CHAINS (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 18)

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CHAINS (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 18) Page 50

by Samantha Leal

  “Wait for me, Andra,” he was saying, over and over again.

  When she awoke, she felt calmer as if Alex had really been with her. Maybe there was still hope, but she would keep it to herself.

  She expected Geraldina to bring her breakfast and was surprised when Helena opened the door with her meal. She braced herself for another onslaught of venom.

  Placing the tray on the bed, Helena walked over to the window.

  “Andra, I am deeply sorry about last night. The news of my brother’s loss hit me strongly and I spoke out of turn. I have not been as welcoming to you as perhaps I should have, and I think that I should start to make amends, especially as you are carrying his child. After breakfast, come walking with me. The air will do us both good.”

  It was a struggle for the older woman to say the words, and her face twisted with every vowel. She was trying hard to be pleasant, but her manner left Andrea cold. Still, if Helena could make the effort, then so could she.

  The girl smiled and nodded. “I could do with some air and exercise too. I will come to you after I have dressed.”

  Andrea ate up her breakfast. She needed to keep up her strength. Then, pulling on her layers of stockings and tunic to keep warm, she wrapped a large woolen blanket around her shoulders to keep off the chill from the sea air. Helena was already waiting for her by the door, and the two women set off into the bright winter air.

  Together they walked over the brow of the Island to the northern-most point, the “Bay of the Breaking Waves,” the locals called it. The view was spectacular and the women walked on in silence, each one thinking of Alex in their own way. As they rounded the hill, Andrea began to break out into a sweat, becoming breathless before the pains started in her abdomen. Clutching her belly, she shouted out to Helena who was walking slightly ahead of her. By the time Helena had turned around, Andrea had already slipped to the stony ground, writhing in agony.

  The Abbess walked over to the girl, a strange look upon her face. She was about to speak when a voice called out to them in the distance, and a small black figure approached them. It was Geraldina, who, noticing that Andrea had not taken her cloak, followed the two women to bring the garment.

  “Geraldina, come quick, the young mistress is unwell, and we need to get her back to the nunnery as a matter of urgency.”

  Slowly and carefully, the two women supported her back to the room. Luckily, they hadn’t walked too far and within half an hour, Andrea was tucked up in her bed with a roaring fire in the grate. The pain had subsided in her stomach, but her heart was racing and she had a fever. The physician had examined her and left another draught of bitter herbs to help her rest.

  She slept for the rest of the day, and by suppertime she was feeling much better and sat up in bed to eat a small meal that Helena had brought for her. The Abbess had showed her great kindness that day, and Andrea wondered if she had been wrong to doubt her. It was only when Geraldina came to check on the fire about midnight that anyone realized the attack had happened yet again. After her meal, Andrea had slept only to wake with a raging thirst and a pounding head. As she had tried to get out of bed for a glass of water, the stabbing pains started again and she was too weak to shout for help.

  The young nun wet a rag with cold water and laid it on her forehead. Andrea was almost delirious with pain but could see Geraldina smiling kindly down at her. For once the girl spoke.

  “Listen to me. There is not much time. Helena is trying to poison you; she does not want you nor the child, now that her brother is dead. She is poisoning you through the food, and I cannot stop her–but I can give you an antidote for the poison. Here, drink this up and you will soon be feeling better.”

  The nun went on to pour three drops of a reddish-brown liquid into a goblet and filled the rest with water.

  Andrea drank down the potion; it tasted sweet and of berries, and within five minutes the fever had eased and the pains gone.

  “You must take three drops of this with water before and after each meal to protect you. Now I must go, I have been here too long.” And leaving a small vial on the bed, the nun left, locking the door behind her.

  She was in deadly danger. If Helena was trying to kill her, then she would stop at nothing. Geraldina’s potion would only prolong the inevitable. She had been right all along about Helena. Grandma Betty had returned back to the present on the seeming death of Andra, but then again she had the rune. What would happen if Andrea died without it in her hands?

  All night she lay awake, afraid of every noise, of every footstep in case it was Helena’s. She tucked the glass vial under her pillow out of sight. Without the young nun’s help, she would have been dead already. She must keep the faith.

  Chapter 12

  Andrea eventually slept, for when she finally awoke the rain was lashing down at the window. She was also not alone; Helena was standing at the foot of her bed looking like death herself, dressed in a long black habit.

  “I am glad to see that you have had a good night. I am surprised; the doctor thought that you might lose the child again. I have brought you some breakfast to keep up your strength. Some beef tea and bread will do you good, now let me help you.”

  Her hand reached under the pillow. The little vial had gone. Her heart started to beat fast as Helena sat by her side and started to pick up the spoon.

  “What is wrong, my dear? You look like you have lost something. Now drink some of this, it will do you good.”

  Andrea had no choice; if she struggled, then Helena would force her. They were both playing a dangerous game, and Helena currently held the upper hand. Her only hope lay in the hands of Geraldina.

  Soon the beef tea was all gone and Helena smiled as she proffered the last spoonful.

  “There, all done. Now I will leave you to rest. I have told the other nuns not to disturb you today. I will lock the door and take away the key, just to make sure you rest in peace.”

  The key turned in the lock and the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor until all was still. Was this to be her final fate?

  After half an hour, the fever and the pains started anew and within an hour she was almost unconscious with the pain. Her mind kept blanking out, but she concentrated on the pain to keep her awake. The little song kept playing round and round in her head:

  Long ago and far away

  I dreamed a dream one day

  And now that dream is here beside me.

  The words came and went as she tried to sing them out loud, tried to remember the tune that the little nun had sung.

  Her heart was beating fast, and her breath was rasping in her throat. So this was the end. She thought of Steve and New York, of her Grandma Betty, and of Alex.

  Her eyes began to mist. Death was pulling her towards eternal sleep, and there was nothing she could do. As her senses began to shut down, she was aware of a commotion around her. The door had opened and a shadowy figure was in the room. Maybe it was Death paying her a personal visit? But the face was real. It was Alex; he had returned. He was shouting something out loud to another figure behind him.

  “What have you done? What have you done?” His voice was desperate.

  Soon she could feel a strong arm around her, sitting her up, shaking her, trying to restore life, but it was too late—she was slowly breaking down. The last thing she remembered was a small stone being thrust into her hand before all went black.

  At 30,000 feet in the air, it all came flooding back to her. Geraldine MacDonald had found her that morning slumped over a grave in the little Chapel of St. Oran. She had been overdoing it lately, and the stress had taken its toll. Once she was feeling quite well again, the old woman had given her a book on the genealogy of the McDonald clan and not wanting to be rude, she had taken it along with her name and address and telephone number, just in case she happened to be in the area again.

  At first she had tried to sleep. She had an aisle seat and was at least able to stretch out her legs. Yet every time she almost dozed
off, vivid dreams and imaginings would wake her up. She looked in her carry-on bag. She had nothing to read except the book Geraldine had given her so she casually flicked through the pages to pass the time. On the third page she paused as she read the name of Alexhander McDonald. Her heart stopped as the memories came flooding back in every detail. Surely it had been just a terrible dream, brought on by her grieving state? Maybe she had been influenced by her grandma’s diary. She had always had an active imagination.

  She looked at the family tree spread out in the middle pages of the book. There was Alexhander McDonald, married to Andra in 1642. They had a child, Alexhander (dead) in 1644, and another, a girl in 1645. There were no dates of death, only question marks against the entries. The history books couldn’t tell her everything.

  Andrea put a hand against her stomach, remembering the pregnancy. Could it be that she was expecting? She had been sick that morning when she returned to the hotel, and she still felt a little queasy. Deep inside her, it all started to make sense. If it had been just a dream, then she wouldn’t be feeling so strongly. Alex had come through for her in the end, just at the right moment. She fished out the small rune from her jeans pocket and held it in her hand. This tiny object connected her past and present; it was her link to the one man she loved and would return to.

  In the dark room of the nunnery, Alex McDonald held onto the still, warm body of his beloved Andra. The dawn had just started to break, and a weak sun was rising above the mist. He knew that she was safe and that she would come back to him. As long as he kept holding her, she would not die. Their love was eternal.


  The Highland Dream

  Book 2 of the Runes of Argyll series

  Jessica Savage

  Copyright ©2015 by Jessica savage All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  As the plane started its descent to 20,000 ft over New York, Andrea woke as the pressure popped in her ears. The cabin was noisy with the chatter of passengers, most of who had just woken in time for the landing. Seat belts were fastened and stray hand luggage stowed away in readiness. Everything seemed so ordinary, so 21st century and Andrea breathed deeply. When she had set off from Glasgow airport that morning she had been full of fire and fury and ready to read the riot act to Steve, but now she was back in civilization her determination had started to waiver. The events of the last week now seemed a dream and she wondered if she could actually be going slightly mad. Her memory was foggy, as if she was trying to recall something that had happened years ago rather than just yesterday.

  She remembered carrying out her Grandmother’s last wish, her pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona in the Western Hebrides to return a strange looking stone to the cemetery of the ancient chapel of St Oran. Something had happened there, something remarkable in that sacred place, the thin place where time and eternity met. That's what Geraldine had said, the old woman she had met at the hotel Columba over coffee. Even she now seemed like a phantom.

  And then there was Alexhander MacDonald. How could she ever forget him? Yet she could scarcely remember his face now, only the eyes remained burning brightly in her memory, the intense way that he looked at her with his green grey eyes. It all seemed like a distant memory rather than yesterday. But it hadn't been her time, it had been his; 1625 to be exact. The date was engraved in her mind. Yet still it was so ridiculous. The old woman, Geraldine, had found her in the chapel grounds, being violently sick: food poisoning or something of the like. Yet it had seemed so real, she could still feel his touch on her skin, could still feel his presence around her even though the details were no longer clear.

  The rune was still in her possession. She had wanted to bury it in the graveyard at the chapel of St Oran, to carry out her Grandma Betty’s wishes, but the old woman had told her to take it with her, to keep it safe and there was something in her manner that made her do just that.

  The pilot announced that they were about to start the landing process and she sat upright in her seat.

  Wheeling her case through JFK International airport, the bright lights awakened her senses and she started to feel herself again. Settling into the back of a taxi she started to laugh softly.

  How ridiculous she had been. A slight dose of salmonella and she had almost convinced herself that she had been time travelling - a lady time lord whizzing through time and space. All she needed was a Tardis. She had definitely been overdoing it lately and would take a short break from work, she was owed some time and things were pretty quiet at the moment.

  Steve would be surprised to see her. He had been angry at her for being away in his time of need; his first exhibition was due to open that night and it was the accumulation of years of work. Now she would be at his side and all would be well. He would forgive her. She could feel the excitement well up inside, the past week was forgotten as she looked forward to the future.


  The apartment was quiet. Steve would be at the gallery making the final preparations for the evening opening. The place was pretty tidy too, as if he hadn't been there for a while, the bed un-slept in, and the towels dry on the bathroom radiator. Even the air was still; the reverent hush of a chapel lay over the sleek furniture as if no one had lived here for years. Steve had probably been staying at the gallery or with friends, he was hopeless at looking after himself. He was a real mummy's boy when it came down to it and would have jumped at any offer to be looked after whilst she was away.

  At least it would give her time to shower and change and make herself glamorous for him. It was true; absence really did make the heart grow fonder.

  Andrea could have stayed under the shower for hours. The hot water streamed over her tired body, reviving and refreshing. For a moment she almost remembered another time, a picture appearing in her mind of an earthenware bowl in front of an open fire, a black cloaked figure with a smiling face. The thought stayed for a mere instance before disappearing.

  Scrubbing at her skin she sloughed away at the dry skin cells; off with the old and onto the new. Patting herself dry on the soft towels she reached for her body oil. It was lavender and the old fashioned smell never failed to revive her senses, de-stress her body and soul.

  As she rubbed a small amount of the oil into her skin her heart began to race. Somehow the smell excited her; brought out a longing within her. Again it was gone in an instance and she shook her head at her own imaginings.

  She tried not to be vain, but checking in the mirror she looked pretty good for someone who had just stepped off the plane less than 3 hours ago. The expensive black trouser suit accentuated her figure and the silk blouse was an exact match to her eyes, bringing out their color in a most enchanting manner.

  The exhibition would start in just over two hours, time for a quick reunion with Steve before the celebrity guests and VIPs started to arrive.

  Although it was only 2 blocks to the gallery she hailed a yellow cab, her heels ridiculously high to walk far in. They were for 'display purposes only' as she used to joke to Steve.


  The gallery was very chic and large notices heralded the opening night. There would be press and TV coverage too and after tonight their lives would never be the same again. The year was already booked with guest appearances, dinners and countless social extravaganzas. There were a few people milling around, some familiar faces, but most of them new to Andrea. As she paid the taxi fare she spotted Jim, a good friend of both her and Steve's, and she shouted over to him.

  To say that he looked shocked was an understatement. His face was almost white by the time Andrea had walked over and stood smiling in front of him.

  "Hey Jim, it's me. You look like you’ve seen a ghost?"

  She laughed. But Jim didn't respond, only opened and closed his m
outh like a fish.

  Andrea laughed. She hadn't been away that long.

  "I thought I'd surprise Steve"

  "He'll be surprised all right - shall I rush up and warn him?"

  Jim was obviously having some joke with her and eventually he broke into a half smile.

  "No, it’s OK Jim, I really do want to surprise him. I think I'm in his bad books and I need to atone for my sins."

  He opened his mouth as if to speak but after consideration, kept silent. It was not his call.

  As she entered through the glass doors she could see his reflection staring back behind her. If she hadn't been so excited she would have felt most unwelcome.

  The exhibition was on the second floor but the foyer was already decked out with flowers and a few prints, tasters of the first collection of Steve’s.

  Pressing the lift button her heart was almost in her mouth, it was such an exciting time and she could hardly wait to see him again.

  The lift opened directly onto the gallery space. Before the doors opened she had spotted Steve looking relaxed, leaning over a table with a dark haired woman. He was laughing, which was a real change for him, she had expected to find him prowling the gallery floor like a caged animal, fretting about this and that little detail.

  The ping of the lift doors opening caused them to look up. Andrea’s face was beaming as she stepped into the room, her eyes alight and ready to greet her lover.

  Steve hadn't moved, but held his head at a slight angle whilst looking at her, the stillness of his features belying the turmoil within.

  "Surprise" she rushed across the gallery floor, her high heeled boots clicking over the polished wooden surface. Steve whispered something to the woman at his side as he stepped forward to greet her.

  "Andrea, now this IS a surprise"


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