by Angi Morgan
She didn’t need any of the complications that getting involved with him would bring. The door opened.
“Oh, hi,” Andrea said, then waved behind her. “My ride’s here, guys. See you tomorrow.”
Pete scanned the perimeter, including the skyline for a possible chopper, avoiding eye contact with his assignment. There had been three days without a hint of an incident. None of the deputies had reported any unusual activity. No one had reported any unusual cars or visitors hanging around either Fort Davis or Marfa.
“I’m surprised to see you.”
“Well, Randy was here earlier.”
“He just left. I thought I’d give you a ride back to the ranch. Do you need anything else?”
“Nope, I’ve got everything.” She patted her laptop bag. “Gorgeous morning.”
“That it is.” She was a step ahead of him. He could take a long, good look at her. Gone was the bandage around her wrist, and the bruise was fading. Tight-fitting jeans covered her slender figure. A McDonald Observatory souvenir T-shirt hugged a tiny waist, giving him a terrific view.
They both got inside the Tahoe, and he drove away from the observatory, watching for stalled cars or men on the road. He noticed Andrea’s constant movement and glances behind them. “You seem kind of antsy. Something on your mind?” he asked after a few minutes.
“I was just waiting for you to drop the real reason you’re personally picking me up. I know you’ve been avoiding me. Did something happen? Did they send a new threat?”
“Nothing like that. I thought I’d give you a chance to pick up anything you might need. Our schedules haven’t been conducive for much socializing, that’s all.” And let you know about the possible threat for the next three days. But those words stuck in his throat.
“And whose fault is that?”
“I wouldn’t place blame on anyone. It’s just the way it happened to turn out.” Peach’s words argued with his conscience. If he did say something, what good would it do?
“So, did something happen? Do you have a message from my father?”
“Wouldn’t Commander Allen be calling you directly?”
“I really don’t know. This isn’t exactly our normal situation. We normally don’t talk that often.”
“That’s a downright shame.”
Andrea laughed. “You’ve heard all about the educational differences I’ve had with my family. Now it’s your turn to share.”
“My dad and I get along just fine.”
“You can’t get off that easy. I’ve been living in your house. Joe’s walking on eggshells and you guys barely say three words to each other.”
“He had a heart attack, and I’ve sort of been busy.”
“Oh, I know all about that. It’s nothing to take lightly, but he’s exercising and has lost seventeen pounds by changing his diet.”
“How did you know that?”
“He brags about using a new belt hole all the time. You’d know if you were around him for more than five minutes. Is it the upcoming election? Are you afraid he’s going to be upset that you’re taking his job?”
The desire to spill everything to Andrea was tempting. In spite of the nonstop chatter and her irresistible kissing ability, she was easy to talk with. He’d kept his dad’s secret without saying a word for six weeks.
“I take your silence for a yes.”
“Joe Morrison has been ready to retire. I know he’ll miss the people, but he’s been frustrated with the day-to-day stuff for a while now.”
“He said you’re running unopposed, so what’s the problem? Why are you nervous?” she asked.
“You seem pretty cozy with my dad, but I’m not sure this is any of your business.”
“What can I say? I like to talk.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“Are you mad at him because of me? I mean, Joe agreed to help the Commander. I know all this is an added strain. Especially having to drive me back and forth to the observatory.”
“I have an idea. Why don’t we listen to the radio and you take a break from thinking too hard on my problems.”
“Okay, but I don’t do country. Are there any classic rock stations around here?” Andrea turned away.
Pete immediately wanted to spill his guts. He’d been rude in order to stop himself from telling her everything. By the time they turned south into Fort Davis, he was ready to beg her to chatter again. He liked her voice and hadn’t realized how much he’d missed it.
“You’re right,” he said, unable to take the silence.
At least she looked at him, eyebrows arched, waiting for him to continue.
“It’s not...” Could he appease her curiosity without sharing all the details of his problem? No. In a very short time, this woman had gotten into his psyche. He wanted to be honest with her. But he just didn’t know if he could be.
Telling anyone would be risking everything his dad had worked to achieve for thirty years.
“If things were different—” He clammed up...again.
“I get it. This is personal and I’m a stranger.”
“Why is it so important to you?”
“You and your dad have been a big help this week. I owe you a lot. I hate to see your relationship strained because of me.”
“It has nothing to do with you.”
“Okay, I’d believe that. Except, after my dad formed this task force, you didn’t want to have anything to do with me. And Joe said I should just ask you why. I would have sooner, but you made it pretty clear—”
“Wait a minute. Slow down. Dad told you to ask me why?”
“Yes, when he left the meeting Saturday, he said you had a good reason for acting like a jerk.”
“He’s called me worse.”
Andrea turned a nice shade of embarrassed pink. “Sorry, that’s actually my description. But you didn’t even give me a chance to say thanks for saving my life before you completely brushed me off.”
“I think we sort of saved each other. We made a good team.”
“And that has to end?”
He took the vehicle through Marfa and made the last couple of turns to the ranch without responding.
“Look, Andrea, I don’t see the point. You’ll be on a military chopper out of here in four days. I have no doubts your father will keep you as far away as he can from Marfa, Texas, and this drug cartel. After that, you’re trying to get a job on the other side of the world.”
“Oh, so that’s it. You’re afraid of short-term relationships. Have you been burned before?”
He pulled past the front of the house, waving to his dad on the front porch. The grin and waggling eyebrows on his dad’s face were enough of a sign that everything appeared normal. He parked, cut the engine and got a strange feeling his dad expected something to happen with Andrea and him.
She unbuckled, turning his direction. A playful grin replaced the serious expression from earlier. “I got the impression from the nurses the other night that you were a popular guy.”
“Popular? I’ve had a few dates, nothing serious—”
“Hold that thought. Do you hear something?” She opened her door and hopped out before he could react. “Is that a helicopter? Was it following us?”
He drew his weapon as he jumped from the Tahoe, searching, seeing nothing. Andrea continued to the far side of the barn, her face turned to the sky.
“Wait! Don’t run out in the open! Dammit, exactly like what you’re doing.”
Chapter Eighteen
Andrea ran until she got a good look at the helicopter heading away from the ranch. A sense of relief that their day wouldn’t be interrupted swept over her as fast as the pleasant northern breeze. She stopped, and a second later, Pete skidded to a halt behind her. He stretched out his arms to steady her but quickly dropped them to his sides.
“Still alive.” She shrugged. Hopefully indicating that running had been the wrong thing to do. “We don’t have to make a big deal out of this,
Pete. I know I shouldn’t run off like that. It won’t happen again.”
“When am I supposed to make a big deal out of it? After they succeed in abducting you?”
Andrea was tired of seeing Pete’s face worried instead of smiling. In the past few days, when that deep furrow appeared across his brow it was because of her. She was also tired of avoiding her attraction. Deep down, she knew that part of the reason she’d stayed in the area was her attraction to this man.
There was just something about him. Something sweet about his silence, though he was strong to his core. She wanted to discover what centered him and made him so easily confident without conceit. Simply put...she wanted to know him better.
So it made perfect sense to kiss him again.
“Did I finally ask something you don’t have an answer for?”
Shrugging a little, she couldn’t help smiling at the confusion in Pete’s eyes. His hat was already in his hand or she might have pushed it off his head to the ground. He took a step back. She followed with two steps, catching his shoulders. With one small twist, she had him next to the barn wall.
He knew what was coming. She knew because his head tilted sideways and his face dropped even with hers.
“This is a bad idea, Andrea.”
“You’ve got to have a better reason.”
There was a hairbreadth between their lips. They stayed there, taking in each other’s air. The minty clean made her wish she’d taken him up on the lifesaver he’d offered in his car. His chest began to rise and fall quicker, matching hers. His hands tightened around her waist, and she draped hers around his shoulders.
“Bad, bad idea,” he said before crushing his lips to hers.
Sheriff Pete Morrison might think kissing her was a bad idea, but the man hauling her hips to his... Well, he left nothing but good sensations behind.
“The suggestion that any part of this is bad...absolutely ridiculous,” she whispered close to his ear. “You are such a good kisser.”
“You make me crazy,” he said. He smashed his mouth to hers again, not allowing her to respond.
The returning kiss she gave him should have been answer enough. She was desperate not to let him go this time. Her body needed him, and his needed her.
She pulled back, dipping her mouth, tasting the salt on his skin, nipping the curve where his shoulder muscle met his neck. She tilted her head back, encouraging him to taste the V of her throat, sending additional shivers of anticipation down her spine.
His lips traveled down her breastbone, lightly scraping his teeth across her sensitive skin. His tongue darted under the lacy edge of her bra. His hands stretched along her sides, then tugged at her T-shirt, making her wish she’d worn the button-up hanging in her bedroom.
Oh, gosh, a bedroom would be nice. They could take their desire to the next level. But they couldn’t... They weren’t alone. But that didn’t stop the exploring.
Pete’s cool hands slid under her shirt, up her back and to her sides. He skimmed her breasts, just the thin lace separated the tips of his fingers and her flesh.
More shivers. At this rate there would be endless shivers and no relief in sight. She wanted his shirt off, but it was firmly tucked into his pants. She settled for skimming the tops of his ears, dragging her nails gently across his scalp and filling her hands with his thick hair.
Pete caught her mouth to his again, plunging his tongue inside. He captured her whimper as their hips gnashed together again. Wanting more than either could deliver in broad daylight on the side of the Morrison barn.
“Ahem.” Joe cleared his throat from the corner of the barn.
Breathing too hard to speak, Andrea looked in his direction and could only see the toe of one boot and a long, tall shadow.
Breathing a little hard himself, Pete dropped his forehead just above her ear. Then he whispered, “Very bad idea.”
“Not at all,” she whispered back, noticing his hands settled on her hips, his thumbs comfortably hooked inside her jeans.
“Um, son. Since you’re going to be here with our guest, I thought I’d take Rowdy into town. We need feed and supplies. I have a few errands. We’ll probably be gone a good three or four hours, so I thought we’d grab lunch at the café.”
“You don’t have—”
She placed a finger over Pete’s lips, fearing he’d convince his father not to leave. She lowered her voice again. “I promise to be good...and not run away.”
Pete dropped his head against the barn, then his eyes seared her with their heat. “Fine, Dad. I got this covered.”
Yes, he did.
* * *
PETE NEEDED TO drop his hands and lock the county’s guest in her bedroom. That would be the right thing to do. The responsible thing. The sheriff thing. He could try. But the way his body was throbbing it would take every ounce of control he no longer had.
Holding Andrea in his arms, he’d lost control. If his dad hadn’t interrupted them, there was no telling what he would have done. His heart rate was still thrumming at top speed. If he didn’t have a grip on her hips, his hands would be shaking.
The horn from the truck sounded a couple of blasts. A minute later he heard it leaving. He stayed put, reluctant to let Andrea go because he knew what needed to be done.
“We should get inside.” He reluctantly dropped his hands, pressing them against the barn.
Andrea stepped to the side and picked up his hat. She handed it to him, then put her fists on her slim hips. “What’s wrong? You embarrassed?”
He shoved his hat on his head and circled her wrist, tugging a little to get her started. “Inside and no. Or yes, a little.”
Once they were around the corner and headed to the house, she twisted her wrist free. “I’ve been walking on my own for a while now.”
“Come on, Andrea. You’re under my protection. We can’t— I shouldn’t let my guard down or take advantage of our situation.” He opened the screen door, ready to let her go through and plant himself on the porch until his father returned.
Looking him up one side and down the other, she seemed to read his mind and paused. To add to his misery, she took a seat on the porch swing and gestured for him to join her.
The chain suspending the swing creaked above their heads in a gentle rhythm as they sat shoulder to shoulder, silent. The horses clopped around in the corral. The breeze was picking up and blowing the top branches in the tree. Then just like high school, Pete found his hand inching toward Andrea’s, then lacing their fingers together.
“This is nice. My mom would love this porch. She’d decorate it with all sorts of plants and small statues. She loves statues.” She didn’t seem mad.
In fact, she seemed to be in a great mood. Just like before their make-out session. Man, she was completely different from any woman he’d ever met. Shouldn’t she be furious with him instead of holding his hand, sending lightning bolts up his arm or making small talk?
“Plants don’t do so well out here in the winter.” He could make small talk and ignore the energy surging through his body at her touch. Could he ignore that they had the house to themselves for the next three hours?
“Your dad is convinced that your reason for halting a potential relationship between the two of us is solid, as he put it. I, on the other hand, am not convinced.”
So much for small talk.
“I have a lot of good reasons.” It was easier to remember they couldn’t be together when he wasn’t touching her. He just couldn’t force himself not to enjoy the smoothness of her skin. In fact, the memory of her incredible breasts made it hard to keep his seat.
“Why can’t you tell me, Pete?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Then why is your dad so eager for you to share these reasons?”
“I don’t know.”
“One more question and then I’ll go to my room.” She looked down, dragged her toes and stopped the swing.
“Go for it.”
“I think I wil
l.” She arched those beautiful brows again and winked. “Does it really matter for the next three hours?”
Chapter Nineteen
Pete watched Andrea’s eyes slowly look into his and with his free hand, he tilted her chin until he could brush her lips again. Close enough to share her breath, her softness and her taste, and still far enough apart to quit. All he had to do was release her hand and let her go.
“What about all your reasons?” she asked.
His mind raced to find one legitimate objection not to finish what they’d started.
They’d only known each other a few days. That wasn’t cause enough to stop. He felt drawn to Andrea like he’d known her all his life. And he wanted to know her better. Completely.
He wanted to taste the rest of her, working his way down from her slightly salty neck to her cute little toes. He wanted to find out if she was ticklish behind her knees or at the curve above her hip. He wanted to keep her to himself for a week of Sundays and forget the rest of the world and his list of reasons.
He didn’t have a future. Hell, she only wanted three hours. The way his body was humming, he could guarantee that short time would be a long unforgettable adventure.
He was in charge of her protection. Her father working with Border Protection and Homeland Security still wasn’t enough to make him stop. He’d take his chances.
But could the biggest reason on his list be ignored? He was a phony. He didn’t want to lie to her, but it wasn’t his secret. No matter how much she liked him, he couldn’t take a chance telling anyone. Ever.
Pete stood quickly and jerked her into his arms. Her blue eyes were a perfect match with the sky. A perfect backdrop to kiss her again. He wanted to consume her, but he managed to keep his hands on her upper arms. He pressed his mouth to hers, coaxing her lips apart enough to enjoy the luxurious softness.
He wanted her with a fierce need that made nothing else matter. It had started in the hospital with each cheeky answer she’d given to his questions. And he honestly didn’t see an end happening soon. It would, just not today. He’d already wasted enough of her remaining time in town. He tapered off their kiss in order to coax her to the door.