Scent of Desire : A Parisian Exotica: An Ultra Luxury Billionaire Romance

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Scent of Desire : A Parisian Exotica: An Ultra Luxury Billionaire Romance Page 2

by Amanda Horton

  He fought the frustration that simmered in the pit of his stomach. It felt lame making his dream of a winery an excuse for abandoning her after a wild night of sex.

  An idea formed in his head. He knew the owner of Brighton and Young, the company she worked for. They were always on the lookout for flagship projects, something they could boast in their promotional brochures. He would ask his secretary to call James Brighton and ask for a private meeting. It probably wouldn’t work if Carla refused. That worried him. He needed James on side without letting on why.

  The whole concept was a wild one but for now it was enough to give a spring to his step as he left for the airport.


  In a small cubicle at Brighton and Young, Carla paced the floor, her mind still in a whirl. The words of Dr. Beasley back at the clinic echoed in her memory.

  The doctor looked her straight in the eye. “I know this was totally unexpected but I want you to know that you have other options.”

  “You mean terminate the pregnancy?” Carla retorted.

  “Most women go towards that direction. But you can give it up for adoption after you give birth. You’d be surprised how many couples out there want what you have but cannot.”

  “I never planned this,” Carla replied bitterly.

  The doctor shrugged, “Most babies come as a surprise even to those who want them. It is difficult raising a child but the joy they give in return cannot be measured.”

  “You won’t approve then if I decide to get rid of this?”

  “Its not for me to approve or not because that will be your choice entirely.” She paused then added, “There’s still another option open.”

  Carla stared intently hoping the doctor had a miracle solution.

  “You can always tell the father and decide to raise the baby together.” Dr. Beasley said.

  Carla sagged. “I can’t. I haven’t heard from him since-since that night.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “He’s really in love with my friend. They broke up. He was celebrating a successful venture and I was happy to hear from him again. I guess we celebrated too much and ended up in bed.”

  Dr. Beasley nodded. “You can raise the child on your own, you know.”

  Carla smiled bitterly and replied, “I had dreams of putting up my own practice. I planned to work my ass off raising the money to do that. Now I have to shelve all my dreams in favor of a baby I never planned for.”

  Dr. Beasley sighed. “I understand. When it comes to a choice between career and a family, the former always seems more important than the later. A job represents financial security that every woman wants. A child just feels like financial obligation. Money you probably haven’t saved for. But they can also be a source of inspiration. A reason to keep on going. I’m not saying you keep this baby. But I want you to know where your heart truly is.”

  Carla stopped pacing. The doctor assured her she still had time if she decided on an abortion.

  “How can I do that? This is Falcon’s baby.” Getting rid of it meant betraying Falcon in a way she couldn’t really explain. Nevertheless, she came to a decision. “No. I’m keeping it,” she decided firmly.

  Dr. Beasley said she probably won’t be showing for months. Small consolation. She could keep on working. She still needed the money- badly now- more than ever. Then she would disappear until she gave birth, return to the city and start all over again. It wasn’t going to be easy but she could still pursue her dream, couldn’t she?

  Carla wanted to wail and scream, lash out at the complicated turn of events in her life. It was all so unfair. She drew in a sigh to relieve the tightness in her chest.

  “This is my fault too. Wanting a man who never felt anything for me. Even worst is having that one-night stand. I’m so stupid! He’s a friend and now I can’t even have that without fearing he will find out. I just know he won’t want any part in this. He isn’t in love with me. That’s so clear. So why did I go to bed with him?”

  Carla didn’t have the answer on that one. The “one-night-stand’ tag stung. It made her angry at herself and angrier at Falcon. If she saw him now she’d probably give him the finger and tell him to shove it up his ass. To hell with him.

  But the words of Dr. Beasley returned. On hindsight, Carla supposed Falcon was where her heart truly was.

  Chapter Three

  Carle knew she was running late. The meeting was in 15 minutes. She barely had time to make it and there was a sense of urgency in the text message from James Brighton. James ran a tight ship. Gaunt with a receding hairline, he wore rounded specs that was constantly falling down to his nose. He actually resembled a librarian but was one of the most brilliant mind in the industry. Carla considered herself fortunate to have apprenticed under him. When James announced an emergency meeting, everyone high-tailed it to the office.

  “Sorry I’m late…” Carla exclaimed as she burst into James’ office.

  “Come in, Carla.” James motioned to an empty office.

  “Am I too early? Your message said 9 AM,” Carla replied glancing at her watch.

  James beamed as she took her seat. “I only requested your presence. I have an announcement to make.”

  Carla wondered what it was all about.

  “We’ve just been offered a contract and it’s a big one.” How would you like to manage a restoration project? I believe that’s your forte,” James declared.

  “I’d love to,” Carla replied. Her portfolio included some of the best restoration jobs in the country. There was something about bringing a derelict back to life that gave her gratification.

  “You’ll have full control. Budget, contractors, construction materials, design, everything. And to top it all you will be paid $100,000 to do it.”

  “$100,000?” Carla shrieked. That was more money than she earned in a year. It was more than enough to see her through her pregnancy and start her own practice too.

  Suddenly she was hopeful. Fate threw a juicy steak in her direction.

  “I’ll take it,” Carla exclaimed.

  There are some conditions though,” James replied.

  “What? I don’t care if the project is on Mars. I’ll still take it,” Carla rejoined with enthusiasm.

  James smiled. “I’m glad to hear that because it will require you to live in another country.”

  “Where?” Carla was bursting with excitement. Surely this had to be the biggest break of her career.

  James scratched his head. “I can’t pronounce the darn name but no matter. The client will discuss the details with you.”

  As if on cue, the door opened and James’ secretary ushered the client in.

  Carla was dumbstruck. She would recognize him even on her deathbed. Falcon followed the secretary inside the room.

  “Hello Carla. Good Morning, Brighton.”

  Falcon?” Carla squeaked still unbelieving. She must be dreaming.

  “You two know each other?” James was puzzled.

  “Miss Hornsby and I are friends.” Falcon explained. “I knew she would be perfect for the job. That is the reason why I specifically asked for her.”

  Falcon was staring at her making it hard to think clearly. But things started falling into place. She had no doubt the job was the property he acquired in France. That was all Falcon talked about the night…

  “I’m happy to inform you that Carla just accepted the job.” James announced.

  “Good. I do want to discuss the matter with her,” Falcon replied pointedly.

  “Of course,” James said rising.

  Silence ensued.

  “Why are you doing this?” Carla asked weakly.

  “It was the only way I could get you to talk to me. I’ve left messages in your voice mail and called you.”

  Carla hasn’t checked her voice messages in weeks and when he called she was too afraid to hear what he had to say.

  “I must have missed your call,” she replied.

  “Calls Carla with an S. I must have ca
lled you a dozen times but you never picked up. It was deliberate. Why?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” she replied.

  She saw him flinch. His face turned to granite. Her heart ached with the lie but she had to guard her secret. It was the only way she could protect herself from further pain.

  “Alright then. You’ve made yourself crystal clear. So…can we talk about the job instead?” the formality in his voice was plain to hear.

  Carla remembered the price tag. $100,000 could buy her dream back. She would be so stupid to turn it down now because of her pride. The notion that Falcon’s money would help setup her future seemed fair payback for getting her pregnant.

  I’m starting to think like Lindsay. The thought wasn’t very appealing.

  This job, it’s the one in France? Reek-weer?” Carla asked.

  “Riquewihr,” Falcon corrected. “The vineyard has an old house that needs renovation. I intend to live there parts of the year.”

  To be nearer Lindsay, perhaps?

  “When do you want me to start?” She asked.

  “I’ll be leaving in two days and I need you to be ready by then.”

  “We’ll be traveling together,” Carla shot back in surprise.

  “Yes, unless you have a problem with that arrangement.” Falcon replied coldly.

  “No, of course not. I’ll be ready.” Carla agreed.

  “It’s settled then. I’ll see you in two days.”

  Falcon left abruptly leaving her more confused than when she started. Life decided on taking her on a merry-go-round that was only going faster and faster. She needed to focus and control her emotions. She wanted the money so badly she was willing to brand it on her forehead so as not to lose sight of why she was doing this.


  Falcon gripped the wheels of his car. Agitation was written all over his body. The meeting at Brighton’s office went according to plan. Throwing the bait of $100,000 made him queasy. It felt like he was buying her. But he had to make sure things worked out in his favor. But something was different.

  “What the hell is wrong with her? Why is she suddenly so distant and so…cold?”

  Falcon snorted. He didn’t expect things to go south with her. He wanted to make amends, make things right between them. But it was like dealing with an Eskimo. He turned the key and gunned the engine. He thought he knew women, knew how to soften them somehow. But he was wrong.

  “Women!” He cursed as he backout of the parking slot. His tires complained and squealed on the pavement.

  Chapter Four

  Two days later on D-Day, Carla tried to suppress her excitement. Falcon sent a limo to bring her to the airport. The last 48 hours was a whirlwind that she couldn’t believe she was finally on her way. This felt like the beginning of a new adventure, an adventure where she had to keep her head screwed on straight and never forget that Falcon was in the picture.

  Knowing they would be together sent a thrill down her spine. She couldn’t help it. Yet the fear was never far away. Admittedly, she hardly knew anything about him.

  “He’s great in bed, that’s one. Look at where it got me,” she muttered deprecatingly.

  Falcon was like a drug she craved but could never have. She had to keep things professional between them, she vowed.

  The airport was up ahead and her heart beat faster. But the driver left the main road and turned into a dirt road where a series of squat buildings appeared.

  “Where are we going?” Carla asked surprised.

  “Mr. Manchester is waiting for us in his private hangar,” the driver replied.

  Carla gulped. OF course, Falcon would never fly commercial. It was confirmed when the limo headed straight for a streamlined jet, its white wide body shimmering in the sunlight. A limo similar to hers was parked beside the plane. An uniformed driver opened the trunk and unloaded luggage. Her driver parked beside the limo, alit and did the same with her bags.

  Falcon came into view just as the driver opened the limo door for her. Carla was glad she opted to wear a good pair of jeans and a stylish shirt with a slim belt. Her nude colored heels complemented the tote bag she held in her hand.

  Falcon wore a white crisp shirt with dark chinos under a thin overcoat with upturned collar. His hair blew gently in the breeze while stylish aviators shielded his eyes from the sun. He looked like a movie star.

  “Carla,” he greeted her.

  “Hi,” she replied, “I wasn’t expecting this.” She motioned to the jet.

  “It makes traveling easier,” he replied simply. “Shall we?”

  Carla was ushered into an interior that took her breath away. Panoramic windows on both sides allowed abundant sunlight into the cabin. Carla guessed the seats were made of handcrafted leather. The color scheme was a beautiful shade of neutral with darker trims that resonated throughout the entire aircraft. The galley towards the back of the plane was hidden from view but Carla noticed gleaming appliances from the partially opened doorway.

  Falcon led her to a seat that had more leg room than her apartment. “I’ll discuss the flight plan with the pilot then we can be on our way to Paris, he informed her. “The whole trip should take no longer than 7 hours,” he added.

  7 hours cooped inside the limited space of a plane with Falcon was going to challenge her equilibrium, Carla mused.

  A flight stewardess arrived carrying a tray with a glass of champagne.

  “Thank you,” Carla smiled. She needed the bubbly desperately. “Overwhelmed” was an understatement. If she had any doubts about Falcon’s financial worth, all doubts had been erased. Everything about him, the jet, the limo, the property in France, made her feel more out of his league.

  He emerged from the cockpit and headed straight to where she sat. Carla tensed when he came close and groped the back of her seat.

  “We’re about to take off,” he said, and clicked her seatbelt into place.

  He took the seat in front of her and strapped himself in. The same flight attendant reappeared with another glass of champagne which he refused.

  Are we gonna stare at each other the whole flight?

  Thankfully, he retrieved a laptop from his briefcase and started to work.

  A silent flight, then. Fine!

  Carla didn’t know which she preferred. She just had to follow his lead. This was his show, not hers. Yet she felt piqued because he intended to ignore her the whole flight. She searched her tote for a book to read and was glad she packed “The Vintage Home: A Guide to Successful Renovation” inside the bag. She grabbed the copy earlier hoping to learn something new for the task ahead.

  Carla felt the powerful thrum of the engine as the Gulfstream taxied the runway. She experienced a sudden weightlessness and knew they were off the ground. She stole glances at her travelling companion whose attention was focused on the screen of his Mac. His brows were furrowed at whatever was on the screen.

  Suddenly he looked up and their eyes met. Carla flushed, looked down, and pretended reading as she casually turned a page.

  “Vintage houses, huh?” Falcon commented.

  “I just wish I had an idea what I would be dealing with in the property.” She replied.

  “Here let me show you,” Falcon replied rising. He took the seat beside her and positioned the mac towards her. On the screen was a photo of a sprawling half-timbered house. She immediately recognized the architectural equilibrium in the harmony of the timber structure called The Mann. Composed of vertical slanting beams, two Ks opposing one another dotted the façade.

  “Do you recognize the symbolic meaning of those Ks?” She asked him.

  Falcon raised a brow and shook his head.

  “It is supposed to evoke the silhouette of a man because it is a sign of virility and physical force.” Carla informed him.

  Just like you. Maybe that was the reason he got attracted to the property.

  “Perfect. It would be my personal bachelor pad then.”

  Carla rolled her eyes. “You m
ay decide to get married someday. So, lets rethink the idea of a bachelor pad, shall we?”

  “Jesus,” Falcon retorted, “spare me the added stress of complicated women.”

  Was he referring to Lindsay?

  “I have an antidote to that. You can always add a Mann depicting the head of a rooster with its eye. I believe the rooster is supposedly the animal of the sun and repel witches spell.”

  Falcon threw his head back and laughed. Carla liked the sound. It broke the wall of formality between them.

  “Seriously Falcon, we need skilled carpenters who are masters in their craft. She enlarged the picture on the screen. “See those lines? I think those are cracks in the timber. This whole portion,” pointing to a beam, “need to be replaced and back into its carcass form. I think this is traditional carpentry technique that do not make use of screws or nails and instead use wooden plugs to reinforce the whole structure.”

  She moved on to the next photo, peered intently then said, “Just as I suspected. The foundations, cellar, and ground floor are the places that will require a mason. But I need to check the current state of the mortar before deciding on a new application. That itself will pose a challenge and require a master who knows the proper mixture of mud and straw. God, this would be so much easier if we could use rapid setting mortar. But it just wouldn’t look the same. And see this one…”

  Carla was in her element. This was something she trained for. It made her feel like she was in control.

  She looked up from the screen and saw him staring at her intently. Her words stopped short as the breath caught in her throat. There was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite fathom. It was searching, probing. It made her wary.

  She tried to look away but he reached out and touched her face and made her look at him.

  “Carla,” he said, “I wish you would talk to me about what happened between us. Please let me know how you really feel.”

  Carla felt her heart beat wildly. Warning bells rang in her ear.

  “The-there’s really nothing to talk about,” Carla stammered. “We were both drunk. I take responsibility for my actions. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did. Don’t feel guilty. It was my fault just as it was yours too.”


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