Scent of Desire : A Parisian Exotica: An Ultra Luxury Billionaire Romance

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Scent of Desire : A Parisian Exotica: An Ultra Luxury Billionaire Romance Page 18

by Amanda Horton

  “You sure this thing is safe?” said Cole with a grin.

  “You’ve sat here enough,” said Rory.

  “It’s safe,” said Tobias who led the way down the short flight of steps. “Until the rains come.” He flashed a teasing smile at Rory. He must have had this conversation before. But then he did say he’d been “visiting” the guys on a regular basis.

  Rory held out his hand as if checking for rain.

  “I think it’s safe enough,” he said sagely. “The pylons under and the steel pounded into the rock hold it in place.” He glanced at me letting me know this information was for my digestion. “The whole hill would have to break apart for this thing to tumble.”

  “You aren’t a big believer in the power of earthquakes, are you?” I said.

  He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

  “Baby, I have other ways to make the earth move.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  He moved to the center of the deck and pulled up a wood section to reveal a hot tub underneath. The water bubbled and the scent of lavender filled the space.

  “Wow,” I said.

  “You know what would be relaxing,” said Cole. “Some liquor.”

  “Got that covered,” he said. Under the seats that lined the wall against the rock wall, he pulled out a bucket of ice and champagne.

  “To celebrate our successful concert.”

  “That’s a lot classier than Dys’ usual drink,” said Tobias.

  “Don’t diss my fire water, Mr. Attorney.”

  “This is for celebrating,” Rory said as he pulled out a batch of plastic champagne flutes and handed them to me. I pulled them apart and handed one to each.

  “Yeah, that’s classy,” snorted Cole as he took his.

  “Classier than pulling glass out of your ass when a flute breaks,” said Rory.

  He popped the cork with his massive hands and poured the bubbly into our plastic glasses.

  “To friends,” he said solemnly.

  We clinked the plastic together and drank. It had been a long time since I had champagne, and the bubbles tickled the back of my throat and my nose.

  “And,” said Cole, “to the most beautiful and smartest woman on either coast.”

  “To Jacine,” said Jersey.

  “Okay, this is all great,” I said. “But you said you had a solution. So what is it? Do I spin the champagne bottle when it’s empty to see where it lands.”

  Rory’s face scrunched in confusion. “No. That wasn’t the idea. But let’s get comfortable.”

  Before I could say anything he stripped naked in front of us and eased into the pool. But before he did I caught sight of his long and thick member. Who could take that?

  “Modest, isn’t he?” said Tobias watching in morbid interest.

  “Get with the program, Mr. Lawyer man,” said Cole as he stripped his jeans and t-shirt. I was surprised to see he went commando and he had nothing to be ashamed of. His cock had an intriguingly fat head. “Living on the road we’ve all seen each other’s asses more than we care to admit.” He slipped into the water with a sigh.

  Jersey huffed and took off his clothes and entered the water too.

  “Are you getting in, Jacine?” he said.

  I couldn’t help but look at what Jersey had hanging before he sunk into the bubbling water, which was not as thick as Rory, but longer.

  “Are you sure it’s safe in there. It’s looks like a lot of dangerous weapons in there.”

  “Baby, no one is going to do anything to you that you don’t want to.”

  “Famous last words.”

  “Really, what do you expect me to do, play Marco Polo and whoever I catch is mine.”

  “Tobias,” said Rory. “This is your chance. Yes, Or no. In or out.”

  “She’s not going to go for it, Holmes.”

  “You don’t know,” said Jersey. “But we’re asking her. Your choice if you want in.”

  “In on what?” I said with annoyance. But I unzipped my boots and pulled them off my feet.

  “Come in, baby and find out,” said Cole.

  “Working on it,” I said as I tugged down the satin skinny jeans. They were tight clung to my thighs, so it was bit of work to get them off. When I was done, I twirled them around my index finger and then let them fly into the night.

  “If this is how it’s going to go,” huffed Tobias. He stripped the tux, laying each piece carefully on the benches, though he left on his silk underwear.

  “Look at that six-pack,” said Cole with a grin. “Lawyer man works out.”

  Cole was right. Under those suits was a body any woman would drool over.

  “Take off those boxers, old man,” said Cole. “You ruin the silk in this water.”

  Tobias scoffed, but I wanted an eyeful before he went under the water. So I threw my arms around him and kissed him hard. This swiftness of my attack stunned him, and as I pulled back, I pulled down his boxers.

  I liked what I saw. My kiss must have roused him because he was half-hard. It was cut, a classic length, not too long or too skinny. A real lady pleaser. With a wicked grin I leaned forward and gave it a peck on the tip.

  “Is that how’s it gonna be?” he said in mock outrage. Tobias yanked my tee shirt over my head and as I ran screeching from him, he slapped me in the ass with it.

  I fell into the hot tub with a splash, and luckily Rory caught me before I hit my head on the edge.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” he said as he threw his arm around me.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Holmes,” said Jersey moving closer.

  “Finders keepers,” said Rory with a chuckle.

  Tobias swung his legs over the edge of the tub and sank inside.

  “You guys really need to give her time to relax. She may have been raised in Hollywood, but she was no wild child.”

  “That’s what I like about you, Marshall,” said Cole. “You bring a sense of history to this operation.”

  “What operation?” I asked. Why were they being so uncommunicative?

  “Ssh,” said Rory, He flicked his hand over the side of the tub, and the overhead lights dimmed. Despite the smog, stars twinkled in the night sky and we all stared up at them.

  “That’s truly the vault of heaven,” said Rory.

  “This is the perfect place,” said Cole. “Good suggestion.”

  “Are you guys going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Well, you see, sweetheart, we all know what we like,” said Jersey moving closer. Rory, lifted me onto his lap and kissed me behind the ear. Jersey reached out and cupped my breast with his hands. Sliding closer he sucked in one nipple into his mouth and fingered the other. Under me, Rory’s cock ground in between my butt cheeks.

  “And,” said Rory, “we like you.”

  “I know that,” I said

  “And,” said Jersey pulling my weightless legs over his shoulders causing me to slip forward, “we want to show you what it can be like.”


  “Ssh,” said Rory as he nibbled my ear. I grabbed at him trying to find something to steady me and grabbed his cock in my hand.

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” Rory murmured. “So good.”

  Jersey put his head between my legs and lapped my bud with his tongue. Wet from the water, his tongue slid over it in the most delightful ways and I shivered.

  The warmth of the water spread through me, and Rory nibbled my neck as I palmed his cock under the water. He murmured endearments in my ear and Jersey lapped and nuzzled me.

  And then a mouth latched onto my nipple and sucked hard. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked into Cole’s bright blue eyes.

  “Hi, baby,” he said with a large smile. He crushed his lips to mine in a kiss so passionate fire lanced through me like a California wildfire.

  And then, sweet Lord, another mouth nibbled on my left nipple and it could only be Tobias. His fingers found my mound and he swirled his fingers into the tender flesh. Hands an
d mouths, kiss and caress me and this is nothing like I ever felt before. My back arches as Jersey spears my entrance with his tongue and I thrash in the water as electricity shoots through me and my vision turns white. I don’t know whose name to call, so I only scream one thing.

  “Oh, God!”

  A thunderbolt raced through me making my heart race so fast I thought I’d faint. When my vision cleared, I was sitting on Rory’s lap again on his very thick cock.

  “You like that, baby,” said Jersey.


  “Good,” grinned Cole. “Because there is more of that to come, so to speak.”

  “Wait, is this some sort of contest? Am I supposed to pick which one impresses me the most? Because, dammit, I can’t do that.”

  “We know, Princess,” said Tobias.

  “The beauty of it,” said Cole, “is that you don’t have to.”

  “Yes,” said Jersey. “We’re a package deal, even the old man here.”

  “Hey,” said Tobias.

  “That’s right,” Rory said into my ear. “We’re all yours. Forever.”



  “What do you mean?” I don’t believe what I am hearing. They don’t seriously propose that I take all four of them at once. I mean, I’ve heard of such things, but I’ve always thought of myself as a one woman, one-man type of gal. Though I have to admit having four men lavish attention on me has been cool.

  So far.

  This could go south in a thousand different ways. My head swirls with the idea of sex with four men, and it blows my mind. Disjointed thoughts collide half-form in my mind, like a fever dream making a peculiar sense all its own.

  “I think it is the champagne,” said Cole. “It muddled her thinking.”

  “No,” said Tobias. “One glass isn’t going to get her drunk.”

  “Look,” said Rory. “In Tibet brothers share one wife.”

  “What does Tibet have anything to do with this?” I said.

  “Since I’m the lawyer,” said Tobias, “I think I should put the terms on the table.”

  “What terms?” I said. I scrunched my eyes.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” said Jersey.

  “Yes. It’s nothing but all good,” said Rory.

  “It should be fun,” said Cole.

  Rory pulled me into his lap again, and his hard cock settled between my butt cheeks. Cole, Jersey, and Tobias stared at me, and I shivered despite the hot water.

  “In this town,” said Tobias, “especially among musicians, relationships don’t last. Part of it is the lifestyle, the parties, and the groupies, but also the constant touring. But these guys, from our conversations, are earnest about settling down, and they, and I want to settle down with you.”

  I take this in slowly.

  “All four of you, at once?”

  “Well, not usually at a time, sweetheart,” said Jersey.

  “Though there are advantages to that,” said Cole with a grin.

  “We’d buy a house for you,” said Rory, “one that you like, and all five of us will live there, though since Tobias works like a dog, and we all have touring schedules, most of us won’t be home at any one time.”

  “It’s the best of all worlds,” said Cole, ever the optimist. “At least one of us will be home with you, and we have someone to come home to.”

  “You won’t be alone,” said Jersey. He inched closer and sat next to Rory and me.

  “Wow, I mean. I don’t know what to say.” What can I? Mind officially blown.

  “Poly relationships are a thing now,” said Cole. “At least, that is what Rory tells me.”

  “I thought you guys couldn’t stand each other.” That is what got me into this mess in the first place.

  “No,” said Jersey. “The fact is that I was pissed that Cole was such a jerk to me.”

  “Going to court over those songs was stupid,” said Cole. “I should have stopped it then and there. But I was stubborn.”

  “Damn right,” said Rory.

  “And Rory, here, got caught in the middle of what was essentially a sibling rivalry,” said Jersey. “But we talked about it, and worked it out.”

  “Wait. Does that mean you are reforming Banshee?”

  “Hell, no,” said Rory.

  “That doesn’t let out a reunion concert, or two,” said Jersey.

  “We’re making three times as much money,” said Cole, “so why should we stop that?”

  “Besides,” said Tobias, “if they went back to one band, we’d have to buy a much smaller house. I don’t think that will work going forward.”

  “Going forward?” I said. This was getting to be too much. What on earth could they mean?

  “I think we should move on to the practical demonstration of this presentation,” said Tobias. “We are getting bogged down in details left for later.”

  “I like your thinking, lawyer man,” said Cole.

  “You get no arguments from me,” said Jersey.

  Rory’s dick grew harder under my cheeks, and he moved his hips slightly.

  “You feel good, hon,” he said in a low whisper. “Do you know what I want to do to you?”

  I lay my head back on his shoulder. “What?”

  He whispered his dirty suggestion in my ear.

  “I might be up for that,” I said. I’m beginning to have some very racy thoughts. “But you know condoms and hot tubs, are not exactly a recipe for safety.”

  “Not a problem,” he said. He gathered me into his arms and stood.

  “Let’s take this party into the house, guys.”

  Rory proved once again how strong he was as he bounced up the hot tub steps to the deck and the stair toward the house. The colder air hit my skin and my tits jiggled with his running steps.

  “Hey,” called out Cole. “Wait for us.”

  “As if,” called Rory over his shoulder.

  But fumbling for the handle on the sliding glass door slowed him down enough that Cole, Jersey, and Tobias caught up with us. I may have nibbled on Rory’s ear, and that might have distracted him. But over his shoulder I caught the sight of the three naked men, gleaming with running beads of water in the light of the security light from overhead and it took my breath away.

  I wasn’t going to do this, was I?

  Rory finally pulled open the door and with a jolt ran through the house. I squealed at the sudden movement, and as we entered a doorway, he flew forward, and we tumbled onto a mattress. Cole flew on abashedly to my other side, and then Tobias and Jersey joined us, though more cautiously.

  Rory rooted through a drawer in his nightstand and tossed foil packets toward the guys. Then he took out a bottle of lube.

  A rather large bottle of it.

  I gulped.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” he said. “It’s for massage.”

  “Massage,” I said not believing him.

  “On your stomach,” he said.

  “What are you doing, Holmes?” said Tobias.

  “You take her neck, shoulders, and upper back, and Jersey, her right leg and Cole, our love’s left leg.”

  “And what do you get, Holmes?” said Cole.

  “My favorite part, her sweet ass.”

  The cap on the bottle popped and oil dribbled from my neck all the way down to my legs. Then four pair of hands worked into my flesh at once willing my muscles to loosen into submission. It was like one of those massage chairs in a spa when you get your nails done, as the chair works your muscles with its up and down motion. But this was more wonderful with waves of sensation cresting through me with every stroke of flesh upon my skin.

  “How’s that, baby,” whispered Cole.

  “Mmmm,” I said. It was all I could say. Time dissolved and I floated in sweet bliss.

  Cole kissed me behind my ear, and licked and nibbled my neck.

  Rory put his lips to the globes of my ass and then his lubed finger circled my rosebud while someone else rubbed my sensitive fold

  “Sweetheart.” Rory bent over my ear. “How’s that? Like that?”

  How could I not?

  “Ummm,” was all I could reply.

  And good Lord, a tongue lapped at that secret spot, and I whimpered. That seemed to be their rallying cry as hands stopped the kneading of flesh and mouths and tongues lapped my body. I writhed in pleasure, high on the pleasure coursing through my body.

  I turned my head to see Jersey working his hard length with his hand.

  He winked at me. “You’re so hot,” he said. “I can’t wait.”

  I reached out my hand and joined his firm hand on his hot cock.

  “Oh, yeah,” he sighed.

  Between Rory teasing my rosebud with his mouth, and with Cole lavishing my clit with his tongue, I came hard and fast.

  “Oh, god,” I groaned.

  “Let’s change this up,” said Rory.

  Oh, dear Lord, what was I in for now? Not that I was complaining. Still, the thought was overwhelming that all these men were hot for me.

  “Hmmm, what do you think, Cole?” said Rory.

  “Tobias,” said Cole, “lay across the bed.”

  “Listen to him, Marshall. He’s good at this.”

  “He is?” said Tobias.

  “Trust us,” said Rory. “Cole has always been the more adventurous.”

  “I believe that.”

  Rory gently held me while Tobias moved into position.

  “Put your knees over the edge,” said Cole.

  “We’re going to take care of you, hon,” said Rory. “But I think Tobias would like it if you go to him.”

  I nodded. I’d always loved Tobias, more than I should have, but now, with him willing and obviously wanting me, I wasn’t going to say no.

  “Hey,” he said as I straddled him. Rory held me from behind, so I didn’t fall off.

  I leaned forward and kissed him with all the pent-up passion I carried for him all these years. Somewhere in that kiss, he entered me, and I moaned.

  “Princess,” he whispered.


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