Dark Redemption

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Dark Redemption Page 9

by Barron, Melinda

  “Isn’t that what we’re doing now?” Tatum finished her pear and threw it in the same place as Knox had tossed his core.

  “Hardly. I’m talking steaks and potatoes, or chicken, fish, Mexican, Italian… you name it and I’m there.”

  “With sex for dessert?”

  “I’m not opposed to that idea.”

  “Look, I appreciate the offer, but…”

  “I know, Margaret told me.”

  Tatum jumped from the table. “She told you what?”

  “Come on. I was curious, so I asked. She told me about your lousy ex leaving you with all those bills. It doesn’t mean that every man is going to dump on you.”

  “Yeah? Well George and I get along just fine, and all I have to do is supply him with batteries.”

  She started to walk toward her bike but stopped when his voice reached her ears.

  “Tell me, when you’ve been playing with George the last few nights, have you been thinking about me? Have you imagined me above you, behind you, beside you? What have I been doing, Tatum? Sucking those beautiful breasts? Fucking you? Did I tie you up and do all sorts of nasty things to you? Did you come hard?”

  She turned toward him, her chest heaving. “How dare you!”

  But she stood, rooted to the spot. Her words held no conviction. They stared at each other for several minutes; then he gathered the fruit and set it on the seat of the table.

  “Come here.”


  “I’m not going to do anything. I just want to prove a point. Come here.”

  “What point?”

  “A little leeway, please?” He held out his hand.

  Tatum shook her head. She should hop on her hog and head home. But the pull between them was too much. Damn, but she wanted him. She straightened her shoulders and walked toward him.

  “Lie down on the table.”

  “Don’t I need to put on a gown first, Doctor?”

  He grinned and winked.

  “Lie down.” The command in his voice was obvious. It sent ripples of desire running through her body.

  Tatum did as he asked, her chest expanding more and more as her nerves hit overdrive.

  “Close your eyes and listen, okay?”

  Tatum nodded, the wonderful feeling of arousal taking over. Then, panic set in. She started to rise, and Knox gently pushed her back down.

  “Relax. Each time I meet a new patient, I have to develop trust. I have to remember that this is a person who’s been hurt, usually through no fault of their own. They have to trust me to help them, trust me to recover what they’ve lost.”

  His fingertips touched her hair, combing gently through down to the braid.

  “And is this how you get them to trust you?”

  “No, we talk and get to know each other. Sometimes I do it by giving them a massage. But you’re not one of my patients, and if I start to massage you, my hands are going to go places they probably shouldn’t be… just yet.”

  Tatum moaned lightly. This was the most impetuous thing she’d done in ages. And she was loving it.

  “Tell me what you like, Tatum. Tell me what makes you hot, what gets you off.”

  “Don’t you think you should buy me dinner, first?” She was so turned on right now that she wanted to scream at him to bend her over the table and fuck her. She tried to relax as he moved his hands back up to her forehead and traced them through her hair again.

  “Tell me. Tell me how you’d like me to top you. Tell me how you’d like to submit to me, to give your body to me.”

  Her body tensed. I’m gonna kill her. I’m gonna kill her.

  She swallowed her anger against her friend, who she knew was just trying to help Tatum out of a bad time.

  “Margaret told you.”

  “That you’re a sub? Yes. Did Margaret tell you that, even though we work at the hospital together, we met at Jaguars?”

  “Oh shit.” Tatum sat up, and Knox pushed her shoulders back down. His touch turned her nipples to hard little pebbles. Brandon had been her top, and he’d dumped on her. What made her think this man would be any different just because he was Margaret’s friend?

  “I’ve topped her several times, all under the watchful eye of her husband. The kind of topping I want to do with you, however, involves more than things that happen at Jaguars. But I’m willing to start there.”

  “What if I’m not?”

  “Your body tells me you are. Meet me there at nine tomorrow. I’ll be in one of the private rooms. Just ask downstairs.”

  He traced his fingers along her lips, then picked up his helmet, straddled his bike, and took off. Tatum sat up on the table and stared at the mountains. She was going to kill Margaret. She could have at least warned her that Knox was a Dom. She’d been set up.

  She laughed and shook her head. Maybe an intense session with Knox would do her good. Trust was the main aspect in a D/s relationship. If Knox could help her recover her ability to trust, then it would be worth it. She’d been lonely for the last year, with Brandon leaving and Craig dying.

  She pulled the key and envelope from her pocket.

  “So, Craig, since you’ve left me this little mystery, tell me what this means?”

  She lifted her eyes to the sky. The only sounds that hit her ears were far off car engines and animals scavenging for half eaten fruit cores.

  Maybe I can get Knox to help me with this later, after I meet him at Jaguars. The idea that she’d so readily accepted the invitation made her very nervous. A breath of hot air left her lips. The idea of submitting to Knox was very intriguing, but also very disturbing. It had been more than a year since she’d been to Jaguars. She hoped she had the courage to walk through the front door, much less submit to a man she’d known for less than a week.

  Chapter 3

  Jaguars was hopping, as always. Tatum parked the SUV near the back of the lot and stared out across the sea of vehicles. She examined each car until her gaze lit upon Knox’s truck. Her stomach lurched.

  Part of her had hoped that he wouldn’t be there, although she knew that he would be. A glance at her watch showed that it was twenty minutes before nine. She had time to sit here and rethink her decision.

  Of course she’d done nothing but think about it all day, and all last night. She hadn’t even taken George out, because she knew that it would only leave her wanting more. Only leave her wanting Knox.

  She should have screamed after him before he’d mounted the bike yesterday. She should have told him that, while she’d appreciate a hard screw, she wasn’t up for opening herself up to submission. The idea was too risky, too scary.

  She’d always loved being submissive, loved the way it made her feel, and the pleasures it brought. Loved it at first. As their relationship had progressed, Brandon had changed all that. He’d shown her people were not to be trusted. She’d known him for years before he’d dumped on her. Why did she think Knox Keaton would be any different?

  Tatum closed her eyes and tried to channel her anxieties out of her body.

  She knew she didn’t want to be the type of person who pushed everyone away, who lived alone, ate alone, and did everything alone. She needed to have human contact. But she was too nervous to submit to Knox tonight.

  “No, no, I can’t do it.” She reached for the key and turned the engine back on. She shut it off almost as quickly. She should at least go inside and tell him that yes, she was intrigued, but she just wasn’t ready for a new Dom. He had to give her some time.

  She took a deep breath and exited the car. At the front door she took another calming breath, then pulled it open. A smile lit her face. The place hadn’t changed.

  The building that housed Jaguars had originally been a warehouse on the outskirts of Santa Fe. When the owner had gone bankrupt, several investors had snatched it up and opened Jaguars. The club wasn’t advertised anywhere in town, but those in the know knew it was a BDSM club.

  At the second set of doors, a bouncer waited. He turne
d to her with a frown that quickly changed to a smile.

  “Tatum! Damn girl, welcome back.”

  “Thanks, Nate, it’s nice to see you too.”

  She laughed when he swallowed her in a hug. No one but the regulars would guess that the hulking Nate was a sub, whose Mistress owned one of the most successful restaurants in Santa Fe.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Oh, you know. Around.” She tried to gently push herself away from him.

  “Yeah, well we’ve missed your smiling face. You meeting someone here?”

  “Yes. Knox Keaton.”

  “Wow, moving up in the world. The doc is in room four, second level. But I didn’t know it was you he was waiting for.”

  When she passed in front of him, he whispered, “Have fun,” and winked at her.

  Inside, the sounds of the club met her ears. The main room was reserved for newbies, those who were curious but nervous about getting started in the BDSM world. An assortment of men and women in various stages of undress roamed the room and sat at the bar, talking to the more experienced members of the club who offered advice and guidance.

  Smoke filled the air and Tatum hurried through it to the second door, where another bouncer that she didn’t recognize asked who she was meeting. She gave Knox’s name and he admitted her to the private area.

  The main room in this part of the building was for public topping by members, mostly for whippings and floggings. Tatum had never been a fan of either activity, although Brandon had always made her take part. She enjoyed getting a good spanking; she just didn’t want to do it in front of others. The subs in here were required to wear collars, many of them attached to leashes held by their Dom/Dommes.

  She stopped at the desk and smiled at the unknown woman sitting behind it.

  “I’m going upstairs,” Tatum said. “To room number four.”

  “Lucky you,” the woman replied. “The doc said to give you this.”

  Tatum took the package and nodded.

  “He also said to tell you not to put the collar on; he wanted to do it.”

  It felt like a boulder had been dropped on her head. She knew that if she went upstairs it wouldn’t be just to tell Knox she had changed her mind. He was expecting her for a session, and he would talk her into it.

  She bit her lip.

  “Nervous?” The woman’s voice was soft. “This your first time?”

  Tatum shook her head.

  “I see. Just your first time with the doc. Well, half the women in this room would give their ovaries to be in your place. The doc is a favorite, but very, very picky. If you want, I’ll go in your place and you can watch the desk.”

  The woman did an imitation of a dog begging, and Tatum laughed.

  Tatum started toward the stairs, laughing as the woman muttered, “Figures.”

  At the doorway to room four she paused again. She knew now that she’d come too far. She might have told herself earlier that she was just coming inside to say she didn’t want to be topped, but she knew differently. There was no way she was turning back. She wanted this. Needed this. She pushed into the outer chamber and knew she was wasting time, and she was already late.

  She quickly shed her clothes and put on the long, gossamer black gown that had been in the package. The gown tied up the front, from her breasts to her knees. She pinned her hair on top of her head and picked up the collar.

  Her chest rose rapidly as she fought to overcome her panic. When she pushed open the inner door and stepped inside, she stopped for a minute to allow her eyes to adjust to the candlelight. The main lighting in the room was off. Two large candles were in each corner, giving off a soft glow.

  She could make out the stone table in the middle of the space. She searched for Knox, jumping when his voice hit her ears from behind her.

  “You’re late. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.”

  “I almost didn’t.”

  He stepped in front of her and she gasped. He was wearing tight jeans and a white linen shirt that was unbuttoned, revealing a very muscular chest.

  They were so close she could feel the heat from his body.

  Their gazes locked and she licked her lips before lowering her eyes submissively.

  “Tell me why you were hesitant about coming. I thought we had a connection.”

  “We do. But it’s been so long, and I, well... I don’t want to get shafted again.”

  She hissed when he gently caressed her cheek.

  “How sad would your life be if all you did was stay locked away from everyone? Rebuilding trust has to start somewhere.”

  She nodded. When he leaned down and kissed her forehead, she knew there was no way she could leave.

  He took a step back and held out his hand.

  “The collar?”

  Tatum gave it to him.

  “You know this is just for now. When I collar you for real, there will be a lock on the clasp. Did Brandon collar you?”

  “Not really. There was never a ceremony or anything. He just gave it to me and told me to wear it when he was around. He was more a wannabe, or so Margaret always said. I’d wear a collar here because the rules demanded it, but never at home.”

  “I’m for real, Tatum. If you wear my collar, you’ll wear it all the time, whether we’re together or not.”

  She nodded.

  “Show me that you want what I’m offering. Show me you want to submit to me.”

  He put the leather in front of her face.

  “Kiss the collar.”

  The leather was cold under her lips, and when Knox reached up with a free hand to gently caress her hair and whisper, “Good girl,” she shivered.

  He fastened it around her neck and Tatum resisted the urge to pull against it. Twice she started to raise her hands toward it before lowering them back to her sides.

  “It’s all right,” Knox said. “Get used to the feel of it. I know it’s been awhile. Kneel down and get your emotions under control.”

  The stone floor was cold against her knees. She wanted to lay her head against his thigh. From this vantage point she could see his rock-hard cock bulging against his jeans. If he’d been Brandon, she’d already have that cock in her mouth. Brandon had always been about instant gratification.

  He stood in front of her, unmoving, his hands clasped in front of his stomach. Finally, he reached out and stroked her hair.

  “Feeling better?”


  He crouched down in front of her, lifting her face to his with his forefinger. His eyes widened in question.

  “I mean, yes, Master.”

  “Very good. Now, go and lie on the table.”

  “The robe?”

  “Leave it on and fastened.”

  At the table, she looked nervously at the restraints on all four corners. She tried to ignore them as she climbed on top and lay down, setting the robe under her so that the material was not pulled against her body. Her pussy was dripping wet. She’d shaved it last night for the first time in months, knowing that Knox would want it that way.

  She tried to imagine exactly what he had planned for tonight. Whatever it was, she knew that it would be totally different from anything she’d ever experienced. She flattened her palms against the table at her side and waited.

  * * *

  Knox shifted his hard cock and muffled a groan. He’d jacked off before coming to Jaguars so he wouldn’t be in such a hurry to take Tatum. But that had been three hours ago, and he could tell now it hadn’t worked. The minute she’d stepped into the room he’d wanted to fuck her.

  He knew he couldn’t, though. She’d think he only wanted her body, and that wasn’t true. She intrigued him, and he wanted all of her.

  He walked to the table, stood at the end and looked at her.

  “I’m not going to fasten the restraints, Tatum, unless I have to. You’re on your own here to be a good girl and lie still. Do you understand me?”

  Her murmured, “Yes, Mas
ter,” made his cock twitch more. He thought about leaving her there while he went to the outer room and took care of things again but decided against it. The added tension of his hard-on would increase the intensity of what he had planned for her tonight.

  He moved to the side of the table and placed his hand about an inch above her calf. He moved up her leg, not touching her body.

  At the juncture of her thighs, he moved his hand over her pussy, not touching, just letting the heat from his palm soak down into her body. Through the thin material, his gaze caught a hint of gold at her pussy and his cock began to pound painfully.

  Damn, the little minx has a pierced clitty. He lowered his gaze and saw a hint of gold there too, her inner labia was pierced too, probably on both sides.

  He fought the need to touch them.

  “You’re wet.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I like that, already wet for me.”

  When she moaned softly, he grinned and moved his hand to her stomach. He made quick work of the area, hovering but not touching, moving up to her breasts and putting a palm over each round globe, inches away from her hardened peaks, which were also pierced. He could see the tiny gold rings resting against her skin.

  He smiled as he watched her struggle to remain still. He knew she wanted to be touched, to be caressed, but tonight wasn’t about that. Not totally. There would be contact, but not as much as she wanted. Tonight was about calming her fears and building a bond.

  He moved his hand back down to her stomach, then over her pussy again. He went lower to her leg, then rounded the table and started back up the other side. This time, when he reached her pussy he stopped.

  He made slow work of the ties between her knees and thighs, then the ones up to her stomach, pushing the material away so that her pussy was bared to his view.

  “Good little subbie,” he whispered. “All freshly shaved for her Master.”

  His fingers lightly traced the gold ring that decorated her bellybutton.

  “Did you pierce yourself for Brandon, or for you?”

  “For me. I was already pierced when we met.”

  “Even your clitty and nips?”


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