Scent of Desire : A Parisian Exotica: An Ultra Luxury Billionaire Romance

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Scent of Desire : A Parisian Exotica: An Ultra Luxury Billionaire Romance Page 26

by Amanda Horton

  Under Lisa’s expert hands, the wedding finally took shape. The only hitch to her happiness was Hunter himself. He became a man obsessed with his own preparation. His eyes were focused on the starting line that was the day when the campaign period officially began. They hardly saw each other. She had to be content with the occasional phone calls. That glitch in their relationship was something that she accepted and understood.

  But she couldn’t get over the reality that her ex-boyfriend, Diggs Romero made another appearance at the café. This time, Miranda was adamant that he stayed outside the premises until opening time. She knew all about him now and threatened to call 9-11 if he insisted. Diggs tried to sweet talk her but Miranda was having none of it. She answered only his most basic questions about her name and nationality before closing the door on his face.

  Diggs accosted Noelle the moment she showed up. Noelle noted the bruises on his face and arms and concluded he was back to his old ways. But when he had the gall to ask for money, Noelle was ready.

  “Go to hell.”

  Diggs reacted like a wounded viper, cussing, and threatening, reminding her who he was.

  “He’s my son and fuck you if you think I won’t fight for him,” he threatened.

  “You’re nothing but a glorified sperm donor, asshole.” She retorted.

  “You talk like you got it all. I happen to know you lied about the immigration problem.”

  Alarm bells rang in her ear.

  “How-how did you even know about that?”

  “I ain’t stupid, Noelle. I called up the Immigrations’ office pretending to be family. I asked when you could come and get your documents. Imagine my surprise. They said they had nothing on a Noelle Mancini. You lied.”

  Noelle decided to confront him with the truth.

  “That may be so but I’m getting married soon. That should solve the matter,” she answered airily, a confidence she really didn’t feel.

  “I’ve always wondered about that. But I’m not really surprised you managed to hook a big fish. That cunt of yours was always the best part of you.”

  Noelle gasped in anger. She raised a hand and gave him a resounding slap.

  “You’re a filthy ex-convict who deserves to rot in jail. If you ever come near me again, I swear I’ll have you locked up even if I have to use all my fiancée’s resources.”

  Fear crossed his face. He backed away mumbling as he rubbed the palm print on his face.

  “This is not the last you’ll hear from me,”

  Noelle decided against mentioning the encounter to Hunter. He had a lot of things on his mind and he was seldom around so whenever he actually was there with her, Noelle just wanted to spend time with him.

  Noelle eventually got so caught up in the frenzy for her wedding preparations that she managed to put Diggs out of her mind.


  The day finally arrived. Today was her wedding day. Hunter hired the penthouse suite of a five-star hotel for her and that was where she now stood, breathlessly gazing at her reflection.

  As she gazed at her image in the mirror, she thought her wedding gown was the most enchanting creation she had ever seen. The couturier was selected from a French atelier. Noelle insisted on merging simplicity and classic styles. The couturier delivered.

  The dress was made of hand-cut English and Chantilly lace that included surprise detailing like images of various flowers embroidered on the bodice and skirt. Silk organza-covered buttons ran the entire length of her back. It hugged her body because of the narrowed waistline, giving her an hourglass figure. Her veil was ivory lace and displayed similar flower patterns as the skirt. The train was ten feet long.

  When her makeup was being done, she insisted on a natural look, not realizing the “no make-up look” took hours to achieve. Her hair was pulled away from her face and lay in soft waves against her shoulder.

  “You look stunning,” said Lisa, who entered the room silently and whispered in awe, “Hunter would approve,” she remarked, wiping a tear from her eye.

  Noelle saw Lisa then for the first time without her outrageous hair color. As a concession to the boss she adored, it was now silver, colored with streaks of gray. It suited her. But a gown was still a no-no. Instead, she opted for a silk pantsuit.

  “Lisa… you look beautiful,” Noelle gushed.

  “Bah! Today is not about me. It’s about you and Hunter.”

  She herded Noelle's glam squad out of the room, informing them that coasters waited at the lobby to ferry them to the church. When they were alone once more, Lisa clasped her hands together in happiness looking at Noelle.

  “I’m nervous,” Noelle confessed/confided.

  “Nothing to be nervous about. You’re just marrying one of the richest men in the world. Women are probably cursing you right now,” she laughed.

  Distress fleeted across Noelle’s face.

  “Now now, I was just trying to make you smile.” Lisa took her hands and said, “He chose you. That’s all that matters. Hunter is a keeper. Look at me. I’m still in his life.”

  Noelle wondered if Lisa knew the terms of their marriage. Hunter wasn’t marrying her for love. He was marrying her out of need - just as she was. The only difference: she knew that she loved him but was clueless about the state of his heart.

  Hunter liked her, she was certain. But as she prepared to meet him at the altar, that wasn’t enough anymore. It could be the dress, the make-up, the fairytale setting, or the reality that the whole wedding was more of a show to get him closer to his ambition.

  But Noelle wished for nothing more than to someday hear him say “I love you”.

  Church bells rang as the white limousine ferrying her entered the driveway of the cathedral. The clanging of the bells was in perfect harmony with the wild beating of her heart. A flock of white doves suddenly filled the air, released on cue, from the belfry.

  The church was packed, evidenced by the sheer volume of expensive cars lining the boulevard. Policemen on horseback were patrolling the streets, keeping the curious onlookers and media frenzy that broke out occasionally, restricted to the other side of the road.

  A cacophony of camera shutter sounds filled the air as Noelle stepped out of the limo. Paparazzi called her name even as wedding planners and her personal glam squad surrounded her, fixing the creases on her dress and retouching her still perfect make-up.

  Noelle entered into a Zen state, allowing them to do their job. Mr. Brain commanded Mrs. Heart to get lost, and took over. A serene calmness filled Noelle’s being. She raised her chin and relaxed her shoulders. A deacon led her to the closed door of the basilica as strains of the Wedding March, played by the string quartet, emanated from the inside. Then the doors were dramatically pulled open, giving the audience, who all turned towards her direction, a view of her silhouette with the sunlight streaming behind her.

  An audible gasp filled the air.

  Noelle stepped into the darkened interior entrance of the church and saw Nikko standing there. He was marching with his mom to the altar. The sight of the little boy, looking so dapper in his white three-piece suit, almost brought her to tears. But Nikko grinned happily as he took his Mommy’s hand.

  The red carpet was lengthy as Noelle navigated the aisle leading to the altar. Seeing the familiar face of Miranda who gave her a thumbs-up of approval was comforting. There was also Lisa who dabbed a hanky to her eyes. Noelle recognized some of the guests from the Governor’s Ball including James Powell who grinned from ear to ear.

  Then… there was her groom looking so devastatingly attractive, so self-assured, waiting to meet her at the foot of the altar. Her son’s suit was the perfect replica of Hunter’s own. Nikko shook hands solemnly with Hunter before he took his place in the front pew.

  Noelle felt Hunter’s hand on her elbow squeezing her reassuringly. He smiled even as his eyes gleamed in triumph. He mouthed three simple words.

  You look perfect.

  They weren’t the words Noelle longed to hea
r. But she had to be content…for now. Then Hunter guided her tenderly up the altar to the minister who was tasked to seal their vows as husband and wife.


  The wedding reception at the Met was just as extravagant as the church ceremony. Champagne and caviar were overflowing. Gold-plated silverware gleamed against the thousands upon thousands of fairy lights that dropped from the ceiling. Similar lights adorned the flowers, turning the Met into a veritable Garden of Eden.

  Noelle’s head was spinning from the number of well-wishes offered to her and Hunter.

  Uniformed waiters kept champagne and wine glasses constantly filled as the orchestra set the mood for the extravagant dinner and the dancing that followed.

  When the orchestra played the song “At Last,” Hunter took the cue and led his wife to the middle of the dance floor where they had their first dance as a couple. Noelle was initially conscious about the eyes that were trained on them alone. But Hunter’s confidence and his arm around her waist was enough. She followed his expert moves easily. When the song came to an end, he kissed her in front of the entire assembly. It was a kiss that was just as passionate as their first kiss in the patio, with just the moon and the sea as their witness.

  It was a wedding reception that lasted till the wee hours of the morning and landed on the front pages of the newspapers the very next day.

  Chapter Twelve

  True to his character, Hunter took off from his hectic schedule and announced that he was taking his new bride to Paris for a week-long honeymoon.

  Noelle was introduced to a city famous for being a global fashion mecca. Hunter lavished her with designer clothes that she had only dreamt about in the past.

  “Enough already. I have three suitcases full of clothes.”

  Hunter smiled as he sweet-talked her on taking another one.

  “You’ll need clothes once I am elected into office. I won’t have my wife looking like a frump. What would people think of me?”

  It was always about what people would think or say. But that was the very essence of their marriage. Noelle shrugged the gloomy thought aside.

  “Have you heard the results of the latest survey?” She asked curiously

  The survey was a poll conducted by a private corporation to gauge the likeability of the senatorial aspirants. It gave the candidates an idea about the pulse of the masses.

  “Yup. Guess who’s topping the list?” he answered smugly.

  Noelle squealed in delight. So she didn’t fuss when Hunter indicated to the sales lady that they were taking two more designer dresses along with them. She was just so happy for him.

  He brought her to famous restaurants like Ducasse’s whose three-star Michelin rating became Noelle’s secret envy. He wasn’t averse to bringing her to quaint out-of-the-way places, too, where Noelle learned about authentic Parisian cuisine.

  They spent a whole afternoon at The Louvre admiring the works of the masters like the Mona Lisa and Venus De Milo. He took her dancing to the Moulin Rouge. Their last night in Paris was capped with a romantic dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower that gave a fantastic view of the city.

  Noelle couldn't have asked for more. It was with a heavy heart that she said goodbye to a memorable week as she stepped into the plush interior of his Gulfstream.

  To her displeasure, he immediately fired up his Mac and went straight to work.


  “You seem famished,” Miranda noted as Noelle spooned another mouthful of lasagna. Miranda was trying her hand at Italian cooking and was adamant that Noelle be the first to try her creation. If she approved, they would slowly add more to the café's menu. To Noelle's surprise, it was delicious.

  “It’s really good,” Noelle mumbled between bites.

  “So…spill the beans. How’s married life treating you?” Miranda asked, basking in Noelle’s approval of her new dish.

  “Ohhh,” Noelle swooned, “It’s everything I expected, being married to someone like him. Hunter is…Hunter is…” She couldn’t find the right words to describe the way she felt.

  “I get it.” Miranda beamed. “I’m so happy for you. You deserve a man like that even if you initially doubted the world he lives in.”

  “I know. And I will always be grateful. He’s like my knight in shining armor, you know. Marrying him solved whatever problems I’ve had all these years.”

  “Problems? What problems?” Miranda asked curiously.

  “I never mentioned it before because I didn’t know what to do about it. But here, let me show you.”

  Noelle rummaged in her purse and waved a small booklet.

  “My passport,” she announced. “I am now a legal citizen of the United States.”

  Miranda blanched.

  “I know. Isn’t it crazy? I’ve been living in this country for so long and it took marrying him to finally make it all legit. You don’t know how much I’ve carried that burden all my life. I was always afraid of being deported back to Italy where I was born and lose everything I’ve worked for. Now I never have to worry about that ever again.”

  Noelle never mentioned this to Miranda in the past and proceeded to tell her the whole story about how her mom died without filing all the necessary papers for her citizenship because she always intended to go back to Italy and find Noelle’s dad.

  Miranda looked stricken. She couldn’t say a word. Noelle misunderstood her reaction.

  “I know I should have told you earlier because you work for me. If I suddenly closed shop back then, I realize now you would be affected, too. Don’t worry. You’re safe now. Everything’s fine. Your job is safe with me.”

  “I’ve got something in the oven,” Miranda announced abruptly and left her.

  Noelle was surprised at Miranda’s reaction. It made her even guiltier about not telling Miranda everything right from the start. Miranda’s job meant the world to her and she realized that now.

  She took another mouthful of lasagna and closed her eyes, savoring the delicious concoction. Her appetite seemed to have increased tremendously. She attributed it to stress. The campaign period would be in a month. She already dreaded being away from Hunter during the campaign period.

  Two hours passed and she felt pangs of hunger once again. She just ate all of Miranda's lasagna. She had no right to be this ravenous. Her tummy felt strange, like she had acid reflux which made her think she needed food.

  The feeling was a familiar one. It happened years back when she was pregnant with Nikko. The constant craving for food was excessive. Shit. The memory stopped her in her tracks. She couldn’t be. Could she? The last time she and Hunter had sex was back in Paris.

  Noelle felt chills run up and down her body. It certainly wasn't a good time and they had never talked about having a baby.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Back at the mansion, Noelle found herself pacing the bedroom floor. It was one of many nights when she didn't know when Hunter would be coming home. She had to do it now before she lost her courage entirely.

  Alone in the bathroom, she removed the wrapper of a pregnancy kit she bought at a drugstore near the café. She tried to quell the uneasiness she felt inside as she waited for the telltale sign. Her worst fear happened. The result indicated that she was indeed pregnant.

  “Oh fuck,” she muttered.

  Suddenly, guilt assailed her for feeling bad. True, it wasn’t part of the plan. But this was their baby. Hunter’s hectic preparations ran like a well-oiled machine that didn’t have room for unexpected surprises. His team of experts went through any and all possible setbacks with a fine-tooth comb. No one saw this coming.

  “Maybe, I should keep this to myself for the meantime,” she debated.

  The baby was still on her mind when she heard the sound of his car in the driveway. She glanced at the clock by the bedside table and noted the time. It was 3:45 A.M.

  She rose from the bed. Maybe he was hungry. She could rustle up something for him to eat in the kitchen.

  As she
stepped out of the bedroom door, Hunter came into view. He looked whacked and out-of-sorts. Noelle’s heart melted. He really was putting his all into the coming race.

  “Hi,” Noelle greeted him softly.

  Hunter looked at her like she was a stranger. His eyes were troubled.

  “What’s wrong?” Noelle asked worriedly.

  “This…” he replied abruptly shoving a broadsheet into her hand.

  It was one of those found in supermarket checkout lanes with sensational headlines written in capital letters and screaming red colors that caught the eye.

  This article was written in guess-who style.

  Who is the aspiring senatorial candidate recently married in lavish ceremonies attended by NYC’s who’s who? Based on surveys, he has the most chance of landing a seat in the U.S. Senate. Information we received from an anonymous tipper indicates that the beautiful young wife is not exactly on the up-and-up and was possibly an illegal alien before the marriage happened. While this is all moot and academic, him having married her, it begs the question: did our would-be senator break any laws? Did he pull a fast one on the legal system of the United States? What was the motive behind the sudden wedding? Is there more to the story?

  Noelle felt the air sucked out of her body. It was clear who the article was referring to. Only her name and Hunter’s name were missing.

  “Who could have done this?” She asked.

  “I don’t know,” he replied frostily, “Maybe a rival… I don’t know. The timing is just so shitty.”

  “Diggs? It had to be him. He came by at the café a second time. He called me names and I slapped him,” Noelle replied remembering the incident.


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