CHAINS (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 18)

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CHAINS (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 18) Page 16

by Samantha Leal

  Clark sighed deeply. It wasn’t as if he knew what to do. He just wanted to make sure that this little resistance meeting didn’t result in something more than his pack could handle.

  “I’m glad to see you,” David said, making his way to the little platform he had set up in his living room. He stood on it and looked out at the crowd.

  “Ladies, gentlemen, and pups, please give a warm welcome to Clark Thomas!”

  The crowd cheered uproariously and Clark grimaced.

  “Although the powers that be may claim that mutt Thames as our leader, let Clark know just what we think of that!”

  The crowd booed and jeered passionately, and a few even cursed Thames’ name. It was actually kind of refreshing to feel the amount of unadulterated support that his pack had for him, and Clark smiled out at them broadly, catching Missy’s eye in the crowd. She gave him a tight smile of approval and applauded as well.

  “Clark, why don’t you come up here and give everyone a few words before we get started tonight. I promised this as a way for everybody to voice their concerns, and I think, maybe more than anybody, you have some concerns we all need to hear.”

  Clark was surprised by David’s words, and in truth, he hadn’t thought of anything to say yet.

  “I couldn’t…” he said, but he was already being led helplessly onto the little platform and before long, he was looking out over the familiar faces of his pack, his heart constricting in his chest. He couldn’t let any danger befall these people. They were his world.

  “I know most of you remember what happened so many years ago. It’s been almost two decades, now. Corruption had leaked into our ranks, just as it’s doing now, and I made some rash, foolish choices that led to a lot of bloodshed.”

  The crowd was silent, and Clark forced himself to continue.

  “I’ve regretted every day, every moment since then, the way I acted before I thought. It cost the lives of some very valuable people, my own wife included.”

  “But we won!” someone in the crowd shouted, and everybody began to cheer again. Clark frowned deeply. It had never felt like much of a victory to him.

  “Still, there were casualties where there could have been none. I didn’t think things through. So I’m here to implore you, no matter how difficult the obstacles ahead may seem, not to do anything rash and unreasonable. Do not put your lives on the line unless there is absolutely no other choice. Do not take positions you are not meant to have, or lead when you are meant to follow. Listen to me, and listen to David, and we will give you a careful plan of attack. Don’t do anything reckless. I guess…just don’t be like me.”

  Clark left the stage abruptly, and the crowd was silent. He left the room as the meeting continued, but he could feel all eyes on him as he retreated to the doorway. It had been hard to tell them how he felt, why he hadn’t gotten involved before now, but hopefully, the pack would understand and do whatever they could to stay out of harm’s way. If only he knew what to do.


  “Mm, I smell a virgin. A human! And a healthy one.”

  Carmen’s heart thudded hard in her chest when a grating voice spoke behind her. She dropped the milk into her shopping cart without turning around, immediately regretting her choice to go out alone. She had decided to run out and get some groceries before Clark returned, and had borrowed the truck after securing Rachel’s groggy permission.

  “Don’t talk to me,” she said as firmly as possible, but her voice wavered. The man cackled.

  “You’ll do nicely. Yes…”

  “I said don’t –” She whipped around to face the man, and was shocked to find that there was nobody there.

  “I must be losing my mind,” Carmen mumbled to herself, taking her cart to the checkout lane. She hadn’t gotten everything on her list, but she was too spooked to stay out any longer. Why was it that the only safe place for her in this town seemed to be Clark’s house? And even there, the dark, looming, sexual threat he posed was not to be overlooked.

  “Miss! I said $17.80! Where is your mind at?”

  Carmen blinked in surprise. She hadn’t even heard the cashier the first time.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, digging the exact change out of her purse.

  “Mm-hm,” the cashier replied, refusing to meet her eye.

  Nobody seemed to be a big fan of humans in this town. That, or everybody was under a lot of stress due to the shift in power favoring the outsiders. The shifters liked them even less than they liked humans.

  “Have a nice day,” the cashier said mechanically as Carmen took her bags. She smiled half-heartedly and walked briskly to the truck, tossing the bags in the passenger’s seat. She couldn’t wait to get home.

  “Here she is,” the same unnerving voice said from behind her.


  Hands were suddenly over her mouth and a strong arm wrapped itself around her torso. Carmen tried her best to scream. The sound was muffled and ineffective, and no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn’t free herself.

  “Oh, Thames will be pleased with this one.”

  A sudden piercing pain invaded Carmen’s neck and she let out a muffled cry of pain. Soon, the world was turning black and Carmen fell into a deep sleep.


  “Where am I?”

  Carmen woke up cold and sore on a sandy surface that smelled of earth. She sat up and pain seared through her head. The whole room was pitch black, and she couldn’t see in front of her at all.

  “The underground palace,” a woman’s voice whispered.

  “What?!” Carmen’s heart thudded fearfully. “What for?”

  “The virgin auction,” another woman’s voice answered.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Carmen growled, trying to get to her feet. But a wave of nausea overpowered her and she stayed on the ground.

  “No…I heard them talking about it when they brought me here,” the first woman answered. “I guess it’s a gift to the townspeople. An old, outdated custom that died back in the 10th century. But Alexander’s dug it up. He’s Thames’ right hand man, now.”

  “That little freak?” the second woman exclaimed.

  “Yup. Thames is going to be officially taking over the throne and giving out virgins to bless his reign and the people who support him. It’s such a barbaric ancient custom.”

  “So what’s going to happen to us then?” Carmen broke in. She didn’t know Alexander or Thames, but the last thing she needed was to be part of some horrific ritual that would leave her at the mercy of the type of man who would buy a virgin.

  “That depends on who buys us, I guess,” the first woman said. “I really don’t know.”

  “This day just gets better and better,” Carmen sighed. She couldn’t help but curse her parents. If they had just told her that she could come home, she would be on a train right now heading to Iowa. But no. She was stuck in some dark pit in the underground palace waiting to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. What good was her virginity now? She might as well have given it to Clark when she had the chance.

  “Tell me about it,” the second voice said. “I started my period and everything.”

  Carmen couldn’t help but laugh before the severity of the situation caught back up to her.

  “So why does it have to be so dark in here?” she asked, reaching her hand out in front of her face to test the limits of her vision. “Couldn’t they give us something to work with?”

  “They don’t want the guards looking at us with temptation,” the first woman said bitterly. “They might mar the goods.”

  Carmen fumed at the idea of her hymen being thought of as a currency by these people. Who the hell did they think they were? They were total pigs.

  “So what’s going to happen to King Lobos?” the second woman asked. “Why is he allowing this to happen?”

  “Oh, you know the king is an old coot by now. His mind isn’t quite right. He’s just doing what his advisers tell him to do. They were p
robably paid off or something by the outsiders. I don’t know what they’re playing at but I don’t like it at all. They’re taking shifter society back into the dark ages.”

  “You know, I read in my anthropology course about rogue shifters like these ones,” Carmen said, her mind suddenly reeling back to her studies. “They might not even be wolf shifters at all, but another type entirely. It’s easier and less obvious than flat out warfare, and they use manipulation to secure territory for themselves and their clans. Do you think…”

  “The Grizzlies!” the other two women gasped in unison.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” the first woman groaned. “I should have just stayed home today.”

  “Try not to worry,” Carmen said, Clark’s image strong in her mind. “We’re going to be all right. I know somebody who is working on taking care of this. Don’t give up hope yet.”

  The other women grunted and fell silent as all three of them contemplated the bleak future ahead of them.

  “Come on, Clark,” Carmen begged silently. “I know you can do this.”


  “Dad, have you seen Carmen?”

  Clark had just walked through the door when Rachel approached him. Her face was wrought with worry.

  “No, I thought she was here. Why?”

  “I’ve been trying to call her to ask if she wanted to go out with Bobby and Greg and I, but I can’t reach her.”

  Clark darkened. He really didn’t like Greg or the way he looked at Carmen.

  “No. And why do you still hang out with Greg? He’s an asshole.”

  Rachel grinned.

  “It’s been ten years since he broke my fragile little heart, dad. You need to learn to let things go.”

  Clark was silent.

  “Seriously, though, I’m worried about Carmen. I told her she could take the truck because she wanted to make us dinner tonight, but she’s been gone for hours and I can’t reach her. Do you think something might have happened to her?”

  “Maybe Greg found her before you did,” Clark said bitterly. The idea of Carmen hanging out with that little arrogant slimeball made his blood boil, and he was ready to drop the subject.

  “Get real, dad. She can’t stand him. I’m seriously worried!”

  “Hm…all right. Want to go with me to check the grocery store then?”

  The note of concern in Rachel’s voice brought the matter home to him. Carmen was missing. It wasn’t like her to take off without coming back, especially if she had something that didn’t belong to her, like the truck.

  “Maybe the truck broke down,” Clark suggested, leading Rachel to the motorcycle. “Or her phone battery died.”

  “Yeah right,” Rachel said. “She has a back-up battery even if that was a possibility.”

  “Smart girl,” Clark said with a smirk.

  “Can we just go?”

  Rachel’s concern kicked Clark into high gear. His secret fear was that Carmen had taken the truck to the train station. She could be on the way to her parent’s house right now, leaving him, and the rest of their godforsaken town, in the dust.

  “Where are you going?” Rachel shouted behind him when Clark took the exit to the train station. “The grocery store is the other way!”

  Clark growled inwardly and turned the bike around, speeding his way through town until they reached the grocery store.

  His heart pounded painfully in his chest. The truck was still there.

  “Fuck, where is she?” Rachel cried, jumping off the bike and to the window of the truck. She reached inside and pulled out an apple. “She was done shopping. She wouldn’t have left this stuff here. There’s milk…”

  “Stand back and let me see,” Clark said darkly. He could smell that something was off. Somebody else had been in the truck, possibly waiting for Carmen.

  “We have to find her, dad. She’s my best friend,” Rachel said, as close to tears as he had ever seen her.

  “I know, honey. I care about her too. We will take care of this.”

  Rachel said nothing but she looked doubtful as Clark roamed the parking lot for clues. He smelled something sour in the truck, and sought Carmen’s scent frantically, but it was all but gone. Whoever had abducted her had known what they were doing.

  “I can’t get a scent,” Clark growled.

  “Maybe we could –”

  Rachel’s voice was interrupted by the shrill sound of the emergency meeting siren. Clark and Rachel exchanged looks.

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  They mounted the motorcycle and headed into town to find out more about what was going on.


  “I’m glad you could all gather here so quickly,” Thames said, a sickening smile lighting his face. Clark glowered at him from the huge crowd of shifters that had gathered at the sound of the meeting siren. Everybody was talking amongst themselves, wondering what all the commotion might be about.

  “It’s time,” Thames said.

  King Lobos walked out onto the stage in the town square and bowed graciously to the crowd.

  “Welcome, and thank you all for coming so swiftly. It has come to my attention that through faults in our records, the rightful heir to the throne is Thames. So please, bow to your new king as I place the crown on its rightful owner.”

  The crowd jeered and booed, looking to Clark for what to do. But Clark was too repulsed to make a move, and watched in shock as Thames bowed before King Lobos and Lobos removed his crown.

  “Please accept my apologies for this long overdue remedy to my mistake,” Lobos said gravely, placing the crown on top of Thames’ head.

  “Please, brother, don’t fret. It is a mistake you would have altered quickly had you known. Of that, I have no doubt.”

  “Aren’t you going to do something?” Rachel hissed at Clark. Clark held up his hand to silence his daughter. He had a bad feeling about this. He was sure there was more to come.

  “And now, to commemorate this wonderful correction, I would like to treat you all. Alexander, bring out the girls!”

  The crowd was silenced as Alexander marched purposefully out onto the stage. He was holding a long chain tightly in his hands. At first, it looked as if it wasn’t attached to anything, but the chain stayed taught as Alexander stopped and cleared his throat.

  “Welcome to Stonybrooke’s very first Virgin Auction,” Alexander announced. The crowd gasped in shock.

  “What the hell are you talking about?!” David shouted. “We don’t do virgin auctions anymore!”

  Alexander ignored him and kept speaking, his voice loud and haunting over them through the microphone clipped to the lapel of his tweed jacket.

  “King Thames is from an ancient bloodline; one that understands sacrifice and the deep powers that structure this world. We’ve lost touch of our ancient ways and we’ve come to rely more and more on human culture. But it’s diluting our race, and it is time that we get back on track. But it’s not too late! The power of the Virgin trinity can bring our species back to its former glory!”

  The crowd roared in shock when Alexander tugged the chains and the first virgin stumbled forward. She was about twenty-three, tall, with chocolate colored skin and a proud afro. She glared out at the crowd of shifters with silent defiance etched on her face. She looked like she wanted to speak, but nothing passed her lips. Even if she had, nobody could have heard her over the furious crowd.

  The next woman in the line was shorter, with long auburn hair. She looked furious, but she also stayed silent. The anger of the crowd was deafening as the third virgin stepped onto the stage. Clark’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Carmen.

  “Dad!” Rachel shouted, tugging on his arm.

  “I know,” Clark growled. “I’m going.”

  Clark unleashed an earth-shattering roar as his body began to shift into his most powerful form. The crowd fell silent and backed away, making room for Clark’s humungous wolf form. They hadn’t seen him shift since the day his wife had been
killed. And in reality, he hadn’t wanted to shift at all since then. And very few members of the pack had either. But today was different. Today, if he didn’t act fast, Carmen would be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

  “What have we here?” Thames exclaimed, grinning. “We have a little revolt going on, do we? Look at him, isn’t he cute?”

  Alexander sniggered into his microphone and the rage in Clark’s breast surged through him.

  “You’re going to pay for this!” David exclaimed. Clark looked back at him and shot him a serious look. David seemed to understand immediately.

  “Nobody interfere!” David exclaimed. “Not unless I give the word. Understood?”

  The crowd cheered and Thames grinned out at them.

  “Take care of this joker for me, will you Alex?” Thames said, grabbing the chain of women from Alexander. “I have an auction to put on.”

  Clark roared violently as Thames began speaking into the microphone. “We’re starting the bidding at $200.”

  A crowd of outsiders made their way to the front of the crowd, offering bids. Clark growled at them as he lunged forward, attempting to tackle Thames. But Alexander and three others were one step ahead of him. By the time he reached the stage, Alexander had shifted into his wolf form. He was a lot bulkier than Clark remembered him being, and snarled viciously as Thames walked around the stage, leading the girls on the chains forward.

  “$350, you say? How generous!”

  Alexander lunged at Clark, teeth first, and sank into his back. Clark bucked Alex off of himself quickly and he fell back into the crowd. If he didn’t end this soon, he would have chaos on his hands, and who knew what might happen in that crowd? He couldn’t endanger Rachel or Carmen any more than they already were. He had to finish this.

  Clark leapt forward, pinning Alexander to the ground with his heavy paws. Alex thrashed and bit at him but missed, and, although Clark regretted having to do so, he bit Alex firmly on the neck. He yelped in pain and grew limp. Clark waited for a moment before he let go.


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