Copper King

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Copper King Page 7

by Vivian Arend

  It was dark enough around them she didn’t think anyone could see what she was doing, even if they could pry their eyes away from the stage.

  Jim shrugged out of his suit jacket and tossed it casually over his lap, easing his hips forward on the couch and laying his head on the backrest.

  Lillie lifted onto her knees far enough to press her lips to his cheek. “Okay?”

  Luckily something happened on stage at the same moment he let out a loud Ha, his exclamation buried under the applause and ooooohs and ahhhhhs.

  “Tell me every dirty thing you want me to do to you,” Jim growled.

  Lillie sucked in a quick breath. She stroked her palm over the soft head of his cock, spreading the moisture she found. “Right now?”

  “Right now,” he whispered. “As long as you keep talking, I’ll let you keep stroking me. Let’s see who can last longer.”

  As a challenge, something seemed off. “You’re going to come if I keep touching you.”

  Another loud burst of applause from the audience.

  “Tell me, sweetheart,” he insisted. “Or do you want me to touch you? Find a place where anyone could watch us, and for me to put my fingers on your pretty pussy?”

  Lillie swallowed hard. “Um…no.”

  She quickly thought of things she wanted to tell him, because if he kept talking? It didn’t matter whether he was touching her or not, she would be squirming so hard someone would figure out what was going on.

  “I like you touching me,” she confessed, “but not where anyone can see us. I think it would be fun to be in total darkness. Not knowing where you would touch me next.” She pulled his cock free and stroked, rolling her hand up the length slowly.

  He caught her wrist and brought her fingers to his mouth, licking her palm before replacing it around his erection. This time her hand slid smoother, and she resumed the slow, steady pulse.

  “I’d like to try sex in the dark,” she stated firmly. “Not as if you’re chasing me, because I might get scared. But more like a treasure hunt. You’d have to touch me slowly, learning what I felt like since you wouldn’t be able to see me.”

  Just like now, as she learned what he felt like. Her gaze fixed on stage as she concentrated on the subtle changes in his body on every rise and fall of her fist over his cock.

  “And in the shower. Somewhere wet, although I don’t think a Jacuzzi is a good idea because it might be too hot, but a shower would be neat. Moisture would run down your body, and I’d lick it away. And you could rub us together, so slippery and warm that when you push into me it would be as if our entire bodies were connected.”

  His cock jerked in her hand, more than slick enough now as precome spilled from the tip and over her palm. He covered her hand with his own, increasing the pressure and speed.

  The challenge wasn’t over. Lillie squared her mental shoulders and went for broke. “But the one I want the most is from behind. Your big, strong body over top of me, your arms caging me in, but protecting me. I can feel you touching every part of my back—your groin tight to my butt. You would be so hard against me, and then you’d reach around and play with me. My breasts, between my legs…”

  She shivered, her rhythm over his erection faltering as the images she described made her body ache. He kept the pace going, but now it was ninety percent his effort moving her hand over him as she concentrated on finishing.

  “You’d rock between my legs—”

  “My cock,” Jim demanded in a low growl as a clash of cymbals went off, and a performer soared across the open air. “Say it. Say you want my cock between your legs.”

  “Yes.” Her breathing stuttered, increasing in tempo along with the music rising around them as the first act built to its stunning finale. “I want your…cock…between my legs, pumping back and forth. I can feel it rubbing over my…pussy. Getting you all wet, until you stop teasing and push into me all at once. Thick and hot and oh-so-good.”

  He made a noise in his throat.

  She probably sounded as hoarse as him.

  “And then you…fuck me. Hard.”

  “Lillie…” He closed his eyes, scrambling under the coat with his left hand. His fingers closed over hers as a stream of heat escaped, making her stickier as together they pulled another rasping gasp from him.

  She squeezed her legs together, attempting to calm her breathing as the room exploded with shouts and bangs, the concluding crescendo of the first performance synchronizing with the final jerks of his climax.

  A smile stretched her lips. Even turned on and aching, she had never felt more satisfied. At least, not until he stole her away during the third act, took her back to his suite and proceeded to do everything she’d suggested.

  All night long.

  Chapter Seven

  One minute she was curled up in his arms, the next there was a heavy weight on his chest and he was gasping for air.

  Jim shoved off the sheets, relieved to see he’d managed to avoid shredding them this time. Only familiar thing? Lillie was gone, and gone for long enough her spot was cool to the touch.

  How did she manage to get out of bed without him noticing?

  Thankfully, this time when he stomped into the living room, she was sitting there, a computer open on the coffee table as she bounced her head in time with a quietly playing music video.

  His gaze darted to the corner of the room. Suitcases were stacked neatly in the corner, each large enough for an extended trip. Good-quality fabric, and Jim tucked the information away for future consideration. He was more interested in making sure she was happy for the time they got to be together.

  It was only right.

  She glanced up as he paced forward, that shy smile spreading over her face as she rose. “Hey. You’re finally awake, sleepyhead.”

  He glanced at the clock. “It’s only seven a.m.”

  “Half the day is practically gone.” She tucked herself against him, curling her arms around his back and lifting her face to be kissed. He had no objections whatsoever, falling into her soft touch for a couple of moments.

  When she stepped away, he took a closer look to see what she was wearing. “You snuck into my wardrobe.”

  Lillie glanced down at the plain white shirt she wore, the tails hanging past her knees. A mischievous smile greeted him as she headed toward the kitchen. “Would you like some coffee? I made a pot.”

  “You could have called for butler service, you know.” Trailing after her was only logical, since it meant he got to look at her legs. “We’re getting you a different sleep shirt. That one covers too much of your ass.”

  She paused in the middle of pouring him a coffee. “But if I take off the shirt, we’ll never leave the suite.”

  Jim thought about her comment for a good long time—all the way until he took his first sip of coffee. “Nope. Just can’t see the trouble in that.”

  Lillie poked his side gently as she passed him, curling her fingers around his hip. “Well, I have plans for the day. And if you want, you can come along, but otherwise I’ll meet you for dinner. It’s up to you.”

  She wasn’t getting out of his sight. Not only because she still had all that extra cash on her, but because—

  Just because.

  It’s Wednesday already, dude. Time’s a ticking.

  Shut up. It’s only Wednesday.

  “What are your plans?” He settled beside her on the couch, his legs on either side of her body as she sat on the floor and opened a website.

  “Look.” She tapped on the screen. “I already contacted them, and there’s a class at ten, so there’s time for breakfast before we go. Before I go. Whatever.”

  Jim looked closer at the website, trailing his fingers through her hair as he examined the pictures. She hummed happily as he stroked the long tresses back over her shoulder and into a bundle. “Dance lessons. You mentioned that yesterday. Don’t they have lessons where you come from?”

  She stiffened, and he pressed his fingers to her scalp,
rubbing until her body relaxed. “Not this kind of dancing.”

  He was far more interested in touching her than examining the details on the screen. “You have a hairbrush with you?” he asked.

  She uncurled herself from the floor and headed to one of the smaller suitcases, opening the side pouch and pulling out a bristly object. “I think I have a bunch of knots,” she warned.

  “Probably,” he said, resettling her between his knees. “You should have grabbed your brush sooner, but I’ll take care of you.”

  He worked slowly, one section at a time, holding the molten mass in his hand and carefully working out each tangle. She leaned on his legs, her arms curled around his shins as she allowed him to move her head as he needed. Brush after brush, the small tangles pulled to shimmering lines of copper, until the morning sunlight burst in the window. Then he was brushing a fistful of sunbeams, sparkling jewels tangling around his fingers as he worked the bristles through again and again.

  Sensual, and yet not. After all the sexual fun they’d experienced, in some ways this moment felt the most intimate. They were quiet together, no words needed as he cared for her and she trusted him.

  When she sighed happily, closing the cover on her computer, Jim pulled her into his lap. Lillie tucked herself against his chest.

  “I really am having the most marvelous time,” she confessed. “But then I start to feel guilty because we’re just having a fling, and I know you didn’t want anything long-term, and neither do I, but I still feel guilty even though it’s on my bucket list and—”

  “Hush.” He pressed a finger over her lips and let out a deep contented sigh of his own. “No guilt necessary. I’ve been enjoying myself too. It’s been a long time since I simply played, instead of working. I should be thanking you for giving up so much of your vacation time to accommodate me.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “It’s not really a vacation—”

  The elevator buzzed. The door slid open, and Damon wandered in. “Top of the morning to you, mates. Are y’all ready for some crackin’ fine adventures on this bonny day?”

  It was his own fault for giving the bastard a pass card for the elevator in the first place. Jim was ready to revoke Damon’s best-friend status. He stretched his arm over the couch and twisted to watch his friend approach. “Did I invite you?”

  Damon shook his head. “If I waited for an invitation, I’d never get asked up here. I’m no dummy.” He dropped into the chair opposite the couch. “Morning, Lillie. Sleep well?”

  Lillie wiggled out of Jim’s lap, crossing her knees carefully as she settled at his side. “Of course. Thank you for asking.”

  Damon’s gaze dropped over her, taking in the shirt and her bare legs. His grin faded slightly, but only Jim who knew him so well would’ve noticed.

  Something was wrong.

  Then the wolf’s charms-their-panties-off smile returned. “Neither of you are ready for breakfast. Why don’t you go get dressed, Lillie? I need to chat with the Griz-Man for a mo.”

  “Sure,” she said willingly, popping up from his side.

  Jim caught her around the waist and sent her tumbling back into his lap. “You didn’t say goodbye,” he scolded.

  Her eyes sparkled as she pressed her lips to his cheek. “Thank you for brushing my hair. And thank you for the shirt.”

  Her lips moved along his cheek to touch the corner of his mouth, a light touch like a butterfly’s wings before she pulled away, off his lap, and slipped back into his bedroom.

  He was still staring after her when Damon cleared his throat before speaking quietly enough Lillie couldn’t overhear.

  “Two nights in a row? Aren’t you ready to trade her in for a new model?”

  Jim glared at his friend. “Make up your mind. Didn’t you say something about how I should take time off, find someone to screw? I do believe that’s what you said.”

  “It was, and it is.” Damon crossed his arms, concern painting his expression. “And I know you enjoy the ladies. Only something seems different this time. You just seem to be getting in really deep, really fast.”

  Jim couldn’t stop it. A chuckle burst free.

  Damon twirled a cushion across the room at him. “And you say I have a dirty mind.”

  “You do,” confirmed Jim. “Why are you so tangled up about me finding someone who scratches my itch?”

  “Did she tell you anything more about where she came from? Or why she’s here?”

  Jim rolled his eyes. “Why? Do you think she’s an ax murderer in disguise or something?”

  “She could be. You have no way of knowing.”

  “Maybe I should go through her luggage and see how many poisoned blades she’s carrying.” Jim tossed a hand toward the luggage in the corner.

  Damon’s eyes widened. “Maybe you should…”

  “Stop right there.”

  His friend froze in the middle of rising to his feet in an awkwardly tilted squat position.

  Jim glared evilly. “Don’t touch her things. No, I haven’t tried to dig any more information out of her, because frankly, it’s none of my business. We’re having a good time together for a few days, and come Friday, she’s heading her direction and you and I are heading to the hills. Comprendo?”

  A long pause followed as Damon switched to pacing the room. “I think you need to be smart about this.”

  “I understand,” Jim insisted. “And your heart is in a good place, but your head is somewhere else. She’s here for a good time. I’m having a really good time—enough said. Thank you for your concern.”

  “Message received, loud and clear. I won’t say another word on the matter.” Damon rested his hands on the back of the couch and leaned forward. “Out of curiosity… Do you still have the coin?”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  Jim got to his feet and headed to the bureau in front of the window. He hauled open the middle drawer more violently than he needed to, reaching in and pulling out Lady Luck from where Damon had left it the other day. He thrust his hand into the air, the coin easily visible. “Satisfied?” he demanded, still speaking softly. “Or did you want to test it for authenticity? Because, you know, maybe sometime in the five minutes she and I haven’t been together here in the apartment, she managed to make an exact copy from strands of her hair, and that’s what I’m holding.”

  He shook the plastic case, the coin rattling loudly.

  “All I’m saying,” Damien whispered back as he walked toward him, “is if the shoe were on the other foot, you’d be warning me to keep my head. There’s something not right here.”

  “And this is your wolfie senses speaking?”

  “Maybe,” Damon bit out before softening his tone. “Maybe it’s that I’m a friend, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Jim breathed slowly, letting his frustration ride out along with his exhale. He closed the distance between himself and his friend. “Tell you what.” He offered Lady Luck to Damon. “This needs to be given to the judge anyway. Why don’t you arrange that this morning—plus set up the rules of engagement. Where we report in, what we bring to prove we completed the challenge—all that shit. Do it today, and that’s one less thing for us to worry about.”

  “No problem. Anything for you.” Damon took the coin with reverence, as if being offered something precious. He offered Jim a wry smile. “Sorry for being a jackass. I don’t know why I’m itchy about her.”

  Jim pressed his hands to Damon’s shoulders and held on tight. “I appreciate your concern, more than you know. You’ve been a rock in my life, Damon, and I don’t tell you often enough. Things really are okay.”

  Damon patted him on the back, and Jim gave him an extra squeeze, and they ended up doing that guy thing where you almost pound each other into the floor rather than actually give each other a hug.

  As close to saying I love you as two best friends could, or ever would.

  “Are you sure there’s enough material in this outfit I won’t get arrested for inde
cent exposure?”

  The woman helping Lillie into her dance costume cracked her bubble gum loudly, her bright red lipstick contrasting sharply with her sparkling white teeth. “Oh, you look just perfect, darlin’. You wait till you try those moves you practiced in the studio out there on stage.”

  A shiver rolled over Lillie’s skin. “There’s no real audience, right?” she asked for the fifth time.

  “Of course not. You’re nowhere near performance ready, but it’s a good thing to try your moves on the stage for fun. See if you learned enough to be able to go and do some sexy dancing for that someone special.”

  Sylvia winked as she adjusted the miniscule bra over Lillie’s breasts, pulling the strategically placed tassels into tangle-free lines. “And that someone special out there, you won’t be able to see, not really. We turn on spotlights the same as you have on a stage. No, just do the routine we taught you, and if you have any trouble you peek up at the right corner where there’s a video playing to remind you.”

  Lillie took a deep breath. “It has been fun.”

  “Of course it has.” Sylvia smoothed the line of the barely there shorts Lillie wore. “Not only am I a fabulous instructor, this is all about getting in touch with your inner sensual beast.”

  It didn’t seem right to giggle.

  This was definitely a story she would share with Addie. Her friend would have gotten a kick out of seeing her shy little Lillie up on the stage.

  “Right through there, and you can use the pole on the left. We’ll have the music start once you’re in place, and remember there’s nothing you can’t do in this routine. This is about having fun and celebrating your sexuality. Let your inner goddess pour out of you as you celebrate being a woman.”

  Lillie had an attack of the giggles she fought valiantly to keep under control.

  While she liked her sexuality, she didn’t tend to talk about it in those terms. Walking out onto the wooden stage, her high-heel boots clicking against the surface, she was more worried about keeping her balance than strutting her stuff.

  Still, the dance lessons had been a blast. The spotlights on her blocked the entire view of the audience, and when another set turned on, this time with a red glow, Lillie let herself fall into the fantasy.


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