words to heart.

  Drake spent another hour with the man catching up then packed up his daughter and drove home. He walked into a peaceful house, Bethany was on her tablet finding new crochet patterns and Peter was coloring with his left hand. Luckily the boy hadn’t fallen on his dominant hand.

  “Oh baby! I’ve found some of the most beautiful sweaters I want to make for Petra! And a blanket too. A few things for Peter as well so I may run out to the store later. Are you hungry? Let me see my girl!” She was going at 100 miles per hour and all Drake could do was smile and move his head appropriately as she took the car seat and put Petra down on the couch.

  “Had a good day then, darling?” Only it didn’t come out as darling, it was drawled in the sweet southern accent of Drake’s as darlin’.

  “Oh yes, but Peter’s been a handful. He thinks he can do everything with one arm, poor child.” Bethany looked at the boy exasperated but he just grinned back at his mother, his longish hair starting to curl at the ends. Just like his dad, Drake noted.

  “Did you enjoy your time out?” Bethany asked as she cuddled Petra and checked her diaper.

  “It was a nice drive. Do you want to go out to eat tonight babe? It might be easier on you.” She looked happy but slightly haggard.

  “Oh no, why don’t we order some fried chicken or something? That sounds better.” Petra was soon gurgling up at her mother as her diaper was changed.

  Domestic bliss at its finest, Drake thought with a smile as he sat down in a recliner, watching his family. He liked the sound of that. Now if he could just keep his mouth shut until the right time this might even continue for a while.

  “So little Petra is two months old now. And Daddy’s finally figured out the truth has he? Oh, Daddy’s a silly man isn’t he lovely?” Amelia cooed down to the baby from her seat on a bar stool in her kitchen. She and Drake were seated around the marble island in her kitchen, having coffee while Bethany spent the morning getting her hair done.

  “Yes, Daddy’s finally caught on. If you knew as well why didn’t you say anything? Why did everyone let Bethany go on pretending some unnamed lover was Peter’s father, and more importantly to me, why didn’t anyone let me know I was a father?” Drake glared at his sister for a moment before letting it go.

  Their relationship hadn’t been the greatest over the last six years, maybe she thought he didn’t deserve to know. Drake caught Amelia thinking the question over, trying to figure out what to say. She started to speak then stopped but then started once more.

  “You weren’t ready, it’s that simple. You could have missed out on your career, or maybe you’d have been just as happy with Bethany and Peter, I don’t know. I do know that sooner or later you’d have left them though and I couldn’t stand to see her going through that. She had the biggest crush on you when we lived with them, she tried to hide it but I knew. Even after Peter was born and she told us Peter was the result of a fling I knew he had to be yours, you were the only one she had eyes for, after all. No matter what she says now I believe she’s been waiting for you to come back.” Amelia closed her mouth then, realizing she’d said more than she planned.

  Drake seized on the statement, shooting out a question. “What do you mean, waiting for me?”

  “Well,” Amelia had the grace to look guilty but she continued anyway. “She swears she hasn’t dated because of Peter’s father, how bad it hurt. But I think she’s really just been waiting for you to come back. Oh, I know you leaving hurt her but I think she’s spent all of these years just waiting for another chance with you, even if she won’t admit it herself.”

  “I’ve been such a jerk, though, Amelia. Why would she care so much about me?” Drake looked confused and conflicted.

  “It’s not because you’re famous or a football player, I can tell you that. She’s loved you from the moment she saw you in her house. She sees something in you nobody else does. You need to grab hold of that and earn it buddy. Not just keep giving her a reason to love you but earn her love. Bethany’s special. One of a kind and wonderful. Anyone else would be second best.” Amelia stuck up for her friend but she truly believed the words. Bethany was a great person and she was good for Drake.

  “Wow, way to burden a guy!” Drake spoke with a laugh but Amelia could see the truth of his words. He looked like he’d just realized something major. “What do you think of this?”

  Drake pulled out the ring he’d bought Bethany from his pocket and shoved it into Amelia’s face all of a sudden. She almost fell off of her stool when she saw it and her eyes boggled.

  “Whoa!” She looked up at him with shock and glee. “Really?”

  “Yes. That’s what I was planning to ask when Peter broke his arm. What do you think of the ring? Is it too much?”

  “Maybe, but she’ll love it. It’ll push her to dress up a little.” Amelia smirked, knowing her intuition had been right. Drake and Amelia were meant for each other. “What’s your plan?”

  “Plan? I was hoping you’d take the kids for a night and we’d be able to sneak off back to the house…” But he didn’t get to finish before she looked horrified and started shaking her head no.

  “Uh uh, that’s not going to work big brother. Not for a woman that’s been waiting all this time. Nope. This is what you’re going to do.” Amelia pulled out her tablet and started showing Drake websites, booking sites, and when he looked at her in amazement and handed over his credit card, the details were put into place and the night was planned. And yes, Amelia agreed to keep the kids.

  “Where are we going, Drake?” I looked out of the windows of the truck, noting they weren’t heading to my father’s house as he’d told me we were doing.

  “It’s a surprise, my lovely little mommy. Just sit tight.” Drake grinned over at me and turned the radio up. He’d put together a collection of songs that he knew I loved, love songs that spoke of burning passion, decades of devotion, and family life.

  “Are we going to Mississippi?” I asked as he took an exit to head onto I-10 going towards New Orleans. He didn’t answer; he just started to sing to me. He looked over at me and gave me a wink, a wink that did wobbly things to my tummy, and lower. Oh my.

  Maybe it was New Orleans? The whole thing was a mystery. Drake had woken me up this morning and told me to get a shower, pack an overnight bag, and he’d get the kids ready. We were going out for some grownup time. I hadn’t protested, only smiled as I went into the bathroom.

  Drake hadn’t been cold lately but he’d been on edge. Since Peter broke his arm in fact, but this morning his whole mood was different, happier and freer. I had begun to worry that Drake was growing discontent with home life, maybe that scare with Peter had made him change his mind about being a parent?

  But his devotion to the kids hadn’t changed, he’d just seemed tense. That’s the only way I could think to describe it, he was on edge. I just didn’t know why.

  Before long we were pulling onto an exit and heading off the interstate and into New Orleans. I knew where we were going, unless this was just a rest stop?

  “Need a break?” I asked, hoping we were heading into the city. I hadn’t been to New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina did all of her damage but I’d always wanted to go. Strange how you can live so close to a place but never quite make it there. The town was charming with a French air that no amount of time could dispel.

  I looked at the architecture of the passing buildings, the old world style of even the street lights and street signs and fell in love all over. I truly did love this place. How had he known?

  He brought us to a historic hotel just off of Bienville Street, a Greek Revival behemoth that took my breath away. The staff soon took
our bags up to our room and we were shown out to a large terrace where we had lunch listening to a water fountain tinkling in the background.

  We laughed over Drake’s pronunciations of some of the French words on the menu and he asked me about teaching French Immersion. I was going back to teaching this summer but for now, I didn’t miss it. I was enjoying my time with my children and with Drake far too much.

  Drake’s eyes sparkled and he looked relaxed in a pair of black trousers with a charcoal grey knit top on. His hair had been cut recently and something was just different about him. There was a nervous energy to the man but he seemed as though he were walking on air. I have to admit, I was beginning to wonder what this wining and dining was about and why he’d brought me to New Orleans.

  I found out that evening as we hopped into a horse-drawn carriage that drove us around the fragrant landscape of the Garden District after dark. Drake fidgeted for a bit, the carriage driver turned back to him at one point to ask him if he was alright, and I just sat quietly, knowing what was coming, waiting for it, wanting it, but oh so nervous. Why else would he bring me out here?

  “Bethany?” Drake asked suddenly, turning to me. He looked terrified and turned away.

  “Yes, Drake?” I asked, hoping, waiting.

  “Do you want to go back to the hotel now?” He looked defeated, aw, he’d lost his nerve, poor man!

  “Sure darling, we can go back.” I’d remind him why he should ask that question he was about to ask.

  Chapter Fifteen

  We went back up to our room, Drake’s left hand stuck in his pocket, worrying something there as we waited for the elevator. As soon as the doors closed I moved in, pushing him up against the wall as I claimed his mouth with mine. He started to say my name but then gave in, pulling me closer to him by placing his hands on my bottom and pulling up.


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